1、Chapter 3 traffic stream characteristics Traffic stream are made up of individual drivers and vehicles interacting with each other and with the physical elements of the roadway and its general environment. because both driver behavior and vehicle characteristics vary, individual vehicles within the
2、traffic stream do not behave in exactly the same way, even in similar circumstances, because driver behavior varies with local characteristics and driving habits.1 5.1 Types of facilities uninterrupted flow interrupted flowUninterrupted flow facilities have no external in-terruptions to the traffic
3、stream. Pure uniterrupt- ed flow exists primarily on freeway, where thereare no intersections at grade, traffic signals, ST-OP or YIELD signs, or other interruptions exter-nal to the traffic stream itself. 2 Interrupted flow facilities are those that incorporate fixed external interruptions into the
4、ir design and operation. The most frequent and operationally significant external interruption is the traffic signal. The traffic signal alternatively starts and stops a given traffic stream, creating a platoons of vehicles progressing down the facility.3 5.2 Traffic stream parameters (1) macroscopi
5、c parameters volume or rate of flow speed density4(2) Microscopic parameters the speed of individual vehicles headway spacing5volume Traffic volume is defined as the number of vehicles passing a point on a highway, or a given lane or direction of a highway, during a specified time interval. the unit
6、 of measurement for volume is simply “vehicles, although it is often expressed as “vehicles per unit time. 交通量是指在特定的时间段内,通过道路某一地点、某一断面或某一条车道的交通实体数。测量交通量的单位通常被称为“辆,虽然通常被表示为“辆/单位时间。时间的单位通常用“每天或“每小时表示。6hourly volume Daily volumes are used to establish trends over time, and for general planning purposes
7、. Detailed design or control decisions require knowledge of hourly volume for the peak hour of the day.7Rate of flow Rates of flow are generally stated in units of “vehicles per hour, but represent flows that exist for periods of time less than one hour. A volume of 200 vehicles observed over a 15 m
8、inute period may be expressed as a rate of 200*4=800 vehicles/hour, even though 800 vehicles would not be observed if the full hour were counted. The 800 vehicles/hour becomes a rate of flow that exists for a 15 minute interval.8Daily VolumeAADT (Average Annual Daily Traffic 年平均日交通量) the average 24
9、hour volume at a given location over a full 365 day year; the number of vehicles passing a site in a year divided by 365 days.AAWT (Average Annual Weekday Traffic 年平均工作日交通量) the average 24 day year; the number of vehicles passing a site on weekdays in a year divided by the number of weekdays.9AWT (A
10、verage Weekday Traffic 平均工作日交通量) The average 24hour weekday volume at a given location over a defined time period less than one year; a common application is to measure an ADT for each month of the year.ADT (Average Daily Traffic 平均日交通量) The average 24hour volume at a given location over a defined t
11、ime period less than one year; a common application is to measure an ADT for each month of the year. 1011一、交通量的表达方式在交通量观测和统计分析及实际应用中,常见的交通量有以下几种:1平均交通量 由于交通量是随时间变化的,对于不同的计量时间,有不同的表达方式,通常有如下的表达式: 式中: Qi计算期内各单位时间的交通量; n计算期内的单位时间总数。12二、交通量在空间上的变化 在同一时间或相似交通条件下,交通量在不同区段、不同方向和不同车道上其分布情况不一样。 1地域分布 经济兴旺省份与
12、经济欠兴旺省份之间交通量有明显差异。 2城乡分布 一般是城市道路交通量高于郊区道路,近郊又高于远郊,乡村道路交通量最低。 3方向分布 一条道路往返两个方向的交通量,在较长时间内大体上是相近的。但是在某段时间内,两个方向的交通量会有很大差异。(方向分布系数KD=主要行车方向交通量/双向交通量*100%) 4车道分布 当同向车行道有两条以上车道时,处于不同位置的车道,其交通量分布也不一样。13三、交通量的时间分布 交通量随着时间变化而出现的变化,反映了社会与经济活动等对交通的需求。 1一年内月交通量的变化 一年中每个月交通量是不相同的。年平均日交通量与月平均日交通量之比,称为交通量月变系数M(或称
