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1、 2022研究生留学申请书 2022研究生留学申请书 “Women arent suited for such hard subjects,” my friend Seung-woo told me with a smug smile. Seung-woo didnt think that mathematics was a field for women. Although he was my age and wasnt tied down by most traditional beliefs, he believed that only men could be true mathema

2、ticians. The majority of people in my country, South Korea, believe the gender stereotype that women are inherently inferior to men in mathematics. I strongly disagree with this outdated notion. Women are just as capable of outstanding mathematical achievement as men, and I am determined to help dis

3、prove gender stereotypes through my example. Mathematics has always given me a deep sense of satisfaction. Even in elementary school, I was attracted to the precision and logic inherent in mathematical formulas. I devoured as much mathematical information as I could, collecting theorems of mathemati

4、cians such as Gauss and Euclid like other students collected stamps. I had the opportunity to test my skills and knowledge in high school, when I competed in several national math competitions, including the Korea Mathematical Olympiad. My strong showing in these venues, along with my top math grade

5、s and perfect math score on the Korean SAT, bolstered my confidence in my abilities. I was proud to prove to others that I was capable of performing at the highest levels. Despite my strong interest and achievement in mathematics, it has been difficult for me to realize my potential due to the Korea

6、n educational system, which emphasizes cramming for tests instead of critical understanding. More significantly, Korean social biases against women in the fields of math and science have discouraged me from pursuing my love of mathematics. Thus, I want to study in the United States, where I will be

7、able follow my dream without these constraints. For about a year, I have taken English language courses at a university in Washington, D.C., where I have gained a glimpse of American academic life from the inside. I am very impressed by American students devotion to their studies and the systems abi

8、lity to support each students goals. I am therefore especially interested in attending Boston College, which, in addition to offering outstanding math and science courses, is renowned for its emphasis on cultivating students full development, or cura personalis. At Boston College, I will be able to

9、focus on my goal of becoming an excellent mathematician. I am determined to succeed, but I know that I must overcome many challenges. Sometimes, when I feel discouraged by the obstacles I face as a Korean woman in mathematics, I imagine what my life will be like ten years from now. Armed with a Bost

10、on College degree, I will visit my old friend Seung-woo. We will have corresponded over the years, so hell already know about the many mathematics articles published in my name, and he will be well aware of the international acclaim they received. I will savor the day when Seung-woo admits that I wa

11、s correct in believing that I could succeed as a mathematician. I will be proud to know that partly due to my achievements, the door to increased opportunities for women in math and science has swung open a little bit wider. 申请韩国留学读研的条件 1、本科GPA成绩 学生本科期间的GPA成绩是韩国院校所看重的重要条件之一,GPA一般需要在2.5以上,如果学生想要申请韩国的

12、名校,比如首尔大学,成均馆大学,梨花女子大学等等,至少要保证自己的平均成绩在3.0以上。 2、语言成绩 韩国留学读研不同于其他国家,韩国研究生分为三种: 第1种是韩语授课,需要提交T O PIK成绩,也就是韩语成绩,当然根据专业以及申请院校的不同存在一定差异,但大部分院校都要求达到3级到6级,如果此时学生还能提供雅思成绩会大大增加申请成功率。 第2种就是英文授课GSIS课程,这样的课程是韩语成绩直接用雅思成绩代替申请即可。 第3中是中文授课,不需要提交韩语成绩或者英语成绩,例如韩国全南大学中文MBA研究生。 3、经济条件 去韩国留学的费用不高,一年简略在810万人民币左右,学生也可以通过奖学金

13、或者打工减轻韩国留学的花销。 4、材料准备 申请韩国研究生,材料也一定要准备齐全,如果准备较为充分并且比较好的话,可以在学校教授面前留下一个特别不错的印象,由此增进自己被录取的几率。 5、教授面试 本科和研究生在面试环节也有很大的差异,申请韩国研究生,面试的时候面试官不再只关注留学生的韩语水平,还会考察留学生的专业知识,保持自信严谨的态度,这会增进教授对于申请者的好感。 出国留学读研究生留学成本最低的国家 留学成本最低目的国:第一名新加坡 亚洲最国家化的教育中心,名校林立。毕业后既可取得世界名校学位,也可通过修学分的方式,选择去第三国完成学位,被人称为“黄金跳板”。费用总合约每年10万元人民币

14、,性价比特别高。 推荐院校:南洋理工大学、新加坡国立大学 留学成本最低目的国:第二名马来西亚 很多人选择马来西亚留学的主要原因,费用是其中一个原因:无需经济担保,签证率高,手续便捷。每年费用约5万元人民币左右!但是更为重要的原因是马来西亚留学可以作为自己的跳板,很多在马来西亚毕业后可以转往英国、新西兰、澳大利亚等国继续深造。 推荐院校:马来西亚泰莱大学、马来西亚斯特雅大学、马来西亚英迪大学 留学成本最低目的国:第三名泰国 天府之国,教育质量以及课程设置紧跟欧美。泰国不仅仅是一个旅游的热门国度,这里留学也是特别具有性价比!泰国留学成本优势每年总花费4-5万元人民币,正规大学的学历中国教育部承认。

15、 推荐院校:玛希隆大学、朱拉隆功大学、清迈大学 留学成本最低目的国:第四名法国 法国的教育质量居欧洲前列,留学费用低、勤工俭学机会多。公立大学免专业课学费,读语言学费每年约3万元人民币左右,生活费视地区而异,在4万-10万元人民币。申请法国留学特别快捷,前提是学好语言,CELA面试很关键。 推荐院校:里尔一大、巴黎十一大、巴黎九大 留学成本最低目的国:第五名德国 对于很多人来讲德国即是福地又是险滩!所谓福地:公立院校不需要学费,每年只要缴纳部分注册费用;国际生享有本国学生所有福利政策!具体费用简略为500欧元的注册费等费用,生活费每年7万元人民币左右,这样算下来小十万就可以搞定,再加上自己打工

16、算算就是划算呢!但是是险滩的原因是,德国高等教育特别严格,很多人在高标准的教育制度下不能够毕业,完成不了学业!所以建议大家在选择留学德国之前做好一定的心理准备! 推荐院校:慕尼黑工业大学、汉堡大学、科隆大学 留学成本最低目的国:第六名荷兰 荷兰对于很多人根深蒂固的影响是郁金香和木屐。要知道荷兰的高等教育也在全球获得至高信誉保证,不仅仅学历全球承认,并且在授课方面也呈现多元化趋势。在享受高度福利优惠政策的同时,国际生经受全英文的教学,这样也就不要再担心小语种的学习! 不仅仅学费低廉,仅为欧美国家的三分之一。同时在家福利政策,种类繁多的奖学金以及合法打工,综合下来仅需要欧美主要留学国四分之一到三分之一的费用即可! 推荐院校:莱顿大学、林堡大学、格罗宁根大学 留学成本最低目的国:第七名爱尔兰 首先讲讲爱尔兰的留学优势,一个集艺


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