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1、PART2这个课的所有目标串联完所有的题目,没有 part2 死角和所有的课堂素材都是为了启发各位给出自己个性化的 methodology,课上会根据大家的灵感当堂创作新的素材1.2.with my structure and3.随时有反素材的概念,保留最后一问 Why 的情况下,改变 what where who what how等方面全新题库的新旧总结表分类新题目老题目地点类学 习 的 地 方 An indoor or outdoor place where you feel easy to study我国有趣的地方 An eresting part of your country美丽的城

2、市 A beautiful city计划的长途旅行 A place you plan to travel to t is far away from your home安静的地方 A quiet place you found街市 A time you shopped in a street market建筑 A building you like乘去旅行 A tript you went on by public transporion物品类生意 A family business you know亲手制作的 Something you made t you gave to other pe

3、ople重要植物 An important plant in your country坏 掉 的 设 备 A piece of equipmentd problems (TV, washing machine etc)/a piece of equipment of yourst was broken长时间学的技能 A skillt took you long time to learn童年A game you used to play when you were a child想学的二外 A second language you want to learn想换掉的东西 Something

4、you own t you want to replace有趣的工作 Aneresting jobt you want to havehe future想参加的比赛 A competition you want to take part in特别场合穿的衣服 A spel occa when you wore a type of clothes常用A website you like to visit人物类未曾谋面但想了解的人 Someoneyouhaventseen能说的人 A talkative喜 剧 演 员Apopularcomicbefore but you would like to

5、 know more想 见 的 一 个 有 趣 的 人 An erestingyou wouldlike to meet青少年 A teenager you know环保rson who helps protect the environmentactor/actress in your country童年朋友 A childhood friend of yours事件类收到钱作为 的经历 A time when you received money as a present一次感到害怕/被别人吓的经历 An occa when you were sacred/by others服药的一次经历

6、 A time when you took some medicine独处有空时做的一项活动 An activity you would do when you are alone in your free time网上查信息的经历 A time t you looked for information from the ernet朋友借东西的一次经历 A time you borrowed something from your friends or family别 人 给 你 急 需 物 品 的 经 历 Something given to you t you really need在别人

7、帮助下做的决定 An important deci made with the help of oth eople一次结果让你满意的抱怨经历A compla you made t you were satisfied with the results帮助别人的经历 An occa when you helped rson第 一 部The time when you received your改变计划的经历 A time t you had to change your plan/changed your mind参加过的派对 A party you joined开心的经历 A happy ex

8、perience you had before丢 失 的 重 要 物 品 Something important you lost he past朋友做 过你没做过有 趣的事情 Something eresting t you friend has done but you havent让你集中精力的活动 Something you do to keep you concentrated看过并想尝试的运动 A sport t you have watched before and you want to try抽象媒 体类让你笑的 /电视 A film or TV program t made

9、 you laugh最近读的一本书 A book you read recently国家的一个好的法律 A good law in your country有意思的An eresting talk or lecture最喜欢的一首歌 A favorite song of yours有趣的动物 Aneresting animal喜欢的杂志 A magazine you like数学课上学到的技能 A useful skill you learned in a match class from your primary/high school解决的话题场景总结Folia Water 场景:Ice

10、cone conicedible drinkablePlace you plan to travel toWherewhenwhat40 why 1m does this do (cto, cofounder, simple filter water, bring hygiene )/why do you want to talk about him/herTindt, wioftmwkaiep 1 分钟做什么1.对象d t; 2 时态 -es s; SHE HER HERS 3. 前三问每问句型 4 最后一问的点和线 Meaningful it kills bacteria, to make

11、Handy practical promote, tear oold cone; Affordable, at the cost,这人是谁Well, theI want to talk about is called Theresa Dovich, who is one of the well-known activities in environmental protection;做了什么Basically, she is the cofounder and CTO of a company named Folia Water, which is to provide simple and

12、robust new technology to make water drinkable;basically, she has invented a book with filtrs to kill bacteria andes, sot people can drink hygienic/clean water in polluted areas like Africa.首先是有意义I have been fascinated by the idea once I heard her story, sincely of all, it is meaningful to bring hygi

13、ene and health to people who suffer from water ies;然后很容易推广Additionally, this technology is easy to promote; for exle, by just tearing opage and folding ito a cone, water can be filtered soon after;最后是便宜Most importantly, it is so affordable and economical, which only costs less n nny a day; hat case/

