1、Congenital infection of Toxoplasma gondii先天性弓形虫感染What is toxoplama gondii? Toxoplasma gondii is a microscopic parasite that causes a disease called toxoplasmosis. found all over the world over 30 % of human population is infected. asymptomatic Pregnant woman AIDSWhy should pregnant women be careful?
2、 If a woman has been infected before pregnancy,the unborn baby is safe.if a woman is pregant and becomes infected during pregnancy, she could probably transmit the disease(congenital infection)Why should pregnant women be careful? Incidence and severity The incidence and severity of congenital infec
3、tion depend on fetal age at the time of maternal infection. Incidence and severityFreeman and collegues (2005) studied outcomes in 386 women who sero-converted during prgenancy.In those infected before 20 weeks, 11% of newborns had congenital toxoplasmosis.In those infected after 20 weeks ,45 % of i
4、nfecteion was documented.Toxoplasma Cat ?Cat is the only animal that toxoplasma can comeplete its life cycle.Cats are the primary hosts!I am the source of disease!Have you heard about this?How do cats spread toxoplasma?Oocysts of toxoplasma 10000000!How do we get infected?cat boxes are the most comm
5、on source of exposure!Most acute infections are silent and can be detected only by blood testing.symptoms: swollen lymph nodes muscle pains fever Clinical symptoms of theinfected mother? death intracranial calcifications hydrocephaly chorioretinitisClinical symptoms of theinfected baby?Diagnosis of
6、congenital toxoplasmosisIgMDNADiagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosishydrocephalyIntracranialcalcificationmanagementTreatment of pregnant women will likely reduce but not eliminate the risk for congenital infection. Spiramycin is thought to reduce the risk of congenital infection but not to treat established fetal infection. prevention of congenital infection There is no vaccine for toxoplasmaosis cooking meat to safe temperature peeling or thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables wearing gloves when changing cat boxes kee
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