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1、ExoticismGermanY(1)What is the capital of Germamy?德国的首都是哪里? (C) a、Paris b、NewYork c、Berlin d、London(2)Which is the longest river in Germany?(A)a、Rhine莱茵河 b、Danube多瑙河c、Seine 塞纳河d、Yangtze River长江(3)Which is the Floral emblem of Germany德国的国花是哪一个?(B矢车菊) a c、b、 d、Rosa rugosaFlos HibisciIris tectorumCornf

2、lowerfirst-inflorescence第一个花絮 was born in the top of the slender stalkoptimism乐观tenacity韧性patriotism爱国 a young girl toward the Light of life - the sun, happiness and joy to pray.(4)what is the national emblem of German?德国的国徽是什么?a、 b、 c、 d、DFlag三色旗Black, Red, Gold unityindependence, sovereignty主权 amb

3、itionsCoat of armsBlack Eagle strength & courage为金黄色的盾徽。盾面上是一头红爪红嘴、双翼展开的黑鹰,黑鹰象征着力量和勇气长方形,长与宽之比为5:3。自上而下由黑、红、黄三个平行相等的横长方形相连而成(5)Which is Germany?ac bdC(6)which climate do most of the Germany enjoysa、 a temperate seasonal climate in which humid westerly winds predominate.西风控制下的季风气候b、Continental climat

4、e 大陆性气候c、Temperate zone marine climate温带海洋性气候d、Tropical rainforest climate 热带雨林气候A German 1.ADJ German means belonging or relating to Germany. 德国的 2.N-COUNT A German is a person who comes from Germany. 德国人 3.N-UNCOUNT German is the language used in Germany, Austria, and parts of Switzerland. 德语 德意志联

5、邦共和国Germany the Federal Republic of Germany 德意志联邦共和国 EconomicsOVERVIEWa social market economywith a highly skilled labour force, a large capital stock a low level of corruption,and a high level of innovation.the largest economy in Europe the lowest unemploymentrate of all 28 EU member statesGermany

6、has one of the highest labour productivity levels in the world. Subsidiaries : vehicle brand companies:AUDI (奥迪)AG,Bentley(宾利) Motors Limited,Bugatti (布加迪 )Automobiles S.A.S. (subsidiary of Volkswagen France),Lamborghini(兰博基尼) S.p.A. (subsidiary of Audi AG),SEAT,(喜悦) S.A.,koda (斯柯达)Auto,Volkswagen P

7、assenger Cars,Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles,Scania (斯堪尼亚 )AB (publ)Auto industry -auto kingdomGerman car: mature technology, reliable quality, appearance generous! The world of several major automobile brand are the German production.Berlin柏林:The capital and largest city of Germany古老与现代相融合文化与艺术魅力交相

8、辉映自从柏林墙倒塌之后,它突飞猛进地发展,吸引着世上最优秀和聪明的人才,从艺术家到科学家到建筑设计师,还有大批的游客Berlin:Its a very beautiful ancient city Modern Berlin is home to renowned universities, orchestras, museums, entertainment venues, and is host to many sporting events.Its urban setting has made it a sought-after location for international fi

9、lm productions.The city is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, and a high quality of living.柏林以博物馆,歌剧院,电影院众多而出名现有3座歌剧院、整个大型管弦乐团和几十座剧院以及无数的世界级博物馆是德国文化的对外窗口;柏林正在重建“文化之都”这里有很多古典建筑和现代建筑群,古典与现代建筑艺术互相映衬,相得益彰,体现了德意志建筑艺术的特色;柏林是座文化名城,全年几乎都有文化节,常常瞬眼间,街道就变成了舞台,行人变成

10、了观众;The Berlin WallModern柏林重生之城After World War II, the city was divided; East Berlin became the capital of East Germany while West Berlin became a de facto West German exclave,(飞地)surrounded by the Berlin Wall (19611989). Following German reunification in 1990, the city was once more designated as t

