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1、一、考核方式.1. 构成性考核:以平常作业为主,占20%; 2.课程终结性考试卷面总分值为100 分: 1口试:占15%,时间为10分钟,其中预备时间5分钟,延续发言等5分钟 2笔试:占85%;时间为2个小时.二、笔试题型:1、听力: 多项选择一个conversation / panel discussion, 8题 正误判别一段monologue, 7题,共占 15%。.2、知识: 多项选择Multiple Choice, 10 题、 正误判别True or False,10 题 共占 40%。 出自教材,各知识点.3、阅读了解: 三篇短文, 前二篇多项选择、 第三篇为正误判别, 共占 30

2、%。.4、简述:列举题、简答题、问答题等,占15%。 出自教材,各知识点 .二、新考试题型的特点1、保管口试。 2、涉及教材内容方面有较大的添加。如第二大项的 knowledge Test 题量未增,但分值 由20分添加为40分;第四大项添加了与课文内容有关的列举题、简答题、问答题等,共15分。 3、取消了原来的写作题。. 2002年.7月 1. Make a presentation on how English learns from other languages through borrowing.This is one of the topics we discussed in Un

3、it 1. You should have a lot to say about it. Make sure you use examples to illustrate your points.Note that you can focus on one language, e.g. how English learns from Chinese through borrowing.The vocabulary of English includes borrowings from a great variety of languages. The core of English is Ge

4、rmanic. There are very many borrowings from French and from the Classical languages, Latin and Greek as well as Chinese. .English vocabulary borrowed from Chinese 1. china: 瓷器in the sense of porcelain. 2. tea:茶 tsa, cha. 3. nankeen: 南京棉布4. coolie: 苦力5. kowtow, kotow: 叩头6. kung fu: 功夫Chinese form of

5、karate. 7. sampan: 舢板 8. yin yang 阴阳 9. ping pong 乒乓 10. Tao,Dao,Taoism,道教 11. Confucianism,Confucius 儒家,孔子.Chinese vocabulary borrowed from English 水门汀 cement, 听 tin, 沙龙 salon,沙发 sofa, 咖啡 coffee, 可卡因 cocaine,尼古丁 nicotine, 尼龙 nylon,.All languages borrow vocabulary to enrich their own languages. Engl

6、ish is the same.2. Make a presentation on whether it is correct to say English is more beautiful than Chinese or vice versa.Note that in Unit 4 you did some reading on the differences between statements about language, and statements about personal taste or judgments. Differences should be included

7、in your presentation.Linguists do not seem to think some languages are really better or beautiful than the others are. They say language is equal or that there is parity among them.It means they all deserve respect. It means that all languages must be taken seriously and all languages serve perfectl

8、y well the purposes of those who use them.So if someone say that a particular language is harsh or ugly, then thats an expression of his or her taste. .But languages are unequal in terms of prestige. When people say that one variety has more prestige than another, that means the variety belongs to t

9、he speakers who have wealth, education, power, and all that goes with those things. Using the prestige variety makes people think well of the user.Standard English spoken with a Received Pronunciation is a prestige variety. The difference is in the social information they give about the user. .Langu

10、ages and dialects are valued differently and used differently for historical, political, economic and cultural reason. .1. Make a presentation on how you feel about the old English In Unit 2 you were exposed to the English at Chaucers time. Present how you fell about this kind of English. You may fo

11、cus on the following questions: Are the words different both in sound and spelling? Is grammar different? Are the meanings of some words different?.I am so curious about the English at the Chaucers time . Its very interesting to see what English of the Chaucers time looks like. At the Chaucers time

12、, the words are quite different both in sound and spelling.For example: “Aprille is for April , “shures is for showers, fowles is for birds while “melodye is for music. etc. Besides this, the grammar is also different. eg. “That slepen al the nyght with open ye . It means “ little birds that sleep w

13、ith their eyes open all night. “ smale fowles maken melodye. “. It means “ Little birds make music.So you can see how different they are from the modern English. The further back in the past, the more difficult it is and the longer it takes.I cannot understand them without a good dictionary. If I ha

