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1、淘宝专业学术杂志店荷兰驻德国使馆,柏林,德国(建设中)NETHERLANDSEMBASSY,BERLIN,GERMANY(UNDERCONSTRUCTION)在德心区。一之后,德国决定将首都迁往柏林中中“凿”出后的“剩余区域”,并位于建筑物的正面。接待区域设置在立方体的内部。其它半公共区域则靠近建筑物的正面,并在某一点悬挑出去,突出在疏散Project:NetherlandsEmbassyBerlin S us:underconstructionC nt:NetherlandsMinistryofForeignAffair The HagueBudget:withheldenstGebouwe

2、nBuitenland,荷兰在战后卖掉了前使馆所在地,故新使馆区可以重新,最后他们选定了中心区的乌佛区域上方。从开始,这条通道引导你经过馆、会尔,这是柏林最老的居住区,紧挨着其主要贸易伙伴的议室区和餐厅,到达屋顶。Location:Berlitte,Rolandufer/Klosterstra(e Site:Facingstreetcorner,parkandriverfrontProgram: Total of 8.500m2: 4 800m2 offic1 500m2 housing, 2 200m2 parkingPartnerincharge:RemKoolhaas ProjectMa

3、nager:EllenvanLoon,ErikSchotte(新办公区。业主希望能有一幢独立式建筑,将常规的行政机构这条通道的设计充分考虑了周围的环境河、电视塔、公园和使馆住宅的外墙;部分通道变成贯穿建筑物的“对角线状的空白”,使人可以从公园看到电视塔。这条(稍微超压的)通道可以作为一条主要的通风安全要求与荷兰人的开放特性融为一体。该项目在柏林展览期间,相邻地块的业主(当时还ProjectArchitect:Micheoward,DaanOoievaar是未来的业主)人智学邀请参加了一次方案Team: Gro Bonesmo, Beth Margulis, Anu Leinonen, Chri

4、stian M ller, Ellen van Loon, Adrianne Fisher, Oliver Schtte, Fernando Romero Havaux,MattiasHollwich,KatrinTauer,BarbaraWolff,BruceFisher, Anne Filson, Udo Garritzman, Jenny Jones, Rob Hilz, Mette Bos, Ad Kuhrdahl, Stan Aarts, Juli eSmedt, Annick Hess, Rombout Loman, AnttiLassila,ThomasKolbasenko,Mo

5、ritzvonVoss,PauloCosta Research:BillPrice,MarcGuinandStructural:DeWeger-Haskoning,Rotterdam;EvertvanderZee/Berlin: Brbel Kern, Han Zegers, Siem van Gemerden, OveArupandPartners,Berlin;IanThompson,CocoCherubim,Christopher Clifford Lightingconsultants:OVI,WashingtonDC/Berlin:JeanSundin,Enrique Peinige

6、rPhotography:HansWerlemann竞赛,而最终成为赢家。道,将新鲜空气输送到,并通过建筑物双层立面传统的(前西柏林)城市规划方针要求新建筑能够使城市街区保持19世纪风格的完整性,而(前东柏林)城之间的空隙的排放出去。这种通风概念体现了这样一种策略,即将的功能整合在一个元素内。在结构概念市规划则以开明的态度接受了的方案,这是一个上,也采用了这一整合策略。邻接通道的内墙采用了承载梁,它们彼此交叉来减轻负荷。由此在建筑物较低的楼层上,形成了宽敞、开放的空间。承重玻璃竖框可以在发生火情时脱离,同时保持上层建筑完好无损,它支 撑着通道与立面接合处的楼板。“立方体”和“住宅墙”独立式的立

7、方体,以列柱支撑,占据一个完整的街区。由于现在负责整个场地的设计工作可以进一步探讨将两种方案合而为一的可能性,一种是迎合客户的要求(沿街区的周边进行建设),另一种是独辟蹊径(修建一个独立式的立方体)。一条通往使馆所有八层楼的连续通道,形成了这个建筑物的内部交通系统。工作空间是这条通道从立方体之间的通路,可以作为向一侧开放的庭园,使河与公园的景色尽收眼底。为了突出与周围石材建筑物的差异,住宅的基座和外墙将采用铝板。(译)5世界建筑 2003/02淘宝专业学术杂志店he wake of the reunification the German ernment decided to relocate

8、 the capital toBerlinMitte(Center).The Netherlands, having sold their former embassy site after the War, was free to choose- block completing - podium.Since we now are in charge of the design of the entire site we can further explore a combination of obedience (fulfilling the blocks perimeter) and d

9、isobedience (building a solitary cube).A continuous trajectory reaching all eight storiesThe (slightly ovesszed) trajectory worksas a main airduct from which fresh air percolatesto the offito be drawn off via the double(plenum) facade. This ventialtion concept is partof a strategy to inrate more fun

10、ctions inteanew and preferred Roland Ufer ine, the oldestelement.This igration strategy is also used with the structural concept. The innal walls adjacentBerlin settlement, next to the (new) gonmentof the embassy shthe buildings irnalcommunication.The workspaare the leftoverdistrict of their maine p

11、artner.to the trajectory are loadbearing beams thaossareas after the trajectory was carved out of the cube and are situated along the facade.The cnt demanded a solitary building,over each other enough to bring loads down.egrating requirements of conventional civilHereby big open spacre created on th

12、e lowerservicurity with Duopenness.Reception spaare activated inside thefloors of the building. Load baring - glass - mullions, allowed to fall out in case of a fire while still leavingcube. Other semi-public spacre located closerWhile on display in an exhibition in Berlin, the owners (then still ow

13、ners-to-be) of the adjacentto the facade, and at one pointtilever out overthe superstructure it, support the floorslabsthe drop-oea. From the entry, the trajectoryplot, the antropphical foundation Haus um diewhere the trajectory meets the facade. The accesleads on via the library, meetingrooms, fitn

14、essarea and restaurant to the roofterrace.The trajectory exploits the relationship with theSchenkung, invited us to participate in aroad betcube and residential wall acts ascompetition, which wentually won.courtyard open to one side to allow a panoramic view over the Spree and the park. In order to

15、emphasize the difference with the surrounding buildings which are clad with stone, the sockleTraditional (former West Berlin) city planning guidelines demanded the new building to complete the city block in 19th century fashion, the (formercontext,riverSpree,Tesier(Fernsehturm),park and wall of emba

16、ssy residenceart of it is adiagonal void through the building thallows one to see the TV Tower from the park.East Berlin) city planning officihad an open mindand the wall with the residence aluminium. ll be clad withtowards our prol for a freestanding cube on a53OMA/ 大都会建筑事务所淘宝专业学术杂志店 http5世界建筑 2003

17、/02平面图中的黑块标明了穿越整个建筑的“通道”在各层中的位置/ The black part refers to the trajectory that mers through the entire building55OMA/ 大都会建筑事务所朝向河的立面/ElevationfacingRiverSpree荷兰大使馆与并置的“人智学”在性质上是两个完全独立的方案,但由于被不约而同地委任给同一个事务所设计,在概念上完全可能在方案进展过程中相互协调,达成最大程度的一致。因此,两栋建筑之中诸如肌理、轮廓、景观和视线关系等都被加以考虑。The Netherlands Embassy and th

18、e adjacent Haus un die Schenkung aretwoentirelyindependentprojectsintproperties. However,whenthey are commissto the same firm, it is possifor them to ess of ign y,thefactorscorrespond with each other in development,reachingthemaxconcepts in th dcoherence.Inthsuchastexture,contour,landscapea ightrelationshipinbothbuildingsaretakeninns


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