11、he capital of all Germany, hosting 158 foreign embassies最现代化的建筑重新定义着城市的轮廓,散发着迷人的诱惑力人们推翻柏林墙,代表着东西德开始走向统一,柏林迎来新生Franzsischer Dom法国大教堂Deutscher Dom德国大教堂Konzerthaus音乐厅(剧院御林广场在菩提树下大街中段,沿向南150米处,被认为是欧洲最美的地方。成龙主演的八十天环球旅行就在这里取景拍摄的呀。这在广场中间的,是新古典主义的柏林音乐厅而它的两边有两座非常相似的教堂,北面的为法国主座教堂,建成于1705年,建造者为来自法国的胡格诺派教徒(Hugu

12、enot),因为被迫害而逃亡至柏林的这些法国教徒,是柏林早期发展的一支重要的融合力量。南面的为德国主座教堂,其中有一些不甚精彩的有关德国历史的展览。Gendarmenmarkt御林广场(宪兵广场) 圣诞节前这里会举办全柏林最著名的圣诞集市Christmas markets are traditional in Germany and Central Europe, where youll find all kinds of Christmas goodies on sale - gingerbread, gluhwein热葡萄酒, marzipan stollen杏仁甜面包 , Christm

13、as decorations.,Brandenburg Gate勃兰登堡们门 勃兰登堡门是柏林的标志,也是德国的国家标志。这座建成于1791年的新古典主义风格的砂岩建筑,以雅典卫城城门为蓝本,门顶上是张开翅膀的胜利女神驾驶四轮马车的铜像,女神手中的权杖上,有橡树花环、铁十字勋章和展翅的鹰鹫,这一切都象征着战争的胜利。勃兰登堡门正面朝东,其以东的区域是柏林老城的核心所在, 这也是唯一仅存的柏林城门。勃兰登堡门立于此地的二百余年,见证了德国历史的兴衰。东西德分裂时期,柏林墙即竖立在勃兰登堡门的西面,几十年中再无人通过。如今的城门和周围的巴黎广场 (Pariser Platz),是在冷战结束之后,完

14、成的最近的一次修缮。巴黎 广场上的建筑也都大有来头,有刚落成不久的美国大使馆,和曾经无数名流下榻过的阿德龙饭店(Hotel Adlon)等。Berlin Fashion Week柏林时装周Berlin Fashion Week (Berliner Modewoche) is a fashion week held twice annually (in January and July) in Berlin, Germany. Since its establishment in July 2007 it has gained great international attention for

15、its many creative young designers who are flourishing in the fashion capital of Berlin.Since July 2011, the event takes part in front of the famous landmarkBrandenburg GateBerlinale Film FestivalFrom its beginnings in the post war world of Berlin, the Berlinale was always designed to be an internati

16、onal rather than a national film festival. Over the years, the film festival has cemented its status as a major European film festival and is easily as important as its competitors in Venice and Cannes. The Golden and Silver Berlin bear and many honorary awards are much sought-after.柏林国际电影节(Berlin I

17、nternational Film Festival),原名西柏林国际电影节,与戛纳国际电影节、威尼斯国际电影节并称为欧洲三大国际电影节,最高奖项是“金熊奖”。每年一次,至2-3月间举行,为期两周。其目的在于加强世界各国电影工作者的交流,促进电影艺术水平的提高。是柏林国际电影节(德语:Internationale Berlin Blues FestivalCome rain or shine, the Berlin Blues Festival will be the best show in town. Dubbed as Connecticuts Premier Blues Festiva

18、l, thousands will turn out for a day filled with great food and entertainment. The event will be hosted by well-known blues author and educator Art Tipaldi. And will offer several nationally known acts along with a few local blues bands. In the event of rain, the festival will be held indoors, on si

19、te, and with room for 900 in the audience. 慕尼黑是德国巴伐利亚州的首府,是德国南部面积第一大城,全德国第三大城市。这里既有梦幻之车-宝马,也有梦幻的城堡-新天鹅堡New Swan Stone Castle 在慕尼黑(Munich)不可错过高贵雅致而又历史悠久的皇宫区以及具有鲜明特色的圣母教堂;哥特式的新市政厅、古罗马式的国王广场以及各式现代化的建筑,一座连一座,让你仿佛走进了建筑历史的长廊,不禁感叹“欧洲建筑博物馆”之名的确名不虚传。 一年一度的啤酒节(Oktoberfest)让整个城市都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中,活泼的巴伐利亚人脸上总是洋溢着笑容,并且这

