1、Chapter 1 Safety 安全1-11.1 基本安全规范1-2 常见危害1-41.2.1 Asphyxiation 窒息1-4 Electrocution 触电1-41.2.3 Pressure 压力1-5 Gas Processing Equipment and Fires 气体处理设备和火灾1-6 Flammability 易燃事故1-6 Oxidizers 强氧化介质1-7 Cryogenic Liquid and Cold Gas 低温液体和低温气体1-7 Confined Space 密闭容器1-81.3 Cleaning for Oxygen Service 氧清洗1-81
2、.4 References 参考1-10Chapter 2 Equipment Description 设备描述2-12.1 Performance Characteristics 性能特点2-1 2.2 Control System Architecture 控制系统描述2-2 2.3 System Controls 系统控制2-3 Hardware Controls 硬件控制2-3 Emergency Stop 紧急停止2-4 Flow Controllers 流量控制2-4 2.4 Sequence Software Description 顺序控制说明2-5 2.5 Interlock
3、s 安全连锁2-5 Safety Shutoff and Blocking Valve Failure 安全切断阀故障2-6 Low Oxygen, Argon and N2 Supply Header Pressure 氧气,氩气或氮气气源压力低2-6 2.6 Controller Input and Output Assignments 控制器的输入输出分布2-6 2.6.1 Analog I/O Descriptions 模拟量I/O 说明2-6 Discrete I/O Descriptions 数字量I/O 说明2-9 Chapter 3 Installation 安装3-1 3.1
4、 Specifications 规格说明3-2 3.2 System Components 系统元件3-8 Control Valve Piping Assembly 控制阀架管路安装3-8 Operator Workstations 操作站3-9 3.3 Piping 管路3-9 Oxygen Materials Selection 氧气管路材料选择3-10 On-Site Cleaning of Oxygen Lines 现场氧气回路的清洗3-10 Inspection 检查3-12 3.4 Wiring 接线3-12 Two-Wire Transmitter 两线制传感器3-13 Ele
5、ctrical Noise 电气信号干扰3-13 Wiring Practices 配线3-14 Chapter 4 Operation 操作4-1 4.1 Operating Design 操作纲要4-2 Decarburization 脱碳4-3 Fuel, Reduction, and Stir Phases 燃烧,还原和搅拌阶段4-6 Shroud Pressure 环缝压力4-6 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 Table of Contents Tuyere Pressure 风枪压力4-6 Nitrogen Control 氮气控制4-6 4.2 Practice
6、s and Grades 工艺准则和钢种4-8 4.3 Process Phases 工艺阶段4-8 4.4 Normal Operation 标准操作4-9 Rotating the Vessel 摇炉4-9 Starting the Blow 开吹4-10 Selecting Phases 阶段选择4-11 Manual Flow/Pressure Control 手动流量/压力控制4-12 Generating a Report 打印报表4-13 4.5 Making a New Heat 制定一个新炉号4-15 Starting a New Heat 开始一个新炉号4-16 Creat
7、ing or Editing a Sample 创建或编辑一个钢样 4-19 Calculating a Decarb Addition 计算脱碳期添加物4-21 Making Additions by Ordering and Delivering Recipes 制定加入物料指令和加料单递交.4-27 Calculating a Supplemental Reduction Addition 计算补加还原料4-28 Calculating a Trim Addition 计算搅拌补加料4-30 Calculating a Fuel Addition 加燃料计算4-30 4.6 Practi
8、ces Table 冶炼工艺表4-32 Editing a Practice 编辑一个参数4-33 Editing a Grade 编辑钢种4-36 Editing a Material 编辑材料表4-38 Editing a Slag 编辑炉渣4-40 4.7 Login and Passwords 登陆和密码4-41 4.8 P&ID and Tuning Screens (Valve Rack Screen)P&ID 和调谐画面(阀架画面)4-43 4.9 Drive Properties 驱动特性4-45 4.10 Trend Screen 趋势屏幕4-47 4.1 1 Alarms
9、报警4-48 4.12 Adjustable Parameters 调整参数4-49 4.13 Reboot Procedures 程序重启4-52 4.14 Shutdown Procedures 关闭程序4-52 Normal Shutdown Procedure 一般关闭程序4-52 Extended Shutdown Procedure 长时间关闭程序4-53 Emergency Shutdown Procedure 紧急关闭程序4-53 4.15 Microsoft Access Database 微软Access 数据库4-53 Chapter 5 Maintenance and
10、Repair 维护与维修5-1 5.1 Inspection 检查5-1 Housekeeping 日常管理5-2 5.2 Test Procedures 测试流程5-3 Shutting Down the Piping Assembly 关断阀架系统5-3 Checking the Safety Shutoff Valve for Leaks 检查进口安全关断阀是否泄漏5-4 Checking the Blocking Valve for Leaks 检查出口关断阀是否泄漏5-4 Checking Control Valve Operation 检查控制阀工作状况5-5 Checking C
