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1、中考话题对话资料问候与介绍Nice/Glad to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你。Nice/Glad to meet/see you, too./ Me, too. 我也很高兴见到你。How are you? 你好吗? Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢/How is it going? 最近过得怎样?Not bad./Pretty good/Terrible. 不坏/相当好/很糟糕。How do you do? 你好。How do you do. 你好。Whats this in English? 这用英语怎么表达?Its a pencil. 它是一支

2、铅笔。Is this your ruler? 这是你的尺吗?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 是的/不是的。What color is it? 它是什么颜色?Its white. 白色。Is this your/his /her dictionary? 这是你的/他/她的字典吗?Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. 是的/不是的。Is this your/his/her uncle? 这是你的/他/她的叔叔吗?Yes, he is./ No, he isnt. 是的/不是的。Who was it / were they invented by?它/他们是说发明的

3、?It was / They were invented by us. 它/他们是我们发明的。When was it/were they invented? 它/他们是什么时候发明的?It was/ They were invented in 2010. 它/他们是2010年发明的。What is it/ are they used for? 它/他们是用来做什么的It is /They are used for doing它/他们是用来做What was it/were they made of? 它/他们是用什么做的?It/They were made of wood. 它/他们是由木材做

4、的。年龄、生日及个人信息Whats your name? / Whats your last/first name? 你叫什么名字/你姓什么?My names Jim Green. 我叫Jim Green.How do you spell it?/ Can you spell it, please? 你怎样拼写它?J-I-M, G-R-E-E-N2. Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少? Its 123456. 是123456.What language do you/does he speak? 你说什么语言?/ 他说什么语言?I speak Chi

5、nese./ He speaks Chinese. 我讲中文/他讲中文。4. Where do you/does he live? 你/他住在哪里? I live/ He lives in Wuhan. 我/他住在武汉。5. Where do you/ does he come from? 你/他来自哪里? I come from/He comes from Yingcheng. 我/他来自应城。 Where are you from? 你来自哪里? Im from Yingcheng. 我来自应城。6. How old are you/ is he/she? Whats your/his/h

6、er age? 你/他/她多大了? I am/ He/She is twelve years old. 我/他/她 12岁了。7. When is your/his/her birthday? 你/他/她的生日是什么时候? My/His/Her birthday is August 9th. 我的/他的/她的生日是八月九日。8. When were you /was he/she born? 你/他/她什么出生的? I/She/He was born in 1999. 我/他/她出生于1999年。Where were you/was he/she you born? 你/他/她在哪里出生的?I

7、/He/She was born in Yingcheng. 我/他/她出生在应城Whats your Email address? 你的电子邮件地址是什么?Its YC HYPERLINK mailto:English English. 时间与日常活动What day is today? 几天星期几?Its Monday. 星期一。What date is it today? 几天是什么日期/Its June the twentieth. 六月20日。What time is it? 几点了?Its eleven oclock. /Its half past seven/a quarter

8、to seven. 十一点/七点半/六点What time/When do you get up? 你什么时间起床?I get up at 6:00. 我在六点起床。 What time/ when does he/she go to school? 他/她通常什么时候上学? He/ she gets up at 8:00. 他/她通常八点上学。What do you usually do on weekends? 你周末通常做什么?I usually watch TV. 我通常看电视。Where do you usually watch TV? 你通常在哪里看电视?I usually wat

9、ch TV at home. 我通常在家里看电视。 What does he/she often do on weekdays. 他/她经常在工作日里做什么? He/She often does some reading. 他/她经常读书。How often do you go to the movies? 你经常多久去看一次电影?Sometimes/ Every day/Once a week. 有时候/每天/一周一次。How often does he/she go shopping? 他/她经常多久购一次物?Never / Hardly ever/ Twice a week. 从来不/几

10、乎不曾/一周两次。How do you study for a test? 你是怎样为考试而学习的?I study by working with groups. 我是通过小组合作而学习的。8. How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每天晚上睡多少个小时? I sleep nine hours every night. 我每天晚上睡九个小时。9. How many times have you seen the film? 你看了那个电影多少次了? Twice. / Tree times. 两次/ 三次。10. Have you ever been