20、种欢乐和自由的氛围已经成为吸引世界各地旅游者的一个重要因素。慕尼黑目的地指南 景点介绍 发现新堡 文化地理新天鹅堡(New Swan Stone Castle )如果世界上只允许有一座童话城堡存在,那它的名字一定是新天鹅堡 新天鹅堡目的地指南 景点介绍 发现新堡 文化地理这座城堡是德国境内受拍照最多的建筑物,也是最受欢迎的旅游景点之一;是德国的象征(symbol),由于是迪斯尼城堡的原型,也有人叫白雪公主城堡;新天鹅岩城堡的名字来源于中世纪,来源于天鹅骑士的传说;这座城堡是巴伐利亚国王路德维希二世的行宫,位于慕尼黑以南的阿尔卑斯山麓,建于1869年。 从奥格斯堡到富森,光是坐火车一路的风景都会

21、让遐思神往。这犹如人间仙境的地方藏着有关魔法、国王,骑士的古老的民间传说,还有那无边原始的森林、柔嫩的山坡、无边的绿野上漫步着成群的牛羊,积雪终年的阿尔卑斯山和无尽宽阔的大湖Munichs OktoberfestMunichs first ever Oktoberfest was held in 1810 to celebrate a royal wedding with horse races and various culinary delights. The culinary delights, primarily the beer, were much more popular tha

22、n the wedding ceremony and horse races. Since then, the Munich beer festival has been repeated on an almost annual basis. Only major catastrophes like war or the outbreak of epidemics can stop Munichs inhabitants from gathering at the green expanse, the festivals location. 慕尼黑一向是公认的“啤酒之都”,每年秋季都会举行世界

23、上规模最大的啤酒节十月庆典。来自世界各地的观光客纷至沓来,涌向慕尼黑,一品“巴伐利亚啤酒”,并亲身体验德国人民欢庆节日的热闹和喜悦。目的地指南【其他活动】:慕尼黑啤酒节(The Munich Oktoberfest) 慕尼黑同时也是世界知名的高档汽车品牌宝马(BMW)的故乡,宝马的总部宝马大厦位于此地,离奥运匹克公园不远。【时间】Even though it is called the Oktoberfest, the festival actually takes place in September, as the Bavarian autumn can be tricky and thr

24、ow a surprise with early cold and snow【介绍】:慕尼黑啤酒节原名“十月节”,起源1810年10月12日,因为在这个节日期间主要 的饮料是啤酒,所以人们习惯性地称其为啤酒节。每年九月末到十月初举行,持续 两周,是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活动,也是世界三大啤酒节之一。【活动】:开幕式,盛装巡游(最热闹),啤酒帐篷,特色餐饮beer tents,roller coasters,circus appearances,festival parades and live brass bands.Munichs OktoberfestToday, the Oktoberfe

25、st is the largest festival worldwide attracting a multitude of visitors. Apart from beer tents, the festival offers amusements as diverse as roller coasters, circus appearances, festival parades and live brass bands. Guests, staff and the numerous brass bands are all wearing traditional costumes for

26、 the occasion. At the end of the parade, the major taps the first keg of beer and shouts, “The keg is tapped”. It takes good nerves and a solid stomach to survive the festivals 16 days of intensive partying and drinking. However, the festival is a huge success: Apart from attracting a multitude of v

27、isitors, the festivals brand name Oktoberfest has been exported all over the world. Of course, it is always best to get to know the real thing其实,早从公元1517年起,德国每隔7年就会在慕尼黑举行一场“桶匠之舞”。这种花式舞蹈是由18人共同演出,他们不断舞动桶箍,并把它们弄成王冠,在黑死病终止蔓延的年代,这些桶匠就是第一批通过欢乐的舞蹈。Football-Bayern Munich慕尼黑拜仁球队Munich is home to several pro

28、fessional football teams including Bayern Munich, Germanys most successful club and a multiple UEFA欧洲足球联盟 Champions League winner. 、拜仁慕尼黑足球俱乐部注册协会,简称拜仁慕尼黑或拜仁,是一家设于巴伐利亚州首府慕尼黑的德国体育俱乐部,其最著名的是参加德国足球甲级联赛的职业足球队,曾创纪录的赢得24次德国足球顶级联赛冠军及17次德国杯冠军,为德国最成功的足球俱乐部。法兰克福Frankfurt Germany法兰克福,位于莱茵河中部的支流美因河的下游因此正式全名为美因河

