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1、 尖子生2022年泰国留学申请书 尖子生2022年泰国留学申请书 Dear _, Hello! I am a senior science student in _ Province ? Middle School _?. I hope to realize my dream of studying with your school. Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to review my self-recommended materials.? I have always had a dream. I dream

2、of studying in _, dreaming of being moisturized by _ with a long history and profound cultural heritage. I had excellent academic performance since I was a child. With my own efforts, I was admitted to Jingdezhen No. 2 Middle School and entered the Olympiad class with the citys tenth outstanding hig

3、h school entrance examination results. After three years of training, I have grown from a simple ignorant boy to a high school student who loves life, pursues knowledge, is energetic, compassionate, and has a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, and physical fitness.? ? I love life,

4、and I have always been confident and hopeful in life. In this beautiful world, I enjoy the beauty of spring flowers, the warmth of autumn moon, the passion of summer rain, and the purity of winter snow. I am sunshine, I am happy, I love every river, every mountain, every person, and I love everythin

5、g I have. Even in the third year of high school, I am painful and happy. I also hope to pass on happiness to everyone around me. I cheer for the strong and shed tears for the weak. I believe in the fragrance of roses in the hands of others, and the truth, goodness and beauty in the world. For this r

6、eason, people around me like me very much and call me Pistachio. I pursue knowledge with the same enthusiasm. I am eager to understand the human mind, to explore the manufacturing process of robots, to understand the causes of the financial crisis, and to know the content of the Six-Party Talks. So

7、I love learning and reading. Wandering in the sea of books, constantly thinking, and constantly comprehending, the joy is endless. The pursuit of knowledge has not only increased my knowledge and broadened my horizons; it also cultivated my interest and improved my temperament; it also allowed me to

8、 nurture my temperament and balance my mind.? My energy stems from the love of life and the passion for knowledge. In terms of study, I work hard and have excellent grades. The grades of the high school quality inspection examinations are among the best in the school. I won the second prize in the 2

9、4th High School Chemistry Competition (provincial competition area) this year. In addition to studying well, I have been serving as the deputy monitor and also actively participate in various activities organized by the school. I can be seen in basketball games, football games, campus singer contest

10、s, social practice and other activities, which not only improves my ability, but also exercises my courage.? But I know that I am only the little lotus with sharp horns. The road to becoming a talent is long and I must continue to forge and improve myself. If I am fortunate enough to be able to ente

11、r my dream palace for further study, I will definitely search from top to bottom and sharpen myself into an outstanding talent with unique cultural taste, extraordinary talents and good comprehensive qualities, who dare to dare to fight.? So here I implore the leaders of your school to give me a cha

12、nce to realize my dream.? Yours sincerely, 泰国留学租房注意事项 一、关于租房渠道 1.学校 一般学校都会提供给每个学生及其详细的住宿清单供学生选择。可以到学校的官网上看相关的资料。学校里面也有杂志介绍相关的公寓。也可以参考。 2.学生会 基本上每个学校都是有自己的中国学生会。同学们可以在网上或者在自己学校的官网上查找到学生会的信息。他们都是有自己的新生手册或者是论坛。中国学生抱团一起租房也是可以的。 3.租房网站 网上会有很多的租房网站或者是中介网站。这些网站上不单单的是有学生住的公寓,或者house。也有卖房的相关信息。所以要懂得筛选出对自己有用的

13、相关租房信息。 二、租房需考虑因素 1.如何寻找合适的住宿类型? 来泰国留学的小伙伴们,都希望自己在泰国的宿舍能够住的舒服、安全,才能让学习更加舒心。在选择住房的时候需要考虑很多因素:价格、地理位置、房屋类型等等,每一个条件都要牢牢把关,如果选择不当,很容易被房东或房客骗,造成在金钱上的损失。 2.多听学长学姐经验 大学网站上的服务信息和同校学生给你的建议特别值得采纳,如果师兄师姐们住过,还能给你最真实的居住体验和买家秀。如果你看房时,原房客正在居住,你也可以问一下他的居住感受,他肯定是对房间的优势和劣势最了解的人。 3.合同所有细节认真对待 这一点聂老师一定要多多唠叨。大多数合同中都表明,如

14、果终止合同,租客需要至少提前1个月给房东通知,有些可能要2个月,或是15天,都将确定地在合同中标注,在签合同前要仔细检查后再签字,一些房屋如果状况不佳,建议入住前拍好照片,墙上的划痕、地毯的污渍、家具的破损等都要拍照做好记录,双方沟通好,否则可能造成退房时的纠纷。 请一定要详细地阅读租约(Lease)上的每一条!尤其是修改和外加的补充条款,敲黑板租约必须一式两份,房客必须注意自己收藏一份。付房租时还应注意要一张收据,此外还须收到并保存一张押金收据。以及押金存放在RTBA的存放号码。这些都要好好保管好。 4.房屋节能会影响到账单 许多二房东在租房时会为租客交月账单,也有一些合租的人平摊每月用水用

15、电,在计算房屋月租时,千万不要忘记将月账单纳入考量,学生无需支付市政税,日常要缴纳:天然气、电费、网费、水费,家中有电视并观看电视直播等费用。 找房时记得察看节能分数,分数越高代表越低的月账单;房屋的朝向也决定了冬天采光是否充足,进而影响室内温度;如果房屋窗户装置了双层保暖玻璃,保暖效果更好。 出国留学,想要找到一个满意的房子还是要花费不少精力的,在租房过程中一定不能马虎,谨防被骗。总之,学生多了解一些当地的租房规矩总是没有错的,也可以更加便捷的找到自己理想的住所。 泰国留学生活经验分享 一、环境安全 大家首先要了解,泰国是热带的国家,全年的温度都是比较炎热并且湿润的,不用担心感冒但是要注意水

16、土不服,并且还要了解蚊虫的问题,要担心的叮咬以后可能会产生的问题。 安全的问题同样需要需要关注,虽然泰国的宗教信仰特别的浓厚,对于社会的约束会比较强,但是大家一定要保证自己不会触犯到宗教的规则,这样才可以保证自己的人身安全。 二、新生学习 入学的第一周是特别重要的适应期,要尽快的将自己的状态调整好,把握住自我介绍的机会,拉近与同学的距离,这样能够帮助你结交更多的朋友,而且感受到学习的氛围。 还需要了解学习的考核内容,除了考试之外,还有出勤、作业和活动的内容;入学之初可能会因为语言的为导致跟不上正常的进度,但是勤能补拙,只有这样才可以减少自己的时间浪费。 三、消费水平 泰国的社会物价不算高,即便是曼谷也很合适,不过大家在进行消费的时候,还是需要进行克制的,


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