13、月不均系数,月换算系数),即 式中:k当月的天数,可以取30、31、28、29天; Qi观测日的交通量。 月变系数表示交通量的月变规律。1415162、一周内日交通量的变化 在一周七天中,交通量也是逐日变化的。显示这种变化的曲线图,叫交通量日变图。用各个周日的交通量日变系数K日表示交通量的日变规律。 交通量日变系数K日,是以年平均日交通量(AADT);除以某周日的平均日交通量(ADT);某周日的平均日交通量等于全年所有某周日交通量的总和除以全年某周日的总天数。即 式中: Qi周 i的平均交通量,在实际计算时1718VolumeHourly volumes and peak hour volum
14、e (小时流量,顶峰小时流量) Daily volumes, while useful for planning purposes, cannot be used alone for design or operational analysis purposes. Volume varies considerable over the 24 hours of the day, with periods maximum flow occurring during the morning and evening commuter “rush hours. The single hour of th
15、e day that has the highest hourly volume is referred to as the peak hour. the peak-hour volume is generally stated as a directional volume. 19 Traffic going one way during the morning peak is going the opposite way during the evening peak, both sides of a facility must generally be designed to accom
16、modate the peak directional flow during the peak hour.20 DDHV=AADT*K*DK: proportion of daily traffic occurring during the peak hourD: proportion of peak hour traffic traveling in the peak direction of flow For design , the proportion of AADT occurring during the 30th peak hour of the year, If the 36
17、5 peak hour volumes of the year at a given location are listed in descending order, the 30th peak hour is 30th on the list and represents a volume that is exceeded in only 29 hours of the year. 21课堂练习: 某公路需要进行拓宽改建,经调查预测得该公路在规划年的年平均日交通量为50000辆小汽车/日。设计小时交通量系数K=0.15.取一条车道的设计通行能力为1500辆小汽车/h。试问该公路该修几条车道?
18、22Subhourly volumes and rate of flow Volumes observed for periods of less than one hour are generally expressed as equivalent hourly rates of flow. For example, 1000vehicles counted over a 15-minute interval could be expressed as 1000 vehs/0.25h=4000veh/h. the rate of flow of 4000veh/h is valid for
19、the 15-minute period in which the volume of 1000 vehs was observed.Table5.3 illustrates the difference between volumes and rates of flow.2324PHF=hourly volume/ max rate of flow25Rate of flow (流率)- defined as an equivalent hourly volume for a given interval (interval can be 5, 10, 15 minutes) Peak ho
20、ur factor (顶峰小时系数) DDHV (Directional Design Hourly Volume 设计小时流量) PCE and PCU (小汽车当量)26 2顶峰小时交通量 指一天内的交通顶峰期间连续1h的最大小时交通量。 3第30位小时交通量 将一年当中8760个小时交通量,按大小次序排列,从大到小排列序号为第30位的那个小时的交通量,称为第 30位小时交通量。 图31一年中小时交通量变化曲线图27 根据某地区交通量的日变系数和月变系数,以在观测到某月某日的实际交通量后,大致预测当年的年平均日交通量。预算公式如下: AADT=Qij.K月i.K日j 式中:Qij 第i月某
21、天(星期j)的实测交通量; K月i第i月的交通量月变系数; K日j星期j的交通量日变系数。28 例33 某地四月K月4=0.945,K日4= 1.223,实际观测到该地某道路上2000年4月13日(星期四)的交通量为3558辆,试推算该地此道路2000年的年平均日交通量。 解:AADT35580.945l.2234112辆日) 则,该条道路上2000年的年平均日交通量大约为4100辆左右。29 3交通量在一日中的小时变化 一天24h内交通量分布也不均匀,若绘成分布曲线,一般呈现出两个顶峰值,一个出现在上午,一个出现在下午。(1)顶峰小时交通量占该日交通量的百分比,称为顶峰小时流量比,反映顶峰小
22、时流量的集中程度,并可供顶峰小时交通量与日交通量之间作相互换算之用。(2)顶峰小时系数PHF 顶峰小时系数就是顶峰小时交通量与顶峰小时内某一段的交通量扩大为顶峰小时的交通量之比。 30当t5min时:当t15min时:31 例3-4 某公路交通量调查结果,顶峰小时为8:40-9:40表(3-3),顶峰小时交通量为每小时1312辆,求5min和15min顶峰小时系数 某公路顶峰小时交通量 表3-332 4交通量在一日的昼夜比例 昼夜16h(或12h)的交通量占日交通量之比,称为昼间流量比。(夜间8h或12h)的交通量占日交通量之比称为夜间流量比。由于夜间调查交通量工作量大,但年平均日交通量是一天
23、24h的交通量。若昼间或夜间流量比,则只需观测昼间流量而推算出日交通量。 33Volume characteristicsVolumeRate of flowDamandcapacity34 Volume is the number of vehicles passing a point during a specified time period, which is usually one hour, but need not be. rate of flow is the rate at which vehicles pass a point during a specified time