11、 to Wuhan? 你曾经去过武汉了吗? Yes, I have. / No, Never. 去过。/ 从来没有。位置与问路Where is your bike? 你的自行车在哪里?Its under the tree. 它在树底下。Where is the (nearest) bank? 最近的银行在哪里?How can I get to the bank? 我怎样才能到银行?Is there is a bank near here? 附近有一家银行吗?Could you please tell me the way to the bank? 你能告诉我去银行的路吗?Could you t

12、ell me how to get to the bank? 你能告诉我怎样到银行吗?Which is the way to the bank? 哪是去银行的路?Go along/down this road. 沿着这条街道走。Go straight. 指着走。Walk on. 继续走.Go across the street. 穿过街道。Its on your left/right. 在你的左/右边。Turn left/right. 向左转/右转。3. Where is the library? 图书馆在哪里/Its across from the park/ next to the par

13、k/in front of the park/behind the park/between the park and supermarket. 在公园对面/挨着公园/在公园前面/在公园后面/在公园和超市之间。You can take the bus. 你可以乘公汽。Can I take the bus? 我可以乘公汽吗?Sure. No. 4 bus will take you there. 当然。四路公汽将带你到那。Which bus can I take? 我能乘那路公汽?No.3 bus. 三路。How can I get there? 我怎样才能到那儿?You can ride a

14、bike there. 你可以骑自行车去那里。Is it far from here? 远吗?How far is it? 有多远?Its not far from here./ Its 2 kilometers./ Five minutes walk. 离这里不远/两公里/五分钟的步行路程。How long does it take? 要花费多长时间?Half an hour. 半个小时。购 物1. What can I do for you? 你能为你多点什么?Can I help you? 我可以帮之你吗?Yes, Id like to buy a pair of shoes (for

15、my daughter). 我想(为我的女儿)买一双鞋子。What color/size do you want? 你想要什么颜色/尺码?What color do you/ does she like? 你/她喜欢什么颜色?Could you give me another one/pair? 你能在给我一双吗?Can I try it/them on? 我可以试穿吗?How about this one/pair? 这一个/双怎么样?How much is it/ are they? 多少钱?Its/ They are 10$. 十美元。Its/ They are expensive. 太

16、贵了。Do you have cheaper/smaller one/ pair? 有便宜点的/小点的吗?Ill take it/them. 我买了。喜好、能力和运动1. Whats you favorite subject?/ What subject do you like best? 你最喜欢什么科目? My favorite subject is math./ I like math best. 我最喜欢的科目是数学。2. Whats his/her favorite subject?/ What subject does he/she like best? 他/她最喜欢的科目是什么?

17、 His/Her favorite subject is English./ He/She likes English best. 他/她最喜欢英语。3. What kind of movies do you/ does he like? 你/他喜欢什么种类的电影? I like/He likes action movies. 我/他喜欢动作片。 Why do you/does he like action movies? 你/他为什么喜欢动做片? Because its exciting. 因为很刺激。4. What do you think of it / How do you like

18、it / How do you feel about it? 你觉得它怎么样? Its interesting. 很有趣。 I like it very much. 我非常喜欢。5. Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 会/不会。What can you do? 你会做什么?I can dance. 我会跳舞。7. What club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部? I want to join the chess club? 我想参加棋类俱乐部。 What club does he/

19、she want to join? 他/她想参加什么俱乐部? He/She wants to join the music club. 他/她想参加音乐俱乐部。Do you often play sports? 你经常做运动吗?Yes. I often play basketball. 是。我经常做运动。 Lets play basketball. 让我们打篮球吧! That sounds good /interesting. 听起来不错/有趣。外貌、职业What is he like? 他是什么样的/He is calm /outgoing. 他沉着/外向。What does he/she

20、look like? 他/她看起来什么样/He is of medium height /build. 他中等身高/中等身材。He has short/long hair. 他短发/长发。What do you do/ Whats your job/What are you? 你是做什么的?Im a doctor. 我是医生。Whos that man/woman? 那个男的/女的是谁?He/She is Mr. Smith /Mrs. Smith? 他/她是Mr. Smith /Mrs. SmithDo you know him/her? 你认识他/她?Yes/Of course. 当然。W

