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1、新概念英语第1册lesson19-20课件.Lesson 19 childchildrenNew wordstaldtldrnboyboysgirlgirlsbWe are tired!I am thirsty!tad:stupdownstand upsit downst danan ice creamfour ice creamsas kri:mmatter mt 事件,物质,原因children tldrn n.孩子们(单数:child tald )tired tad adj. 疲劳的,累的boy b n. 男孩thirsty :st adj. 口渴的right rat adj. 好,可以

2、sit down st dan 坐下 (stand up 起立)ice creamas kri:m 冰淇淋New words and expressionsA story about two childrenListen to the tape and answer the question.1.Whats the matter with children? They are tired and thirsty.2.Why do the children thank their mother? Because their mother bought two ice creams. Mother

3、: Whats the matter, children? Girl: Were tired Boy: and thirsty, Mum.Mother: Sit down here.Mother: Are you all right now? Boy: No, we arent. 怎么啦?Whats the matter (with you)?= Whats wrong with you?=Whats up ?(口语)主语Be动词表语(形容词)系表结构:说明物质的性质,而不是说明某个动作构成:主语+连系动词(be动词)+表语(名词,形容词等)I am a girl.( 说明“我”的性别为女孩)

4、The girl is beautiful.(说明女孩是漂亮的)We are tired and thirsty.我们又累又口渴。 sit v.坐 down adj. 向下的 sit down 坐下 站v. stand 向上的adj. up stand up 起立 Mother:Look! Theres an ice cream man. Mother: Two ice creams please. Mother: Here you are,children.Children: Thanks, Mum. Girl:These ice creams are nice. Mother: Are y

5、ou all right now?Children: Yes, we are, thank you!There be句型 “有” 表示人或事物的存在There be (is/are) There is an ice cream man. 有个卖冰激凌的男人。There are two ice creams man. 注意:be动词的形式随紧跟它的名词的变化而变化 单数名词用 is 复数名词用 areThese ice creams are nice.(复数句)这些冰激凌真好吃。This ice cream is nice.(单数句)Listen again then fill in the b

6、lanks: the matter ,children ?Whats Tired Were thirsty ,Mum .and Sit down . here you all right ,now ?AreNo ,We not . are Look ! Theres ice cream man . ancreams Two ice ,please . you are ,children .Here , Mum .Thanks These ice creams very nice . areYes , are ,thank you !Are you all right now ?weRead b

7、y yourselvesMother: Whats the matter, children? Girl: Were tired Boy: and thirsty, Mum.Mother: Sit down here.Mother: Are you all right now? Boy: No, we arent.Mother:Look! Theres an ice cream man. Mother: Two ice creams please. Mother: Here you are,children.Children: Thanks, Mum. Girl:These ice cream

8、s are nice. Mother: Are you all right now?Children: Yes, we are, thank you!Act it outTranslate the following into English:母 亲: 怎么啦,孩子们?女 孩: 我们累了男 孩: 口也渴,妈妈。母 亲: 坐在这儿吧。 你们现在好些了吗?男 孩: 不, 还没有。母 亲: 瞧!有个卖冰淇淋的。 Were tired Whats the matter, children?and thirsty, Mum.Sit down here.Are you all right now?No,

9、we arent.Look! Theres an ice cream man. 请拿两份冰淇淋。 拿着,孩子们。孩子们: 谢谢,妈妈。女 孩: 这些冰淇淋真好吃。母 亲: 你们现在好了吗?孩子们: 是的,现在好了,谢谢您!Two ice creams please.Here you are,children.Thanks, Mum.These ice creams are nice.Are you all right now?Yes, we are, thank you!Lesson 20 Look at them!Numbers1052173214335456577698819981001o

10、ne thousand and oneone hundred and fivetwo hundred and seventeenthree hundred and twenty-onefour hundred and thirty -threefive hundred and forty-fivesix hundred and fifty-sevenseven hundred and sixty-nineeight hundred and eight-onenine hundred and nine-eight fatthintallshortdirtyclean胖的瘦的高的矮的脏的干净的ho

11、tcoldoldyoungbusylazy热的冷的老的年轻的忙的懒的Review New words:大的小的 开着的关闭的 重的 轻的 新的 旧的,年老的长的短的,矮的 big small openshut heavy light new old longshortshoeu:一双鞋子: a pair pe of shoesgrandfathergrandmothermother/Mumfather/Dadsondaughterrnf:rnm: Match them: clean hot fat big open light old short cold thin small dirty s

12、hut young new heavy tall longbigshutopenlonggrandmothershoelightsmallheavygrandfatherCan you save them? Just speak out!inform 这些鞋子是干净的。These shoes are clean.Theyre clean.女孩的手是脏的。The girls hands are dirty.这些理发师是胖的。These hairdressers are fat.那些理发师是瘦小的。Those hairdressers are thin.These shoes are very b

13、ig.这些鞋子很大。这些鞋子很小。These shoes are very small.Those shops are open.那些商店正营业。这些商店关着门。These shops are shut.那些箱子很轻。Those cases are light.这些箱子很重。These cases are heavy.祖父和祖母的年纪很大。Grandfather and grandmother are old.孙子很孙女很年轻。Grandson and granddaughter are young.那些帽子是旧的。Those hats are old.这些帽子是新的。These hats are new.那些裤子是短的。Those trousers are short.trazz 这些裤子是长的。These trousers are short.Be动词的用法口诀: 我(I)用am ,你(you)用are; is用于他(he),她(she),它(it);单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃; 变否定,更容易,加上not就可以; 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 。Thos


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