



1、Unit5 How old are you ?(Period1)Story time武进区潘家小学 陈丽教学目标:1、知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答Im . 2、技能目标:能在情景中正确的使用How lovely ! Here you are.3、情感目标:根据年龄段表达自己喜欢的玩具。教学重难点:能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old a

2、re you ?及其回答Im .教学准备:卡片,PPT教学过程:Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting Welcome to my English class. 2. Free talk (1) T: Would you like ? /Look at my coat. /What colour is it ? Whats this ? /Is this your ? 引出 How lovely!的教学 (2) Welcome to our English class. 欢迎来到我们的英语课堂。3. Sing a song “ Ten little Indian boys “

3、 Step 2 Presentation 1. T: How many Indian boys are there in the song ? Ss : Ten. Teach: tenT: Now can you count from one to ten ? Ss count :” one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.”学生跟读单词,并拼读。 Ss 自己拼读数字单词。T: Lets have a match. 看谁拼的又快又好。 S:Nine /five/ seven/ eight/ four2. T: Look

4、 at the Indian boy again . What do you want to say to him? Also you can ask him some questions. Ss自由发挥(他叫什么名字?/ / 他几岁了?) 录音: Im ten . 教授I m ten. T: Bob is ten. What about you ? How old are you ? S: Im ten. Teach : How old are you ? T: Today well learn a new lesson Unit 5 How old are you? Ss 读题 T: He

5、llo, XX. S: Hello, Miss Chen. T: How old are you ? S: Im nine/ ten. How old are you ? T: Shh. Its a secret. You can ask your partner” How old are you?” S1: How old are you ? S2: Im nine/ ten. Ss work in pairs.Step3 Consolidation1. T: Boys and girls , look at the picture, who are they ?Ss: Mike, Hele

6、n, Tim. Guess how old are they. S: Is he nine/ ? T: Maybe. T: Now lets watch the cartoon and find the answer “ How old is Mike/ Helen/ Tim ?” , OK? T: Mike is . S: Nine.Helen is . EightTim is . Two 2. T: Lets watch the cartoon again , then answer these questions ,OK?Ss watch and answer. Q1. Where ar

7、e they ? Q2. What is the woman say to the children? 由Q1 引出 toy museum 玩具博物馆 (Ss read)由Q2 引出 Here you are. 给你。 Here you are. =This is for you.3. T: Now lets read after the tape, and do the match , OK? Ss: OK. 学生上台将三个玩具分别贴到相应的人物旁。学生练说This is for 4 .T: Now this time you can read the dialogue by yoursel

8、f. And then finish the exercise . One day, Mike, Helen and Tim are in the toy museum. Mike is _, this_ is for Mike. _ is eight, the _ is for her(她). Tim is only (只有)_, the panda(熊猫) is for _. They are very happy.学生做完填空后,让他们看黑板练说句子。5. Now lets read the dialogue together, then help me to solve the pro

9、blem, OK? Why is the robot for Mike , not for Tim? Why is the panda for Tim, not for Helen ?Ss read together. S中文回答。T: Yes. You are a clever boy/ girl. Because these toys are for the children of the ages from 6-10, and the panda is just for the children of the ages from 2-5, Tim is only two, so he g

10、ets the panda. Now are you clearly, yes or no?Sep4 Summary1. Great! Boys and girls, what have you learned from this lesson? Now you can listen to music and recall. Ss回想2. Lets summary.(1).当我们询问别人年龄时,可以问:(2).当你想要回答你八岁时,你会回答:(3)欢迎他人来到我们的教室,可以说:(4).当你想称赞别人的东西可爱时,你会说:(5).当你想把某样东西给别人的时候,你会说:3.Last, lets enjoy a song “ How old are you?” You can sing together. Step5 Homework1. Read Story time after the tape th


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