



1、PAGE PAGE 4名词性从句.单句语法填空1(2015湖南岳阳一中检测)Mr.White is opposed to repairing the old building,and thats _I dont agree.答案:where2_I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.答案:What3(2015福建福州三中期中)They would appreciate it,to be frank,_the goods could be delivered as soon as possible

2、.答案:if4(2015山东省实验中学三模)Then she asked me _the restaurant was on the fifth floor,I told her I was going to the restaurant myself,and I offered to show her where it was.答案:if/whether5(2015南阳一中二模)Mr Gough asked if I really understood _the author tried to say in his book.答案:what6(2016河南七校联考)To improve th

3、e quality of our products,we asked for suggestions_had used the products.答案:whoever7(2015安徽蚌埠一模)When you look at_great effects the climate has on our life,you will agree that it is the most serious problem.答案:what8(2015陕西宝鸡九校3月联考)_he considered a great proposal was turned down by the boss at the mee

4、ting.答案:What9(2015北京西城一模)Could you give me some advice on getting a job?First,find out_you like doing best.答案:what10(2015江苏淮安重点中学质检)_she cant understand is _fewer and fewer people showed interest in helping others.答案:What;why11(2015天津和平区联考)_all the students think it their duty to study hard has laid

5、 the foundation for the universitys high reputation.答案:That12(2016浙江金华十校联考)If you grow your own vegetables,they are generally fresher than_you buy in the shops.答案:what/those13(2015福建三明质检)He didnt make_clear when and where the meeting would be held.答案:it14(2015湖南株洲二中月考)With an optimistic attitude and

6、 a strong will,we can overcome_difficulties we might meet with and achieve our goals.答案:whatever15(2016山东省实验中学一诊)She has received the offer from you,but I dont know_she will accept it or not.答案:whether16(2015安徽芜湖三校一模)_you said is right because you are my mother.答案:Whatever17(2014高考四川卷,单项填空,改编)Grandm

7、a pointed to the hospital and said,“Thats_I was born.”答案:where18(2016马鞍山第一次质检)It is unknown to the public_the air crash occurred in the mountainous area yesterday.答案:how19(2015安徽黄山七校联考)What surprised Mr.Lee most was,I think,_Clement had done his work neatly and correctly.答案:that20(2015山东青岛一模)The pro

8、blem is _we can improve our reading skills in such a short time.答案:how.单句改错1(2015河北石家庄质检)Finally I want to express my hope which all the younger fellows can make full use of time.答案:whichthat2(2016江西六校联考)But the salesgirl didnt understand that the foreigner was saying.答案:thatwhat3The news what he di

9、ed in the battle has gone around in the village.答案:whatthat4(2015济南模拟)There is no doubt whether our company will make greater and greater contributions to the development of Jinan.答案:whetherthat5The question is if we can get enough money for the project.答案:ifwhether6(2015菏泽模拟)Today the world is payi

10、ng much more attention to that China says and does.答案:thatwhat7(2015唐山模拟)Its a great pity what we wont be able to finish the task on time.答案:whatthat8What I have been admitted into the Beijing University excited me.答案:WhatThat9(2015江西九江模拟)The reason why they were always poor was which they paid litt

11、le attention to education.答案:whichthat10(2015山东日照校际联考)I dont know if or not Tom has passed the examination.答案:ifwhether.语法填空(2015山西师大附中模拟)My dad is a “Mr.Mom”He was 50 years old when I was born.I didnt know 1._ he was at home instead of Mom,but I considered myself very lucky because I was 2._ only o

12、ne who had Dad around among my friends.Dad did so many things for me 3._ my elementary school years.He 4._(convince) the school bus driver 5._ (pick) me up at our house instead of the usual bus stop six blocks away.He always had my lunch ready for me when I came home.As I got a little 6._ (old) and

13、tried to gain my 7._ (depend),I wanted to move away from those“childish”signs of his love.But he 8._ give up.In high school I was no longer able to go home for lunch,so I began taking my own lunch.Dad would get up a little earlier and make it for me.However,when I left home for college,I missed 9._(

14、see) my dad every day after school.At that time I called him a lot.It didnt matter 10._ he said,for I just wanted to hear his voice.【解题导语】作者通过叙述父亲对他从小到大无微不至的关心和照顾表达了他对父亲深深的爱。1解析:考查宾语从句。根据语境可知,此处表示“我不知道为什么是爸爸在家而不是妈妈”。此处表原因,因此用why引导从句。答案:why2解析:考查冠词。the only one意为“唯一的一个”。答案:the3解析:考查介词。根据语境可知,此处表示“在我小学期间”,故用介词during或in。答案:during/in4解析:考查一般过去时。由全文的时态可知,此处用一般过去时。答案:convinced5解析:考查动词不定式。convince sb.to do sth.“说服某人做某事”。答案:to pick6解析:考查形容词比较级。此处和小时候进行比较,因此用older。答案:older7解析:考查名词。根据空格前的“my”和语境可知,此处应用名词i


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