1、Road traffic legislation 道路交通法规附加问题 这些附加问题明确地解释了道路交通法规的要求。Kraftfahrt Bundesamt证书须用于认证,必须检查这些要求(除标准要求的以外)满足规定。问卷Design and form of the questionnaire can be adapted to internal regulations of the certification body.设计与形式能够符合认证机构的内部规定。 Standard/ 标准/ No. 编号 Process 工序Results of manual 手册检查结果(source/rema
2、rks) (资料来源/备注) E E Audit results 审核结果 (remarks, examples, (备注,实例, interviewee) 受访者) E E 4Quality management systems 4质量管理体系 4.1General requirements 4.1一般要求 Type approval procedure in connection with general requirements and requirements of separate regulations 型式认证程序的一般要求和单行条例的要求1 1 Where does the q
3、uality manual refer to Road traffic legislation, including 质量手册涉及的道路交通法规,包括 responsibility for implementation执行职责 monitoring监督 training of the personnel concerned?相关人员的培训? 2 2 How does the quality system ensure that质量体系如何确保:the conformity of approved specifications is planned, monitored and document
4、ed?计划、监督和记录了认证规范的一致性? the Technical Service and/or the KBA is informed and - if necessary - the required extensions are obtained prior to constructional or other changes relevant to the approval?技术服务和/或KBA是否知情-如果必要-要求的扩展在认证资料更改之前已存在? a final inspection of products regarding conformity with the appro
5、val and legal prescriptions is performed?是否执行认证产品一致性的最终检查和法律规定? 只有符合最新型式认证的产品才能发货? products hazardous to traffic can be recalled?对交通不利的产品是否召回? if applicable, vehicle records/CoC documents are filled in and user manuals, instructions for installation and other documents are handled according to relev
6、ant regulations?如果适用,填写了车辆记录/ CoC文件,及按照有关规定,发放了用户手册、安装说明和其他文件? see also “Report on CoP” 法律上独立的生产装置或授权书,由KBA确认之后才可以转包subcontracting of manufacturing of approved products to legally independent production units or powers of attorney will only be made after confirmation by the KBA sampling of vehicles
7、or vehicle parts for conformity tests is permitted at any t任何时间允许对车辆或车辆零件进行一致性试验抽样actions resulting from requirements of Road traffic legislation (eg CoP testing) must be realized, records must be stored (independently of verification/ certification) 执行道路交通法规施行结果(如CoP 测试),必须保存记录,(独立核查/核证) records ab
8、out conformity testing (by the manufacturer) will be submitted on request to the KBA一致性测试记录(制造商)一经要求应提交KBA 3 3 How are responsibility and competence defined to guarantee that责任和权限界定,以保证 amendments to the Road traffic legislation are considered in a timely manner? 道路交通法规及时审议修订? all duties related to
9、the type approval are fulfilled, as for example与型式认证相关的所有审核被履行,例如 -CoP-checks, - CoP检查, -specific KBA requirements - KBA具体要求 如果委托外部代表与认证有关当局(如注册文件筹备(第二部分)或CoC文件),是否通知KBA? see also “Report on CoP” 4 4 How is it ensured that accompanying documents (Registration document (Part II), CoC-document, copy o
10、f the type approval) designated for the customer correspond to the product and the description in the approval documents?如何确保为客户指定的附件(登记文件(第二部分),CoC文件,型式认证副本)与产品和认证文件的描述一致? see also “Report on CoP” 5 5 How is the correct preparation of these accompanying documents checked and documented? 附件的检查和记录筹备如
11、何?(retention period at least 5 year(保存期限至少5年) see also “Report on CoP” 6 6 How is it ensured that the KBA is informed in case of essential changes like for example如何确保有重要变更时通知 KBA,例如 in the scope of Initial assessment 初次评估other production plants 其他生产设备 company name, address, contact 公司名称,地址,联系人 expi
12、ration/withdrawal/suspension/change of scope of KBA-certificate or confirmation of verification (already in case of initiated procedure) 终止/撤销/暂停/ KBA证书变更范围或核查确认(已经在启动程序的情况下) in case of interruptions in production for more than 12 months (the certification body must also be生产中断超过12个月(也必须通知认证机构)see a