11、alibration of Pressure Transmitters 压力传感器的校验5-6 Vortex Flowmeter Adjustment 涡接流量计的调整5-6 Checking Operation of the Safety Shutoff Valves 检查进口安全切断阀的动作5-6 Checking Operation of the Blocking Valves 检查出口切断阀的工况5-8 Cleaning the Inlet Filter 清洗过滤器5-9 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 PRAXAIR AOD IRS System for Jiangy
12、ou Changcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd, PanGang Group, Sichuan, China 5.3 Troubleshooting 故障处理5-10 Equipment Troubleshooting 设备故障处理5-11 Controls and Screens Troubleshooting 控制和显示的故障处理5-14 5.4 Spare Parts 备件5-16 Appendix A: System Drawings 附件A系统图纸5-1 Appendix B Supplier Manuals 供应商手册5-2 OM-1304 Issued:
13、 2013/03 PRAXAIR AOD IRS System for Jiangyou Changcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd, PanGang Group, Sichuan, China Chapter 1 SAFETY 安全 This chapter contains information to promote safety in the operation and maintenance of this equipment. It is not intended to supersede, replicate, or replace any safety
14、documentation or procedures provided from or established by official safety sources. 本章节包含了一些在操作与维护设备中提高安全性的信息。但并不 意味着更替、复制或取代任何由官方提供与发行的安全操作文件。 WARNING: Do NOT operate this equipment until you read and understand the operating, maintenance, and safety instructions included in this manual and in the
15、 supplier manuals. Only trained and responsible personnel should work with or around this equipment. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). 警告:在未阅读和理解本手册中有关设备的操作、维护以及安全指 导内容之前,请勿擅自操作该设备。只有经过培训的人员及负责人 才能操作或配合操作此设备。请穿戴合适的个人防护用具。 WARNING: To avoid serious injury, pay attention to all pre
16、cautionary labels attached to equipment, cylinders, containers, and boxes prior to start-up. Do not remove or obscure any label. If a label is missing or difficult to read, replace it with a new one. Labels are available from your Praxair representative. 警告:为防止发生严重事故,请在使用之前阅读标于设备、钢瓶、 容器和箱子上的安全标牌。请勿擅
17、自取下或隐藏标签。如果标牌遗 失或字迹模糊,请及时更换。 Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the materials used with this equipment. All personnel who work in the vicinity of this equipment should read, understand, and follow all safety information contained in the MSDSs, in addition to following all
18、 government and facility safety regulations. 请仔细阅读和理解安全数据表(MSDS)。在此设备周围工作的所有人 员必须阅读、理解此表中的所有安全信息,以符合政府章程和设备 安全操作准则。 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 1 of 10 Safety 1.1 Basic Safety Recommendations 基本安全规范 Prevent formation of unsafe atmospheresEnsure that properly engineered ventilation and atmospheric monito
19、ring systems are installed and operating properly. Creating a confined space presents the potential for unsafe atmospheres. If dangerous levels of a gas are detected, evacuate the effected area immediately. Do not re-enter the area until safe conditions are restored. 防止不安全环境的形成确保合适的场地通风以及大气监测系统的安 装与
20、使用。把有可能发生的不安全环境控制在最小范围内。一旦检测出 危险气体,请立即撤离现场。直至恢复安全,才能返回该区域。 Ventilate working areasPrevent any leaking gases from accumulating. Vent all gases to the outside to an area that is safely away from people and away from any possible ignition source. Before restarting the equipment, ensure that all parts a