29、畔法兰克福。是德国重要工商业、金融和交通中心,黑森州最大城市,。它也是德国最大航空站、铁路枢纽。也是著名诗人歌德的故乡;被誉为“美茵河畔的耶路撒冷”、“德国最大的书柜”。 Frankfurt is the largest financial centre in continental Europe and ranks among the worlds leading financial centres. It is home to the European Central Bank, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt Stock Exchange and sever

30、al large commercial banks. The European Central Bank is the central bank of the eurozone, consisting of 19 EU member states that have adopted the euro () as their common currency and sole legal tender(货币) 法兰克福的现代体现在城市建设和经济成就上,这里不仅有着欧洲最高的现代建筑,还有大型的购物区“采尔步行街”以及国际著名的展览会; 欧洲央行、德意志央行等众多银行都将总部设于此; 法兰克福的传统

31、与古老则体现在遗留在这座城市里的建筑上还有那种城市的人文气息中,它是一座文化名城。这里是世界文豪歌德的故乡,歌德的故居就在市中心。 法兰罗马贝格广场克福有17个博物馆和许多的名胜古迹,古罗马人遗迹、棕榈树公园、黑宁格尔塔、尤斯蒂努斯教堂、古歌剧院等都值得游人一看。双面之城ModernTradition法兰克福在法兰克福,你能找到全德国最杰出的电影艺术博物馆;位于波兹坦广场的这座博物馆是德国有史以来第一座以电影为主题的展览馆。德国电影博物馆German Film Museumhe embankment堤防 to the south of the Main River in Frankfurt,

32、Germany, is called Museumsufer or Museum Embankment because of the large concentration of museums there. Perhaps the leading one is the Stdel art gallery.一楼,着重以物品编年史的手法向游客展出电影的发展历程,包括:雷诺1882年发明的“实用镜”,爱迪生1889年发明的活动电影放映机,卢米埃兄弟1895年发明的“电影机” 的复制品等;同时,还会向游客展示现代电影如何制作电影特效,如电影侏罗纪公园等二楼,以收藏和演示旧电影为主海德堡老城在内卡河南

33、岸傍河而建,为长条形。尽管老城也十分现代化,但街道、小巷、和主要建筑都保留了原来的古朴风格。主街为豪普特街(Hauptstrasse),与内卡河平行,全长约1.6公里,为步行街。这条街的西端为俾斯麦广场,东端为集市广场。The old town (German: Altstadt), on the south bank of the Neckar, is long and narrow. It is dominated by the ruins of Heidelberg Castle, 80 metres above the Neckar on the steep wooded slopes

34、山坡 of the Knigstuhl (Kings chair or throne) hill.Heidelberg was the centre of the epoch of Romantik (Romanticism) in Germany.Tradition法兰克福海德堡老城海德堡古城堡(Schloss)红褐色古城建在巨大的山崖上,最早建于13世纪,历史上经过几次扩建,形成哥特式、 巴洛克式及文艺复兴三种风格的混合体,整个城堡有高大的围墙、塔楼、宫殿和英国式的花园,曾经是欧洲最大的城堡之一。在30年战争期间遭到毁坏, 如今大部分已经是废墟了。城堡里保存了一个巨大的葡萄酒桶,有8米高9

35、米长可以装22万升酒。城堡里还设有德意志药店博物馆 (Deutsches Apotheken Museum),展示有1618世纪的药草和制药的器具。城堡的平台是俯瞰整个城市最好的观景点。德意志式饮食 Germany diet 德国没有统一的德国菜,所以也“德国菜”这个概念,但有很多的地方特色菜肴德国美食与民以食为天烹饪技术举世闻名的中国相比,德国的饮食不免人觉单调乏味。有人说德国的饭菜无非清煮、白炖加烤制,这同德国人呆板、拘泥的性格一样不讨人喜欢。不过现在如果你去德国,则大可不必为此苦恼了。由于世界各国的美食家云集德国,你在此可品尝到世界各国的美味佳肴,不论是法式、俄式、意大利式,还是日式及中



