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1、 2022英国高中留学申请书模板 英国法律规定,无需申请工作许可证,留学生在读期间可以每周打工20个小时以内,假期可任意打工,陪读的配偶或父母,可以无限制的打工。这里给大家分享一些2022英国高中留学申请书模板,欢迎阅读! 2022英国高中留学申请书 Dear _, My deep interest in psychology started to develop after I read the books Owl in Love and Woman in the Wall by Patrice Kindl. Of course, being only twelve years old at

2、 the time, I was far from grasping the true depth of the characters and the complex psychological net Kindl had been able to weave. Now, reading them again, it seems to me as though the author had written not only a fictional novel for children, but had actually filtered out character traits that ar

3、e in most of us, making them stronger and more noticeable, like shyness or the wish of becoming something totally different to flee the hated world. The books had fascinated and encouraged me to look at the people in my surrounding much more closely, to try to figure out their differences and simila

4、rities as well as to question why they might behave in that way. I am a keen writer, both in English and German. To be able to create a character that is unique and amiable, or simply just believable, one has to understand why he or she would act in certain situations. It is easy to write out of you

5、r own point of view, but actually understanding the characters you are describing and being able to make their actions plausible takes a long thinking process. You need to consider their family backgrounds, the decisions they made in their lives and the preferences they have developed throughout the

6、 years. That is what I love about psychology; that every person is shaped by different influences. In this context I also find the nature-nurture debate very interesting. For two years now I have been studying psychology as one of my core topics in high school choosing to take extra classes after sc

7、hool as well. This has given me the opportunity to look into many different areas of the subject and I have developed a particular interest in social and personality psychology. I have also been studying ethics and philosophy and this has given me an advantage in connecting certain themes with each

8、other and creating opinions that are very diverse and taken from different areas of the three courses. Ethics, for example, has provided me with a deeper understanding of moral themes, while philosophy has challenged some of my beliefs. In 10th grade (0506), at the age of fifteen, I had the opportun

9、ity to spend six months studying abroad as an exchange student in France, which perfected my French. This independent time I spent in a foreign culture gave me a deeper understanding of my own inner strength and strong will. It was a wonderful and rewarding time in which I was able to learn a lot be

10、sides a new language, such as coping alone with completely new situations. This experience widened my knowledge in terms of how strong humans can actually be, and so further deepened my interest in psychology and the true capability of people. Many friends I made there have stayed close and very dea

11、r to me. I have no worries about studying in English as all my elementary schooling was in English and my entire secondary education has been in a bilingual school where half of the lessons, exams and assignments were in English. I believe I would be a great asset to your university as I am a social

12、, life-loving person, who enjoys not only to study, but has also learnt to take on responsibilities, is passionate about music - expressed in both dancing and singing classes - and has loved to act in various school plays, often taking on the leading parts. I am voted class representative and in thi

13、s responsible position I speak up for my classmates and organise various events. I am especially looking forward to studying and living in Britain, having travelled there a number of times, which has given me some insight into the realities of living and the fortune of studying there. Yours sincerel

14、y, 英国高中留学申请条件与院校推荐 一、申请高中的条件 1、高中招生对象 英国中学只招收高三以下的国际生,所以中国高中生要进行英国留学申请,只能是初三毕业生、高一和高二的在读生高中生。如果高三在读的学生也想申请英国的高中,就需要降级申请了,学生只能申请英国的12年级(高三),需要再读一年高三的课程,所以把握时间更重要哦! 2、语言要求 申请英国高中,一般要求学生的平均成绩可以达到80分以上,对于初三毕业生申请英国10年级(高一)的学生,需要达到雅思4.5分,而高一和高二的学生需要达到雅思5.5分。 3、留学费用 英国高中留学还需要学生家庭有一定的担保资金,一般英国留学需要有30万人民币的担保

15、资金,主要是为了证明学生家庭有能力负担英国高中留学的所用费用。 4、注意事项 家长及学生要从专业设置、教学质量、留学费用、地理位置和申请难易程度等多种角度来选择学生留学院校,加上学生年龄较大,语言沟通,能力不强,在学生心理上会有一定的抵制作用。此时家长应按时与孩子沟通,走过这段艰难的英国留学生路程,告知学生这是正常现象,千万不要出现厌学及抵触情绪。 二、高中英国留学申请流程 1、明确留学计划 综合考虑自身的学习成绩、学习能力、英语水平、年龄、性别等因素,明确最适合自己的具体的留学计划,明确将要申请的英国中学及需另加读的语言课程。制定留学计划,明确学校以及课程设置。 2、提供申请学校资料 学生提

