



1、商务英语写作期末考试模拟题I. Multiple Choices (单选题). (30%, 2 point each) 1. John is fatter than _ of the other boys in class. He is the fattest.A. someB. thatC. anyD. many2. We ordered the above computers _ 18 January, and they still have not arrived.A. inB. onC. forD. by3. Will you stay for lunch? -Sorry, _. My

2、 brother is coming to see me.A. I mustntB. I needntC. I cant D. I wont4. Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes.A. loseB. will be lostC. are lostD. will lose5. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasnt stopped ringing. People _ to ask how I am going to spend the money.A. phoneB. will phoneC. w

3、ere phoningD. are phoning6. _ still for a moment, please? I want to take a photograph of you.A. Should you keepB. Are you going toC. Are you keepingD. Will you keep7. _ we need more practice is quite clear.A. WhenB. WhatC. ThatD. /8. I was extremely _ when I heard of the _ news.A. excitingexcitingB.

4、 excitedexcitingC. excitedexcitedD. excitingexcited9. They talked about the problem among _.A. themB. each otherC. themselfD. themselves10. The Managing Director, along with his secretary, _ invited last night.A. isB. wasC. areD. were11. I cant remember when exactly the Robinson left _ city. I only

5、remember it was _ Monday.A. the; theB. a; theC. a; aD. the; a 12. We were very surprised when he made it clear that he _ the office soon.A. leavesB. would leaveC. leftD. had left13. Could I_ your CD player, please? Sorry . _is broken.A. borrow; MineB. lend; My C. borrow; My D. lend; Mine14_ they are

6、 brothers, they dont look like each other at all.A. BecauseB. ThoughC. When D. As15_ did you like the trip to Hainan? It was wonderful.A. WhenB. How C. WhereD. What II. Match Headings (A栏五句话来自于一封推销信,B栏是用统计资料对A栏句子的论证,从B栏中选择适当的句子与A栏句子配对). (10%, 2 points each)A1. Our new toothpaste leads to less caviti

7、es.2. The PCX450 is light and compact.3. The MicroFax 200 produces faxes which are clear and legible.4. Jagger sports jackets are available in a number of styles.5. The CX2 is reliable.Ba. Tests show that the MicroFax 200 can produce results up to 200% clearer than other fax machines in its category

8、.b. Our survey shows that most dentists suffer from less cavities than you or mec. In independent tests, the CX2 showed that it was up to twice as reliable as other leading brands.d. In comparison with other laptops in this category, the PCX450 is 30% lighter than the lightest, and 40% more compact

9、than the most compact!e. Jagger sports jackets come in a range of exciting styles for the conventional and adventurous alike!III. Translation (翻译). (20%)Dear Mr. Pong,Further to your letter of 11 December, I am more than pleased to provide a reference for Ms Chan, who has worked at this company in t

10、he capacity of my Personal Assistant since she joined the company in 1997.I can recommend Ms Chan to you without the slightest hesitation. I have always found her to be a totally loyal and honest worker who can be relied upon. Although she does sometimes find it a little difficult to interact with other members of staff, Ms Chan is extremely hard-working and efficient.If you were to appoint Ms Chan, we should find it very difficult to replace her. However, we appreciate that, in her own interests, it may be time for Ms Chan to move on.Yours


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