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1、学校 姓名 班级 座位号装订线内不要答题题号一二三四五六七八九十十十总分得分阅卷人8 题,每小题 1分,计 8 分)() 1.A.robotB. rubberC.ruler() 2.A.friendB. floorC. father() 3.A.drinkB. deskC. door() 4.A.behindB. besideC.breakfast() 5.A.on the treeB. in the lunch boxC.under the chair() 6.A.this duckB. these ducksC.those ducks() 7A. 110B. 119C.120() 8A.

2、How nice!B. How old?CHow lovely!听力部分( 50 分)、听录音,找出你所听到的内容,并将其序号写在题前的括号内。(听三遍)(共每小题 1分,二计、8分听)录音,用数字给下列图片标上序号。(听三遍)(共8题,( )8.( )三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的画。(听三遍) (共 6题,每小题 2 分,计 12 分),不相符的画.四、听录音,用数字给所听内容排序。(听三遍)(共5 题,每题2分,计10分)() ) ) )五、听录音,选择正确的答句() ) ) ) )六、听录音,根据所听内容,完成句子 分,计 7 分)Dont talk in

3、 class. Is this your father? Are these oranges?It s time ftohre cake.The ruler is in the pencil case.。 (听三遍)A. He s my uncle.A. It s seven o clock.A. No, it isnt.A. No, they re oranges.A. It s a rubber.共 5 题,每题 1 分,计 5 分)Shes my aunt.B. I m seven.B. How beautifu l.B. They re oranges.B. It s behind t

4、he chair. (听三遍 ) (共 5 题,每词 11. -your books, please.- OK.2. -your rubber?- It sthe pencil case.- What are- They re4. - It so clock.- - It s time for 笔试部分( 50 分)七、找出下列每组中不同类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内。 (共 6 题,每题1 分,计6分)()1.A.is()2.A.open()3.A.stand up()4.A.seven()5.A.drink()6.A.theseB. itC.areB. boyCgirlB. sit dow

5、nC.come inB. o clockC.fiveB. milkCeatB. thoseC.oranges八、选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号内共 15 题,每题 1 分,计 15 分)1.A.- Don t shout, Su Yang. - .Come in, please.B. Sit down, pleaseC. . I m sorry, Miss Li.)2.- What are over there? - oranges.A.that; It sB. that; They reC. those; They )3.- Is this_ rubber, Yang Ling?- Ye

6、s, it is.AyouB. heC. your)4.- It s seven oclock in the morning. It s time forA.bedB. breakfastC.dinner)5.- How old is your sister?- A.She s seven.B. He s nine.C. I m ten.)6.- What s this?- It s an A.pearB. orangeC. pig)7.- Who s that _? - She s my friend.A. girlB. boyC. man)8.- is my pencil? - It s

7、in your pencil case.A.WhoB. Where sC. Where) 9. - Is that your grandma?reA. Yes, he isB. Yes, she isC. Yes, it is() 10. - Wake , Eddie.D ont be late.A. on B. at C. up () 11. - Dont listen the parro tS, am! - OK.A. / B. for C. to() 12. - Look, a bird! -a beautiful bird!A. HowB. What aC. What()13. In

8、the book “Mums New Hat”, How did Mum lose her newhat?A. The wind blew Mum s hat off.B. Floppy took it away.C. Mum threw it away.() 14. Floppy saw in the water in“ Floppy and the Bone ”.A. a cat B. a dogC. a bird() 15. Floppy was dreaming that he was in the in thebook “ Ouc.h ”A. water B.Biff s house

9、 C. desert 九、将下列句子重新排列,使之成为完整的对话 。(共 5 题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分)A. How lovely!B. Nice to meet you, Tim. Welcome to my farm.It s a pig.Nice to meet you too, Uncle John.What s that under the t?r eeUncle John, this is Tim.F十、看图完成对话。 ( 共 8空,每空 1分,计 8分)A: Who s that ?B: He s my father.A: Who s this ?B: She s my s