21、ffected by repairs have been restored to their proper operating condition and that the lines have no leaks. 通风的工作环境防止泄漏气体的浓度升高。把所有气体排放至安全 区域,远离人群和火源。在重启设备之前,确保所有部件恢复其良好的 性能,所有的管路没有泄漏。 Prevent injuryWear safety glasses and other appropriate PPE when the MSDS, task, or code dictates. Ensure that all t
22、ools and instruments used are in good condition. Be aware that high-velocity gas may be released at vents and safety relief valves. 防止受伤在对设备进行操作时,请带好安全眼镜以及其他个人安全 防具。确保所有工具的使用性能良好。请注意,通风口和安全阀可能会 排放高流速气体。 Maintain safety devicesCheck all safety devices at least annually or as otherwise required by loc
23、al codes or manufacturer recommendations. Provide proper safety valve maintenance. Never bypass safety devices, and never operate the equipment outside its specified limits. 定期维保证设备安全至少每年自行做一次安全检查,或者通过当地 政府与生产商进行检查。做好安全阀门的维护,请勿忽视对安全设施的 检查,更不要对超过使用寿命的设备进行操作。 Prevent fires or explosionsEliminate all p
24、ossible ignition sources when making repairs. Ensure proper grounding of equipment. Do not permit open flames; sources of ignition; or the carrying or use of matches, lighters, or tobacco products in the vicinity of equipment containing flammable gases. Store flammable chemicals in accordance with M
25、SDS instructions. Use only spark-proof tools and explosion- 防止火灾和爆炸在对设备进行检修时,消除所有火源。对设备小心 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 2 of 10 PRAXAIR AOD IRS System for Jiangyou Changcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd, PanGang Group, Sichuan, China 轻放,不允许放置于明火和火源附近。勿携带点燃的火柴、香烟等靠近 含有可燃气体的设备。在使用可燃设备时,请使用防火防爆工具。 Ensure safe mai
26、ntenance and repairOnly qualified personnel should repair the equipment. Protect personnel from hazards related to unexpected energizing, start-up, or release of stored energy during servicing or maintenance by using strict equipment lockout/tagout procedures. 确保安全维护及维修只有具有资质的操作人员才能维修设备。在维 护维修过程中使用规
27、范的隔离标识并锁定设备,防止发生意外触电、启 动和能量释放所造成人员伤害事故。 DANGER: Failure to properly isolate equipment, electrical systems, and piping can cause asphyxiation, fire, and/or explosion. Positively isolate the equipment from the gas supply and the process material before performing repair work. It is not sufficient to s
28、imply close valves. Lines and tubing must be blanked or disconnected. 危险:不当的放置设备、电气系统和管道会导致窒息、火灾和爆 炸。进行维修工作前,请正确放置设备,隔绝气体和工艺材料。切 勿仅关闭阀门,线路和管道也必须封锁或断开。 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 3 of 10 Safety 1.2 Basic Hazards 常见危害 DANGER: Additional hazards may be associated with the gases used in your application an
29、d with your equipment. Determine which hazards you may encounter, and be prepared to handle them. Refer to the MSDSs supplied with the gases, as well as all government regulations and safety standards for industry. 危险:应用设备里通过的气体处理不当,可能会造成危害。确定可 能碰到的危险,并做好解决的准备。参见MSDS 中的气体列表,以及 所有政府或工业规定的安全标准。 Asphyx
30、iation 窒息 DANGER: Exposure to argon gases or vapors may cause asphyxiation. Proceed with caution and in accordance with the MSDS. 危险:长期吸入某种气体或蒸气会导致窒息。请参照MSDS 进行安全 操作。 Practically all gases can act as simple asphyxiants by displacing the natural oxygen in the air. To prevent serious personnel injury
