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1、Module 9重点知识突破掌握要求内容单词听说读写ill有病的,不健康的 told (tell的过去式)告诉farm农场tired累的,疲劳的ruler直尺bored厌烦的,厌倦的miss想念better痊愈的,恢复健康的won (win的过去式)赢,获胜smell闻出,嗅出feel感觉,觉得sad伤心的,难过的angry生气的,愤怒的短语听说读写of course 当然in hospital 住院on the farm 在农场all day 一整天a chess game 一场象棋比赛miss your friends想念你的朋友们clap your hands拍拍你的手some nice

2、 noodles soup 一些美味的面条汤of course not 当然不this morning今天上午stamp your feet跺跺你的脚句子重占八、Are you feeling sad?你感到伤心吗?Whats the matter, Lingling?玲玲;你怎么 了 ?Do you miss your friends in China?你想念在中国的朋友吗?Your grandma is better now.你奶奶现在好多了。Now I feel happy.现在我感到很高兴。Is she feeling sad?她感到伤心吗?Does she feel happy?她感

3、到开心吗?How does he feel?他感觉怎么样?Part 1听力局部、听录音,选出你所听到的词汇。(听两遍))1.A. happyB. sadB. last weekB. smellB. riceB. stampC. angryC. last SundayC. feelC. noodlesC. hands三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(听两遍)听录音,根据对话内容,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)B. He feels bored.B. No, it isnt.B. He feels tiredC. Does he feel angry?C. Does he feel tired?C.

4、Are you bored?C. How do you feel?C. Jump on the bed!C. Shes feeling sad.C. Yes, she is.C. He feels tired.C. Yes, he is.C. No, I dont.C. Yes, she feels excited,C. No, she feels tired.C. He feels angryC. Yes, I feel happy.C. Hes thirsty.( )l.A.Does she feel happy?()2. A. Does he feel angry?()3. A. Are

5、 you thirsty?()4. A. How does he feel?()5 .AClap your hands!四、听录音,选择正确的答语。()LA.Yes, he does.()2.A.She feels bored.()3.A. Yes, she does.()4.A.No, he isnt.()5.A.Yes, I am.五、()1. Does she feel happy?A. No, she feels sad.()2.Does she feel happy?A. No, she doesnt.()3.How does he feel?A. He feels sad.()4.

6、Is it raining now?A. Yes, it is.()5. How does the boy feel?He feels happy.B . Does he feel happy?Does he feel bored?B Are you hungry?B. How does she feel?B. Stamp your feet!(听两遍)B. He feels sad.B. She is feeling sad.B. Yes, I am.B. No, he doesnt.B. Yes, I do.B. Yes, she does.B. Yes, she won the game

7、.六、听录音,根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。(听两遍)()1.Tom played basketball yesterday.()2. Tom was tired. And he wasnft happy.( )3.Tom was hungry and thirsty.()4. Tom won the football game.( )5.Tom won the basketball game.七、听录音,补全句子。(听两遍)l.My grandpa worked on theall day2.1 ran to school. I was3.1 lost my new.I was sad

8、,4.He didntthe game. He wasn!t happy.5.1 cansome nice noodle soup. I feel hungry now.Part 2笔试局部八、将以下图片与对应的单词连起来。1.3.5.“I1A. illsadC. thirstyD. angryE. rulerF. farmG. boredH. tiredI. hungryJ- happy6.九、火眼金睛辨不同。B. feelingC. angryB.toldC. findB. farmC. schoolB. sadC.go5. A. tiredB. thirstyC. gr

9、andpaB.happyC. feelB. doctorC. pupilC. feelingC. sadC. for十、单项选择。)l.Are you sad ?A. feelB. feels()2.1 cant find my schoolbag. I feelA. happyB. tired()3.Whats the matter Amy?A. ofB. with)4.Dont worry. Your grandma is now.A. goodB. niceC. better)5.Darning his pen yesterday.A. lostB. losing)6

10、. Mum, Im. Can I have some cakes?C. hungryA. thirstyB.happy()7. This cat can the fish soup.A. smellB. smellsC. smelling()8. How does he? He thirsty.A. feel, feelB. feeling, feelC. feel, feelsA. No, I didnt.I climbed the mountain.How do you feel?Whats the matter?Did you feel tired?十一、选词填空。hungry, bor

11、ed, happy, tired, sad1 .Yesterday I did some housework. I felt.2.1t is raining and I cant go out to play. I feel3.1 can smell some chicken. I feel.4. Yes terday I won a chess game. I felt.5. Yes terday I lost my bike, and I couldnt find it. I felt 十二、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: 1.B: I feel sad.A: 2.B: I lost

12、 my new bike.What did you do yesterday ?A: 3.B: Did you feel bored?A: 4.B: 5.A: Yes, I did.十三、给以下句子选出合适的答语。A. No, she isnt.B. They must feel angry.C. Yes, she feels very happy.D. No, he is feeling bored.E. My father is ill in hospital()l.Does she feel happy?() 2.1s she hungry?()3 .Whats the matter?(

13、)4.1s he feeling sad?()5. How do they feel?十四、阅读下面短文,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。Last Saturday, it was 1(A. snowing B. raining). Tom couldn t play football. So hewas 2(A. sad B. ill). He stayed at home. He helped his mum 3 _ (A. take B. clean) their homeand make a cake. After that, he 4(A. played B. finished)hi

14、s homework. In the afternoon, the snow stopped. Tom went out and made a snowman. Then Tom was 5(A. happy B. angry). 十五、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。(建议用时:5分钟)Today is Saturday. It is fine. Mike and I are playing chess. In the first round (第一局), I win. I feel happy. Then, we have another round. Mike wins. Mike looks

15、 excited, but I feel angry. Then I am very serious (认真的)about the third round (第三局).Finally (最后),I win.)1. Today isA. FridayB. Saturday()2. Mike and I are.A. playing chessB. playing football()3. In the first round, win(s).A. MikeB. I()4. After the second round, Mike feelsA. sadB. angry()5.1 win roun

16、d(s).A. oneB. toA. FridayB. Saturday()2. Mike and I are.A. playing chessB. playing football()3. In the first round, win(s).A. MikeB. I()4. After the second round, Mike feelsA. sadB. angry()5.1 win round(s).A. oneB. toC. SundayC. runningC. nobodyC. excitedC. three十六、阅读短文,完成以下任务。Mr Jones was very angr

17、y with his wife(妻子)and his wife was very sad. For a few days, they didnt speak to each other. One evening Mr Jones was very tired when he came back from work, so he went to bed soon. Mrs jones went to bed much later than her husband. She found s piece of paper on a small table near the bed. It said:

18、Wake me up at 7:00 a.m.n When Mr Jone woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8:00 a.m. He was late. And on the small table near hi bed he saw another piece of paper. He read the words, Wake up. It is 7.00 a.m.n (一)找出本文中表示情绪或感受的单词并抄写在四线三格中。(二)选择正确的答案。()1.Mr Jones was with his wife.A. pleasedB. sorryC. angry( )2. One evening Mr Jones was tired and.A. went to bed B. did some sportsC. watched TV()3.Mrs Jones went to bed than


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