1、The Canadian Swine Improvement Program加拿大猪改良方案Dr. Pramod K. MathurChief Geneticist Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI)Presentation Road Map目录Swine industry in Canada加拿大的养猪业Program structure计划结构Genetic Improvement 遗传改良Research and development研究和发展The Swine Industry in Canada加拿大的养猪业32 million
2、 hogs marketed in 20192019年上市三千二百万头Over 15,000 farms 一万五千多个猪场5.7 million hogs and weaner pigs exported live 出口肉猪和断奶仔猪五百七十万头$ 2.2 billion pork exports (US, Japan, Australia, Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, etc.)出口额22亿美元(美国, 日本, 澳大利亚, 朝鲜, 新西兰, 墨西哥等)Intensive production systems 集约化养猪体系Grading system encour
3、ages leaner hogs分级体系促进了瘦肉率的提高Canadian Swine IndustrySolid reputation world wide在全世界拥有较高的信誉Superior quality and health status品质好,健康状况佳20 % of the pork exported in the world comes from Canada占世界出口市场的20%Domestically a major industry sector in agriculture 是国内农业的支柱产业33% of the agricultural trade surplus农
4、业顺差的33%来自养猪业 Structure of the industry养猪业的结构RetailProcessingProductionMultiplicationBreedingGene flow基因流动核心群Informationflow信息流动繁育群生产群加工零售120 HERDS1畜群 9,400 NUCLEUS SOWS头核心母猪 90,000 PIGS/YEAR头猪/年 Western Swine Testing Association西方猪测试协会 (WSTA)Ontario Swine Improvement Inc.渥太华猪改良公司 (OSI)Canadian Centr
5、e for Swine Improvement加拿大猪改良中心 (CCSI)Centre de dveloppement du porc du Qubec魁北克猪改良中心 (CDPQ)4,600 YORKSHIRE约克夏3,000 LANDRACE长白猪 1,800 DUROC杜洛克猪 The Canadian Swine Improvement Program加拿大猪改良计划Atlantic Swine Centre (ASC)大西洋猪中心2 herds Member Organizations成员组织Atlantic Swine Centre大西洋猪中心Canadian Meat Coun
6、cilCCSI魁北克猪改良中心加拿大肉类协会加拿大养猪协会Co-operation with China与中国的合作Through: Ministry of Agriculture (MOA)农业部China-Canada Lean Swine project (CIDA) 中国瘦肉型猪项目Canadian Embassy 驻华大使Training course on Swine Genetic Improvement猪遗传改良的培训Consultations on development of swine genetic improvement program for China为中国猪遗传
7、改良制订发展计划Swine genetics seminars猪遗传学专题讨论会Collaborations with U.S.A与美国的合作National Swine Improvement Federation 国家猪改良协会National Swine Registry 国家猪登记Iowa State University爱荷华州立大学Purdue University 普渡大学Next NSIF meeting hosted by CCSI : December 1-2, Ottawa下次会议将由CCSI举办: 12月1-2日, 渥太华Selection Objectives In
8、Canada加拿大的选择目标Efficiency of production 生产效率(growth 生长, feed efficiency 饲料转化率, physical soundness 健康状况)Quality of product 产品质量(lean yield 瘦肉量, carcass and meat quality胴体和肉质)Efficiency of reproduction繁殖率(litter size 窝产仔数, farrowing interval 产仔间隔, longevity 生产寿命)High health and traceability 健康, 可追溯Comm
9、on Crossbreeding Systems with three breeds常用的三品种杂交YorkshireLandraceDurocboarsF1 sowsMarket Hogs商品猪约克夏长白猪杜洛克公猪Certificate of Registration CSBA logoUnique CLRC Registration numberPig ID ABCD 5623NHerd of origin: ABCDPig number: 5623Year of birth: NMatches ear tattooThree generations of pedigreeLogo of
10、 Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI)Some key features 一些关键特点Home test 现场测定Station test 测定站测定National database 国家数据库Genetic evaluations 遗传评估Database tools 数据库工具Training and consultingfor genetic improvement 遗传改良的培训的咨询Services to international clients为国际客户服务National database国家数据库30 years of h