31、and possible death, provide adequate ventilation to the outside environment in areas where any process gas may accumulate. Consider the increased potential for asphyxiation when pressure testing or purging equipment with carbon dioxide or other non-air gases. 事实上除去氧气,空气中的任何一种气体都能作为窒息物。为防止严重的 人员伤亡,在工
32、艺气体容易堆积处须提供必要的通风系统。必须充分考虑 到在用氮气或其它气体进行压力测试和清洗设备时所可能发生窒息的潜在 危险。 Electrocution 触电 DANGER: Electric shock can kill. Use extreme caution if troubleshooting or servicing this equipment. Do NOT bypass safety interlocks. An electrocution hazard exists even after the equipment has been de-energized. Only qu
33、alified personnel working in compliance with all customer requirements, and applicable federal/national, state/provincial, and local codes shall perform the electrical wiring. 危险:电击可能造成死亡。在修理或操作此设备时要格外注意。不 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 4 of 10 PRAXAIR AOD IRS System for Jiangyou Changcheng Special Steel C
34、o., Ltd, PanGang Group, Sichuan, China 要忽略安全保险设备。触电死亡危险在设备断电后也会发生。地方 标准资格工作人员才可以接线。 Adhere to the following guidelines to help guard against possible electrocution: 遵守以下准则可以预防可能发生的触电死亡: Tampering with, or unauthorized substitution of, components may adversely affect the safety of this equipment. Use
35、 only factory- approved components for repair. 擅自修改或使用未经批准的组件会损害设备的安全。请使用经工厂批准 的组件维修。 Turn off the power before opening the equipment, or checking or replacing any component. Use tools designed for work on electrical equipment. 在开启设备、检查或替换元器件前关闭电源。应使用专用的电气工具。 Carefully follow all Hazardous Work Perm
36、it (HWP) and lockout/tagout procedures for your facility. 严格按照所有危险工作许可和设备锁定和隔离标识程序执行机器操作。 Do not touches live electrical components inside the equipment; electric shock caused by voltage in the control circuits can kill. 切勿碰触设备中正在运行的电子元件;控制电路中由电压造成的电击是 致命的。 Pressure 压力 DANGER: Mishandling of pressur
37、ized process equipment or gas cylinders can result in death, serious injury, or property damage. Handle pressurized equipment and cylinders with extreme care and in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. 危险: 对加压的设备或气罐处理不当可能导致死亡、严重的伤害, 或财产损害。处理加压的设备和气缸时要极度注意,并根据制造商 指导进行操作。 The contents of th
38、is equipment are under pressure. Sudden or uncontrolled release of pressurized gas can cause serious injury. The gases themselves or objects propelled by the gases may strike personnel at high speed or possibly cause a spark-induced fire. Avoid high- pressure hazards through careful inspection and p
39、roper handling of equipment and cylinders. The pressure-relief devices (i.e., safety valves, bursting discs) supplied with this equipment for over-pressure protection must be maintained at regular intervals to ensure their proper operation. OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 5 of 10 Safety 此设备中都是受压气体。突然释放或不加控制
40、地释放受压气体可能造成严 重的伤害。气体或气体推动的物体会以高速撞击工作人员。通过仔细检查 和适当处理设备和气缸来避免高压危险。随设备供应的用于保护压力过度 的减压设备(即, 安全阀, 放散阀)必须时常维护以保证正常运作。 Be aware of the locations at which high-pressure gases exist and the precautions for operating or maintaining equipment that handles these gases. 注意高压气体存在的方位,以及处理这些气体的设备的操作或维护准则。 Gas Proce
