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1、Unit 5 Lets celebrate! Integrated skills去妨皖猜痔罪洞仲卯皖吁蹈鞠霍掌篙薛脱墟松滞褥唯楔讨彪糠般曾锥疟琳牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Task 1Listen to a radio program and complete the notes.沽豹率乡戮胰涣没顺仿旧官堡闰紊与宝迫便群谓建抠琳零帕拽疙呈踩续祝牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5

2、integrated skills (共23张PPT)Chinese dinnerFireworksmusic & dance show 1 p.m. 5 p.m. 9 p.m. Peel Street Mott Street Mott Street Celebrations in _ (where)on _(when) Saturday, February 9A radio program about how overseas Chinese celebrate the Spring Festival Chinatown, New York1. What can you do when yo

3、u watch the lion dance?2. What is the speakers advice(建议) to you if you want to join in the activities?力镜夕哈泅钎窗干圈隶佑悬宴截沙嘛技士勾文抡唯冒跳管需涅掉浩郡娃灸牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Task 2Use the notes, help Wendy write a postcard to Millie.络挽聂概互强武尼迸尽库矫佃诧彦伸概射栗懒辽滤

4、绢从逾卓涣拌滥淑忻浦牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)February 6Dear Millie, Happy New Year! I am on holiday in _. The Chinese people here always have a party to celebrate _. There are lots of interesting things at the party. The _ starts first. People take a

5、lot of photos. Then people can have a nice _. At night, they watch the _. After that, there is a _ show. What do you do to celebrate the Chinese New Year in Beijing? All the best, WendyNew Yorkthe Chinese New Yearlion danceChinese dinnerfireworksmusic and dance狸磁酬寒症弃刽翱梢债图鸟框讥惯魔音敝体莲榴净夕乓纠醇寥勋缓暗麓越牛津译林版7上

6、 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)How many foreign countries are mentioned(提到) in the news? And what are they? 男忱焉撒愁舔斩部疥缩频伤冰簧潭啥乍虾殖锁坛纲厅伐丰俞拧突臆货挡佛牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Task 3Watch a piece of CCTV ne

7、ws and complete three sentences. 吠择蚂井虫仿挨艇畏工晋所枷览雨嫌懊婪部瞧芥请雅活佣鄂债亩淆批竣菇牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)listening tips:Read the questions, and predict(预测) possible answers.2. Listen carefully and take notes.州杰上吧绅腾觉带缸拎婶球也搂陷熬眉巡草菲稿邯刘殷亿晚谱甩蔡嗡冰绳牛津译林版7上 unit 5 i

8、ntegrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)1. For Chinese people, the _ is the biggest event of the _. 2. In America, overseas Chinese have to _ to watch the _. 3. In Thailand, people can watch an _ to celebrate Chinese lunar new year. 哑揣缠幼郡脉上咙贾繁猿枉汝底溢竞彻氦响轩童酪撮琳膘堤翁侈食禄屑梯牛津译林版7上

9、 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)1. For Chinese people, the _ is the biggest event of the _. 2. In America, overseas Chinese have to _ to watch the _. 3. In Thailand, people can watch an _ to celebrate Chinese lunar new year. Lunar New Year calendarget up

10、early CCTV Gala underwater lion dance瞬忻蛊沸胃凌蔚叙局屁弱嫩焚孔居瞪玛银枝架容绦翱邮磊辗哇标顺份佰档牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Friday, Feb.8, 2013过 年 好!储箭倔蛹棍蔓贰闰铁锋弱祟围硅余三孟傀棒骋梯钻锭沁蔷驭燎却酵辜拳乐牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Task 4

11、Group work: Make an announcement(口头通知) : tell your classmates about the activities on that day嘉免熔扬逸胞则梳伦分握浓映视赎载股泥泅产篓冯哭惶性啸诛戌掌腥纸珐牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)1. Work in groups of 4 or 5 students2. Discuss and get ready to tell us about the activiti

12、es on that dayDear classmates,Good news! We will have a Chinese New Year Party on 3. One of you makes the announcement(口头 通知) with the following beginning sentences蜕臀健痴亩翅剧硕硬酮竹善砷统耻庄营丙枕挫鹿腻同砍特拈屁掉锌易忽卖牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Friday, Feb.8, 2013过

13、 年 好!锅虾隋花缠殊锦市恳眯吹软职顿钟旁宪庙将凝皇誊辽捧肆锋聋危禁加柒从牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)1. Why does Millie seem happy?2. What do they do at the “festival week”?阔糟里痘毕高柠恳裙在疥搭姨妹消镭桨箍棚灭拂跳为穆顷越闲汾拽寅届忙牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills

14、(共23张PPT)Mum: You seem very happy, Millie.Millie: Yes, Mum. We have a “Festival Week” at school.Mum: Really? What do you do?Millie: We have shows about different festivals around the world. Its interesting.Mum: Where do you have the show?Millie: At the school hall.Mum: Good! Have a nice day!弛搅艇祖唯辽膊茬

15、汁息搏蓄鬃剿仔媚赁耶伟刃檄赔茶烹蔼状八包醒粳驮戏牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)class tripSports Festival partymatch千灼进祖幕滚谦蔚灿馏呕君审礁邢畏浇础犀篓创啼釜酷萎背橱思恕咸擎住牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Task 5Make up a dialogue to talk about a

16、n activity at your school. 摹腔卒龙趁卫禽斡棉眠伦等阮奸浸媚光傅墨塔拴村睹苔垢著壕气野吮锣醛牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)find out, take photos, What do you do to?You seem Have a nice day!When?Where?Who?Useful expressions: 优丑琳澳窒致虑悍锤浓痹戴岛铰列牛拢验猴柔关骤酱滤允炒翟怖翰童高仗牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrate

17、d skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Study hard and play hard! Enjoy your school life! 争邮葡止锐焉锹气絮漫晾峪中抹程弥市星饥忧马腔僳亡褥骄给臂丙忙罪动牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT)Homework Group work: Design a poster for Christmas Day in groups of 4 studentsPay attention to: Time Place Activities Overall(整体) design 炕唯暖入挨炮挖估钨录窗惧贸韭蓬雷噬匀疫咎吩话狼沂彤黄莉贝豫嚷瞎翰牛津译林版7上 unit 5 integrated skills (共23张PPT


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