14、to t po , people don ve to spend on buying machines or equipment to filter water.ts why, she is an amazing.直接回答:题目串联; 第一句话紧扣题目Describe aneresting talk or lectureengaging =eresting creativeWhere did you hear it/who did it/what does it talk about/why is iterestingDescribe a book you read recentlyWhat

15、is it/who wrote it/what does it talk about/why do you want to talk about itWho theis/where is this/whatDescriberson who helps protect the environment 保护环境的人1 第一属性4 why1m;3 what 描述 2 必要小问题Christine Welch 场景:One millionsibilitiesWhat is it/who is the singer/what are the lyrics/why do you like itTune/m

16、elody is rather refreshing/melodious/tuneful, every time when I hear it, I would sing along with it.Lyrics are poetic/subtle; sensational 有感觉的;resonate my spirit 让我产生共鸣CW; -S ES HER SHE HER; is namedwho ; at, and then more surprised, full ofx It comes like thisTune is melodioussing along Lyrics ar e

17、这个歌是什么Well, when it comes to my favorite song, the one coming up o my mind is named one million sibilities t is created and performed by an American singer called Christine Welch.首先被 背景吸引,歌词中国风I was ly attracted by its beautiful tune and I thought the singer was a Chi while one day I discovered t Ch

18、ristine was from New Mexico and she spent the last five years living and studying in China. I was even more surprised when I checked the lyrics, which was of full of ancient Chi poem style and sensation.It comes like this: outside my window, the floor is covered with w er blossoms and in one moment,

19、 time has stopped eternally inside my quilt; out of 1 million sibilities within one second, shall I go forward or continue to wait, etc.I consider this song to be phenomenal and I really admire her as rson;首先喜欢他作为歪果仁中文这么好 she insists to create songs in Chi .ly, I soon became a fan of Christine after

20、 knowing t she created all her lyrics in Chi , sin he thought the language itself was quite tuneful and poetic; unlike English, the language is rather straightforward.此外她找灵感的方式Additionally, it is eresting to know t she chooses to live in a lovely place in countryside, and she often steps out to enjo

21、y the beauty of nature where she gets inspiration of singing songs.ts the song I want to share with you.直接准备Describe anerestingyou would like to meetWho theis/how did you know this/howeresting thisis/why do you want to meet thisDescribe someone you havent seen but you would like to know more.Describ

22、e a favorite song of yourso Mr. Billionaire 场景:What is it/when did you watch it/what does it talk about/why do you like it这个是什么The movie Id like to describe is calledo Mr. Billionaire, which is one of the most hilarious movies I have ever watched; and beve it or not, I have watched it twice last mon

23、th说的什么内容Basically, this comedy talks about a pathetic soccer goalkeeper who was given a task to spend 1 billionhirty days; if sucsful, he will get 30 billion; however, he is not allowed tol anyone about this task and he must not own any valuables byof it.I consider this movie to be one of the best c

24、omedieshe last decade. LOL LMAOLAUGH OUT LOUD; LAUGH MY ASS OFF首先是演员的演技和台词ly, their performance and lines are quite natural and amusing; Shenteng, as the leading actor, has shown us his inborn genius of being a comedian; there were so many momentst almost everyone laughed out loud in cinema.Describe

25、 a film or TV programt made you laugh去 non-English country 旅行场景 mandarintis far awayWhere is it/when do you plan to go there/what would you do/why do you liket place这个地方是意大利origin place for luxury brands,Well, the place I want to travel tohe future is Italy, which is my dream destination of all time

26、.什么时候去和做什么erms of the time of traveling, I guess the ideal time should be one of the holidays during my overseas study, and I hope to do many things there, like tasting their delicacies, visiting landmarks and museums, attending an opera show and even watching a soccer game.There are so many reasons

27、 for me have t trip首先是美食For starters, as a foodie, I be ve t my taste bud can be satisfied, since Italy is the haven of delish food, lik zza, spaghetti, gelato, tiramisu and salami; it is Italy t can offer us the most authentic and original flavor n anywhere else he world.其次是文化底蕴Additionally, as wha

