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1、 3LBy SunnyLesson21-22New Words:big 大的small 小的light 轻的heavy 重的full 满的empty 空的thick 厚的thin 薄的long 长的a/an 大小;新旧 颜色 物品a big red apple1.Sandy: My bag is heavy.2.Tom: Whats in it?3.Sandy: Open it and see.4.Tom: Six books and six exercise-books.5.Billy: My bags heavy,too.6.Tom: Whats in it,Billy?7.Billy:

2、Open it and see!8.Tom: One book, two apples, three oranges and a banana!About nationality 关于国籍New words and expressionsGerman /d:mn/德国的;德国人Germany 德国/dmni/French /frent/ 法国的;法国人France 法国/fra:ns/ English igli 英国的;英国人U.K. 英国American/merikn /美国的;美国人America 美国/merik/Italian /Itlin / 意大利的;意大利人Italy 意大利tl

3、Chinese /taini:z/ 中国的;中国人China /tain/ 中国What nationality are you?I am Chinese.nationality 国籍nnlti你是哪国人? river side pull 拉push推New Words and Expressionsnationality FrenchGermanEnglishItalianAmericansidepull国籍法国人,法国的德国的,德国人英国人,英国的意大利人,意大利的美国人,美国的边拉 Text Listen Read 他是哪国人?What nationality is he ?她是哪国人?

4、What nationality is she?or 表示选择,连接2个词,让你从中选择一个的意思。eg.新的还是旧的?New or old?大的还是小的?Big or small?胖的还是瘦的?Fat or thin?on.side到.一边来 加入.一边onside.Text:1. Tom and Billy: What nationality are you? Frech or German?2. Sandy: Im French!3. Tom: Come on my side!4. Tom and Billy: What nationality are you?5. Sue: Im Ge

5、rman!6. Billy: Come on my side.7. Tom and Billy: Pull! Pull!1.What nationality are you? (询问国籍)你是哪国人? Im.我是.2. What nationality is he/she/it ? He/she/It is.他/她/它是.SummaryItalianLets reviewFenchGermanAmericanEnglishChinese意大利人英国人德国人法国人中国人美国人Exercise一选择。1. This schoolbag is heavy ,but that one is _ .A.

6、 small B. light C.thick2. _ nationality are you ? A. What B.When C. Where3. French_German ? A. but B. or C. to4. Im _German . A. the B. an C. /5. Come _my side ! A. down B. on C. at二句型转换 。1.Is the brown schoolbag light ? (否定回答)_.2.-Is this your cap ?(肯定回答)_3. -_-I am German 。(根据回答提问) light.Whator /

7、onNo,it isnt.Yes,it is.What nationality are you ?三情景对话 。Jim and Sensen: What _are you ? Chinese _English ?Tom : Im English .Jim: Come_my side !Xinxin: Im Chinese . Sensen : Come on my _!Jim and Sensen : Pull ! _!nationality oronside Pull Lesson 22 French German Chinese American Italian English What

8、nationality are you?I am Chinese.ItalianAmerican.German English. French. Sentence:This is a /an _ car. a,e,i,o,uAmerican美国的GermanItalianChineseEnglishFrenchWhat nationality is he?He is German.What nationality is she?She is German.What nationality are they?They are German. What nationality is it?It i

9、s German.What nationality is he? He is French.What nationality is she? She is French.What nationality are they? They are French. What nationality is it?It is French.What nationality is he? He is Italian.What nationality is she? She is Italian.What nationality are they? They are Italian. What nationa

10、lity is it?It is Italian.What nationality is he? He is American.What nationality is she? She is American.What nationality are they? They are American. What nationality is it?It is American.What nationality is he?He is English.What nationality is she?She is English.What nationality are they?They are English.课文注


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