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1、Unit1II. Listening SkillsListening for Names1. Doris: Good morning. Can I help you? David: Yes. I need to change one of my courses. Doris: Ill see what we can do. Whats your name, please? David: My names David Brown. Doris: Your first name again? David: David. D-A-V-I-D. The boy is called David by h

2、is first name. 2. Nancy: Excuse me. I want to make sure if I am registered for the new semester of English with Dr. Lang. Doris: Just a minute and Ill check for you. Whats your name, please? Nancy: Nancy Leigh. Doris: Is “Lee your last name? Nancy: No, its Leigh. L-E-I-G-H. But “Lee would be easier

3、to spell, wouldnt it? Nancys last name is Leigh.3. Doris: Im sorry. But if you need a loan, youll have to go to the Financial Aid Office before you can register. Nancy: Them who should I see there? Doris: Well, Mrs. Vicky Klein can help you. As a matter of fact, anybody there is very nice. Nancy: Oh

4、, thank you. What is her name again? Doris: Vicky Klein. V-I-C-K-Y, K-L-E-I-N.Nancy should see Vicky Klein if she needs a loan.4. Doris: OK, to complete this form I need your name in full, please. Laura: Laura Tish Hill. Doris: Tish? Thats an unusual middle name. Would you mind spelling that for me?

5、 Laura: Sure. T-I-S-H. I was named after my mother. Lauras full name is Laura Tish Hill.5. Doris: Well, you need to complete the form for your parking pass. Your name, please? Anthony: Anythony Mcdonald. Doris: Are you “Mc or “Mac? Anthony: “Mc. My family was from Scotland. Doris: OK, Anthony. Ill h

6、ave your parking pass ready in a minute. Anthony McDonald will get his parking pass in a minute.III. Listening InTask 1: EnrollingGood morning, everyone. Id like to welcome you to City University. Im Betty Russell and I work in the International Students Office. I have some important for you. First,

7、 you must enroll by August 28th. Pick up your ID card at our office. Them, youll need to pick up a library card so that you can borrow books from the library. Show them your ID card in the library and they will do it for you. You may be thinking about the sports facilities at our school. Theres no c

8、harge for student use, but of course youll have to show your ID card. Concerning the medical assistance, the University has its own health center, and all services are free for enrolled students.1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.ATask 2: Living on Campus(M=man; W=woman)M: Hi, Lisa. Hows life on campus?W: Hi, John.

9、Oh, not so bad. Pretty good in fact.M: Is that what do you think? I mean, do you like living on campus?W: Yeah, I enjoy living here because theres so many people around and its easy to make friends. What about you? Have you ever lived in a dorm before?M: No, this is the first time.W: I think youll f

10、ind it quite convenient. The library, labs, sports center and other facilities are right on campus.M: Thats true. The atmosphere here is different from the outside. But I guess living in town has its advantage too, like being close to the shopping center. You know, our university is so far from down

11、town.W: But the commuting to classesI mean, you would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then going home would be so much time.M: Yeah, but the food hereit seems its the same thing in the cafeteria every day.W: Well, I think the food here is OK, and if you want a change, you can

12、eat out once in a while.M: True.She thinks its easy to make friends.Its convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities.Its near the shopping center.They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot of time to get home.It

13、seems all the same every day.Task 3: Learning to speak EnglishHello, how are you? When most people learn English as a second language, they learn formal English. Unfortunately, learning it like this tends to make you feel distant and bored. The truth is, most people in English-speaking countries don

14、t speak to each other in such a formal way. They speak in a casual way to their friends and families. When speaking casually, people tend to use a lot of informal or colloquial words, and also shorten and connect their phrases. They say things like “Hey, whats up? or “Hey! Whatcha been dion? These e

15、xpressions are both common and natural, and make you seem like a native speaker. Using them may make people more interested in talking to you. This type of English is more like what you will hear in movies and TV shows. Speaking this way makes native speakers feel more relaxed and you will sound lik

16、e a friendly person who speaks English well. You got that, buddy?formal formally casual common native relaxed friendlyTask 4: An Announcementattention closing five checkouts leaveVI. Further Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: University LifeUniversity life is a new and different experience for m

17、e. First of all, living at the university gives me a sense of responsibility, of being on my own. My parents arent around to say, “No, youre not going out tonight. I decide everything for myself. Being around lots of friendly people is another aspect I like about university life. On my first say, wh

18、en I arrived on campus, I was a bit confused about where I was going. An upperclassman noticed out I was looking for my dorm, he said, “Oh, just follow me; thats where Im going. Now, I can really say that I feel comfortable in the dorm because there are so many friendly people around to talk with. F

19、inally, I LOVE HAVING Fridays off; I would not be able to deal with five days of classes in a row. How did I do it in high school? I love sleeping in on Fridays. I guess Im sort of a party animal, but it seems like I go out every Thursday night. It also seems like I dont get home until early the nex

