1、【辉门上课规矩】1、2、3、听话照做活在当下正能量【寒假 AB 班】本节课后,把含有自己酷学账号的听课截图发给老师1375169808,以及你的、年级、学校、。【签到规则】由于本课程极其重要,为鼓励大家参与签到有好礼”活动,参与方法如下:,特推出“坚持听,每节课后,截图听课画面或拍摄课堂笔记; 空间,加上话题 #寒假 AB 班#;发写上你最大的感受和收获;然后 老师(号)和酷学网 K12(号 3294588894) 成功完成 13 节课签到的同学,将有机会获得由酷学网寄出的幸运小!有效期:结束后的 24 小时之内!【如何提高基础知识】“淘金法”1、 查单词:单词、短、句型、搭配在语境中学习!2
2、、 画括号:习其句读断句读懂句子!3、 抓:理解段落!阅读理解的基本能力:看完一个自么”。之后,能够用简洁的语言说出“该自谈了个什寒假 A 班目标:同步视译!1、 课内任务:听懂老师课上讲的每一个字;学会老师课上讲的每一个方法,背过老师课上讲的每一个知识点。2、 课下任务:把自己所学必修 1必修 5,所有 Reading 部分用括号法”同步视译”,每天两篇文章。查单词画括号抓d) 反复听!【同步视译】边看,边画,边翻译【1、2、3、4、如何拿满分?】原文都认识耳朵能听懂听前能听后能蒙猜(相关选项比较)【1、2、3、基础知识】元音:发音时不需要舌头和牙齿摩擦气流辅音:发音时需要舌头和牙齿辅助去摩
3、擦气流音:/p/b/t/d/k/g/【能力五大秘诀】目标:用耳朵认出英文!1、 连读:Stand up.(辅+元=连读)元+元=连读(咧嘴元音再接元音时加j,噘嘴元音再接元音时加w)i.ii. iii. iv.v.vi.be j outI j am You w areThe radio w is mine. He j isSo w is he.c) /h/的击穿:如果/h/前面是辅音,后面是元音,则/h/击穿掉i.ii. iii.I like him.I hate her. Look at him.2、3、略读:Sit down.(+辅=略读)断句:(1)主谓间(2)修饰处(3)并列点I lo
4、ve you.I love youI love youy heart.y heart and soul.4、语调:Staircaseonation 阶梯式语调重要单词抬高音调然后慢慢降低音调直到遇到下一个重点单词再抬高音调然后再慢慢降低音调5、 用气中文尽量用气多一点,比较好听;英语尽量用气省一些,比较好听!(尽量训练自己用最少的气发出最大的音)辉门绝技:低头法!必修 1 Unit 1 FriendshipANNES BEST FRIEND想法 n.嘲笑看thoughtlaugh at look at瞄准aim atknock at敲盯着(死盯着)瞪着(哥怒了)stare atglare at
5、go through 经历 v.在介质中穿过(丝溜一下)在平面上穿过(“阔”) 在正上方越过(看读音)throughacross overA make B C = A 把 B 变成 CDo you want a friend (to whom you couldl everything), (like yourdeepest feelings and thoughts)? Orwould laugh) (at you), or would notare you afraid (t your friendunderstand (what you are going kind, so she ma
6、de her diary herthrough)? Anne Frbest friend.wanted the不得不躲藏(hid; hidden)过多久在之前;然后覆盖 v.have tohide for before coverdiscover发现diaryset/put/write/copy down 记下,写下a series of 一系列的(量词不用画括号)很多a lot of=一堆的 Xa number of Xthe number (of X)= X 的数目因为,当.时候;作为,像.一样asAnne lived (in Amsterdam) (he Netherlands) (du
7、ring WorldWarII). Her family was Jewish so she had to hide or they would be caught(by the German Nazis). She and her family hid away (for two years)(before they were discovered). (Duringt time) the only true friendwas her diary. She said, “I dont want (to set down a series octs) (ina diary) (as most
8、 people do), but I want this diary itself (to be my friend), and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read (how she felt) (afterbeing) (he hiding place) (since July 1942).琢磨,想知道 v.是否 在户外过多久长得,变得 v.wonderif outdoor for grow= A 对 B 痴狂= A 变得对 B 痴狂A be crazy about BA get crazy about BA grow crazy about B=
9、 A 变得对 B 痴狂A has something to do with B= A 和 B 有关系= A 和 B 没关系A has nothing to do with B【强调句型】句型:It is/was + 被强调部分翻译: 正是(t/who + 句子剩余部分地停顿一下).+用法:进行两遍“剪切+粘贴”I love English.It is Englisht I love.It is I注意:t/who love English.(1) 原句时态和 is/was 保持一致(2) 强调人时t/who 均可;强调物时,只能是t= A 保持 B 是 CA keep B Cspellboun
10、d被迷住 adj.拼写;语spellYou cast a spell on me. 你扔了一个语在我身上。Im gladyou came.Thursday 15, June, 1944Dear kitty,I wonder (if its) (because I havent been able) (to be outdoors) (forso long)t Ive grown so crazy (about everything) (to do) (withnature). I can well remember (t there was a time) (when a deepblue s
