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1、Unit 5Pre-class Work1. Paraphrase.1) No. 8: The society has not treated the boy very well. Therefore we should atleast talk a little bit beforewe send him to the chair. Thats all I want to do. Nothing else.2)No.9:lm surprised to hear you say that as if dishonesty has ever been a characteristic pecul

2、iar to aspecific group.No. 8: Nobady has to prove the kid is innocent. According to the principle oflaw, he is innocent untileproven guilty, and he can only be convicted if his guilt is beyond reasonable doubt.No. 4: These two slaps may have been beyond his limit of endurance. The boyhas been kicked

3、 aroundso often that he may have been reaching the breaking point when the two slaps come.No. 8: If I were tried in court and the verdict would decide whether I would liveor be executed, I wouldwant my lawyer to try his best to refute the prosecutors evidence completely.6) No. 3: Brother, youre real

4、ly annoying. You sat here and voted guilty like the restof us. And then, somehypocritical person like a preacher said something with his affected language and voice, you just began1/13Complete the sentences.Choose the fight form of the verb in brackets-gerund or infinitive.watching(2) selling(3) to

5、launch(4) (to) secure(5) wondering(6) to save(7) feeling(8) being, being/to be(9) to answer(lO) having(ll) to say(12) asking(13) starting(14) to invest/investing(15) treating, using2) Choose between the noun to- infinitive construction and the noun + of +gerund.(l)of telling (2)to do (3)of writing -

6、(4)of being discovered (5)to organize (6)of making money/to make moneyto thank(8) of owning(9) to become(l 0) to practice( 11) of running and dieting(12) of lookingafterto help(14) to open, (to) read(15) of livingNote: The choice between the infinitive and of + gerund is a matter of idiomatic usages

7、 rather than thatof grammar.Students are encouraged to observe the choice of those native speakers whose writings can beused as safe models of good English.Translate the sentences using gerunds.The old lady resents being referred to as a busybody.Or: The old lady does not like being called a busybod

8、y.I appreciate your offering to go and tell the parents about the accident. Theprincipal told me.(Note: Offer is also correct.)The cheat thought being dressed like a policeman would make us trust him.But he looked like a10/13swindler just the same.Its important to know what it is that you dont know,

9、 and asking questions isthe way.Foreign journalists in the country often complain about being suspected ofspying.I reviewed my lessons by first reading the texts over and then trying to retellthem in my own words.7)There are many ways to get data into a computer.Processing the data is accomplished w

10、ithin the computeritself.Being a guest on a talk show requires wit, eloquence, and insight.9)Today,by using telecommunications equipment,CEOs can preside over meetings without leaving fromtheir desks.I can understand your hopping from job to job in search of something youreally love doing, but yourr

11、ejecting such a generous off er-no!Put the verb in brackets in the right form, adding modals where necessary.looks, shining, seems, looking, seems, takenfinding out, is generally dividedProtecting, dumped, may/might end up, flowing, Protectingshopping, be, revealing, shippingcan be described, to mak

12、e/making, (to) take on/taking on, are said, to haveentered, to take care of,11/13working, resting, remembering, doing, had, to doComplete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.1) D2) A3) C4) A5) B6) B7) C8) D9) DIO) AII)B 12)A13)C14)C15)BIV. Written WorkTranslate the passage in

13、to English.In some countries in the West, there is a principle guiding a criminal court: The court must prove theaccused persons guilt beyond reasonable doubt.In other words,the accused is held innocent until provedguilty.Reasonable doubt refers to the doubt that could arise in the mind of an ordina

14、ry, impartial, honest,reasonable and cautious person with reference to the accuseds guilt.In theory, the concept of holding the accused innocent until proved guilty makes sure that a case is notmisjudged and that an innocent person is not unjustly treated. In the one-act play Twelve Angry Men, Juror

15、No. 8 uses this concept to save the boys life. He raises one reasonable doubt after another until the otherjurors agree that there is no evidence to prove that the boy is guilty.However, in many other cases, this practice may also help criminals to escape punishments. If a criminalis very rich, he c

16、an hire very competent lawyers to defend him. If his lawyers are experienced and steepedin the law, and ready to defend anyone for money, it wouldnt be too difficult for them to pick holes in the12/13testimony of the witnesses and raise reasonabledoubts.Moreover,a lawyer istrained to ignore question

17、s ofright and wrong, guilt or innocence, and try to find ways to keep his client out of court and out of jail.13/13to show your sympathy for the boy and then changed your vote. This is the most disgusting. I suggestyou go to the church or some other charity institution to contribute some money, whic

18、h will be moredirect and virtuous.Learn to use reference books.Find the proper definition of the following in the text.charge: to accuse sb. of sth. esp. formally in a court of lawterm: a period of timesstate: condition or circumstancesplain: simplyblade: knife (edge)jam: to squeeze sth. into a spac

19、e so that it cannot move outbright: smart, cleverhang: to make (a jury) unable to reach a unanimous decisiongiven: fixedFind the synonyms and antonyms of the following in a thesaurus.fantastic:synonyms:marvelous,extremely good,wonderful,sensational,terrific,fabulous, superb, greatantonyms: reasonabl

20、e, sensible, credible, ordinary, common, moderate (2) peculiar:13synonyms: odd, queer, strange, unusual, abnormal, unconventional, weird,eccentric, bizarreantonymsxommon,general,universaLusuaLordinary,conventional,familiarWord-building.Give the corresponding nouns of the following.handle/handling(2)