16、供申请学校所需的资料囊括:初中毕业证、初中三年成绩单、高中在校证明、高中阶段成绩单、在读学校简介、两封老师推荐信、自我介绍短文(英文约五百字)、各类获奖证、资助人资金证明。 3、支付注册费(报名费) 学校有意经受学生申请时,要求学生支付不可退还的学校注册费(报名费)才进行审理或寄出试题。各校收取50-300英镑不等,视不同学校而定。 4、入学测试 学校通常会将英语、数学或英语试题寄给学生,要求学生在规定的时间内完成测试。 5、学校预录取 大部分学校通过学生测试及申请资料评估后,会发出预录取通知书,并要求学生在规定的期限内支付学位押金。寄宿中学学位押金通常为一学期学费,其它学校为500-2000

17、英镑不等。学位押金在学生完成该校学习后全部退还。 6、签证 学生得到学校正式录取通知书后,离开学时间三个月内即可办理英国学生签证。 7、学校正式录取 学校收到学位押金后会向学生发出正式录取通知书。少部分顶尖学校需要学生去英国学校面试,面试通过后才能正式录取。由于面试结果难以预料,建议申请该类学校的学生,另申请一所明确可以保证录取的学校,以防万一。 三、英国高中院校 1.英国留学伯克戴尔学校 伯克戴尔中学位于英国谢菲尔德市西南部,是一所以男校教育为主的百年英国贵族私立学校,目前学校男女比例2:1。学校附近是英国白人生活区,并与谢菲尔德大学临近。学校投资建设的实验中心,图书馆,活动中心等学习、娱乐

18、设施完善,培养学生丰富多彩的兴趣爱好,为学生提供良好的生活,学习环境。a-level课程科目多样。 2.英国留学帕克林顿学校 帕克林顿学校距离约克市中心仅12英里,是一所有着500年左右历史的贵族私立寄宿制学校。校园教学楼以维多利亚式的传统建筑为主。学校在音乐,戏剧方面有着多年的教学经验,一半以上的学生能够演奏乐器或表演戏剧。为了确保学生学习质量,学校尽可能保证小班教学。每名学生都配有学术及生活导师,指导学生的学业及帮助解决生活上的问题。 3.英国留学阿诗维尔学院 阿诗维尔学院是一所着名的私立男女合校中学,座落在英国美丽而广阔HARROGATE地区的南部,1877年,这所院校由着名的卫理会教堂

19、修建,为悠久的历史而感到自豪。 4.英国留学布兰德尔中学 位于英格兰中部美丽的艾塞克思郡的布兰德尔中学是一所历史悠久的私立中学,学校至今已有超过400年的教育历史,目前在校学生超过550人。 5.英国留学多肯郡博士山中学 全英共有约2500所独力学校或私立学校(Independent Schools),遍布在英国全国各地。这些学校有时候被叫做“收费学校”(Fee-paying),因为相对英国公立学校 对于本国学生不收学费而言,私立学校对于无论是本国还是国际学生都收取同样的学费。Box Hill是1959年Roy McComish先生创办的,学校秉承了英格兰Gordonstoun学校和德国Sal

20、em学校的创始人Kurt Hahn的精神。 6.英国留学泰特豪学院 位于英伦气息浓重的英格兰中部,沿袭英国传统私立中学习俗,更密切的了解及融入英国生活,每日电讯报290名,英国私立中学,学校环境优美,设施齐全;鼓励学生创作,全面挖掘学生潜力,每年都有特别多优秀的学生在数学,艺术,运动方面在全国范畴内获奖,维多利亚式建筑与新幵发的现代化设施完美融合在一起。 7.英国留学北安普顿女子中学 位于英格兰正中心,有130多年历史了,百年贵族女校(有皇室背景,很多贵族名流的子女就读该校),所在的北安普顿郡是欧洲的郡同时也是戴安娜王妃的故乡,特别有历史底蕴,同时戴安娜王妃的故居althorpe house就在这里。每日电讯报前200位,只有2个中国学生,传统私立女校,校风严谨,升学率高距离牛津剑桥特别近,50分钟可到达伦敦,主教学楼就是由女王亲自奠基剪彩落成,傲人的学术背景,注重学生其他方面能力的培养,音乐体育喜剧艺术方面都有的设备,2022年还有学生代表国家队参加了奥运会的游泳比赛


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