11、ky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could neverts changed (since I was here).渴望have kept me spellbound).自然作业:1、2、3、4、背熟讲解的所有知识点;用“同步视译”预习本篇文章剩余部分。用五大发音绝招读透讲过的几段文字每节 A 班的课文,都要在读懂的基础上,反复听至少 30 遍!先视听再盲听保持醒着 adj.stayawakewake sb. up把叫醒目的 n.e故意地 adv.A 事件一直延续到 B 的出现就结束。puron pureA until BI sl
12、ept until noon.I didnt go to sleep until midnight.直到 B 才 A= tonot A until Bin order toA have a look at B= A 看了 B 一眼一次oncetoo much 就是 muchmuch too 就是 too因为,当.时候;作为,像一样【即境揣摩】敢 v.asdarehappen to do sth = do sth by accident 偶然做某事,碰巧做某事楼梯 n.楼上,在楼上 adv.stairupstairsdownstairs 在楼下 adv.staircaseonation 阶梯式语
13、调关闭 v.雷 n.打雷 v.举行,举办,握住,把握住 v.全部的 adj.人类种族 n. 径赛 n.医治 v.shutt holdderentirehuman race healHeal the World.Make it a bettlacefor you and for me and the entire human race.It is theIt was the face to face/second/third/last timet I have done sth.timet I had done sth.面对面手拉手肩并肩hand in handshoulder by shoul
14、der【正常自】T:Topic SentenceE:Explanation E:Example C:句解释句举例子总结句TEECTE TE TETEEC ET【伪分段现象】定义:两三个自第 N 段:T第 N+1 段:E第 N+2 段:E共用一个。高考阅读题:君子有所读,有所不读!读:句+出题句不读:例子;经历;故事;数字;列举;的话;实验过程(For example), (when it was so warm), I stayed awake (on pure)(until half paseven) (one evening) (in order to have a good look)
15、(atthe moon) (for once) (by myself). But (as the moon gave far too muchlight), I didnt dare open a window. | (Another time) (some months ago), I happened (to be upstairs) (one evening) (when the window was open). I didnt go downstairs (until the window had to be shut). Thedark, rainy evening, the wi
16、nd, the tdering clouds held me entirely(heirer); it was thetime (in a year and a half) (t Id seenthe night) (face to face)渴望自然尘土 n.脏的 adj.灰尘 n.布满灰尘的 adj.窗帘 n.挂 v.n.使满意 v.令人满意的 adj.dirtdirty dust dusty curtain hang pleasure please pleasing pleasant pleased令人的 adj.感到满意的 adj.You cant please everyone.no
17、t any longer 不再= no longer不再= no morenot any more不幸的是我只能够/去看自然/通过脏的窗帘/挂/在非常布满尘土的窗户前。【英式中文】SadlyI am only able (to look) (at nature) (through dirty curtains)(hanging)(beforeverydustywindows).Itsnopleasure(through these) (any longer) (because nature is one thing) ( must be experienced). 不想这样看自然Yours,A
18、nne必修 3 Unit1 Festivals (around the world)(looking)t reallyFestivals and cerationsFestivals and cerations (of all kinds) have been held evryhere(since ancient times). Most ancient festivals would cerate the end(ofcoldweather),planting(inspring)andharvest(inautumn).Sometimes cerate would be held (aft
19、erters had caught animals).(Atespet time) people would starve (if food was difficult) (to find),lly (during the cold wer months). Todays festivals have manyorigins, some religious, some seasonal, and some (for spel people orevents). 各种各样的节日Festivals (of the Dead)Some festivals are held (to honour th