13、lso “Report on CoP” 4.2Documentation requirements 4.2文件要求 1 1 How are internal and external documents and data like the following considered in procedures内部、外部文件和资料在以下程序中的状况 own and customers drawings 自己和客户的图纸 electronic data, 电子数据, road traffic regulations (StVZO, EEC, ECE), 道路交通法规(StVZO,EEC, ECE),
14、), product specifications (DIN, leaflets, own technical standards)? 产品规格(DIN,,传单,自己的技术标准)? 2 2 How is it ensured that relevant documents of Road traffic legislation are easily available for responsible persons?如何确保责任人易使用道路交通法规的相关文件? 3 3 产品变更检测和证书发放委托外部机构时,如何对KBA履行责任? see also “Report on CoP” 4 4 How
15、 and where is approval documentation (including test reports) stored?如何以及在何处存储认证文件(包括检测报告)? 5Management responsibility 5管理职责 5.1Management commitment 5.1管理承诺 Fulfilment of legal and official requirements/type approval procedure 履行法律和官方要求/型式认证程序 1 1 How is the fulfilment of duties as type approval ho
16、lder evaluated?作为型式认证持有人评估,如何履行职责? see also “Report on CoP” 2 2 Are all responsible managers and staff informed about duties in accordance with par 4.1, question2?所有责任管理者和工作人员根据4.1问题2被告知相关责任?How do they realize these requirements?他们如何实现这些要求? 6Resource management 6资源管理 6.2Human resources 6.2人力资源 1 1
17、How are persons responsible for homologation and type approval testing trained in relevant legal requirements, in particular training of new staff?如何对责任人进行认证和型式认证试验有关法律规定的培训,尤其是新员工培训? 2 2 Which requirements to qualification are defined for employees who are responsible for CoP-activities?哪个要求明确解释了员工
18、对CoP负责的资格? 3 3 How is the management trained with regard to homologation requirements?如何对管理者进行认证要求培训? 6.3Infrastructure 6.3基础设施 6.4Work environment 6.4工作环境 1 1 Does infrastructure, equipment and work environment guarantee constant quality in production of the approval product?设施,设备和工作环境是否保证了认证产品持续的生
19、产质量? see also “Report on CoP” 7Product realization 7产品实现规划 7.1Planning of product realization 7.1产品实现计划 (see also par. 8.2.3/8.2.4) (另见8.2.3/8.2.4) 1 1 所有认证要求是否都已包含在质量控制文件中?Are requirements resulting from the homologation included in quality planning documents? see also “Report on CoP” 2 2 What is t
20、he retention period for quality planning documents (min 5 years alter stop of production)质量计划文件保留期限是(至少停产后5年)? see also “Report on CoP” 3 3 Concerning the type approval, are testing and criteria of acceptance sufficiently planned, and are responsible persons designated?关于型式认证,有充分计划进行测试和验收标准 ,并指定负责人?
21、 see also “Report on CoP” 4 4 How are test samples stored (only in case of “Bauartgenehmigung”)?如何存储测试样品(只在“Bauartgenehmigung”情况)? 7.2Customer related processes 7.2客户相关程序7.2.1Determination of requirements related to the product 7.2.1相关产品要求测定 1 1 Are all requirements of Road Traffic Legislation relat
22、ed to the product (relevant legislation, special KBA requirements) determined?所有与产品有关的道路交通法规的要求已确定(相关法规, KBA特殊要求)? 7.2.2Review of requirements related to the product 7.2.2有关产品要求审查 1 1 Is the check of ability to fulfil the requirements of Road traffic legislation included in the review of offers or c
23、ontracts/orders?是否有能力履行道路交通法规的要求,包括审查报价或合同/订单? see also “Report on CoP” 2 2 How will the Technical Service and the KBA be informed in case of homologation related contract changes (if required in the approval)?合同变更时如何进行技术服务和通知KBA(如认证需要)? see also “Report on CoP” 7.2.3Communication with the customer
24、7.2.3与客户沟通 1 1 Which ways of communication and interfaces between customer, Technical Service and KBA are defined? 以什么方式和客户、技术服务和KBA进行沟通,是否有规定? see also “Report on CoP” 7.3Design and development 7.3设计和开发 Responsibility and authority; homologation procedure 责任和权力;认证程序 (design and development planning
