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1、 日本本科留学申请书优秀 日本本科留学申请书优秀范文 Dear _, Ever since my little sister became a teenager and started going through her rebellious phrase I just havent been able to help myself from analysing her behaviour. Although she grew out of her moody phase my interest in Psychology didnt change and I find that I regu

2、larly am examining the behaviour of different members of my family. Psychological and social theories and analyses have become a feature of my life, whether it is at home or the outside world. Having gained a good grounding in Psychology during my time at school and college I realise that this is no

3、t enough and that there is so much more for me to appreciate and understand. The A level Psychology syllabus has confirmed my commitment to Psychology, and encouraged me to challenge and expand upon my perceptions of the subject. The diversity of developmental and cognitive thought I have discovered

4、, in Jean Piagets experiments for instance, has made me curious, and led me to research experiments including Margaret Donaldsons Childrens Minds which drew my attention to the social context in which a child learns and the childs understanding of that context. What is most intriguing is the fact th

5、at children are actively working out what the experimenter wants and may well misjudge the situation through no fault of their own which contradicts Piagets theory on Conservation. I feel the A-Levels I study have a number of transferable skills and complects in aiding the study of Psychology. I enj

6、oy Economics because we look at the real cost of making choices and also I have learnt how concepts and theories provide a tool to help me understand how economies work and develop. I have found Adam Smiths theory on Invisible Hand most striking because it focuses on the ideas of capitalism, a perso

7、n pursuing self-interest will result in an increase in the common good. Studying Law has given me an insight into the fundamentals that make up our English Legal System and has helped me realise that the rule of law is crucial in providing a basis for trust and predictability. Both these subjects ha

8、ve taught me to develop my analytical and evaluative skills, and also problem solving skills. I believe all the qualities I have gained through my courses are essential in order to strengthen my competence. In my spare time, I take pleasure in reading be it short stories or never ending novels. I en

9、joy playing badminton and tennis: being a member of my local tennis club has enabled me to interact with other people who share similar interests. Something which I find significant is the belief that every one of us can make the world a better place be it by helping others. As someone pointed out “

10、We have two hands, one to help yourself the second to help others”. I am been fortunate to take part in charitable events raising money for organisations ranging from Breast Cancer to Aids. My remaining free time goes in working as a sales adviser. The retail experience has given me a great insight

11、in to my interpersonal skills and taught me how to deal with a various range of situations efficiently I would be an asset to your university and am very enthusiastic about my subjects. The course you offer will broaden my knowledge, satisfy my curiosity and deepen my understanding; I am very determ

12、ined and thoughtful, and would find the course you offer highly motivating Yours sincerely, 日本留学申请技巧分享 一、语言要出色 日语好不好会直接影响大家学习的效率,因为日本目前生活和学习的交流,都是使用的日语,因为的覆盖率不算高,并且大家去日本读书全用英语不用日语其实也是不利于适应社会的。 所以是在国内,就进行长期的准备,将自己的日语晋升到比较优秀的程度,然后再参加考试自然会高;或者直接申请日本的语言学校,在本地学习语言的效率会更高一些。 二、目标要确定 有确定的目标,不仅方便大家朝着既定的方向进行努

13、力,也可以让大家在经受审核的时候,不会因为目的不明等原因而受到面试官的刁难,可以更快的通过审核,因为签证的时候这是很重要的一个方面。 并且有了目标,大家在进行留学的规划的时候,也会比较确定,可以帮助大家更好的进行适应,并且也不会耽误大家的学习,有了规划以后,大家的学习效率也会高上不上。 三、资金要足够 此外就是资金的准备,这里囊括保证金,是大家学习的资金证明,要提前存到银行内,确认家庭有足够的能力支持学习,这笔钱是需要冻结在银行内的,等到大家完成学业以后才能取出来。 然后就是本人学费和生活开销的准备,建议父母在开学前就至少将学费准备好,这样开学以后直接缴纳不会耽误大家,生活费则需要一笔一笔按月

14、打给学生,还要预留出额外的费用。 四、适应要尽快 要想适应新生活,就需要大家进行能力上的晋升,心理上要做好准备,不要骗吃新的文化,要进行了解,这样才能够更好的和本地人进行交流,也会让大家能够尽快的融入环境。 自理能力需要在生活中进行晋升,而大家抵达了日本以后,每一件事都是需要自己做的,在国内的时候,可以进行这方面的技能的准备,能够帮助大家尽快的适应。 日本留学优秀大学申请条件 1.东京大学 申请参考条件:平均GPA3.5以上。 必须具备日语N1级成绩,文科生要求N1级140分以上。 需要提供英语TOEICTOEFL成绩,托福90分以上托业900分以上。国内院校是211或者985工程类院校。 学

15、校优势专业:全学科。 2.京都大学 申请参考条件:平均GPA要求3.4以上。 必须具备日语N1级成绩,文科生要求N1级140以上。 3.日本东北大学 申请条件参考:平均GPA要求3.4以上。 必须具备日语N1级成绩,文科生建议要求N1级130以上。 需要提供英语TOEICTOEFL成绩,托福85分以上托业800分以上。国内院校是211或者985工程类院校。 学校优势专业:医学、材料学、经济学。 附:金属材料学世界第一,医药学也很厉害(日语水平可以稍差)。 4.大阪大学 必须具备日语N1级成绩,文科生要求N1级130以上。 学校优势专业:经济学、工学。 日本留学生如何换汇 1.关于开户 去任何银行只要带上1日元以上就可以申请开户。需要的手续有自己的身份证明书(可以是健康保险证,汽车驾照和外国人登陆证等)和印章。手续很简单,只要和任何一个银行的担当说一下,就会得到一张新规口座申请书。把该填写的都写上,交给窗口服务人员稍等一会儿之后就可以得到一本新的存折了。 这里要说明的一点是,日本和中国不一样,不是当天给银行卡的。当天交给你的只有存折,银行卡要1周以后才会给寄到家里。因为银行卡是要另外专门做给你的,还要印上名字。所以很花时间。 2.关于用银行帐户支付公共料金和经受工资 一般来说只要填写一些手续就可以用自己的帐户来交水电费等公共


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