20、t day1 My head hits the pillow and I dont move until Friday afternoon.new and different on his owna bit confusedtalk withsleep inTask 2: Key to Learning EnglishI think one of the most important keys to learning English id to establish a regular study program, like planning a few minutes every mornin

21、g around breakfast time. This idea may sound a little too simple to the learners, because they took English in high school for a quite a few years, but they didnt become proficient speakers of the language. As a matter of fact I do not mean that we can become fluent speakers with just a few minutes

22、here and there, but following a regular and consistent course of study can help us on the way to language mastery. In other words, people need to plan out their study by setting realistic and attainable goals from the beginning. Some people get caught up in the craze of learning the language on 30 d

23、ays, only to give up when they cant perform up to their expectations. And small steps little by little, are the key. For example, planning to learn to use them activelyis far better than learning 30 and forgetting them the next day.T 2. F 3.F 4.F 5.TTask 3: Listening EffectivelyThrough it is 50% of

24、everyday communication, listening, it seems, is the least taught. Listening is more than just hearing: it requires understanding. In an educational setting, listening effectively is critical. Effective listening results in doing the right assignment, doing the assignment correctly, and taking notes

25、effectively. Doing these activities well results in learning and, most of the time, good grades. In a professional setting, listening is also critical. When you receive an oral message, your response must be correct. If you fail to listen to customers or clients, you may lose their business, and you

26、r job! Ina personal setting, listening effectively deepens your relationships. When we listen to someone, we say “You are important without ever speaking a word. When we fail to listen, not only do we not receive the message, but we send the message that we are just plain dumb.1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D Un

27、it2II. Listening SkillsIdentifying NumbersM: The stadium looks pretty big. How many people does it seat?W: It holds around 20,000. They say more than 18,000 Tickets have been sold.Q: How many tickets are left now?W: I was planning on signing up for the swimming class. Bit I heard its full.M: Really?

28、 Thats strange. There were nine swimming classes last semester, and this semester there are five more.Q: How many swimming classes are there this semester/W: How far do you jog every day? 5 kilometers?M: No, about 15km. I have to run that far to stay in good people.Q: How far does the man run each d

29、ay?4. M: How many people will come to your home to watch the World Cup Final? Want me to bring anything?W: Probably like 15 or 20. Ive got most things covered. Maybe just bring a six-pack or something else to drink.Q: About how many people will come to watch the World Cup Final?W: How many people do

30、 you think will enter for the City Marathon?M: Im not sure. It was 250 last year. But someone told me the number is likely to double this tear.Q: How many people are likely to enter for this years City Marathon?1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: Yao MingI first saw Yao Ming back in 1997. Ni

31、ke had just signed a contract to sponsor the Shanghai Sharks. We had a little party to introduce ourselves and get to know the players. A few of us were there when the team walked in. They looked normal, most about 64 or so. Then, a thin, baby-faced guy about 75 came in. We were all surprised at see

32、ing him. We couldnt believe his size. And when he started hitting three-pointers, we were really blown away! Our guys in the US didnt believe that there was a Chinese kid that tall. To convince them, we had to bring him to a Nike camp in Paris that summer. Yao had always played against kids who were

33、 older than him. This was the first time he was competing with players his own age. Del Harris, then the Lakers coach, was at the camp. He fell in love with Yao Ming. He was telling everybody, “I got to have a picture with that kid. One day hes going to have a real impact on the NBA. 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D

34、 5.ATask 2: RonaldoRonaldo will become the first three-time winner of the FIFA World Player of the Year Award this Tuesday. Ronaldo played his early football with amateur clubs. By the time he was 16, he had signed his professional contract with a Brazilian club. He played very well, gaining a goal

35、almost in each game. He was still only 17 when he went to seek his fortune in the European Leagues. At a Dutch club, Ronaldo got 30 goals on 33 matches. Back home, he was a member of the Brazilian team that won the World Cup in the U.S .In 1994.Although he did not get to play a single minute in that

36、 tournament, he was soon being described as the new Pele. He moved to Bracelona in 1996, and the next summer became a member of Inter Milan. He quickly became the hottest property in football, winning the FIFA World Player of the Year Award in 1996 and 1997. As he took the award in 1999 for the thir

37、d time, there was no doubt that his name would live on in history. He played his early football with amateur clubs.He signed his professional contract with a Brazilian club.He went to Europe to seek his fortune in the European leagues.He was described as the new Pele.He won the award for three times

38、: in 1996, 1997 and 1999.Task 3: Physical ExerciseMore and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise. Physical exercise can make you strong and healthy. By doing some form of physical exercise every day, your level of energy will increase and you will sleep better a

39、t night. There are many different forms of physical exercises that suit different tastes and needs of different people. Take track and field events, for example. Throwing the javelin can strengthen your arm and upper body. The long jump and high jump can strengthen your legs. Basketball, football an

40、d volleyball are also good forms of exercise. Be careful when choosing the right type of exercise for yourself. Id your heart is weak, for example, you should start with some light exercise. If you are overweight, know your limits. In a word, dont overdo it.Healthy form energy better different taste