10、ist eHr,elen.A: Happy Birthday, Lily. How old are you?B: Thank you. I m W_. hat about you?A: I m .A: Where is your schoolbag?B: It st_h_eA. Hes seven.B. Yes, they re ducks. C. No, it isn t.D. I m sorry.E. Hes my uncle.F. It s eight. 错误的用“ F”表示(共 5 题,A: Where is your rubber?t_h_eB: It s十一、从 II 栏中选出与

11、I 栏中各小题匹配的应答句,并将其序号填在题 前的括号内。 (共 6题,每小题 1分,计 6 分)II() 1. Don t shout in the library.() 2. How old is Mike?() 3. Are these ducks?() 4. Is that your schoolbag?() 5. Whos that man?() 6. What time is it now?十二、阅读理解 ,正确的用“ T”表示, 每小题 2 分,计 10分)Su Hai: I can t find my pen.Liu Tao: Is this your pen, Su Hai?

12、Su Hai: No, it isn t. It s black. My pen is white.Liu Tao: Is it in your pencil case?Su Hai: No, it isn t. Liu Tao: Is it in your school?Su Hai: No, it isn t.Liu Tao: Look! There s a pen under the desk. Is it your pen?Su Hai: Yes, it is. Thank you, Liu Tao.Liu Tao: That (s 没OK关系). It s five oclock.

13、Its time to go home. GSu Hai: Goodbye.) 1. Liu Tao cant find his pen.) 2. Su Hai s pen is white. ) 3. The pen is in the school.() 4. Liu Tao and Su Hai are friends.( ) 5. It s four o clock in the afternoon.小学英语三年级(下)听力材料听力部分( 50 分),找出你所听到的内容,并将其序号写在题前的括号内 共 8 题,每小题 1 分,计8 分)2. father 3. desk 4. behi

14、nd6. these ducks 7. 119 8. How nice! 用数字给下列图片标上序号。每小题1分,计8分)- They re pears.- I m two.、 听录音(听三遍)(rubber5. in the lunch box 、听录音(听三遍)(共 8 题,- What are these?- How old are you?- What time is it now?- Please open the book.- Where is the ball?- Look at the little baby.- Are these your rubbers?- Please d

15、ont talk.- It s seven o clock.- OK.- It s under the chair.- How lovely!- Yes, they are.- I m sorry.三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的画 ,不相符的 画。(听三遍) (共 6题,每小题 2 分,计 12 分)- Where is the robo-t-?- Its behind the desk.- Its 12 oclock.Its time for lunch.- - OK,Mum.- Dont run in the libra. ry- Im sorry.- Stand up,

16、pleas-e-. OK.- Happy Birthday!- - Thank you.- What are those over the-r-e-? T heyre cows.四、听录音,用数字给所听内容排序。(听三遍)(共5 题,每题2分,计10分)The ruler is in the pencil case.Is this your father?Dont talk in class.It ims et for the cake.Are these oranges?五、听录音,选择正确的答句。 (听三遍)(共 5 题,每题 1 分,计 5 分)1. Whos that woman ov

17、er there?What time is it now?3. Is this your pencil case?What are these?Where is my rubber?六、听录音,根据所听内容,完成句子。(听三遍 ) (共 5 题,每词 1分,计 7 分)1. - Close your books, please. - OK.2. - Wheres your rubber?- What are these?- It twse lve o clock.- It bes hind the pencil case.- They rea pples.- It s time flournc

18、h.参考答案听力部分( 50 分)一、听录音,找出你所听到的内容,并将其序号写在题前的括号内。(听三遍)(共 8 题,每小题 1分,计 8 分)1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.A二、听录音,用数字给下列图片标上序号。(听三遍)(共 8题,每小题 1分, 计 8 分)2 8 1 6 3 4 5 7三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图意相符,相符的画 ,不相符的 画。(听三遍) (共 6题,每小题 2 分,计 12 分)四、听录音,用数字给所听内容排序。(听三遍)(共5 题,每题2分,计10分) 3-2-5-4-1五、听录音,选择正确的答句。 (听三遍)(共 5 题,每题 1 分,计 5 分) 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B六、听录音,根据所听内容,完


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