



1、2021学年下学期广大附中初三英语Unit4单元测试卷总分值60分一语法选择(每小矍1分.共15小庭.总分15分)You and your family are planning a picnic for tomorrow. But you want to check the weakerforecast first to see 1there will ba rain or not. Your father.2the television and thefamily listens to the weathennan3 the weather rep ort.;It will be 4clo

2、udv tomonow mominE.5clear ins bv esrlv afternoon. Thehigh tomoirow will be 85.TAs there will be no rain. the whole family6happy. Without the weaei forecast,you woxild not know this: and you would just have to take your chances. But now; you can plan your picnic without 7 tf it will rain.The man vou

3、can thank for this is Qeveland Abbe. Ha is known Sthe father of theweather buieau. He was the first parson 9 daily weaer forecasts in the United States.Abba began his daily weaker bulletins ( T ) tn 1869. They were based on weather maps 10diew from tale graphed reports of weather conditions.11 their

4、 accuracythe rep orts were p opular.Congress (三 会)became 12in Abbes waathei reports. They made Abbe13meteofoloEtst (someone who studies weather conditions), and he began14forecasts threetimes a dav. He was the first official forecast* of the U.S. Weather Service. Because he oftenforecastl.A. whenB.

5、whereC.ifD. whether2. A. tumupB. tum ofC. tunis onD. turns down3.A. makeB. makingC. madeD. makes4. A. partB. partlyC. apartD. apart of5.A. andB. butC. soD. or6.A. feelB. feltC. taelsD. is feeling7. A. BonyB. worriedC. worriesD. womnnES.A. asB.forC. toD.bv9. A. publishB. to publishC. publishedD. publ

6、ishing15storms. Abbe eamadthe ntckne ofWfcOld Probabilities.A. thavA. BecauseA. interestA. aA. providedA. probablyA. thavA. BecauseA. interestA. aA. providedA. probablyB.itB. Because ofB. mterestinsB. anpiovideB. probabilityhaC. SinceC. interestedC. theC. providingmore probableD.hisD.Formore inteies

7、tedD./D. providesD. probable二.完形填空(每小辗1分.共10小盘,总分10分)A friend of mine met with an accident driving in daikness. His legs were so hurt that he couldnt move. What was the worst was he found himself unable to ask for help - his mobile phone went out of16as a 痣suit of the exhausted battenr. Nothing coul

8、d be done but to17 tn cold wilderness. It was 8 hours later that dav broke, and then the afftval of the rescue.It was almost imimaEtnable that he could stand tha honor tn tha dadmess for so long. Even more 1S was hts explanation First ofall I checked up my physical 19 and found my self not tn fatal

9、danger As theiB was no way to call for help, I leaned back m my seat. trying my best to keep the wound 1伤匚)from20 In this way. I managed to doze off:His story put an end to my reeret for the21of an exploration adventure thathappened last year. A group of young men triad to explore a mountain cava an

10、d got lost. Unable to find a wav out tn the dark cave, thev were fftehtened and ran anxiauslv without a sense of 22. Finally they fell dead in tear and exhaustion. Acrording to the23people that found thwm. the place where ev sot lost was onlv about 20 maters awav from the openinE of the cave. It the

11、v staved in the place whan thev lost their wav and trid to24themselves,ey would probably sense a faint light glimmering R灯)not tar away.Don t you think that you can compare it with life itself? VMien you meet with difficulties in life and work you are lost in darkness. Remember it s unclear yet and

12、you naednt put up stniggle25. It seems to baa negative attitude, but a person who can afford to do so musthave fofssight as well as a great courage tn the first place.16. A. workB. oxdarC. serviceD. control17. A. singB. ciyC. standD. wait18. A. enc out agingB. suiprismsC. frtEhtentiiED. pleasing19.