41、ssing Equipment and Fires 气体处理设备和火灾 DANGER: Fires in or near gas processing equipment can result in the release of process gases. Depending on the gases released, responding personnel may be at risk for asphyxiation, toxicity, flammability, and/or explosion hazards. Emergency response planning must
42、consider the presence and potential impact of process gases. 危险:气体处理设备中或周围的火源可能导致被处理气体的释放。 根据气体释放程度的不同, 受影响的人员可能会窒息、中毒、自燃, 并且/或者爆炸。必须充分考虑气体处理潜在的危害并制定紧急应对 计划。 Flammability 易燃事故 DANGER: Flammable gases can form explosive mixtures with air. If allowed to concentrate in a work area, even a gas with a re
43、latively low flammability can explode. Provide adequate ventilation. 危险:易燃气体能够与空气形成爆炸混合物。当其在一工作区域内聚 集到一定程度时,便容易引起爆炸。请提供良好的通风系统。 Adequate ventilation of enclosed areas serves as the chief precaution against an accumulation of the flammable gases together with safe procedures and equipment to detect p
44、ossible leaks. Identify the sources of ignition. Ensure that electrical equipment is designed for the presence of flammable gases per the National Electrical Code (NEC). 具有良好的通风系统的封闭区域、安全的生产工序以及监测能够预防易燃 气体的堆积。检测潜在危险火源。确保易燃气体的电气设备符合国际电气 设计规范。 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 6 of 10 PRAXAIR AOD IRS System for
45、 Jiangyou Changcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd, PanGang Group, Sichuan, China Oxidizers 强氧化介质 DANGER: Oxidizing gases vigorously accelerate combustion and create a fire hazard without being flammable themselves. Contact with flammable materials may cause fire or explosion. Provide adequate ventilation.
46、 危险:氧化性气体会加速燃烧,自行起火,无须点燃。接触可燃材 料会导致火灾和爆炸。请放置于通风环境下。 This equipment contains oxidizers. Avoid contact with oils, greases, and other flammable materials. Provide adequate ventilation. 此设备装有强氧化性介质。避免接触汽油、润滑油、以及其他易燃材料。 请放置于通风环境下。 Cryogenic Liquid and Cold Gas 低温液体和低温气体 DANGER: Cryogenic liquid and cold
47、gas cause severe frostbite on contact with the skin. Avoid body contact with the liquid or with equipment chilled to liquid temperature. 危险:低温液体可能导致皮肤严重冻伤。避免与液体或下降到液体 温度的机器进行身体接触。 This equipment contains cryogenic liquids. At atmospheric pressure, normally gaseous elements such as oxygen, nitrogen,
48、and hydrogen exist as liquids only at cryogenic temperaturesbelow approximately -300F (-185C), or 400F (222C) below normal body temperature. Use extreme caution when working with cryogenic liquids. 此设备含低温液体。通常在大气压下,气体元素如氧气、氮气和氢气只在 低温下以液体形式存在大约-301 华氏(-185摄氏度)以下, 或正常体 温之下 399 华氏(222 摄氏度)。在做与低温液体相关工作时
49、要非常当心。 Liquid or cold gas may cause severe frostbite to the eyes or skin. Do not touch frosted pipes or valves. If accidental exposure occurs, consult a physician at once. Immediately warm exposed tissue with warm water not to exceed 105F (40.5C). Never rub the exposed body part before or after rewa
50、rming. 液体或低温气体会引起眼睛与皮肤的严重冻伤。请勿触摸冻结的管道和阀 门。万一发生事故,请及时就医。急救处理,勿用超过105 华氏(40.5 摄 氏度)的温水,在预热前后,勿揉搓受伤处。 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 7 of 10 Safety Confined Space 密闭容器 DANGER: Confined spaces, such as tanks, vessels, pits, cold boxes, hoppers, scrubbers, and ducts, etc., can contain unsafe atmospheres. Presum