24、 period less than one hour, expressed as an equivalent hourly rate. demand is the number of vehicles that desire to travel past a point during a specified period(also usually one hour).demand is frequently higher than actual volumes where congestion exists. Some trips divert to alternative routes, w
25、hile other trips are simply not made.35 Capacity is the maximum rate at which vehicles can traverse a point or short segment during a specified time period. It is a characteristic of the roadway. Actual volume can never be observed at levels higher than the true capacity of the section. However, suc
26、h results may appear, because capacity is most often estimated using standard analysis procedures of the highway capacity manual.3637 Volume would be the number of vehicles counted passing the study location in the hour. Demand would be the volume plus the vehicles of motorists wishing to pass the s
27、ite during the study hour who were prevented from doing so by congestion. The latter would include motorists in queue waiting to reach the study location,motorists using alternative routes to avoid the congestion around the study location, and motorists deciding not to travel at all due to the exist
28、ing congestion.38Capacity would be the maximum volume that could be accommodated by the highway at the study location.39第二节 统计交通量的方法 一、手工计数法1人工纸上计数法 记录可用一定格式的表格登记,累计记录时,应按所取时段(5min、15min或1h)分别累计。表34为人工观测记录表格式之一。交通量统计表 表3-4 40 人工统计方法是我国最常用的方法,适合在任何地点、任何情况进行交通量进行统计,机动灵活易于掌握,但长时间连续观测时,精度不易保证。41 2流动车法 是
29、英国运输与道路研究室的沃尔卓普(Wardrop)和查尔斯沃斯(Charlesorth)在1954年提出来的。该方法灵活、方便,根据调查的数据资料,可以同时计算出交通量、平均行驶车速、平均运行时间等。 使用该方法进行调查时,一般需要观测车一辆,驾驶员1人,观测记录人员3名。其中1人记录与观测车反向行驶的会车数,1人记录与观测车同向行驶的超车数和被超车数,另1人记录观测车顺向行驶时间和反向行驶时间。行程为固定路段的距离。一般往返1216次,即可得到满意的结果。 42 测观路段上往返方向上的交通量分别为: 平均行驶时间: 并由此而推导出平均车速:43式中:qE与测试车行进方向相同的单向交通量(辆h)
30、; Xw测试车行进方向行驶时的会车数(辆); YE超越测试车的车辆数(辆); ZE被测试车超越的车数(辆); tE观测车沿测定方向行驶的时间(min); tW观测车与测定方向相反时的行驶时间 (min); L测试路段长度(km); VE在测试路段上测定方向的平均车速(kmh)。44 例3-5 在长1.35km长的一段东西向街道上,用测试车往返12次观测同向和逆向车数的记录结果如下,求该路段的车流量和车速。 45 用流动车法调查交通量要使观测车的车速尽可能接近车流的平均速度,当交通量很小时,则应接近调查路段的限制车速。对于多车道的情况,最好变换车道行驶。另外,要尽可能使超车数与被超车数接近平衡,
31、特别当交通量不高时更应如此。 46SpeedTime mean speed (TMS,时间平均车速) the average speed of all vehicles passing a point on a highway or lane over some specified time period.Space mean speed (SMS,空间平均车速) the average speed of all vehicles occupying a given section of highway or lane over some specified time period.4748
32、To measure time mean speed(TMS), an observer would stand by the side of the road and record the speed of each vehilce as it passes. Given the speeds and the spacing shown in Figure5.1, a vehicle will pass the observer in lane A every 176/88=2s. thus , as long as the traffic stream maintains the cond
33、itions shown, for every n vehicles traveling at 88ft/s, the observer will also observe n vehicles traveling at 44ft/s. the TMS may then be computed as:49 To measure space mean speed (SMS), an observer would need an elevated location from which the full extent of the section may be viewed. Again, how
34、ever, as long as the traffic stream remains stable and uniform, as shown, there will be twice as many vehicles in lane B as there are in lane A. therefore, the SMS is computed as:5051 TMS is computed by finding each individual vehicle speed and taking a simple average of the results. SMS is computed
35、 by finding the average travel time for a vehicle to traverse the section and using the average travel time to compute a speed.5253例对长为100m的路段进行现场观测,获得数据如表41所列:车速观测数据表 4-1 试求其时间平均车速与空间平均车速?车辆行驶时间(s) 车速(km /h) 车辆行驶时间(s) 车速(km /h) 车辆行驶时间(s) 车速(km /h) 车辆行驶时间(s) 车速(km /h) 12344.