21、hat does he/she do/What is his/her job/What is he/she? 他/她是干什么的?He/She is a teacher. 他/她是一名老师。What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?I want to be a policeman. 我想成为一名警察。就 餐Can I help you? 我可以帮助你吗?Yes, please. Id like some noodles. 是的。我想要一些面条。Would you like something to eat/drink? 你想要点吃的/喝的吗?Some dumplings /w

22、ater, please. 请来一些饺子/水。What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要什么样的面条?Id like beef and tomato noodles. 我想要牛肉西红柿面条。What size bowl of noodles would you like? 你想要多大碗的面条?Id like a large/medium/small bowl of noodles? 我想要一大碗/中等碗/小碗面条。What else would you like? 你还想要点别的什么?Would you like another one? 你想再要一个吗?

23、Yes, please. / No, thanks. 好的。/ 不用了,谢谢。告别、感谢与道歉1. Good-bye! 再见。Bye! 再见。See you later/then/tomorrow. 待会见/到时候见/明天见。See you! 回见。2. Thank you. /Thanks for your help. 谢谢。/感谢你的帮助。 Youre welcome. 别客气。3. Sorry. / Im sorry. / Im sorry Im late. 对不起。/抱歉,我迟到了。 Thats all right. / It doesnt matter. 没关系。就 医Whats t

24、he matter / Whats wrong/ Whats the trouble (with you)? 你怎么啦?Im not feeling well/ I dont feel well/ I have a headache/fever/cold. 我感到不舒服/头痛/发烧/感冒。 When did it start? 是什么时候开始的? Two days ago. What should I do? 两天前。我该怎么办? Maybe you should lie down and rest/drink lots of water. 也许你该躺下来休息/多喝水。I hope youll

25、 feel better soon. 我希望你很快好起来。Thanks. 谢谢。My grandmother is ill in hospital. 我的祖母生病住院了。Im sorry to hear that. 听到那我很难过。天气Whats the weather like? / Hows the weather? 天气怎么样?Its sunny/rainy/windy/snowy/cloudy/hot/cold. 晴天/雨天/有风/有雪/多云/热/冷。Its raining/snowing. 正在下雨/下雪。What bad weather! 多么糟糕的天气呀。It will be b

26、etter/worse tomorrow. 明天天气将变好/糟糕。I hope so/ I hope not. 我希望是这样/我不希望这样。邀请与应答Are you free this evening? 你今天晚上有空吗?Yes. Im free. 我有空?2. Can you come to my party? / Would you like to come to my party? 你能参加我的晚会吗?Sure. / Certainly./Of course./ Yes, Id love to. 当然/我很愿意。Sorry, I cant. / Id love to, but I hav

27、e to 抱歉,我不能。/ 我愿意,但是我必须3. Would you like to go the movie with us? /Would you like to go with us/join us? 你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?/ 你愿意和我们一起去吗?Sure. / Certainly./Of course./ Yes, Id love to. 当然/我很愿意。Sorry, I cant. / Id love to, but I have to 抱歉,我不能。/ 我愿意,但是我必须度 假1. Where would you like to go on vacation? 你想去哪里

28、度假?Id like to go somewhere relaxing? What /How about you? 我想去放松的某地方。你呢?Id like to go to the place where the weather is warm. And Ill visit Shanghai next week.我想去天气暖和的地方。我下周将去上海。Oh! Have a good time. / Enjoy your trip. 哦。祝你玩得愉快!/ 旅行愉快!Thanks. 谢谢。2. Where did you visit? 你去那里参观了?I visited Wuhan. 我去武汉参观

29、了。Thats good. How were the people there? 很好。那里的人们怎么样?They were friendly. 很友好。How was the food there? 哪里的食物怎么样?It was delicious. 很可口。What did you do there? 你在那里做了些什么?I did many things there. 我做了很多事情。Thats good/great. 那太好了。What else did you do? 你还做了些别的什么?I met some movie stars. 我见到了许多电影明星?Oh! Youre lu

30、cky. 哦!你真幸运。请求与允许Could you please help me clean the classroom? 你能帮我打扫教室吗?Sure. Id love to. / No problem./ I will do it right away. 当然/没问题/我马上做。Would you mind not talking loudly here? 你介意不要在这里大声讲话吗?Sorry. I wont. 抱歉,我不会了。Would you mind doing some housework? 你介意做家务事吗?Not at all. 根本不。Can/ May/Could I a

