I want to go to Shanghai._第1页
I want to go to Shanghai._第2页
I want to go to Shanghai._第3页
I want to go to Shanghai._第4页
I want to go to Shanghai._第5页
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1、单位:坊子区凤凰街道沟西小学姓名: 郑海玲时间: 2018年4月年级:六年级学科:英语课题:M9U2 I want to go to Shanghai.外研社(一年级起点)小学英语六年级上册I want to go to Shanghai.单位:潍坊市坊子区凤凰学区沟西小学执教教师:郑海玲Review Game(砸金蛋). 12345Shandong WeifangShanxi Xi anI think we should go toWhere do they want to go?Listen 1st and answer:They want to go to Shanghai,kunmin

2、g and Guilin.Who wants to go to this place?SamDadAmyKunmingGuilinShanghai_ wants to go to_.Listen 2nd and connectRead 1st and answer. Where does Sam want to go?Why does Sam want to go there?Sam wants to go to Shanghai.Its in the _ of China.Shanghai is_.big and famous.eastRead in groups and answer. W

3、here does dad want to go?Why does dad want to go there?Kunming is a beautiful _. It is in the _ of China.Its got a beautiful_.placesouthlake滇池,Dianchi Lake滇池(din ch)是云南省最大的淡水湖,有高原明珠之称。位于云南省昆明市的西南,古名滇南泽,又称昆明湖。滇池因周围居住着滇部落或有水似倒流、滇者,颠也之说,故曰滇池。 the Dianchi lakeRead by yourself and answer. Where does Amy

4、want to go?Why does Amy want to go there?Gunlin is a beautiful _. It is in the _ of China.There are lots of _ in Guilin.placesouthmountains and lakes广西桂林桂林山水甲天下Guilins scenery is the best in the world.Shanghai is_.very big and famous.Kunming is a beautiful _. It is in the _ of China.Its got a beauti

5、ful_.placesouthlakeThere are lots of _ in Guilin.mountains and lakes ShanghaiKunmingGuilinSummaryKunming is a beautiful palce.Its in the south of China,and it has got a beautiful lake.Shanghai is very big and very famous.There are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin.Sam thinks they should go to _

6、places.all theseThere are lots of beautiful places to go in China.There are lots of beautiful places to go all over the world as well.外国景点知多少?Free talkWhich foreign country do you want to go? the British MuseumLondon eye Big ben N W ELondon (伦敦) S the UN Building (联合国大楼)Chinatown (唐人街)New York (纽约)N

7、SWE Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)WESN Paris (巴黎)Pair work: Guess and askA: Do you want to go to?B: Yes, I do. No, I dont. I want to go toA: Why?B:The world is so big, Lets see it together.世界这么大,让我们一起去看看On Labours Day, I want to go to_. It is in the _ of _. There is/are_ there._wants to go to_. It is in the _ of _. Its famous for_.Group work: Ask and write五一假期就要到来了,调查小组成员想去的地方,并对所选的地方加以描述。Homework 1.Do a survy about your family members: Where do they want to go?(调查你家人想去


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