25、: see paragraph 4.) (设计和发展规划:见第4段。) 7.4Purchasing 7.4采购 Specification concerning delivered homologated components 认证产品交付规范 1 1 How is the approval authority informed about change of suppliers if 供应商变更如何通知认证机构,如果 those are listed in the approval? 这些列入认证? this is required by legislation?法规要求? see also
26、 “Report on CoP” 2 2 Which procedure exists if complete approval objects/components are purchased?如果采购完整认证对象/部件,存在那些程序?采购文件是否包括相关要求? Are corresponding requirements included in the purchasing documentation? Are the corresponding type approvals of the supplier attached to delivered products? 交付产品是否附有相
27、关的型式认证? Will be checked if delivered products are confirm with the type approval (approval sign)? 如果交付产品带有型式认证(认证标识),是否将被检查 ? In case of “external production” (out-sourced manufacturing), do relevant contract documents exist according to “外购件”(外部材料制造),合同签署依据MAB Section 3 (Note on recognition as manu
28、facturer) MAB第3节(制造商鉴别) Corporate declaration (Requirements catalogue, ANK)? 公司声明(需求目录,ANK)? Have these documents been reviewed by the KBA?这些文件已被KBA审查? see also “Report on CoP” 7.5Production and service provision 7.5生产和服务规定consistence of product, type approval and legislation产品,型式认证和法规一致性 1 1 Are ap
29、proval objects marked according to relevant legal requirements?按照有关法律规定认证对象是否被标记? see also “Report on CoP” 2 2 How is it ensured that no products requiring homologation will be distributed until the homologation (approval) has been officially granted?如何确保无产品发货,直到认证产品被正式批准? 3 3 Will all approved char
30、acteristics be maintained up to the delivery to the agreed place?是否将所有认证特性维持到交货地点? 7.6Control of monitoring and measuring devices 7.6监测和测量装置的控制 1 1 How is it ensured that all monitoring and measuring equipment meets the requirements of Road traffic legislation regarding for example:如何确保所有监测和测量设备符合道路
31、交通法规要求, 例如 class of accuracy,准确程度, measuring range? 测量范围? see also “Report on CoP” 8Measurement, analysis and improvement 8测量,分析和改进 Conformity of products 合格产品 8.2Monitoring and measurement 8.2监测和测量 8.2.1Customer satisfaction 8.2.1顾客满意 1 1 How are approval relevant characteristics included in the ev
32、aluation of customer satisfaction (such as of direct customers, final users, authorities)如何对认证相关的特点,包括客户满意度进行评价(如直接客户,最终用户,授权机构) 8.2.2Internal audits 8.2.2内部审核 for realization of given requirements - approved characteristics 由于需求的实现-认证特征 1 1 How do internal audits cover CoP issues and related proces
33、ses (eg design and development, planning, testing, communication, verification, corrective and preventive actions)?内部审核如何覆盖CoP和相关程序(如设计和开发,规划,测试,通信,核查,纠正和预防措施)? 2 2 Are audit documents and records available to the KBA?审核文件和记录是否适合KBA? 8.2.3/8.2.4Monitoring and measurement of processes and product 8.2
34、.3/8.2.4监测和测量过程和产品 Test activities, manufacturing after the type approval has been granted 型式认证批准后的测试和生产1 1 Which procedures exist to check the product characteristics specified in the type approval and to guarantee process capability?存在哪些程序来检查产品在型式认证指定的特点,并保证加工能力? see also “Report on CoP” 2 2 How i
35、s compliance to the Road traffic legislation ensured for supplied products if the external manufacturer does not have an approval himself?如果外部制造商没有自己的认证,如何确保供应商的产品符合道路交通法规? see also “Report on CoP” 3 3 Which procedures are defined for the performing of final tests (including CoP-checks)?哪些程序规定最终测试的执
36、行(包括CoP检测)? see also “Report on CoP” 4 4 How do testing records show that the product meets the quality requirements and the Road traffic legislation?如何做测试记录以显示产品符合质量要求和道路交通法例? see also “Report on CoP” 5 5 Are identification/labels/approval marks/plates attached according to the regulations?根据规定附加识别/标签/认证标识/
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