31、sk you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗?Sure. / Certainly./Of course. 当然。谈论将来的事情What are you going to be when you grow up? 当你长大的时候你打算成为什么?Im going to be a scientist. 我打算成为科学家。How are you going to do that? 你打算怎样做呢?Im going to study science. 我打算学习科学。What do you want to be/does he want to be? 你/他想成为什么?I want

32、/He wants to be a player. 我想/他想成为一名运动员。3. What will you do /are you going to do for vacation? 你打算做什么度假? Ill/ Im going to the mountains. 我打算去爬山。Who /will you/ are you going with? 你打算和谁一起去?Im going with my parents. 我打算和我的父母一起去。4. How long will you/ are you staying? 你打算呆多久?For two weeks. 两个星期。When shal

33、l we meet? 我们将在什么时候见面?At 9:00. 九点。Why not meet earlier? Lets meet at 8:00. 为什么不早点见面呢?让我们八点见面吧。Where shall we meet? 我们将在哪里见面?At the gate of school. 在学校大门口。提建议与评价Why dont you get her a scarf?/Why not get her scarf? 为什么不给他买条围巾呢?How/What about getting her a scarf? 给她买条围巾怎么样? Thats a good idea. /That sou

34、nds good./ Its personal. 那是个好主意。/听起来不错。/蛮有个性化的。Shall we go to the beach? / Lets go to the beach. 去沙滩,好吗?/让我们去沙滩吧!Good idea. / It sounds good. 好主意/不错。Whats wrong/the matter? / What happened/Whats up? 怎么啦?What should I do? 我该怎么办?Maybe you should say sorry to him? 也许你该对他说抱歉。5. What are you doing? 你在做什么

35、?I was watching TV at home. 我在家里看电视。Thats too boring. Why not go shopping/ How about going shopping? 那太无聊了。为什么不去购物呢?/ 去购物怎么样?Good idea. Lets go. 好主意。那去吧。6. Thats too bad. 那太糟糕了。同意与不同意I think so. / I dont think so. 我是这样认为的。/ 我不是这样认为的Im not sure. 我不能确定。Im afraid so. / Im afraid I cant. 恐怕是这样的。/ 恐怕我不能。

36、I agree. / I disagree. 我同意。/我不同意。打电话1. Hello. This is Tom speaking. Whos that? 你好,我是Tom. 你是谁?Hello. This is Jack. 你好,我是Jack.Can/ Could I speak to Jim? 我可以找Jim接电话吗?This is Jim Speaking/ Speaking. 我是Jim.Sorry. He is not here now. Can I take a message for you? 抱歉,他现在不在。我可以为你捎口信吗?Thanks. 谢谢.Youre welcom

37、e. Goodbye! 别客气。 再见。Bye-bye! 再见。孝感市历届中考补全对话试题(2009年)Jack: Hi, Kate, What are you going to do this weekend?Kate: Im going to Wuhan.Jack: Wuhan? 80 ? Kate: Because there is going to be a match between China and Russia.Jack: How wonderful!Kate: Would you like to go with me?Jack: Id like to very much. 8

38、1 ?Kate: Its a volleyball match.Jack: 82 ?Kate: It will be held in Wuhan Gym.Jack: By the way. 83 ?Kate: Lets take the bus there tomorrow, shall we?Jack: 84 . Good-bye!Kate: Good-bye!(2010年)A: Where are you going for vacation?B: 80 _.A: Hainan Island? 81 _, isnt it? B: Yes, it is. But I dont mind th

39、e hot weather because I like swimming and surfing.A: Sounds great. 82 _?B: For two weeksFrom June 28th to July 12th. How about you? Where are you going?A: Id like to go to Singapore.B: 83 _? A: Because, you know, it is called Garden Country. B: 84 _! Its a good chance to learn English.A: Thats true.(2011年)Mary: Hello, this is Mary.Mr White: Hello, this is Mr White, Peters father.Mary: Hello, may I speak to Peter?Mr White: Sorry, (80)_.Mary: Could you tell me when hell come back?Mr White: (81)_. Can I take a message for him?Mary: Please tell him that I hope he will come to


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