20、e dead) or (to satisfy the antors), (who might return) (either to help) (or to do harm). (Forthe Japafestival Obon), people should go (to clean graves andlight incense) (in memory) (of their anand play music (because they think) (tors). They also light lampst this will lead the antorsback) (to earth
21、). (exico), people cerate the Day (of the Dead) (inearly November). (On this important feast day), people eat food (he) (of skulls) and cakes (with“bones”) (on them). They offer food,shflowers and gifts (to the dead). The Western holiday Hallon alsohad its origin (in old befs) (about the return) (of
22、 the spirits) (of deadpeople). It is now a childrens festival, (when they can drep and go)(to their neighbours homes) (to ask) (for sts). (If the neighbours dots), the children might play a trick (on them). 死人节not give any sFestivals (to Honour People)Festivals cso be held (to honour fus people). Th
23、e DragonBoat Festival (in China) honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. (Inthe USA) Columbus Day is (Columbus) (in New World).emory) (of the arrival) (of Christ pherhas a national festival (on October 2)(to honourndas Gandhi), the leader (who helped gainsindependence) (from Britain).Harvest Festi
24、valsHarvest andnksgiving festivals can be very happy events. Peopleare grateful (because their food is gathered) (for the wer) and theagricultural work is over. (In European countries), people will usuallydecorate churches and town halls (with flowers and fruit), and will get together (to have meals
25、). Some people might win awards (for their farm produce), (like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster). China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, (when people admire the moon) and (in China), enjoy mooncakes.Spring FestivalsThe most energetic and important festivals are the ones (t lo
26、okforward) (to) (of wer) and (to the coming) (of spring). (At theSpring Festival) (in China), people eat dumplings, fish and meat andmay give children lucky money (in red pr). There are dragon danar New Year together.and carnivals, and famis cerate theSome Western countries have very exciting carniv
27、als, (which take place)(forty days before Easter), (usually in February). These carnivals might include parades, dancing (in the streets) (day and night), loud music and colourful clothing (of all kinds). Easter is an important religious andsol festival (for Christians) (around the world). It cerate
28、s thereturn (of Jesus) (from the dead) and the coming (of spring andlife). Japans Cherry Blossom Festival happens (a little later). country, (covered) (with cherry tree flowers), looks (as though covered) (with pink snow).newThe it isPeople love (to get together) (to eat, drink and have fun) (withea
29、ch other). Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud (of our customs) andet our work (for a little while). 人们爱过节f大量的行动(查单词+画括号+标)=大量的提分如何用括号法翻译句子:主分直接翻(利用汉英共性)遇见三长画括号(英语结构特征)提着问题往下顺(英语思维特征)调字调序写中文(写出地道中文)*如何“提着问题往下顺”:每个括号里的第一个单词,都称为“挂钩单词”,可以利用每个“挂钩”作自问自答,将一个个括号连接起来。目的:用英语的语序直接理解英语!注意:(1)碰到时间状语,问“什么时候呢?”