41、s careful choosingTask 4: An AnnouncementOpen interested checkup apply PE Department exercise opportunityVI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingListeningTask 1: Sports in the U.S.Sports are very important in the U.S. both for spectators and participants. Many people have jobs where they sit for most o

42、f the day, so when they have free time, they like to take part in more physical activities. Both team sports and individual activities are popular. Youth sports are played either in local clubs or for teams representing schools. Most major league sports recruit their players from college or high sch

43、ool teams. Specter sports are also a major part of American culture. Many Americans watch sports weekly, if not daily. Thousands of people attend professional and college sporting events to cheer on their local teams. Millions more choose to watch on TV and root from their own living rooms. On TV, A

44、merican football, baseball and basketball are the most popular sports. Soccer has a long way to go before it is on the same level with the “big three. Although there is some overlapping, football is played in the fall, basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring and summer. American professi

45、onal teams are privately owned and generally situated in major cities, so they have a large fan base to draw from. Theres no government involvement in these leagues.1. popular 2. weekly 3. local clubs 4. big three 5. fan baseTask 2: WalkingGenerally, people travel by car, bus or subway in America. R

46、arely is a bicycle used as a method for transportation. In many cities and towns, Americans choose to walk. Walking is considered one of the best way to stay healthy. It is the worlds most natural exercise. About 50 million Americans are active in what is called “fitness walking. They take short wal

47、ks a few times each week to improve their health. Fitness walking can be done almost anywhere, anytime. No special equipment is needed. Experts advise drinking lots of water before and after each walk. They say the most effective way to walk is the natural way. A new study has provided details about

48、 the link between walking and your emotional health. A professional at California State University asked a group of students to describe their feelings of energy and tension. Then he sent them on a fast walk for 10 minutes. When the students returned, they reported feeling less tired and more energe

49、tic. The professor found short walks could also help make personal problems seem less serious. Indeed, one group of people said their problems didnt seem as bad as they had been before they went for a fast 10-minute walk.1. F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.TTask 3: The 27th Summer Olympic GamesThe 27th summer Olympi

50、c Games were held in Sydney, Australia, in 2000. Thousand of athletes gathered there to take part in the first Summer Olympic of the new century. It was, however, not the first time for Australia to host the Olympic Games. Australia also played host in 1956, when the city of Melbourne was the site o

51、f the Games. The 2000 Olympic lasted a little more than two weeks, from September 15 to October 1. The mascot of Sydney Olympic Games was, not surprisingly, a Kangaroo. There were some new events in the 1000 Olympic, such as womens water polo and weightlifting. The Games were a great success. In spo

52、rting competition, athletes broke lots of Olympic and world records. Also, the event was a huge financial success for Australia, especially in the tourism industry.1. D 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.DUnit3II. Listening SkillsIdentifying NumbersM: The stadium looks pretty big. How many people does it seat?W: It hold

53、s around 20,000. They say more than 18,000 Tickets have been sold.Q: How many tickets are left now?W: I was planning on signing up for the swimming class. Bit I heard its full.M: Really? Thats strange. There were nine swimming classes last semester, and this semester there are five more.Q: How many

54、swimming classes are there this semester/W: How far do you jog every day? 5 kilometers?M: No, about 15km. I have to run that far to stay in good people.Q: How far does the man run each day?4. M: How many people will come to your home to watch the World Cup Final? Want me to bring anything?W: Probabl

55、y like 15 or 20. Ive got most things covered. Maybe just bring a six-pack or something else to drink.Q: About how many people will come to watch the World Cup Final?W: How many people do you think will enter for the City Marathon?M: Im not sure. It was 250 last year. But someone told me the number i

56、s likely to double this tear.Q: How many people are likely to enter for this years City Marathon?1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.DIII. Listening InTask 1: Yao MingI first saw Yao Ming back in 1997. Nike had just signed a contract to sponsor the Shanghai Sharks. We had a little party to introduce ourselves and get

57、 to know the players. A few of us were there when the team walked in. They looked normal, most about 64 or so. Then, a thin, baby-faced guy about 75 came in. We were all surprised at seeing him. We couldnt believe his size. And when he started hitting three-pointers, we were really blown away! Our g

58、uys in the US didnt believe that there was a Chinese kid that tall. To convince them, we had to bring him to a Nike camp in Paris that summer. Yao had always played against kids who were older than him. This was the first time he was competing with players his own age. Del Harris, then the Lakers co

59、ach, was at the camp. He fell in love with Yao Ming. He was telling everybody, “I got to have a picture with that kid. One day hes going to have a real impact on the NBA. 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.ATask 2: RonaldoRonaldo will become the first three-time winner of the FIFA World Player of the Year Award this

60、 Tuesday. Ronaldo played his early football with amateur clubs. By the time he was 16, he had signed his professional contract with a Brazilian club. He played very well, gaining a goal almost in each game. He was still only 17 when he went to seek his fortune in the European Leagues. At a Dutch clu


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