21、 charge(3) accusation(4) supposition(5) disagreement(6) mixture/mix(7) refutation(8) provocation(9) commitment(lO) divergenceGive the corresponding verbs of the following.) to try(2) to prosecute(3) to mug(4) to allege(5) to guard(6) to sicken to preach(8) to elevate(9) to tear(10) to bear(ll) to ac

22、complish(12) to excite(13) to coincide(14) to forgeMore Work on the TextVocabularyTo Chinese.犯严重错误负责处理该案出庭作证(4)提供证据验明凶器抹去指印(7)进行盘问付诸表决(9)要求表决(10)以不记名投票方式表决(11)投票赞成或反对(12)投票认为有罪(13)作出判决(14)判决某人死刑(15)成功地耍一个花招(16)堵塞河流into English.3/13(1) to quote the Bible(2) to list all the reasons(3) to d

23、ial the phone number(4) to define the word(5)to serve a jail term (6)to owe someone an apologyto refute an argument(8) to test the sharpnessof a knifeto clear ones throat(lO) to miss the point(ll) to set a time limit .(12) to make a rule(13) to split the rent(14) to pass a given point(15) to tear so

24、mething to shreds/pieces(16) to get back to thepointto stab (somebody) in the backGive synonyms and antonyms of the following.Give synonyms.evident, clear, plain, distinct, conspicuousfeeble, weak, inadequate, poorto cry out, to shout, to screamnormal, usual, common, routinethreat, dangerlegal advis

25、or, lawyer, attorneyproof, material proof, grounds, factdisreputable people, scum, loafersdirty, unclean, rottendisagreement, quarrel, disputesmart, wise, clever, intelligentto thrust, to stick in, to stuffunbelievable, remarkable, amazingto differ, to disagree, to separate4/13to achieve, to carry o

26、ut, to do, to perform, to realize, to attain, to fulfill(16) proposal, suggestion, recommendation, plandisgustingdecision, judgment, opinionintolerable, unacceptable, unthinkabletrait, quality, featureGive antonyms.inaccurate(2) proud(3) calm, cool(4) innocent(5) to deny(6) defense(7)insensitive (8)

27、strong,solid (9)to disprove,to refuteimpersonal(ll) dishonest(12) irregular(13) negative(14) abnormalTranslate.l)Our company was heavily in debt when he took over.We owed the bank about 10 million.Lao Song, I owe you an apology. The other day I really behaved like a fool.3)People know very well that

28、 they owe everything they have today to the reform and open policy.Why did their boat invade our territorial waters? They owe us an explanationat least.He claimed to have two Ph.D degrees from two universities.Both sides claimed to have won the competition.7)The Taipings took the city finally.But th

29、e battle claimed one of their best leaders.8) These patients won the claim of 50 million dollars for their damaged health.9) This otherwise wonderful manager is a womanizer.5/1310)Her otherwise perfect family only has one problem:Her little daughter is handicapped.The Congress will vote on this new

30、tax law sometime next week. The exacttime has not yet beenfixed.Big business will vote for that party. They wont vote otherwise.After a heated discussion, they finally put it to a vote. The vote was three t of our in Bushs favor.John Kennedy was the first Catholic in US history to be voted into the

31、WhiteHouse.In the stock market, people often vote with their feet.The problems we now have remind us that social justice is just as importantas economic prosperity.That day she forgot to remind her husband to get his car fixed.The story reminded me of many terrible things that happened in the so- ca

32、lled cultural revolution.4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.l)down 2)in 3)on,off 4)out 5)out 6)out7)over 8)over 9)away with 10)with,without ll)intojn 12) with6. Choose the right words in their proper forms.I)(l)sensible (2)sensitive (3)sensitive (4)sensible2)excited (2)excitable (3)exci

33、ting (4)excited3)(l)charged,charged (2)accused (3)charge (4) accusation6/134)(l)admitted/acknowledge (2)admit/acknowledge (3)acknowledge (4) acknowledge(5) admittedTranslate with special attention to the different meanings of the same word or wordswhich happen to have the same spelling.1)你能不能用简单的英语把

34、它说明白一些?2)xx的雨量集中在xx地区。3)她相貌平平,但心肠很好。4)除了武装警察,还有很多便衣。5)我不明白他为什么这么做,这太愚蠢了。6)第一季度进口增长了百分之十。7)我现在居无定所。等我安排下来马上告诉你我的地址。8)这个男孩真该五马分尸。(查尔斯狄更斯)9)你正是我想找的那个人。(我正要找你!)10)过了这座桥,再往南走十分钟左右,离这里两个街区远。11)林黛玉含着眼泪把她所有的诗稿都撕得粉碎,扔到了火里。12)如果你认为这句话不对,就打个叉。13)她很生气,因为她知道这最近的路塞车,她就要迟到了。8.Choose the best word or phrase for eac

35、h blank from the four supplied inbrackets.7/13(1) Because of(2) affairs(3) words(4) already(5) thought(6) between(7) agreements(8) out(9) transferring(lO) relationships(ll) public(l 2) that(13 ) presents(14) arising(15) legallll. Grammar1. Understand grammar in context.Study these sentences and find

36、 out the grammatical function of each of the italicized gerund phrase.The gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle. However, while the latter has the functionsof the adjective or the adverb, the former always functions as a noun. Gerunds denote activities in ageneral way. They cannot be used with numbers and such determiners as thisand that.1), 2), 3) prepositional object


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