30、“什么时间呢?”(2)碰到ng,问“干什么呢?”“干啥呢?”如果有些句子特别简单,一眼就能“看懂”,还要不要画括号?“打怪升级原理”LOL DOTA?打小怪经验值升级遇见多义词怎么办?即境揣摩!School life (he UK)Going (to a British high school) (for one year) was a very enjoyable and exciting experience (for me). I was very happy (with the school hours) (inBritain) (because school starts) (aro
31、und 9a.m.) and ends (about 3.30p.m).Thismeans (t I could get up) (an hour later) (n usual) (as schools) (in China)begin (before 8 am). 去英国留学爽attendattend classes assembly next to X earnearn money make money-spect respectinspect参加 v.上课n.在 X 旁边挣得n.(通过辛苦努力获得)挣钱赚钱看尊重 v. n.v.观点n. (per-全,都)怀疑(sus- su- sup
32、- sub-在.下面)实现 v.获得 v.做到 v.day), all students went (to attend assembly). I sat (next to aachieve(On thegirl) (whose name was Diane). We soon became best friends. (During assembly),the headmaster told us (about the rules) (of the school). He also told us (t thebest way) (to earn respect) (from the sch
33、ool) was (to work hard and achieve highgrades). This sounded (like my school) (in China). 开学literature average sizeit/which文学平均的adj.尺寸,规模n.这件事儿I had many teachers ( he past year) and they each taught only one subject. Mr. Heywood was my class teacher. My favourite teacher was Miss Burke. She was the
34、 teacher (who taught us English Literature). (In our class) there were 29 students. This is about the average size (for different classes). Wealso had different students (in some classes), so it was difficult (to remember allthe faasas heavyand names). 老师和同学一样像重challengechallengingn.v.性的 adj.(diffic
35、ult)有(what I used to get)我过去常常得到的那些东西I found (t thewas not as heavy) (as) (what I used to get) (inmy old school), but it was a bit challenging (for me) (at) (because all thewas) (in English). I felt lucky (as all my teachers were very helpful) and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English
36、 Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French. 作业和课程My English improved a lot (as I used English) (every day) and spent an hour(each day) (reading English books) (he history).so=sot以便暴风影音暴风n.暴风的adj.stormediastorm stormyYou raise me up, (so I can stand) (on mountains).You
37、 raise me up (to walk) (on stormy seas).for free免费I usually went (to the Computer Club) (unchtime), so I couldmyfamily and friends back home (for free). I also had an extra French class (onTuesday evenings). Cooking was really fun (as I learned) (how to buy, prepareand cook food). (At) (of term) we
38、held a class party and we all had tocook something. Imade). 课外活动was glad (t all my classmates enjoyed the cake) (t Iselective courses select a coursesign up for a course drop a coursepass a course fail in a courseStudents (at the选修课选择一门课程报名参加一门课程退掉一门课程通过一门课程挂掉一门课程school) have to study Maths, English
39、 and Science, bandrop some subjects (if they do not like them), (for example) History, French andArt. They can choose other (such as Spanish and German). (In Woodwork class) I made a small table. (Though it did not look) (like a table) (when it wasfinished), I still liked it very much.选课relax fieldI
40、休息n.田地n. missed Chifood a lot (unchtime). British food is very different.British people eat lots of desserts (after their main meal). (Afterch), weusually played (on the school field). Sometimes I played football (with the boys). Sometimes I just relaxed (under a tree) or sat (on the grass). 校园生活I w
41、as very lucky (to experience this different way) (of life), and I really hope(t someday I can go back and study) (anchester) again. 期待回去Man and natureFor a long time, our environmens been damaged because humans havebeen careless. People have harmed nature through agriculture, fishing,and tourism. We
42、 further damage the Earth by building new channelstinghe seaand factories on the land, and by creating pollution with chemical waste. We willsomeday destroy the planet we live on if we continuehis way.However, if we focus only on conservation, then people may suffer. Noteverythingt is best for nature is good for pe
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