36、6785.解:55Percentile (百分位)- a value in a distribution for which the stated percentage of the population has a characteristics that is less than or equal to the specified value, 15, 50 and 85 percentiles
37、 are very common5657交通流速度的概念 一、速度的概念 设车辆在t时间内、在道路上行驶L距离,则车速可用Lt形式表示。58二、速度的表示方式1、地点车速(又叫点车速或瞬时车速) 它是车辆驶过道路上某一断面时的瞬时速度,观测距离很短,以行驶该距离的时间小于2s为限。 汽车上车速里程表指示的车速、交通标志中限制的车速和雷达测速仪测得的车速均为地点车速,它是用作道路设计、交通管理和规划的依据。 592、行驶车速 它是指车辆在某一路段所行距离,用有效行驶时间(不包括停车时间)除之所求的车速。 行驶车速用来分析道路区段行驶难易程度和设计道路通行能力以及车辆运行的本钱效益分析。 603、
38、行程车速 行程车速又称区间车速或运送速度,是车辆行驶路程与通过该路程所需的总时间(包括停车时间)之比。行程车速是一项综合性指标,用以评价道路的通畅程度,估计行车延误情况。要提高运输效率归根结底是要提高车辆的行程车速。614、计算车速 计算车速又称设计车速是指在道路交通与气候条件良好的情况下仅受道路条件限制所能保持的最大平安车速,用作道路线形几何设计的标准。 62二、时间平均车速和区间平均车速1、时间平均车速 车辆通过道路某断面时,某段时间内车速分布的平均值,称为时间平均车速,简称平均车速。它的大小就是地点车速观测值的算术平均值。其数学表达式为:式中:vt时间平均车速; i第i辆车的地点车速;
39、n观测的车辆数。632、区间平均车速(即路段平均车速) 某瞬间道路上某区间内全部车辆车速分布的调和平均值,或者定义为一批车辆通过某一路段时,其行驶距离与各辆车行程时间的平均值之比。其数学表达式分别为: 式中:vs区间平均车速; ti第i辆车行驶l距离所用时间; n观测到的车辆数; l行驶路段的长度。643、两者之间的关系 时间平均车速和区间平均车速都是描述交通流运行速度的指标。前者用于描述某地点一段时间内交通流的平均运行速度;后者用于描述某一路段某一瞬间交通流的平均运行速度。 利用下式可用时间平均车速推求区间平均车速: 式中:2t时间平均车速观测值的方差。65 当由区间平均车速推求时间平均车速
40、时,可用下式: 式中:2s区间平均车速观测值的方差。66 Density It is defined as the number of vehicles occupying a given length of highway or lane and is generally expressed as vehicles per kilometer per lane. Difficult to obtain from the field - using occupancy (占用率)which is defined as the proportion of time that a detector
41、 is covered by a vehicle in the specified period of time 67Eg: consider a case in which a detector records an occupancy of 0.2 for a 15min analysis period. If the average length of a vehicle is 28 ft, and the detector is 3 ft long, what is the density?68车道占有率1、空间占有率 公路的单位面积中各车辆所占面积的总和。一般将公路一定路段上的车辆总
42、长度与路段长度之比的百分数作为空间占有率。 式中:Rs空间占有率(); L观测路段总长度(m); ti第i辆车的长度(m); n该路段的车辆数。69例: 某路段长200m,有8辆大汽车(平均长度为10)、4辆小汽车(平均长度为5m),则: 702、时间占有率 在公路的任一短路段上,车辆通过时间的累计值与观测时间的比值,以百分数表示,即为时间占有率。其表达式如下:式中:Rt时间占有率(); T观测时间(s); ti第i辆车通过观测路段所用的时间(s) ; n在观测时间内通过观测路段的车辆数。 71例:在30s测定的时间内,4辆车通过观测断面所占的时间分别为0.5s,0.7s,1.0s,1.1s,
43、则:72 Spacing (车头间距)and headway (车头时距) spacing is defined as the distance between successive vehicles in a traffic lane; 同向行驶的一列车队中相邻两车车头之间的距离。The average spacing in a traffic lane can be directly related to the density of the lane. headway is defined as the time interval between successive vehicles
44、as they pass a point along the lane;车辆通过道路某一点时相邻两车之间的时间间隔。73 Average speed can also be computed from headway and spacing measurements as: A sample problem Traffic in a congested multilane highway lane is observed to have an average spacing of 200ft, and an average headway of 3.8s . Estimate the rate