38、吃块蛋糕或几块饼干。中上层家庭喜欢在此时邀请朋友来家里品茗聊天。在这样的聚会上,客人可以品尝到饮誉四海的德国糕点,德国妇女一般都练就一手烤制点心的手艺。不过在当今快节奏的社会生活中,这种午后清闲的享受也只有在周未、假期或休假时才有可能 葡萄酒wine德国人还喜好喝酒,酒类年消耗量居世界第二位,啤酒的销量居世界首位;由此衍生出一个著名的“慕尼黑啤酒节”德国气候条件很适合葡萄的生长,优越的自然条件加上高超的酿造技术,出产优质的葡萄名酒;1Wine is also popular throughout the country. German wine comes predominantly 主要地f

39、rom the areas along the upper and middle Rhine and its tributaries. Riesling and Silvaner are among the best-known varieties of white wine, while Sptburgunder and Dornfelder are important German red wines. The sweet German wines sold in English-speaking countries seem mostly to cater to the foreign

40、market, as they are rare in Germany传统的德国早餐,香肠、黄油面包加咖啡。德国人都有点重口味,德国人尤其喜好香肠(German Sausage),德国香肠就有1500多种,其中仅水煮小香就有780多种,最受欢迎的要算是润口的肉肠,原肠类包括耐贮腊肠和调味浓厚的瘦肉香肠。German people love meats, and sausage is their favourite most 德国香肠sausage2吃香肠必有面包与之相配,在面包的生产方面德国也可称得上是质量和数量的世界冠军。德国每天出炉的芳香扑鼻的小面包、角形小面包、8字形烘饼和长面包就有12

41、00多种,此外,还有300多种其他不同种类的面包。轻口味系列 面包Bread3Bread is served usually for breakfast (often replaced by bread rolls) and in the evening as (open) sandwiches, but rarely as a side dish 配菜for the main meal (popular, for example, with Eintopf or soup). The importance of bread in German cuisine is also illustra

42、ted by words such as Abendbrot (meaning supper, literally evening bread) and Brotzeit (snack, literally bread time). In fact, one of the major complaints of the German expatriates in many parts of the world is their inability to find acceptable local breads.德国南部有一处名为黑森林的旅游胜地,盛产黑樱桃。因此,当地的人会把过剩的黑樱桃夹在巧

43、克力蛋糕内,并涂上鲜奶油及洒上巧克力碎片,便制成了黑森林蛋糕。传至其他地方时,由于没有黑樱桃,因此黑森林蛋糕亦省略了黑樱桃,变成了巧克力蛋糕。 黑森林蛋糕Black Forest cake4A wide variety of cakes and tarts are served throughout the country, most commonly made with fresh fruit. Apples, plums, strawberries, and cherries are used regularly in cakes. Cheesecake is also very popu

44、lar, often made with quark. Schwarzwlder Kirschtorte (Black Forest cake, made with cherries) is probably the most well-known example of a wide variety of typically German tortes filled with whipped or butter cream. German doughnuts (which have no hole) are usually balls of yeast dough with jam or ot

45、her fillings, and are known as Berliner, German saying goes : time is the emperor of courtesy. Compliance with the time , not only in Germany, has been regarded as a manifestation of education degree , but also by the Germans proud to be called an integral part of German culture. Any slightly more f

46、ormal events , they must first make a plan, or a guest who hold events usually one or two weeks ago on the invitation . Invited to official events will be attached in a receipt, inform the invitees , if not attend please notify the owner before the specified date . 1 )Compliance with the time In thi

47、s case , if the invitee does not make any answer , that would be considered impolite. After accepting the invitation to such a change can not, as about half-way to go, should notify the owner as soon as possible , so that the owner make alternative arrangements. If due to temporary reasons, more tha

48、n 10 minutes late , they should call ahead to notify cry, because in Germany, private dinner occasions , waiting for late arrivals normally no more than 15 minutes. Guests arrive late , the owner and other guests would like to apologize . Therefore , appointment feast, in case of traffic peak, we mu

49、st set out earlier to avoid being late . German religious revolutionary Martin Luther once said one sentence: Even if I know the whole world will be destroyed tomorrow , I still want my German vines planted today . This fully shows the German sentence of hard, not accepting spirit.hard Germany s national emblem is a


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