14、ve to study Chaucers English, I should ask for a good translation into Modern English. 2003年1月 1. Explain the difference between a “ living language and a “ dead “ language.Give examples of each. Explain how these language types may be relevant to life today. Also explain how and why language change

15、s over the life of an individual in any country.The number of languages spoken in the world is 4000 to 5000 , but no one can give a more exact number because the number depends on what counts as a dialect and what counts as a language, and some languages have disappeared and we know nothing about th

16、em. .When we speak of languages as living or dead, we use a metaphor, and means the languages which have living or no living speakers.For example : Latin is a dead because it has no living speakers now. It is usually used in academic writing.2. Give a brief history of the origins of the English lang

17、uage. In your talk you should be able to clearly demonstrate you understand what languages influenced the modern English language. You should also be able to give some language examples of words that are evidence of these origins.From the first century BC until the 5th century AD, Scandinavian peopl

18、e - Angles, Saxons, Jutes started to settle and to invade from the middle of the fifth century and until the 8th and 9th centuries AD. They brought with them the dialects they spoke, and these became the dialects of England (Angleland). .From the 11th century on, it was in the time that Norman Frenc

19、h was the language of power, Latin for learning and religion, and English (all the varieties of English) for common peoples use. Later English gradually gained ground among educated people. .A very important writer named Geoffrey Chaucer chose to write in English. And most important of all, the prin

20、ter Caxton set up the first printing press in London in 1475, and chose to write and print in the English of London - this carried the London Standard English all over the country. .Standard English started in the South East. It began as a regional variety, used in just one part of England. Yet it i

21、ncludes the cities of London, Oxford, and Cambridge. In the late 14th and 15th centuries, London was a port, the center of government, economic and culture. .So the way English was used in that part of the country came to be regarded as the English of education, of publishing ,of official and govern

22、ment use. .3. Explain the differences between the term, “ Received Pronunciation and “ Standard English “ . How did these terms originate ? Is your answer you should give definitions of these terms and be able to demonstrate clear understanding of their origins and how they may relate to other forms

23、 of the English language. . When we speak of Standard English we mean the English of writing used worldwide, that is to say, we are talking about its grammatical systems , vocabulary or lexicon ;discourse; the spelling conventions;the way that English text is punctuated. .Received pronunciation is a

24、n accent, but there is one important difference between this accent and the regional accents. RP is not the accent of a particular region. It doesnt belong to any one region, it is understood and accepted everywhere. .Because RP is the accent of very many educated speakers, and because of its use by

25、 the BBC, it is a prestige accent. Users of a RP are likely to be thought well of, and treated with respect. This is a good reason in itself for its use as a model. .Standard English can be pronounced in many different ways. Received Pronunciation is just one of them. RP are the educated Southern Br

26、itish English (BBC English) and the educated North American English (Network English). .2003.7.91. Make a presentation on how you fell about the social varieties. ( P.57). Social verities refers to the variety associated with the speakers social standing and educational level, associated with a part

27、 of society that is rich or poor , well educated or poorly educated , young and elderly.Make a presentation on how you feel about the regional varieties.There are different varieties of English that is spoken and understood in different parts of the world. These are regional varieties or regional di

28、alects. Both native speakers and second language users of English find some of these hard to understand. The English of writing - Standard English - is similar throughout the English speaking world.There are variations of American English, British English, Australian English African English and Sing

29、aporean English,etc. It is true that even a native speaker of English from one place may not be able to understand the spoken in another English speaking area or country.In Unit 1, we heard a short sample of four texts with very similar meanings spoken in the accents characteristic of four places in

30、 Britain. They are Carnal, London Cockney , Northumberland, and the Scottish borders. We can identify the regional differences in English vocabulary : .SE : friendsCornwall : comradesNorthumberland : matesScottish borders : mates.Two varieties - Educated British and Educated American English - are widely taught and le


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