45、 of flow, density and speed of traffic in this lane.74 交通流密度 一、交通流密度的定义1、交通流密度 (又称车流密度)是指在某一时刻,某单位长的路段上一条车道或几条车道内的车辆数。 它是反映道路上车辆的密集程度、衡量道路上车流畅通情况的重要指标。交通流密度一般可用下式表示:式中:K交通流密度(辆km); L道路长度(km ); N在L长的道路上拥有的车辆数(辆)。 75例:一条双车道(双向)道路,在某一时刻,在250m长的路段内,每条车道上有两辆车,则:762、临界密度 在交通流密度中,能够使道路上的交通量到达最大值时的密度,又称为最正确
46、车流密度;3、阻塞密度 道路上的车流使车辆几乎无法行进,即发生交通阻塞时的交通流密度,称为阻塞密度。 77二、车头间距与车头时距1、车头间距 是指同向行驶的一列车队中,两连续行驶的车辆车头之间的距离。路段中所有车头间距的平均值,称为平均车头间距,单位为m辆。 交通密度和车头间距呈互为倒数关系,即: 式中:K交通密度; hs平均车头间距(m辆)。782、极限车头间距 在交通流的不同车头间距中,可以保证行车平安的最短车头间距,称为极限车头间距。3、车头时距 在同向行驶的一列车队中,两连续行驶的车辆之车头驶过某一点时的时间间隔,称为车头时距。4、极限车头时距 能够保证行车平安的最短车头时距,称为极限
47、车头时距。79Relationship among volume, speed and density 8081The Greenshields linear model 82Greenbergs logarithmic model83Underwoods exponential (负指数)model84Derivation of flow-speed and flow-density relationships under Greenshields 85Eg:consider greenshields linear speed-density model, selected for its
48、simplicity. Assume that a speed-density study has resulted in the following calibrated relationship: S=55-0.45D Mathematical models for speed-density may also be manipulated to determine(1)free-flow speed;(2)jam density;(3)capacity?86 Based on Greenbergs speed-density model and Underwoods speed-dens
49、ity model, substantiate that the capacity for Greenberg and Underwood is as follows: Greenberg UnderwoodAs the model was that put forward by Greenberg, showing a logarithmic relationship: V= DS=D87 带入格林柏格公式得: 最后:88Underwood公式:V= DS=D89 三参数之间的关系 一、交通流的三个参数关系 描述交通流的三个参数是交通量、速度和交通密度,它们之间的关系可以用下式表示:式中:Q
50、交通量(辆/h); V速度(kmh); K交通密度(辆km)。90二、交通量、速度和交通密度的关系曲线 由交通量、速度和交通密度三者关系图可见:交通量、速度和交通密度的关系图91(1)Qm是速度-流量图上的峰值,表示最大流量。(2)Vm是流量取最大值(QQm)时的速度,称为临界速度。(3)在速度、密度图上,车辆减少,密度随着变小,速度增大。当密度趋于零时,速度可达最大值,这时车辆可畅行无阻,所以Vf是畅行速度。若车辆增多时;则密度增大,车速随之减小。当密度到达最大值Kj时,车流受阻即Q = 0。此时的密度Kj称阻塞密度。92(4)在流量一密度图上,密度过小,速度虽大,但流量仍达不到最大值。密度
51、过大,速度会降低,流量也不能有最大值。只有当密度适宜时,通过的流量才最大,对应流量为最大值的密度称为最正确密度,用Km表示。 93速度和密度之间的关系 1933年,格林希尔兹(Greenshields)提出了速度一密度线性模型。 式中:Vf一畅行速度; Kj阻塞密度。 94 这一模型较为直观、实用,且与实测数据拟合良好。95 当K0时,V值可达理论最高速度,即畅行速度Vf。实际上,AE线不与纵坐标轴相交,而是趋于该轴因为在道路上至少有一辆车V以速度Vf行驶。这时,Vf只受道路条件限制。该图也可以表示流量,根据直线关系,直线上任意点的纵横坐标与原点O所围成的面积表示交通量,如运行点C,速度为Vm,密度为Km,其交通量为 QmVmKm,即图上的矩形面积。96 当车流密度很大时,用直线关系描述就不准确了,可以采用格林伯(Greenberg)提出的对数模型: 当密度很小时,可采用安德伍德(Underwood)提出的指数模型: 97 交通量和密度的关系 可由格林希尔兹模型导出。 上式是二次函数关系,可用一条抛物线表示,如下图。 交通量和密度的关系图 98 当交通密度为零时,流量为零,故曲线通过坐标原
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