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1、Unit 1主题提分卷 时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二总分得分听力部分 (30分)一、课间休息时Li Ming 和 Jenny 在谈论各自的爱好。请你听一听他们之间的对话,分别选出他们喜欢的运动项目。(5分) A. B. C. D. E. Li Ming: _ Jenny: _二、Jenny和同学们在谈论他们上周末的活动。请你听一听,判断下列图片与他们描述的内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( )三、周末到了,Jenny和朋友打算一起去商场购物。请你听一听他们都打算买些什么?在物品下面的横线上写出他们

2、的名字。(写序号)(5分) Danny B. Jenny C. Li MingD. Steven E. Kim 2. 3. _ _ _ 4. 5. _ _四、Jenny和她的家人都喜欢什么运动呢?请你听一听,在表格相应的位置上画“”。(10分) basketballfootballpingpongrunningswimmingMr. SmithMrs.SmithJennyBobLynn笔试部分(70分)五、Jenny正在和朋友玩“你说我猜”的游戏。你也来读一读,猜一猜并写一写吧。(5分)1. You cant solve (解决) the math problems. You should _

3、 your teacher for help. 2. The box is not light. Its _. 3. You cant do it well. I think it is not easy. It is _. 4. You never did it before. You want to do it now. You want to _. 5. It is a part of your body. It can help you write and do many things. It is your _.六、班会上,同学们拿来了自己最喜欢的照片并写了几句简单的介绍。请你读一读

4、,将他们介绍的内容填到合适的照片下。(写选项)(10分)1._2._3._4. _5. _A. I always go to the swimming pool in summer. Its cool. B. I cant throw or catch the ball. I just kick (踢) the ball. C. I put on my running shoes to run at the sports meeting. D. I can throw the ball into the basket. E. I want to be the first at the spor

5、ts meeting. F. It is also called table tennis. G. I like swimming like a fish. H. The World Cup is held every four years. I always watch it on TV. I. The ball is small and light. I think it is very easy. But I always hit the ball to my friends hand. J. I like to watch the NBA and the CBA.七、Jenny非常热心

6、地想帮助同学们网购物品。但是由于粗心有些物品购买得不对。请你读一读下面的对话,在正确的物品下写“T”,错误的物品下写“F”。(5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. I need a T-shirt. What colour do you want?Red. 2. Do you like these basketball shoes or those basketball shoes?I like these basketball shoes. 3. Would you like some water or some juice?Id like som

7、e juice. 4. Do you like football or basketball? I like football. 5. Do you want books or pens? I want some books.八、Jenny在朋友们的帮助下也开始了体育锻炼。下面是她运动日记中的一些句子。请你帮她圈出语句中的错误并在横线上改正吧。(10分)1. I thought I could hit the ball, but I hitted my hand. _2. I watched Bob to play basketball._3. I dont have some water._

8、4. I buy a basketball yesterday._5. I played basketball every day. _九、Jenny正在和朋友谈论最喜欢的运动。请你读一读,补全对话。(10分)Jenny:Steven, whats your favourite sport?Steven: 1. _Jenny: 2. _Steven: I like Yao Ming best. Jenny: When do you usually play sports?Steven: 3. _Jenny: Do you watch the NBA games?Steven: 4. _Jenn

9、y: Wow! 5. _Steven: Sure. A. Basketball. B. Can you teach me to play basketball?C. No,I often watch the CBA. D. On Sundays. E. Who is your favourite basketball player?十、今天是周末,Li Ming准备为下周的活动做一些准备。请你根据图片或上下文语境选择正确的单词或短语填空。(10分)difficulttheseeasyplay basketballthrow the balla pair ofhanda basketball g

10、amethosecatchNext week, we will have 1. _ . I need_ basketball shoes. So I go to a shop. I dont like 3. _ shoes. I like 4. _ shoes. My friends and I try to 5. _ . I think it is _. I can 7. _ . Tom thinks it is 8. _. He cant 9. _ the ball . He hurts his 10. _ . 十一、Jenny非常喜欢足球,也了解很多关于足球的知识。请你读一读并完成下列各

11、题。(10分)In almost every big university in the United States, football is very popular. American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball. But they also throw the ball and run with it. If they want to get the points, they need to take it to the other end of the field. Its difficult

12、 to move the ball. Players on the team try to stop him when he has the ball. If he does not move the ball ten yards, his team will kick the ball to the other team. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. If a team is very good, it may pla

13、y another game after the season ends. The best team plays again on January 1, the first day of the new year. Many people go to see these games in a sports centre and many others watch them on TV. (一)根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(4分)()1. Which is American football? B. C. ()2. What is the meaning of “kick the ball ”

14、 ? B. C. (二)根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(6分)()3. Football is very popular in big universities of the United States. ()4. If a team wants to get the points, it should move the ball eleven yards. ()5. The best team plays again on New Years Day. 十二、你的朋友Jenny, Danny和Li Ming 都喜欢运动。那么你呢?你喜欢什么运动?快来给大家介绍一下吧!(10分)提示:

15、Whats your favourite sport? Who do you play with? Where do you play? When do you play? What do you wear to play?要求:1. 题目自拟;2. 条理清晰,语句通顺,不少于7句话。_Unit 1主题提分卷听力材料:一、Li Ming:What are you doing? Jenny: Im teaching Danny to play pingpong. Li Ming: Does Danny like pingpong? Jenny: No! But I like to play pi

16、ngpong. Li Ming: What sports does Danny like to play? Jenny: Danny doesnt like to play sports. Li Ming: Thats bad for him. I like to play football and basketball. I also like to ride a bike. I will teach him. I will play with him. Jenny: Thats great! Danny needs to play sports. I like to swim. I wil

17、l teach him to swim. 二、1. I watched a football game last Sunday. 2. Im Danny. My dad taught me to play basketball last Sunday. 3. I flew a kite with my cousin last Sunday. 4. I played pingpong with my friends last Sunday. 5. Jack rode a bike to the park yesterday. 三、Jenny:What do you want to buy,Dan

18、ny? Danny: I want to buy a pair of shoes. Jenny: Do you like these shoes or those shoes? Danny: I like those blue shoes. What do you want to buy,Jenny? Jenny: I need a football. Assistant: This way, please! Do you like this football or that football? Jenny: I like this football. Its nice. What about

19、 you,Li Ming? Li Ming: I want a Tshirt. Danny: Which Tshirt do you like? Li Ming: This Tshirt is 30 dollars. That Tshirt is 40 dollars. I want this one. Jenny: What do you want to buy,Steven? Steven: I want these pingpong balls. And what do you need,Kim? Kim: I need shorts. I like those shorts. 四、 E

20、veryone in Jennys family likes sports. Mr. Smith likes football best. Mrs. Smith likes running best. Bobs favourite sport is basketball. Swimming is Jennys favourite sport. Lynns favourite sport is pingpong. 答案:一、Li Ming: B;C;EJenny:A;D二、1. T2. T3. F4. F5. T三、1. D2. A3. C4. E5. B四、basketballfootballpingpongrunningswimmingMr. SmithMrs.SmithJennyBobLynn五、1. ask2. heavy3. difficult4. try5. hand点拨:此题可通过句子中的关键信息来推断出答案。完成此类题目要先根据句子的整体信息判断出答案属于哪一类,再通过关键信息得出答案。六、1. D;J2. B;H3. F;I4. C;E5. A;G七、1. T2. T3. T4. F5. F八、1. 圈hitted;改为hit点拨:hit的过去式为hit。2. 圈to;去掉to点拨:watch sb. do sth. 。3


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