28、t people always say, cities like Roma and Florence are like open-air museums, cultural relics and time-honored architectures/landmarks can be found everywhere, like Roman Colosseum, Duomo de Milano, Leaning tower, Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon or Venice; after t trip, I woulde knowledgeable about

29、history and culture.还有一点是喜欢这个语言Last but not least, I am very fascinated by the language, since it is the Latin languages influenced many languageshe world, and after learningt language, I would have the-hand experience to better my understanding about the origin of religion and renaissance.ts why it

30、 is my dream country to visit.Describe a place you plan to travel tofrom your home然后是故事的 storyline is engaging contagiousBesides, this movie also shows a reality t money is important most times and sometimes, we cant weigh something like love, friendship by money; after experiencing all those absurd

31、 and surreal ups and downs, shenteng has found the true meaning of being a billionaire and what the most important thing in life is.直接准备Describe a popular comic actor/actress in your countryWho he/she is/How did you know this/What comedies have thisperformed Why is thispopular直接准备Describe a second l

32、anguage you want to learnWhat is it/when can you use it/how can you learn it/why this language?Describe a beautiful cityWhere is ive you been there/what kind of city it is/why is it beautifulDescribe somethingeresting you friend has done but you haventWhat is it/where tot/what to do/why you like to

33、tryDescribe a timet you looked for information from theernetWhen was it/ how long did you dot /what did you look for/why do you want to talk about it查资料场景 What is it/how often do you visit it/what can you get from it/why you like it这个 是什么Well, the website Id like to describe is break, which is one o

34、f best ESL websites he world; normally as long as I have spare time, I would visit this website on a daily basis.内容是什么Basically, the website will update a 3-m ue English lesson for second language users to learn, covering topics of all kinds, including current a irs, sports, fashion, technology, bus

35、iness and anecdote.I like it for some reasons;首先是利用好碎片的时间he place, it offers us a chance to take advantage of our scratch time; espe lly during our time of commuting, waiting in line or taking a train, we are able to read news and learn English at the same time, it helps us kill two birds with one s

36、tone.此外能够有不同的功能Besides, the other awesome feature is to provide us with choiof different speeds and accents, which is convenient for different preferenand pures of using English.最后还有练习Last but not least, after listening to their podcasts, we are given questions to memorize useful words and express,

37、which tending to leave us a lasting impresind.ts why it is a terrific website.直接准备Describe a magazine you likeWhat is it/how often do you read/what kind of magazine it is/why you like itDescribe a website you like to visit手绘本和手工艺品场景What is it/how old were you/how did you play it/why do you want to t

38、alk about it手绘本 Well, the handicraft I would like to share with you is a color booking, which requires users to color the bl and whit cture following by a manual.几天前拿到的 I got it several days ago from my friends as my birthday gift, and I started to fall in love it recently since I find it really sti

39、mulating.根据书里的提示,给出自己的创意之作 Basically, all I need s to make my creative drawings based off of the ideas his book, and Imend it for ages from 1 to 100 years old.I love it for some reasons书的质量非常好 ly, this book is published and pr ed iy good quality, for ex le, they give every picture a bl page so t we

40、dont need to worry about markers leaking through; and when we finish our drawing, it looks really beautiful and stunning.锻炼了个人能力 Additionally, I strongly be ve t myal abilities are gre y honed through this coloring book, including my eye-hand coordination, sense of beauty and appre tion; more n t, m

41、y patience has been practiced as well, since I am not the type ofwho can sit still for a long time.减压放松 Last but not least, it allows me to have a great chance to take a break from my work and my study, since it is considered as a way to release our pre re.ts why this handicraft is really awesome.De

42、scribe something you madet you gave to otherDescribe a game you used to play when you were a childWhat is it/who you sent to/how you made it/why do you want to talk about it开头 well, the work of art t I wanna share with you actually was a sunflow a ing;怎么做:it was y primary school when I learnt how to

43、 draw a pa ing y find art class, I still can recall t teacher told us to draw a circle , then adding some petals, and more petals behind those ones, finally we also needed to draw a stem and two leaves; after t, the last step was to pa them o different colors like yellow and green.I love it for some

44、 reasons简单易学: of all, it is very handy to learn, with only a few simple steps, I learnt how to draw a pa ing.童年的 :besides, I guess it is a record of my childhood, every time when I see a pa ing of a sunflower, it will remind me of my carefree life in primary school个人能力: moreover, actually this pa in

