pep小学英语六年级毕业复习试题(第二学期) (2)_第1页
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1、PEP小学英语六年级毕业复习试题听力部分 听音,选择答案。.(将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(10分)( ) 1. A. food B. fruit C.foot ( ) 2. A. first B. third C. forth( ) 3. A. honey B. money C.monkey( ) 4. A. visit B. visited C. sit( ) 5. A. swam B. swim C. swims( ) 6. A. his legs B. he likes C. his arms( ) 7. A. pictures B. picnic C. pigs( ) 8. A.

2、My nose hurts. B. My leg hurts. C. My legs hurt.( ) 9. A. It is fine. B. I am fine. C. I am five.( ) 10. A. Hes from China B. Hes from Chinese. C. He visits China. 二听句子,判断对错,正确的写, 错误的写 (10分) 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) ( )6. We flew kites last Sunday.( )7. Its not far from Beijing.( )8. Amy and

3、I went hiking on our holiday.( )9. I might have the flu.( )10. My birthday is today.三听问句选答语(10 分)( )1. A: He is an artist. B: she is an artist. C: They are artists.( )2. A: I am five. B: Im fine. C: It is fine.( )3. A: Because my birthday is in spring B: Because I can swim C: There are three birthda

4、ys in spring.( )4. A.Yes, she did B: Yes, she does. C: No, she cant.( )5.A: I feel sad. B: Thanks C: See you.四听音写单词,补充句子完整(5 分)1I like _, look, I am _ now. My pencil is _,and yours are _.Did you _ your uncle ysterday?No, I _ my aunt .3. My birthday is _ 1st, and her birthday is _ 2nd.5He usually get

5、s up at _, but today he gets up at _.笔试部分根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。(共10分,每小题2分)()1.A.hand B.gave D.plan()2.A.went B.bed D.get()3.A.heavy B.sleep B.father C.warm D.hard()5.A.start C.father D.swam六、单项选择:(每小题1分,共10分)()1.Yourpenisnewerthan_



8、10分)1.I can sing and dance at the party.(对划线部分提问)_?2.TheOlympicCenterisinthenorthofBeijing.(对划线部分提问)_?3.IamaChinesegirl.(用she改写)_4.Whatareyougoingtobewhenyougrowup?(自由回答)_5.yesterday,where,they,did,go.(连词成句) _八、连词成句。(15分,每小题2分)1.does ,uncle ,your ,do ,what ?_2.books,in,how,are,many,there,your,bag? _

9、,do,what,weekend,on,usually,do,the ?._4.there,go,you,did,how?_5.apples,some,like,you ,would?._ 九、阅读理解(10分,每题2分)TheUSAisthefourthlargestcountriesintheworld.ItissmallerthanRussia,CanadaandChina.WashingtonDCisitscapital.Butitisaquietcity.NewYorkisthebiggestcityinAmericaanditsoneofthebiggestcitiesi

10、ntheworld.ItisintheeastoftheUSAandatthemouthoftheHudsonRiver.AlargepartofthecityisonManhattenIsland,abigislandintheriver.NewYorkhasa larger populationthanWashingtonDC.InNewYorkwecanseethefamousstatue,thestatueofLiberty.()1.TheUSAisthe_largestcountryintheworld.A.secondB.thirdC.fourth()2.WashingtonDCh

11、asa_populationthanNewYork.A.largerB.smallerC.more()3.WashingtonDCis_thanNewYork.A.largerB.morecrowedC.quieter()4.AlargepartofNewYorkison_.A.anislandB.theseaC.thelake()5.NewYorkisoneofthe_citiesintheworld.A.quietestB.biggestC.oldest十、作文。(10分)以“Mybestfriend”为题写30-50词的作文。介绍他/她的姓名,年龄,爱好等等。_ _ _答案听力材料一.1

12、. I like sweet food best.2. my flat is on the 3rd floor.3. the monkey is swinging.4. I visited uncle yesterday.5. He swam to me.6. His arms hurt.7. They are drawing pictures.8. My leg hurts.9. How old are you?10.Where is he from? 答案:ABCBA CABCA二.1. Tom is happy.2. They are eating good food now.3. My

13、 family are going to visit uncle Bill.4.she doesnt well.5. Mike is rowing a boat.6. Last Sunday we flew to Beijing.7. My hometown is near from Beijing.8. I went hiking with Amy on our holiday.9. I dont have a fever.10. I like today, because its my birthday. 答案:错对对对对 错对错错对 三1. What is your father?2.

14、What is the weather like today?3. Why do you like summer?4. Did your mother row a boat?5. Goodbye!Mike.ACBAC四1I like writing, look, I am writing now. 2、 My pencil is long,and yours are short3、Did you visit your uncle yesterday?No, I visited my aunt .、 4、My birthday is June 1st, and her birthday is July 2nd.5、He usually gets up at 6:30, but today he gets up at 6:20.笔试部分五、BCACD 六、ACCBB ABCCB七、1.Whatcan you do at the party?2.WhereistheOlympicCenter?3.SheisaChinesegirl.4.Iamgoingtobeateacher/farmer/


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