1、 学生2022泰国留学如何写申请书 学生2022泰国留学写申请书 Dear _, Since moving on to further education I have always shown a keen interest in Business studies, studying a wide variety on the subject during my A Levels. This has helped feed my enthusiasm and dedication towards the subject grow stronger and gradually has made
2、 me want to study it in more depth. I believe the reason for my passion towards the subject is due to my belief it is fundamental in todays modern society, and by pursuing a degree in the subject it can only be benifical to me and help me prosper in this business-oriented world From my A level work
3、I have gained many key skills which will be beneficial to a career in the world of business. Two of the strongest skills that I have been able to develop are my organisation and communication skills which are essential in any career. Throughout my AS Business studies I was able to improve upon my co
4、mmunication skills as I had to deliver a presentation about data UKs financial stability which has aided me to constructively put a diplomatic point of view across in front of varied group sizes. These skills have helped broaden my confidence and outlook towards every day life, my confidence speakin
5、g in front of groups has also changed positively AS Sociology has provided me with an knowledge and understanding on UK society which is a key component when marketing products, as you will know the specific market that you are trying to target and can promote in accordance to it. A levels required
6、a lot of independent work compared to my previous educational years, hence I have learnt to organise myself efficiently. This has helped me to set feasible revision timetables and meet the tight schedules that were presented to me during my A levels. Consequently this has lead to a great improvement
7、 in my organisational skills. I believe that these skills are essential and will aid me to become a successful university Business student I completed two successful weeks of work experience at MG Rover in Longbridge which was very beneficial to me as I was able to improve my communication skills an
8、d learn more about the so called new world During this time I was involved in a variety of tasks, which included producing a problem resolution action report relating to an investigation I was involved with. I attended and completed the Challenge of Management course which develops key skills such a
9、s communication, planning, problem solving and responsibility, I feel these skills are important and have guided and helped me in my academic studies to-date and will further assist me to become a productive and efficient university Business student. In my time at Handsworth Grammar School I assiste
10、d at Open Days, Parents Evenings and 11+ Examinations. My main priorities were showing visitors and potential students around the school to make sure each occasion was run smoothly. I have been awarded certificates of gratitude for such events. I also help out at my local Gudwara where I have been i
11、nvolved in taking part in Punjabi lessons as a result of taking part in this I have achieved a certificate for supplementary education attendance certificate. I have benefited a great deal from such responsibilities as they have helped me improve upon the quality of my teamwork skills immensely I be
12、lieve that it is important to create a balance between the academic and social areas. I have a keen interest in Sports, especially football, of which I am an avid fan, and regularly play 11 a side football, I also am a member of a snooker club which I believe also helps to improve my concentration s
13、kills. I am currently a member at my local gym which I use regularly this ensures that I keep fit and my mind stays active and focussed as I believe a healthy body leads to a healthy mind I believe am an individual who will benefit from life at university as I am eager to learn further and attending
14、 university is an aspiration not only for my professional ambition but for the intellectual challenge. Given the opportunity I will strive to succeed. May I take this opportunity to thank you for taking time to consider my application. Yours sincerely, 泰国留学生活经验分享 一、环境安全 大家首先要了解,泰国是热带的国家,全年的温度都是比较炎热并
15、且湿润的,不用担心感冒但是要注意水土不服,并且还要了解蚊虫的问题,要担心的叮咬以后可能会产生的问题。 安全的问题同样需要需要关注,虽然泰国的宗教信仰特别的浓厚,对于社会的约束会比较强,但是大家一定要保证自己不会触犯到宗教的规则,这样才可以保证自己的人身安全。 二、新生学习 入学的第一周是特别重要的适应期,要尽快的将自己的状态调整好,把握住自我介绍的机会,拉近与同学的距离,这样能够帮助你结交更多的朋友,而且感受到学习的氛围。 还需要了解学习的考核内容,除了考试之外,还有出勤、作业和活动的内容;入学之初可能会因为语言的为导致跟不上正常的进度,但是勤能补拙,只有这样才可以减少自己的时间浪费。 三、消
16、费水平 泰国的社会物价不算高,即便是曼谷也很合适,不过大家在进行消费的时候,还是需要进行克制的,不能够随便乱花钱,不然的话月底就只能够吃馒头啃咸菜了。 泰铢和人民币的汇率不算稳定,尤其是大家在汇率不太理想的时候购物会产生比较大的损失,建议大家养成平时记账的好习惯,而且做好预算,会更合适。 四、调整适应 大家在学习的时候,会遇到不同的人,和不同国家的留学生做朋友,这里面肯定会发生一些文化上的摩擦,这时候如果不是波及到原则性的问题,都可以进行妥协,这样能够更加友好的相处。 而当年将新天泰摆正了不再钻牛角尖的时候,自然可以和周围的人友好的进行相处,能够获得更多的人的尊重,进而成为别人嘴里那个很优秀的
17、人。 去泰国留学有哪些好处 一、泰国留学更省钱 表面上看来,送自己的孩子出国留学对家庭预算会造成极大的负担。但当你精算一番数字后会发现,事情没有那么糟糕。 总的来看,留学欧美的费用是昂的,家长每年都需要花费6万美金甚至更多来支撑自己的孩子完成学业。 根据数据调查显示,40%的家庭采取贷款留学,经济方面的困扰也是大多数家庭的首要考虑方面。因此,费用相对低廉的泰国留学渐渐成为更优选择。 二、外语环境 我们在国内都有学习了一定程度的外语(多为英语)基础,但由于缺乏合适的语言学习环境,最终我们对于外语的认知学习能力也就慢慢退化了。 而这正是到泰国留学的优势所在。泰国不仅能提供泰语学习环境,作为国际化都
18、市,来泰国留学的西方人也不在少数。因此长期生活在这样的外语环境中,我们的语言水平也会更接近本地化。 掌握两种或是更多语言的人才在大多数公司都更受欢迎,泰国留学回国的学生在求职时英语和小语种双技能结合更具优势。 三、更独力更自信 没有比独自生活照顾自己更能锻炼自立能力的事了。诚然,人要成熟需要经历一个十分艰难的转变过程。这个过程中,不再有人会斥责或是收拾你的乱房间、脏衣服、臭床单,最终解决的人将会是你自己,获得的是自信和独力。 四、漂洋过海的羁绊 既然你作为中国留学生来到泰国,那么自然也有来自美国、日本等登地方的留学生。你将有机会和来自全世界的人建立联系。而人脉关系网对于个人今后的职业生涯是一笔
19、珍贵无形的财富。泰国留学给予每个年轻的灵魂一个跳出自身固定环境,拓展视界,甚至是进入国际职场的机会。 五、挖掘自身和世界的价值 投身于异国文化环境,花费数年在其中刻苦学习,成长是必然的结果。你开始用和过去迥然不同的思维方式思考世界,你发现即便是完全不同的个体也是有相同点的。 文化的差异很容易让自己或是异国人成为“外星人”,理解是消除这个障碍的第一步。 选择去泰国留学本就是人生棋盘的一大步,要成为真正的“世界的一份子”,不接触他国文化几乎是不可能,而当你开始认真利用这段时光,其暗藏的价值自此开始浮现。 泰国留学省钱技巧 一、指定一个每周吃饭计划 每周吃什么,遵照超市的打折商品计划,这样超市买东西的时候,就可以避开零食以及方便食品。 二、去之前做一个清单,严格遵守 这就要靠自制力了,列一个清单,买完东西,然后结账,走人。 三、打折商品,在泰国可以优惠券+团购 在国内,我们可以利用各种优惠券,团购更是盛行。在泰国,找到你想要光
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