45、g inspired me to learn more about arts, meanwhile, my abilities were boosted through pa ing a sunflower, like hands-on ability, sense of beauty and eye-hand coordination.generally, ts why it is worth sharing.直接准备Describe something you do to keep you concentratedWhat is it/how often do yout/what you

46、do/why you like itpeople植物场景数学技能场景What is it/where can they be found/what kind of plant/why is it important?这是什么Well, the important plant Id like to share with you is named peony/bamboo/sunflower, which is one of the most indispensable plants in our country.到处可见can be commonly found everywhere, whil

47、e the most well-known place for it iped to be, which is called the city important for some reasons寓意是什么For instance, it is the symbol of wealnd prosperity; ts why it is common for us to decorate our home and furniture, we be vet it canroduce good luck to us; havingat home is auspicious.非常好看Bes

48、ides, it is rathretty, since it is a common gift in our countryt can put a s instantaneously on someones face, noould say no to accept a bouquet of.代表了性格Most of all, it represents good characters like tenacity, persistence and optimism; ts why it ised.Describe an important plant in your countryWhat

49、is it/when did you learn it/how you learnt it/why is it useful这个技能是背完乘法表的心算Well, the useful math skill t I learnt in primary school is the mental math or mental calculation; more specifically, I mastered a faster way of solving math equations like addition and subtraction by memorizing the multiplic

50、ation table.一开始非常的沮丧,太慢了Basically speaking, at the beginning, I felt quite struggled and frustrated about math questions, since I needed to check the multiplication table to compute the answer all the time;后来老师让 通过做 学会了这项技能but once a time, in our class, I can still remember t we were required by our

51、 math teacher to memorize the table and then layed a game of rolling dice, when it comes to our turn, we needed to give the equation answer right away without any timing or passing; gradually, we got the hang of t table and memorized all those tricks of the calculation.后来 效率极大提高,并且也为我以后的任何数学类的学习打下基础

52、。After t, my efficiency of solving math questions was gre y improved without ng any compu ion, I could get the answer at once based my memory, which was also the foundation for furthering my study of ma t next higher level; and I was very nkful to our teacher since memorizing things und re re could

53、be an effective way to acquire skills and memorize things.Describe a useful skill you learnt in a math class fromyour primary/high school好法律场景What is it/when was it effective/what does it talk about/why is it a good law买车摇号和限号 Well, the law about environment Id like to share with you is car rego (re

54、gistration) lottery, which currently is only a regulation in big cities like BJ or SH, see it happen he future.Considering it is rather meaningful, Id like to see i ppen as soon as sible.说的什么意思? basically, it s es t If you want to buy a car, you need to apply for a lottery; only a few lucky people c

55、an have the rights to buy a car,and for east one day ak, they are not allowed to drive on streets, otherwise, there will be a fine.I guess this law is very meaningful for some reasons Smoother;解决交通堵塞: the biggest reason ist it can grey reduce the traffic jroblem, after all, there is a huge need of b

56、uying cars; as a result, every road will be congested in city.反证, without this law, I beve all streets would be congested and there would be less public space for pedestrians or cyclists.替代式说法/There is no such a law, there would be no controlling on the number of cars, I be ve every road in cities w

57、ould be congested, (be packed with, hat case, on one can move along the street.)空气污染:At the same time, another benefit it can roduce is t air pollution i e can be eased; it is very common to have hazy days all across China because of emis gas of cars; the reduction of cars can result in a blue sky;

58、if t law app s, we can解决停车难: moreover, probably parking wont be a problem as well, ts why more people should be encouraged to take public transport. Meanwhile, its a protection for cyclists and pedestrians. Their safety can be guaranteed due to fewer cars.Generally, it is a law worth sharing.Describ

59、e a good law in your country衣服场景What is it/when you wore it/what kind of clothes it is/why you like it开头:well, the clothing I would like to share with you actually is a set of suit, which was given by mum severalks ago.什么场合listing items: back then, I was about to attend several important occas as a

60、senior college student, including graduation ceremony, joberview, important conferen and so forth(so on), so it was really generous of my mum to give this clothing to me as a gift.I love it for some reasons非常合体和质地:well, of all, since the suit was customized by a profes al tailor, it fits me perfectl


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