



1、高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:外刊精选I下一个特斯拉? Rivian成为投资新风口近期,Rivian这个品牌在汽车行业横空出世。很多人之前对Rivian闻所未闻,但它在 上周登陆纳斯达克后,短短几天就股价暴涨,成为投资人的新宠。作为目前市值仅次于特斯 拉的汽车制造商,投资人都期待着Rivian能为他们带来像特斯拉一样巨大的回报。Rivian 的实力究竟如何?它面临着哪些机遇和挑战?投资人对它的信心又从何而来?Rivian I.P.O. Is Embraced by Investors Looking for Another TeslaBy Peter Eavis and Neal E.

2、 BoudetteRivian, an electric-vehicle maker that has been around fbr over a decade, finally got around to delivering a product this year-156 pickup trucksand nearly all went to its employees.In the first day of trading after its initial public offering, Rivians stock jumped 29 percent, putting its ma

3、rket value at $86 billionin line with G.MJs and higher than Fords.The fevered buying did not come out of nowhere.The stock market is up 25 percent this year, even with the pandemics disruptions. But investors also increasingly believe that the market fbr electric cars will be enormous-and, fbr now,

4、they are happy to bet big on companies in the sector that show promise and appear to have credible leadership.But Rivian is a long way from proving that it can vastly ramp up its production lines. And a failure to expand fast could shake investors* confidence, hurting its financial prospects.On the

5、consumer side, Rivian faces competition not just from Tesla but also from automakers that have much experience with mass production.To some analysts, investors are just throwing money at what*s hot, and not doing enough to discern which companies are actually strong.But Mr. MacDuffie, a Wharton prof

6、essor, said he believed there was enough potential growth in the electric vehicle market fbr many companies to succeed.【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。PO.embrace imbreis vt.jump d3Amp vt.fevered fi:vQd adj.enormous ino:mos adj.credible kredobl adj.expand ikspsend vt.discern dis3:n vt.词块学习请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。

7、.电动车制造商,造车新势力.某人见过世面,阅历多;某事存在已久.终于做了拖延很久未做的事情.几乎全部.市场价值,市值.在.下重注.离做成某事相距甚远.增力1拓展练习阅读理解The average adults sleep almost two hours less than their great grandparents did. The resulting tiredness has been linked to many diseases. Consumption of alcohol and caffeine are partly to blame, as is exposure to

8、 phone and computer screens. Ridiculously, people are turning to some of those same devices fbr help.Tiny sensors(传感器)are now more easily planted into wearable gadgets to help people get better slumber(睡口民).Consumer-electronics giants offer sleep-related technology in their gadgets. Specialist sleep

9、-tech“ startups offer various wares, smart watches with sleep functionalities, titanium ring with built-in heart-rate, oxygen and activity monitors, wireless headsets playing relaxing sounds with sensors inferring the sleep stage from blood-oxygen levels, and app-synched mattress(床垫)that heats up an

10、d cools as the sleepers body temperature changes through the night.The combination of more sleeplessness and better technology has led to a boom in the sleep-assistance industry. Global Market insights, a research firm, says that worldwide income from sales of such gadgets reached $12.5bn in 2020 an

11、d could be more than triple(三倍的)that in five years. Matteo Franceschetti, boss of Eight Sleep, thinks the addressable market for his company is literally everyone in the world”. After all, everybody sleeps.True. But not everybody sleeps poorly or can afford the great sum of money on sleep gadgets. A

12、nd the technology, though it is improving, remains far from perfect.People can get bored of wearables, and disappointed when the improvements fail. Rock Health Advisory finds 40% of sleep-wearables users abandoned their devices. Kokoon, Oura and Eight Sleep have all recently introduced membership mo

13、dels to try and keep people updating their devices. Subscriptions give the companies a more stable income than one-off device sales. But it can also be interpreted as a hidden acknowledgement that the devices are not an instant cure.Sleep-tech may, scientists admit, help sleepers decide whether they

14、 need clinical interventions. But eventually, Mr. Fietze believes, “no gadget can make your sleep better., If consumers in need of more shuteye reach a similar conclusion, sleep-tech investors(投资者) dreams of riches may turn into a profitless nightmare.Whafs the purpose of this passage?A.To advertise

15、 for some sleep-tech wearables.B.To introduce new inventions on good sleep.C.To give advice on how we get a good sleep.D.To show sleep-tech wearables are unreliable.What does the underlined word wares“ in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Products.B.Clothes.C.Belongings.D.Possessions.Whats Mr. Fietzes attitude

16、 towards sleep-tech gadgets?A.Negative.B. Supportive.C.Objective.D.Tolerant.What can be the best title fbr the passage?A.Lack of Sleep, Wearable GadgetsB.Consumer Health Care, Slumber PartyC.Sleep-tech Wearables Help the SleeplessD.Consumer-electronics Giants Offer Sleep-tech外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中

17、的中文意思。1.IPO首次公开募股_.embrace im breis vt.拥抱,欣然接受.jump djAinp vt.突升,猛涨,激增.fevered fi:vad adj.狂热的,异常兴奋的.enormous ino:mos adj. 巨大的.credible kredobl adj.可信的,可靠的.expand ikspaendl vt.(规模)扩张.discem dis3:n vt.能看出,区分出,看明白【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。1 .electric-vehicle maker电动车制造商,造车新势力2.somebody/something has bee

18、n around某人见过世面,阅历多;某事存在已久.get around to doing something终于做了拖延很久未做的事情.nearly all几乎全部.market value市场价值,市值.bet big on something 在下重注.a long way from doing something离做成某事相距甚远.ramp up 增力口【全文翻译】Rivian的IPO大受投资人追捧,他们想找到另一个特斯拉Rivian是一家已有10多年历史的电动汽车制造商,它在今年终于交付了一款产品,也 就是156台皮卡,而且几乎所有都交付给了自家员工。在首次公开募股后的首日交易中,Rivian的股价上涨了 29%,让公司市值到达860亿美 元,与通用汽车公司市值相当,高于福特汽车市值。这种狂热的股票购买并非凭空而来。今年,即使受到疫情的影响,该行业的股票市场也已上涨了 25%O而投资人还是愈加 确信,电动汽车市场将是巨大的。而且,就目前而言,该行业内的一些公司展示出了不错的


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