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1、哲学背景现象学马斯洛Abraham H. Maslow(1908-1970)生平跟从哈洛研究跟从桑代克 接触格式塔、精神分析关注人本主义、人类潜能需要层次D-needs B-needs 观点缺失需要动态平衡类似本能询问方法在发展上,需要的“固着”自我实现的人?自我实现者的特点现实中心问题中心注重过程独处能力独立于文化和环境的影响适应?民主的价值观 对人类的同情深刻的亲密关系幽默感接纳自我和他人自然简单欣赏之心常新创造性高峰体验焦虑、内疚罗杰斯Carl Rogers(1902 - 1987)生平学习神学接触Otto Rank的思想观点实现倾向文化有自己的力量机体价值积极关注积极自我关注价值条件有

2、/无条件积极关注真实自我 / 理想自我 自我和谐 威胁情境防御否认知觉歪曲 The fully-functioning person 对经验开放生活在此时此地机体信任Listen to your heart体验上的自由创造力促进健康人格成长的条件真诚无条件积极关注共情存在主义观点Existential Psychology列夫托尔斯泰在我的生活中是否存在着任何意义,是那等待着我的不可避免的死亡所无法摧毁的?Is there any meaning in my life that the inevitable death awaiting me does not destroy? 哲学背景克尔凯

3、郭尔(Soren Kierkegaard,也译祁克果,1813-1855)尼采(Frederic Nietzsche ,1844-1900)He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how. “为探索生活原意而活着的人几乎能承受任何生活的磨难九死一生的事件使我们不断成长。”海德格尔(Martin Heidegger ,1889-1976)向死而生(“being-towards-death ”)萨特(Sartre ,1905-1980)宾斯万格 Ludwig Binswanger (1881 1966) 此在 的含义being d

4、ifferent, moving beyond oneself, becoming.“空” openness (Lichtung), nothingness关怀 care (Sorge). 人的关系纯真 AuthenticInauthenticity Conventionality (bad faith ,萨特)existential neurosis (生活单一主题)萨特把寻找借口躲避选择,这种自欺欺人的行为称之为“盲信”(bad faith)。“人是自由的,也是孤独的,因为没有上帝,只是孤零零一个人,别无依恃,因此一旦作出抉择,就必须为此承担责任。 三位代表人物弗兰克尔罗洛梅亚隆弗兰克尔V

5、iktor Frankl(1905 - 1997)著作活出意义来追寻生命的意义“Mans Search for Meaning ”意义治疗(logotherapy)发现意义是一种基本愿望。只有通过爱、在爱中,人才能得到救赎。The salvation of man is through love and in love. 解除人性的神经症需要恢复心理治疗中的人性the de-neuroticization of humanity requires a re-humanization of psychotherapy 存在的虚空精神神经症(nogenic neurosis, spiritual

6、or existential neurosis )无聊感预期焦虑(anticipatory anxiety )过度意向(hyperintention )过度反思(hyperreflection )普遍问题:抑郁、成瘾、攻击性depression, addiction, and aggression the mass neurotic triad 发现意义三种途径体验的价值values 审美、爱创造的价值事业态度的价值承受痛苦With meaning, suffering can be endured with dignity 最后一种自由everything can be taken from

7、 a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose ones attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way. 弗兰克尔罗洛梅Rollo May(1909 - 1994)生平家族史博士期间的学习,受到保罗 蒂利希影响(Paul Tillich, the existentialist theologian)肺结核,克尔凯郭尔学习精神分析,沙利文与弗洛姆爱与意志、存在心理学概念命运(Destiny)创造生活的原材料勇气(courage)

8、真诚面对焦虑焦虑 “the apprehension cued off by a threat to some value which the individual holds essential to his existence as a self” Kierkegaard: “Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom. 焦虑是人类生存的重要条件。直面焦虑可以为我们驱赶无聊,使我们的感觉更加敏锐,并且保持人类生存所必须的压力。 Anxiety is essential to the human condition. The confrontation with

9、anxiety can relieve us from boredom, sharpen the sensitivity and assure the presence of tension that is necessary to preserve human existence. Both artists and neurotics speak and live from the subconscious and unconscious depths of their society. The artist does this positively, communicating what

10、he experiences to his fellow men. The neurotic does this negatively. (Love and Will, 1969, p. 21) 发展阶段天真Innocence - the pre-egoic, pre-self-conscious stage of the infant. premoral 反叛Rebellion - the childhood and adolescent stage of developing ones ego or self-consciousness by means of contrast with

11、adults The rebellious person wants freedom, but has as yet no full understanding of the responsibility that goes with it. 平凡Ordinary - the normal adult ego, conventional and a little boring, perhaps. They have learned responsibility, but find it too demanding, and so seek refuge in conformity and tr

12、aditional values. 创造Creative - the authentic adult, the existential stage, beyond ego and self-actualizing. This is the person who, accepting destiny, faces anxiety with courage! 爱与意志爱是动机意志:实现愿望的能力类型(个体差异)“新清教徒”(neo-Puritan):自律、完美主义、空虚 幼稚型(Infantile):缺乏自律、依赖顺从创造型(Creative):爱与意志的统一欧文亚隆Irvin Yalom 四个

13、“终极关注”死亡 Death自由 Freedom孤独 Isolation 无意义 Meaninglessness存在主义心理治疗The incorporation of death into life enriches life; it enables individuals to extricate themselves from smothering trivialities, to live more purposefully and more authentically.纪德“但愿本书教你关注你自身超过这本书,进而关注一切事物超过你自身。”纳塔纳埃尔,我要对你谈谈瞬间。你明白瞬间的存在具有何等力量吗?不是念念不忘死亡,就不能充分评价你这生活最短暂的瞬间。难道你不明白,没有死亡这一昏惨幽暗的背景来衬托,每个瞬间漫说赫然显现,


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