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1、Step 1 Guessing gameRead and guess which poem it is Alone,alonelystrangerinaforeignland,Idoublypineforkinsfolkonaholiday.Iknowmybrotherswould,withdogwoodsprayinhand,Climbupmountainandmissmesofaraway.唐.王维独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。九月九日忆山东兄弟Thinking of his brothers on Mountain Climbing DayThe Dou

2、ble Ninth Festival the zhuyu festivalDeng Gao FestivalChong Yang Festivalthe Elders Day the Seniors Day 1 What is the theme of the Double Ninth Festival?2 What common activities do people like to do on this special day? Climbing mountains; appreciating flowers and wine; eating double-ninth cakes; we

3、aring Zhuyu; taking outdoor activities; traveling; getting close to nature, etc.It is a time for family get-togethers.It is an occasion to remember ones ancestors, their sacrifices and hardships, and to show respect for old people.Step 2 Homework checkingclimbing mountainsappreciatingchrysanthemum e

4、ating cakes drinking wine wearing zhuyu showing love for the old Besides the name,the theme and activities, what other aspects should we include when we introduce a festival?Chinese festivalnameactivitiesfeelingthemetimeAs far as I am concerned/In my opinion, its a time when people show love for .it

5、s a meaningful festival because it .its of great significance to Chinese people in that.Step 3 Sharing Do you think Chong Yang Festival means a lot to Chinese people?Why or why not?1 Beautiful words and expressions-Supplement1 在.庆祝 be celebrated on/fall on/take place on2 起源于/追溯至 date from/date back

6、to/be tracked to have a history of . 3 庆祝的主题是 it is a time /an occasion when people. it is a time for people to do sth. people celebrate it to honor/remember. It is celebrated in honor of . the reason why people celebrate it is that.5 庆祝方式多样 people enjoy a wide variety of activities for celebration,

7、 such as. there are various activities available for people to celebrate it, 4 对.表示尊重/关爱 show respect for/show love for sb Step 4 Language boxshow your findings 2 套用句式登高赏菊是庆祝重阳的一种古老的习俗。2. 那是一个很重要很有意义的日子。3.在重阳这一天,人们会和家人团聚,吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,说说笑笑。It is a traditional custom to observe the Chong Yang Festival by

8、climbing mountains or appreciating chrysanthemum.It is a day which is of great importance and significance.On ChongYang Festival, people have a reunion and a big dinner with their family, talking and laughing.4.人们现在庆祝重阳节是为了表达对老人们的尊敬和关爱。5.中国有许多传统节日,但我最喜欢重阳节,因为它意味着尊老-中国的美德之一。There are many traditional

9、 festivals in China, but I like the Chong Yang Festival most, because it means respecting the seniors-one of our virtues.Nowadays ,people observe the festival to show their care and respect for the elderly. 假如你叫李华,你的澳大利亚笔友Tom在当地汉语课上听说了重阳这个节日,这激起了他对重阳佳节的兴趣,他想请你进一步介绍重阳节(节日起源,庆祝方式)及你的看法。请你为他回复邮件。注意:1.

10、词数100左右2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯参考词汇:重阳节:Double Ninth FestivalLets practiceDraw an outline for writingParagraph1问候(greetings)写作目的(writing purpose)Paragraph2 节日由来/时间/主题(origin/time/theme)Paragraph3 你对节日的看法(your opinions)节日主要庆祝活动(activities)信件结尾(ending)Group work: Work in groups of four. One to write about the

11、 beginning and ending of the letter; two the introduction of the festival; one combine the writing and present it.小声朗读小组的文章,并从结构、人称、时态、字数、拼写、大小写、标点符号等方面进行自我修正。自我欣赏与修正After writing Appreciating & Evaluating 欣赏与评价小组交换习作互相欣赏,用红笔划出对方的亮点,并对不足的地方进行适当修改。你能给同学什么建议,使得对方的习作更好呢?根据评分标准,给他组的习作打分。After writing书面表达总分25分,分为五档,每5分为一个档次。一档(0-5分)只有短语、单词,完全没有可读性,只有2-3个不成形的句子形态。二档(6-10分)有一定的可读性,文章是以句子形态呈现,只是所写的句子都不正确。三档(11-15分)可读性较强,要点齐全,有三个或以上句子正确,文章完全是围绕话题来写的。(有不少单词或语法错误)四档(16-20分)语言流畅,逻辑关系正确,有4个及以上句子正确,有4-5个单


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