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1、-. z.模块一 Unit 1the average size 平均大小 back cover 书的封底 be happy with 对满意;因为开心attend assembly 参加集会attend to sb./sth. 照顾,照顾*人,处理*事devote oneself to be devoted to 致力于,devotion , show devotion to 对 忠心earn respect from sb. 赢得*人的尊重 show/have respect for 尊敬*人 be respectful to尊敬*人be challenging for sb. 对*人有挑战

2、性 make use of利用 make the most/best of 充分利用stop some subjects 退出一些课程的学习经历with much/rich e*perience 有丰富have e*perience in doing 在做*事有经历be e*perienced at adj. get interested in 对产生兴趣develop an interest in 养成对的兴趣make a speech about 做关于的演讲miss a chance to do sth. 失去做*事的时机leave out 省略,遗漏pay attention to 注

3、意regret doing/having done sth. 懊悔做过*事regret to do sth 遗憾地做-struggle to do努力做*事 struggle with/against/for 与作斗争 Its a struggle( for sb )to do做*事是个难事inform sb.of/about sth./inform sb.that 通知*人*事 run a pany/a school 开办,经营,管理公司学校run across run after run away run for 竞选 run out of 用完,require sb.to do sth.

4、 要求*人做*事meet requirements 满足需求be responsible for 对负责than usual 比往常for free/for nothing/free of charge 免费be fond of on the school field 在学校运动场上upon finishing his studies 学习一完毕upon doing/n.all year round 一年到头e up with 提出look back on 回忆iook down on.瞧不起 look forward to look into 调查look on旁观,看作 look out。

5、留神 look through 浏览 lookup 查找 l ook up to 尊敬prepare for 为做准,prepare sb.for/to do sth. 使*人为做好准备/准备做*事in preparation for/ make preparations for 做的准备be prepared(for/to do sth.) 准备好/愿意做*事in charge of 负责*事 in the charge of在 *人的负责下more than.不仅仅 no more than。仅仅 ,只不过 more-than 与其说倒不如-achieve high grades 取得好成

6、绩,获得高surf the Internet 上网drop out 退出,辍学on(the)average 平均起来approve the plan 批准方案 approve of sb ./ones doing同意、/赞成*人做*事 approve of n./doing同意、/赞成做*事pare with-比拟两者 be/bee used to sth./doing sth. 习惯with satisfaction satisfy vt. satisfied satisfying adj.on display 在展览中 42.drop in on sb. 拜访*人 drop in at s

7、p. 拜访*地44. earn ones living 谋生M1 Unit 2 1. be mon to 对来说很普遍2. turn up调大音量,出现,往上翻3. a waste of time (money)浪费时间金钱4. force sb to do sth强迫*人做*事5. be angry with sb at/about sth对*人/*事生气6. arrive back home from vacation度假归来7. than e*pected比预料的8. cant wait to do sth等不急得去干*事9. be supposed to do sth理应干*事10.

8、be to do方案做,注定要,应该做,想要做11. in a mess一团糟12. in charge (of)负责13. in the charge of被负责14. sth goes unpunished未受惩罚15. go out go through经历熄灭16. have ones arms crossed穿插着手臂17. deserve to do sth 理应做18. deserve doing/to be done /be worth doing 19. be too hard on sb对*人太苛刻20. punish sb for sth/doing因为*事惩罚*人21.

9、 in the form of以的形式22. replacewith用来代替23. have no choice but to do只好做*事24. run out (of)用完25. treat sb as/like把*人当作26. e*plain to sb sth向*人解释27. the cause of/the reason for的原因28. cause sb to do sth促使*人做*事29. practise doing sth练习做*事30. change sth for sth用东西换东西31. feel a bit better感到好多了32. in formal En

10、glish用正式的英语33. a no-brainer很容易懂得事34. a wet blanket一个扫兴的人35. all ears认真听讲36. pull ones leg开*人的玩笑37. look sth up查询/找38. green fingers园艺技能39. all thumbs苯手苯脚,十分苯拙40. the pot calling the kettle black锅笑壶黑,乌鸦笑猪黑41. rain cats and dogs下倾盆大雨42. make a mountain out of a molehill小题大做43. fill in / out填写44.handle

11、 a problem处理45. go with伴随,与相配46. give lessons to sb给*人上课47. wait for sb to do sth等候*人干*事48. a little bit + adj.有点儿49. be proud of对感到骄傲50. get good marks取得好成绩51. fail to do sth未能干*事52. be tired of对感到厌烦53. be tired with/from因而累54. stay up熬夜,挺住55. feel very well感到身体很好56. for nothing徒劳57. after all毕竟,终究

12、59. someone elses*个别的人的(P35)60. ask for advice征求意见61. take/follow ones advice承受*人的建议62. all the time一直,总是63. take sb out for dinner带*人出去吃晚餐64. be meant to do被打算用来做*事65. keep sth in mind把记在心里66. Whats up 什么事呀?67. tidy up使整齐68. keep sth looking tidy使*物看上去整洁69. clean up清理,整理70. make a bit of difference

13、有点与众不同71. either or 要么要么 72.find fault of sb 找-的缺点Its ones fault 这是*人的错73. fi* ones problem解决*人的问题 (p38)74. be/bee upset with对感到生气75. early on早些时候76.defend against/from .保护-免遭defend ones deedGuard the farm from being attacked警严以防卫,protect our eyes from sunlight77. as if/though好象78. insist on/upon n/

14、doing sth insister that (should)坚持做Stick to 名词,坚持坚守原则方案任务stick to our task79. waste some time doing sth浪费时间做*事80. in/at Internet cafes在网吧81. every time/each time/ne*t time引导时间状语从句82. at present目前,现在83. prevent sb (from) doing阻止*人做*事84. do harm to=be harmful to 对有害危害抽象事物injure 事故中/wound武器伤hurt肉体、情感85

15、. suggest doing sth建议做*事86. like crazy疯狂地87. now that 既然88. play foreign music演奏外国音乐89. send/put sb to bed打发*人去睡觉90. forbid sb from doing阻止*人做*事91. solve the problem解决问题92. bridge the generation gap缩小代沟93. get along better相处的更好94. work on演算,从事95. work out解出,结果是96. make a draft打个草稿97. make a final ve

16、rsion作出最后的样本98. be included in被包含在99.tend to do 趋向于做100.fit in society 融入社会101.leave out 省略,遗漏leavealone 不管/leavebehind留下,忘带Leave over剩下102.a piece of cake 小菜一碟103.have difficulty/trouble doing 104.mi* up 混合105 Set a limit to 限制 limitto.把-限制在-106.go back/return to normal 恢复正常above/below normal107.along with108.tolerate doing tolerate sb doing109.have his arms crossed 双臂穿插110.bend down/over, 弯腰bendto 使-屈从于-bend ones attention专心于be bent on 专心于frighten sb into doing 吓得做*事


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