51、e that the interior of any vessel or enclosure contains a hazardous atmosphere until appropriate gas monitoring shows it to be safe. Wear appropriate PPE relative to the potential exposure hazards. 危 险:诸如储槽、器皿、冷箱、贮水槽、洗涤器、输送管等密闭容器 能够容纳危险气体。密闭容器内存放危险气体,必须由气体监测仪 检测其为安全。进行相关操作时,须穿戴合适的个人防护用具。 Comply with
52、 applicable government regulations and established procedures whenever entering confined spaces. Always ensure that all possible sources of non-air gases and other hazards are removed or isolated from the space prior to entry. If you cannot ensure a safe breathing atmosphere, you must wear a self-co
53、ntained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Be sure to positively isolate the equipment from any gas supply and process material before repair work is performed. It is not sufficient to simply close valves. Lines and tubing must be blanked or disconnected. 当进入密闭空间内,必须严格依照政府相关法规和制定的工作程序。始终 确保在进入密闭空间之前,清除所有非空
54、气类气体及其他有害物质。假如 无法确保安全的呼吸环境,则必须自带呼吸设备。在维修工作之前,确保 设备中无任何气体和工艺材料。仅仅关闭阀门是不够的,线路和管道也必 须封锁或断开。 If not all hazards can be removed or if hazards will be created by maintenance or repair work to be conducted within the space, use appropriate hazard monitoring equipment to notify personnel of unsafe condition
55、s. Ensure that emergency procedures are ready for rescue of personnel. 如果危险物体无法移出或维护、维修必须在此区域进行,请使用适当的监 测系统。确保具有紧急救援时的措施。 1.3 氧清洗 :警告:所有用于氧气服务的设备必须彻底清洗。污染可能导致设备 组件的突发燃烧, 包括会释放巨大能量的金属、熔融金属, 以及其 OM-1304 Issued: 2013/03 8 of 10 PRAXAIR AOD IRS System for Jiangyou Changcheng Special Steel Co., Ltd, PanG
56、ang Group, Sichuan, China 他导致工作人员受伤的可能因素。 Many metallic and non-metallic materials that normally do not burn in air can burn readily in high concentrations of oxygen. Contamination in oxygen equipment can be easily ignited, which can promote the combustion of equipment materials of construction. Par
57、ticles picked up and carried by oxygen flows can impact the inside of equipment. The energy of this impact can also ignite equipment materials. System cleanliness and materials selection are, therefore, extremely critical to safe oxygen system operation. 许多通常不在空气里燃烧的材料在氧气高聚集区极易燃烧。氧气设备中的 污物很容易点燃,这将导致
58、设备材料的燃烧。由氧气带出的微粒可能冲击 到设备的内部。这种冲击的能量也可能引燃设备材料。因此,系统的清洁 和材料的选择,对于氧气系统操作是至关重要的。 Use only Praxair-approved replacement parts. Ensure that all replacement parts are compatible with oxygen and cleaned for oxygen service. Keep repair parts in clean, sealed plastic bags until ready for use. Use tools that h
59、ave been cleaned for oxygen service. Take extra precautions not to introduce contamination into oxygen equipment during maintenance activities. 只能使用普莱克斯指定的配件。确保所有替换件是与氧气兼容并符合氧气 服务的清洁标准。把配件安置在清洁,密封的塑料袋中备用。使用清洁的 氧气服务的工具。在保养期间采取额外预防措施以不让污秽物进入氧气设 备。 All areas where oxygen and oxygen equipment are used,
60、handled, or stored must be kept clean to prevent ignition. Because even normal industrial dirt and soot can support combustion, the exterior surfaces of all equipment used in oxygen service must be kept clean. 所有使用、操作或者存放氧气和氧气设备的所有区域必须保持干净以防止 燃烧。因为即使是正常的工业灰尘和煤灰都可能支持燃烧,所有用于氧气 服务的设备的外在表面必须保持清洁。 Where
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