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1、 心理学专业留学申请书2022年 当你在国外留学时,你不仅限于在你所在的国家旅行,你也可以看到邻国!例如,如果您在法国学习,你可以选择前往欧洲各地,囊括伦敦、巴塞罗那 和罗马。这里给大家分享一些心理学专业留学申请书2022年,欢迎阅读! 心理学专业留学申请书2022年 Dear _, For a long time now I have been interested in the subject of psychology. The way people behave and why they do certain things has always fascinated me and af

2、ter thoroughly enjoying studying the subject at A level I would like to continue to further my knowledge and study psychology at a higher level. The A levels I currently study include maths statistics and Philosophy and ethics. Maths statistics will be advantageous to me whilst studying degree level

3、 psychology, especially when studying areas such as research methods. Studying Philosophy and ethics also has its advantages in psychology, especially when covering the ethical issues raised when conducting psychological experiments. I recently attended a Maths masterclass at Newcastle University wh

4、ich has given me an insight into what university life will be like, and has further reassured me that attending university is the right decision for me. I am part of the peer mentoring team at school. This is an anonymous service where the pupils at school can email us with their problems and I get

5、great satisfaction from knowing that I have helped people. Working with a range of different people and problems has helped me to gain insight into how people work and I am eager to learn more about the easiest and most efficient ways of dealing with these problems. It has helped to develop my commu

6、nication skills, through dealing with a range of different people. This experience has helped me to decide that I would particularly like to study psychology with counselling, as I feel that I would thoroughly enjoy the challenge and the satisfaction gained from a career in this area. I recently com

7、pleted a week of work experience at the local playgroup where I worked with children aged 2-4. This enabled me to witness firsthand some of the issues covered in the day care section of the attachment module in AS psychology, particularly the way in which children develop socially. I thoroughly enjo

8、yed working with these children and was delighted when the leader of the playgroup asked me to return to do voluntary work during my free mornings. I now currently assist the children with ICT skills one morning a week. Additionally I am currently organising voluntary work at a local care home for t

9、he elderly as I believe working with people from a range of age groups will be beneficial. My part time job at McDonalds where I work 18-25 hours a week has helped to build my confidence and my communication skills as I am constantly in contact with customers and colleagues. It has also helped me to

10、 develop my time management skills as I have always kept up to date with my school work. It also developed my ability to work quickly and efficiently when under pressure, and I believe that I have the ability to successfully multi-task. In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my friends. I regul

11、arly attend music concerts and go to the cinema with them. I am a member at the local leisure centre where I often go to the gym and occasionally go swimming to keep myself fit. I am looking forward to beginning the challenge of university life. It is an exciting opportunity and I believe that study

12、ing a course in Psychology with Counselling is the first step towards my chosen future career as a Counselling Psychologist. Yours sincerely, 哪些学生适合去泰国留学 1、偏科 在国内的学习中,如果偏科比较严重,在综合性的统一考核中,难以发挥出自己的优势,只能够进入到一个普通的院校中的话,不如考虑专业化教育更优秀的泰国,能够提升自信心。 这里的课程设置,给予学生更高的自主性,大家入学以后可以根据个人规划,确认要上的课程,必修课的要求是比较少的,选修课会有更

13、多的兴趣分支,即便是偏科也不用担心,不选就行。 并且学校的考核,也不是只参考期末考试的成绩,平时的表现也是非常重视的,因为会安置小组作业、课题报告等,还有出勤等,会占到总分评比的60%,所以大家还需要重视在平时的表现。 2、晋升英语 随着各国的联系越来越密切,英语的作用,在生活中变得越来越重要,不过大家去英美等国家学习英语,成本会是比较高的,目前在东南亚各国,就可以经受到比较正宗的语言教育,成本还低。 并且大家还可以在学习期间,习得一门小语种泰语,这样大家在语言上的优势会更加明显,这是额外的收获,而基础的专业技能晋升,则为大家的就业打下了比较好的基础。 3、考试落榜 当然还有部分学生是因为在国

14、内的考试中没有发挥好,以获得的成绩单来提交升学的申请,进不了自己心仪的院校,这样不如出国去泰国,还有机会进入层次更好的院校,并且费用也不会贵很多。 并且高校的门槛也是比较低的,即便大家在落榜以后再进行申请的准备,如果本身的能力基础比较优秀的话,可以无缝对接到海外的学习,能力稍差半年的准备时间也基本就足够了。 不过想要进入到比较好的高校,大家还是需要进行语言考试的准备,而且出示自己的GPA成绩点,以及参加目标院校的入学考试,这是基础的要求。 俄罗斯留学生活常识解读 一、衣 1.俄罗斯冬期较长(11月到次年4月),但室内温度都在20度左右,只需穿薄衣,外出的话需要套上羽绒服; 2.夏天的温度不高,

15、30度左右,所以空调较少使用,但夏天日照较强,女生带把遮阳伞; 3.携带服装建议:羽绒服长款、短款,毛衣、羊毛衫、秋衣秋裤、长短T恤;风衣、防雨夹克、运动服等; 4.女生可以多带自己的内衣,娇小的女生在国内多带衣服,因国外尺码较大; 5.建议女生带上一套合理、轻便的礼服;男生可携带一套修身西服,在一些重要场所穿着使用; 6.运动鞋、皮鞋、拖鞋带一双即可,其他可在当地购买。 二、食 关于俄罗斯蔬菜瓜果的价格总的来说,俄罗斯的蔬菜种类偏少,冬季个别种类蔬菜水果价格偏高,但各种肉类的价格却相对便宜。例如牛肉,五十多人民币就能买到很好的一公斤牛肉;十多块人民币就可以买到一整只鸡 如果你去到市场中购买,

16、价格则会更加的便宜!如果是选择外出就餐,在莫斯科和圣彼得堡这样的大城市,人均消费大概在60100人民币就能吃到很不错的一顿饭。而像肯德基麦当劳等这样的快餐,当然价格也比较实在;而且学校内都会有食堂供餐人均大概在20人民币左右。 三、住宿 1、俄罗斯学生宿舍 住在学校宿舍没有私人公寓那么舒适,优势在于费用比较低,也给学生之间去了解对方、交朋友的机会。学生生活在同一走廊里,可能有特别不同的文化背景、不同的生活习惯和如何去做事情的想法。但是也是不同的生活习惯常常很难适应。 宿舍一般分为四人间,三人间,双人间,单人间,一般热门的学校,宿舍会比较难预定。需要排队。想住宿舍的同学们建议提前准备。 2、在校外租房 有一定的经济能力,或者可以比较喜欢独力的生活,你可以选择私人公寓。但是租房需要注意的事项也有很多,可以找中介,也可以通过网上的租房信息,大学也可以帮助你选择最适合你需要的。最后提醒大家最重要的还是要注意安全。 另外找到最适合的地方可能需要花一段时间,所以同学们一定要提前做好准备,给自己充足的时间,在出发去俄罗斯之前作好一切必要的安置。 四、交通 如果你不是经常乘坐 交通工具出行,那么可以购买“三驾马车”卡:单次乘坐公交车或地铁仅需35卢布。如果用现金支付,则每次乘坐需要支付55卢布。 乘车出行是一种更便捷但却并不总是节约时间的方法。据


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