13、A. weaknessB. movementC. conditionsD. expression20. A. bleedin e一B. killingC. spresdmED. dtscoverins21. A. lossB. failureC. sadnessD. conduct22. A. stditB. UeltngC. hear insD. direction23. A. rescueB. villageC. localD. brave24. A. feelB. waraC. protectD. calm25. A. hopefullyB. immediatalvC. wiselv J

14、D. carefullv三.同读第一节阅读理解(每小勰?分.共5小霆.息分10分)AJuly 21st. 2007 was & typical English summers day - it rained for 24 hours? As usual I rushed homa from work at mtddav to check on the house. Nothins was amiss. Bv the time I lett J5work at 5 pm. howevai. the road into our village was flooded. Our house had

15、never been flooded but &s I opened the front door, a wave of water sreeted me. Thank God the kids weran t with me. because the house was 5 feet deep tn water. We lost avenlhrng downstairs. And tha plaster had to be tom off the walls, ceilings pulled down.At first we tried to push on through. We didn

16、t want to move the childran out of home, so we camped upstairs, we put a shawt of plastic across the floor to protect us from the damp. But after three months, we felt venr sick, so wa moved to a wooden house in a park. The house was small, but at first we were all just delighted to be tn a new plac

17、e. Untortumtely. things took longer than expected and we were thate for 10 months. The life there was inconvenient What surprised ma most was how much I missed being part of a community. We had lived ina friendly village with eood neizhbours, and Id never thousht how much Fd miss that.- WVSFVWVWWV一A

18、lthouEh-our situation was veiv bad. it s difficult to fed too sorrv for yourself whan vou look at whats happenmg alsewhere. I watched a news report about floods tn Northern India and thousht We didnt ha*e a straw hut that was swept awav. and our house is still standmE. We*rehickv” .We moved back hor

19、ns tn Ausust. With December comins, theres reconstraction work to ba done, so it s difficult to prepare for Christmas. But I can! wait - Fm going to throw a party for our friends m the village to say thanks for their s卬port Thts year. I won t need any gifts - living: awav from homa for months has ma

20、de ma realize how little wa actualk need or miss all our possessions. Although we are replacing things, theres really no rush 一 wa have our homeback, and thats the main thin邑What does the undefltned word ,amiss tn the first paragraph mean?A. WfODE.B. Mis sins.C. Right.D. Found.It can ba infafrsd fro

21、m the text that the authorwas sick of staying upstairs.cared much about her chtldreacould not stand ItvinE a woodan house.did not deal well with her family affails duiins the flood.Why does author say that they were lucR tn the third paragraph:Because her situation was not serious.Because many other

22、 places were floodedBecause she had been to Northern India.D. Because some otheis suffered even more.What does tha author mainlv want to express bvtellinE her stonr?She valued human feelings more than before.She realized she almost didnt need possessions.She found Christmas sifts no loneer badlv nee

23、ded.She thoudit hw own homa was themost important.Why did the author move to a wooden house m a park?A. Because it was too dan?) upstairs and they fait uncomfortable.Because there are no netEhbours around and thev felt lonalv.Because tha situation in the citv was worse and worse.D .Because Christmas

24、 was commE and they would prepare for it第二节阅读填空(每小型1分.共S分)T oday. an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their beads down. These people are called thw :Heads-dov,n Tribe”.31There are moiB and more traffic accidents happening because of mobile phones.In order to

25、 make drtveis pay more attention to dfiving. some nev; traffic rule havebeen m&da.As we can see above, using mobile phones may cause traffic accidents, so, moi? and more mteresting and strange facts happen to the “Hmads-down Tribe”.33 As a resulthe knocked into a big bear. When he lifted his eyes fr

26、om the phone. he was so afraid that he turned around and ran away as quickly as possible.Another fact is that we can often see people m the restaurant eating face to fkce but looking at their mobile phonas. Its strange that they dont talk to the ones who sit opposite to them during the meal.34Mobile

27、 phones are helpful and necessanr to ob for modem life.35Let s be “healthy一 users and U; to ba the ,He&ds-up Tribe.”A. Whether they are good or not depends on how people use them.B A man in America kept using a mobile phone on his way home.Some even had fun commumcating with otheis on the phone.Head

28、s-down tribe members now can ba seen aveivwhefs.E.Mora driveis are likely to use mobile phones while driving.四.写作 第一节语篇填词(每小矍0.5分.共分)I had a tscrible dieam last night It was about a (36) n disaster. I was (37)a by a lot of noise, and found water was avenhere. My bedroom was (38)fIt (39) c roads, par

29、ks and houses. Lots of (40) o werefloating. I (41) t sent an email to my father to ask tor help. But my call (42) f ondaaf ears. He said he had to :43) s with his work and couldnt giveme any help. It(44) s that his work is more important than my life! I was so scared.Maybe the chance of (45) s was very small in this disaster第二节 完成句子(每


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