



1、Unit 1 短语,句型,语法have a stomachache 胃疼have a sore throat/back 咽喉/背疼have a bad cold/fever/cough 重感冒/发烧/咳嗽have a cold=get a cold = catch a cold 感冒=have got a coldtalk too much 说的太多drink enough water 喝足够的水lie down and rest 躺下休息lie to sb. 向某人撒谎tell a lie. 撒谎 a white lie 一个善意的谎言drink some hot tea with hone

2、y盒带蜂蜜的热茶get an X-ray 做个光X检查take ones temperature 量体温put some medicine on the cut 在伤口上敷些药cut oneself 割伤了自己cut ones knee 割伤了某人的膝盖12 feel very hot 感觉非常热13move ones neck 动弹某人的脖子14all weekend 整个周末15主语(人) need to do sth. 某人需要做某事 主语(人) need(情) +动词原形主语(物)needs doing sth. 某物需要做16take breaks away from the com

3、puter离开电脑休息take/ have a good rest from your work放下工作休息 get some rest 休息 rest for a few days 休息几天17be away from 离开某地18sit in the same for too long 以同样姿势坐得太久了19 without moving 一动不动20My head and neck still hurt .我的头和脖子还疼 身体部位+hurt(s) 身体部位疼 hurt oneself playing soccer 玩足球时伤了某人自己 hurt ones身体部位 playing vo

4、lleyball. be (badly) hurt in PE class 体育课上严重受伤21see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事see sb do sth. 看见某人经常/做了某事22 a/an 数词-year old+ 名词 一个多大岁数的人 an eight year old boy 一个8岁的男孩23 go along /walk down Zhonghua Road沿着中华路走 24 on the side of the road 在马路的边上25 shout for help 呼救26 without thinking twice 没有多想27 get off

5、 下车 get on 上车get into 进入get out of the +place 从某地走出来Sth. happened +地点/时间。某地/某事发生了某事Sb happened to do sth.某人碰巧做某事It happened+ that + 句子。发生了.Sth. happened to sb 某人发生了什么?29 have a heart problem 有心脏病30.act quickly 快速行动31.all of the passengers 所有的乘客32.to ones surprise 使某人吃惊的是 in surpise 吃惊33Thanks to sb/

6、sth. 幸亏/多亏某人/某事 =because ofsb/sth. 由于某人/某事 =with te help of sb/sth. 在某人某物的帮助下34.save sb. 救某人 save ones own life 就某人的命 lose one life 丧失了生命 lose too much blood 流失了太多的血35.in time =on time 及时/准时36.get into trouble 惹麻烦 be in trouble 处于困境之中 have trouble/problems (in)doing sth.做某事有困难 = have difficulty(in)d

7、oing sth. have no problem (in) doing sth. 做某事没困难37 fall down . 摔倒 fall behind 落后 fall asleep 入睡 fall over 跌倒 fall into 落入 fall off 从。跌落下来 fall in love with sb/stb.爱上某人某物38put a bandage on the cut 用棚带包扎伤口 bandage oneself 给自己打棚带 bandage ones left leg 给某人的左腿打了棚带39run the cut under water 在水下冲洗伤口40.clean

8、 ones face 洗干净某人的脸 41put ones head back 把头低下42.be sick/ill 生病 feel (a little) sick/ill 感觉有点不舒服 a sick boy 一个有病的男孩 be sick of n./doing sth. 厌倦某事/做某事 43get hit on the head 头部受到撞击 get hit by a ball 被球击中 get sunburned 被晒伤44人+be interested in sth/doing对某事/做某事感兴趣 = take an interest in sth/doing 物 + be int

9、eresting 某物是令人感兴趣的45 be/get/become used to n./doing sth.习惯于/做某事 be used to do sth. 被用于做某事 used to do sth 过去常常做某事(过去时).46 take risks =take a risk 冒险47as a mountain climber 作为一名爬山者 48 in a very dangerous situation 处在非常危险境地中49.when climbing 爬山的时候50 free ones arm 使某人的胳膊自由活动。51 run out of water 用光了水52 be

10、 ready to do sth. 准备做某事 =be ready for sth. 53 use sth to do sth. 用来做某事 = use sth. for doing54.cut off half his right arm 切除了他的半条右臂 cut off 切断 /cut down 砍倒 /cut up 切碎 cut in插入话 /cut into 把 切成cut out 割去55.climb down the mountain 爬下了山56.a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place 一本名叫生死两难的书57.mean to

11、 do sth 打算做某事 What do you mean by this word? 这个单词什么意思 =What do/does this word mean ? =Whats the meaning of this word?58.tell of sb./sth. 叙述某人某事 59the importance of doing sth.做某事的重要性60 make decisions /a decision 作决定 make a decision to do /be sth决定做某事 =decide to do sth. 61.be in control of sth. 控制某事62

12、.keep on doing sth. 继续做某事(有间隔) keep doing sth. 继续不停的做某事(不间隔) keep sb. doing sth 让某人继续做某事 keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事63.die(死) 动词-dying 要死了(形,定)- death 名- be dead 形(表)64 mind +if +从句 如果做某事介意 mind doing 介意做某事65 have the same spirit有一样的精神66.have a serious accident 发生了严重的事故 have a serious mountain

13、climbing accident 出了一起严重的爬山事故。语法:一.询问某人的健康问题及遇到麻烦的表达方法:问:某人患了什么病/遇到麻烦时,用以下结构表达:Whats the matter with sb./sth?某人/某事怎么了?Whats wrong with sb./sth?Whats the trouble with sb? 某人怎么了?whats ones trouble? whats up?What happened to sb.?Are you OK? 你没事吧?8Is there anything wrong with sb./sth?某人有毛病吗?回答1)sb. + ha

14、ve 某人得了病 has + a/an 病症(身体部位+achehad 某人发烧/感冒/咳嗽2) sb+have/has/had +a fever/cold/ cough 3)sb.+ have has + a sore+病症(身体部位)had 4)sb. + hurts + ones身体部位?反身代词 hurt (过去式) 某人部位受伤了 5)身体部位+hurts ( badly) 身体部位伤势严重。 6) sb. + have/has a pain in ones +身体部位。7)There is something wrong with ones + 身体部位 某人身体部位有一些毛病。.

15、8)其他表达方式: My leg is very sore. 我的腿很疼。 She has a heart trouble.她有心脏病。 He got hit on the head. 他头部受到了撞击。 She cut her finger。 她割破手指了。二 过去进行时:主+was/were+doing +when + 句子(过去时)。某事正在进行时,这时另一件事情发生了。At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhongshan Road when the drive saw an old man lying on the side of the road.三主句+so that (以便/为了)+目的状语从句(can/could/may/should/would)I work hard so that I can go to the college.我努力学习,为了上大学。主句+so that(因此/所以)+结果状语从句(不用 can/could) She got up


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