11、istorical data 三十年的数据Detailed performance records on 3 million pigs 有三百万头猪的详细记录Web-based tools for different purposes, e.g. data transfer, EBV report, selection decision, mating planning etc. 有基于网络的为不同目的服务的工具, 如数据传输, EBV报告, 选择决策, 配种计划等Genetic evaluation program遗传评估方案Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (
12、BLUP) for genetic evaluation用最佳线性无偏预测(BLUP)进行遗传评估Data from about 120 herds in across-herd evaluations有来自120个场的杂交群评估数据Instant across-herd EBV at probing测定后的快速跨场EBVInternet support 互联网支持Genetic Evaluations遗传评估Routine evaluations:日常评估Age to market 上市年龄Backfat thickness at market wt.上市体重的背膘厚Lean yield 瘦
13、肉量Loin eye area 眼肌面积Loin muscle depth 眼肌深Feed conversion 料肉比Litter size 窝产仔数New evaluations: 新的评估Piglet survival 仔猪存活Meat quality 肉质Colour 肉色Marbling 大理石纹pH(24) 最终酸度Drip loss 滴水损失Conformation 体型Feet and legs 肢蹄结实度Toes 脚趾Number of teats 奶头数National standards and accreditation国家标准和鉴定 Recording and imp
14、rovement of meat quality肉质的记录和改良Producers生产者Breeders育种者CCSILRCDelivery Structure传递结构CANADIAN CENTRE FOR SWINE IMPROVEMENT加拿大猪改良中心 National Standards国家标准 National EBV国家EBVPROVINCIAL/REGIONALIMPROVEMENTCENTRES省/地区的改良中心SWINE BREEDERS育种工作者EBVDATAEBVDATA Data capture by provincial technicians数据由各省技术员收集 O
15、n-farm EBVs 现场测定Genetic Improvement遗传改良Connectedness Rating (CR)联系率Sow Productivity母猪生产率CR平均Genetic improvement窝产仔数的遗传改良总产仔数/窝产仔年份Genetic improvement100kg活重的背膘厚Genetic Improvementfor Commercial Producers (last 5 years)商品群的遗传改良(最近五年)Traits性状Genetic gain遗传进展 CAD/sowLitter size (pigs)总产仔数 1.0 54.35Lean
16、 yield (%)瘦肉量 0.7 18.05Growth rate (days)生长速度 7.5 44.55Feed Conversion (kg/kg)料肉比 0.11 45.45Total over 5 years合计 162.40* Duroc sires, Yorkshire X Landrace sows, 20 pigs/sow/yearResearch and Development研究和发展Major Research Interests领域主要研究选择策略数量遗传学方法分子遗传学遗传学的最佳利用Integration of molecular genetics与分子遗传学的
17、结合Co-ordination of research efforts for the industry养猪生产研究的协调Identification of industry needs鉴别养猪生产的真正需要Tests for specific major gene特定主基因的测验National DNA Bank 国家 DNA 库Collaborations around the world与世界各地的合作Research AndDevelopmentSelectionStrategiesQuantitativeMethodsMolecularGeneticsOptimum use of G
18、enetics Lean meat %Number数量Offspring of non selected boar for BETTERgen muscle+Offspring of the homozygous boar for BETTERgen muscle+Source : Nadine Buys (2019)Less variation变异较小Higher average lean yield比平均产肉量高More lean meat and more uniformity更多瘦肉和更一致Use of paternal imprinting:leaner market hogs fr
19、om fatter dams利用父本印迹: 使较肥的母猪产较多的瘦肉Homozygous Lean Boar纯合瘦肉型公猪IGF2 +/+Market hogs100% (+/) : LeanFat dam肥母猪IGF2 -/-There is no effect of the dams genotype due to paternal imprinting 由于你本印迹, 纯净 纯净基因型没有任何效应For Body condition,体况, fertility繁殖力, longevity生产寿命 etc.商品猪Disease resistance抗病力New in-vitro Swine Disease Resistance (SDR) test新外源猪病抵抗力测验Test for immune status with a drop of blood用一滴血测验免疫状况No inoculation required不需要接种Known QTL region 已知QTL区域Database tools数据工具Instant on-line genetic evaluations即时遗传评估结果Pe
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