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1、2022年河南省驻马店市西平县中考英语模拟试卷一、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)George hated spending money.Whenever he had to buy something he always argued about the( 1 )and tried to bargain (还价), even for the cheapest things. he wanted to buy a can of Coke,for example,and the shopkeepers(3)for $ 2, George would say, nMake it $ 1.

2、90 and Fil buy it.n the shopkeepers agreed to reduce their prices a little. ,What,s ten cents? n they asked.If it makes this man,then it wont hurt me very much.n In this way George(7)a few cents here and a few cents there,and by the end of the year he had saved several hundred dollars.One day he had

3、 a very bad(8)and had to go to the dentist.The dentist looked at the tooth and said, nThis tooth will have to be taken out.Ifs too(9)to save.*How much do you charge (收费)to take out a tooth? ” George asked.Torty dollars/* the(10)said.Forty dollars!H George thought this was too(l 1), nHow long will it

4、 take you to(12)the tooth? “ he asked.n About two minutes, the dentist said.George could not(13)what he heard. n Forty dollars for two minutes,(14)!n he shouted. “Thats robbery.nThe dentist smiled. Youre right,she said. HThank you for telling me.Ill pull your tooth out very(15).How about if I take h

5、alf an hour? n1.A. weightB. priceC. productD. shape2.A. AlthoughB. UntilC. IfD. Unless3.A. sentB. paidC. preparedD. asked4.A. OnceB. SometimesC. NeverD. Seldom5.A. themselvesB. herselfC. himselfD. myself6.A. sorryB. worriedC. happyD. surprised7.A. savedB. leftC. offeredD. threw8.A. stomachacheB. hea

6、dacheC. feverD. toothache9.A. oldB. strongC. weakD. bad10.A. nurseB. dentistC.shopkeeperD. waiter11.A. expensiveB. importantC. usefulD. difficultevening,they went back to the hotel.The man gave $ 100 to the driver and asked for another day of driving.lt was (5) $ lOO.The driver was very happy to be

7、getting more money than before.The next day,they went to the (6) places again.In the evening,the driver got his money,but he (7) guilty (内疚的)because $ 100 a day was really expensive.HSo you are going home. (8) are you from? ” I come from Wayne County,New York. The driver said, Wayne County ? I have

8、a sister there. (9) name is Susan Miller.Do you know her?Yes,she asked me to give you two hundred (10) !n七、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共20.0分)拥有一颗感恩的心,会让我们成为更幸福和健康的人。请以Tm thankful to”为题, 并根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。(1)要点:1)你最感恩的人是谁?2)你为什么对他/她最感恩?3)你将如何表达对他/她的感谢?(2)要求:1)文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)词数100左右。Im thankful to第10页,共18页答案和解析

9、1 15.【答案】B、C、D、B、A、C、A、D、D、B、A、A、C、B、D【解析】(1)考查名词。A.重量;B.价格;C.产品;D.形状。根据上文George hated spending money. (George讨厌花钱。)可知,空处句意为:无论何时他买 东西,他总是关于价格争吵,而且尽量还价。应选B。(2)考查连词。A.虽然;B.直到;C.如果;D.除非。根据下文for example (例如)可 知,空处句意为:如果他想要买一罐可乐。应选C。(3)考查动词。A发送;B.支付;C准备;D.请求。根据下文Make it $1.90 and Hl buy it(把它定为L9美元我将会买下

10、它。)可知,空处句意为:店员要两美元。ask for请求。 应选D。(4)考查副词。A.一次;B.有时;C从不;D.很少。根据空后the shopkeepers agreed to reduce their prices a little (店员同意把价格降低一点)及下文In this way George saved a few cents here and a few cents there (用这个方式,George 这省 几美分那省几美分)可知,空处表示“有时“应选B。(5)考查反身代词。A他们自己;B.她自己;C.他自己;D.我自己。根据上文Whats ten cents?(十美分是

11、什么?)可知,他们问他们自己。应选A。(6)考查形容词。A.抱歉的;B.担忧的;C.快乐的;D.惊讶的。根据下文then it wont hurt me very much (然后它不会对我有多大伤害。)可知,空处句意为:如 果它使得这个男人开心。应选C。(7)考查动词。A.节省;B.离开;C.提供;D.扔。根据下文and by the end of the year he had saved several hundred dollars.(到年末他已经节省 了 几百 美元。)可知,空处句意为:用这个方式,George这省几美分那省几美分。应选A。(8)考查名词。A.胃痛;B.头痛;C.发烧

12、;D.牙痛。根据空后had to go to the dentist (必须去看牙医)可知,空处表示“牙痛。应选D。(9)考查形容词。A.旧的;B.强壮的;C虚弱的;D.糟糕的。根据上文This tooth will have to be taken out.(这颗牙齿必须被除掉。)可知,空处句意为:它太 糟糕了,无法保存。应选D。(10)考查名词。A.护士; B.牙医;C店员;D.服务生。根据下文About two minutes, the dentist said.(大约两分钟,”牙医说。)可知,空处句意为:”40 美元,”牙医说。应选B。(11)考查形容词。A.昂贵的;B.重要的;C有用

13、的;D.困难的。根据下文,Torty dollars for two minutes1 work!1 he shouted.(两分钟的工作 40 美元! ”他喊道。) 可知,空处句意为:George认为这太贵了。应选A。(12)考查短语。A.拔出;B.指出;C.分发;D.熄灭。根据上文This tooth will have to be taken out.(这颗牙齿必须被除掉。)可知,空处句意为: 拔出这颗牙齿会花费你多长时间?应选A。(13)考查动词。A.意识到;B.想象;C相信;D.表达。根据下文Forty dollars for two minutes work!* he shoute

14、d.(两分钟的工作 40 美元! ”他喊道。)可 知,空处句意为:George不能相信他听到的话。应选C。(14)考查名词。A.节目;B.工作;C.计划;D.方法。根据下文Thafs robbery.(那是 打劫。)可知,空处句意为:两分钟的工作40美元!应选B。(15)考查副词。A.勇敢地;B.快地;C.容易地;D.慢慢地。根据下文How about if I take half an hour?(如果我花费半小时怎么样?)可知,空处句意为:我 将会很缓慢地拔出你的牙齿。应选D。这篇文章主要讲述了爱讨价还价的George总是想少花钱买东西,一年下来用这种方法 节省了几百美元。他因为牙痛去看牙

15、医,牙医说他的一颗牙齿坏得严重需要拔掉。George 听到了二分钟就得花40美元,认为医生这是在打劫。医生说那就花半个小时把他的牙 拔掉。首先要通读全文,了解文章大意,紧紧抓住上下文语境所提供的信息,然后明确词意, 结合排除法逐一选出答案,最后再通读全文核对答案。16.【答案】【小题1】How are you【小题 2】Have you seen a doctor【小题 3 Take it easy【小题 4 Would you like to go with me【小题 5 】At seven ollcok【小题6】略【解析】细节推理题(1)结合下文,Not so good.(不太好。)判断

16、空格处要表达的含义为“你好吗? ”故答 案为 How are you。(2)结合下文,Not yet.Fm too busy these days.(还没有。我最近太忙了。)判断空格 处要表达的含义为“你看过医生了吗? ”故答案为Have you seen a doctoro第12页,共18页(3)结合下文,You should learn to relax.(你应该学着放松。)判断空格处要表达的含 义为“轻松点。”故答案为Take it easy。(4)结合下文,Surejd love to.(当然,我乐意。)判断空格处要表达的含义为“你想 和我一起去吗? ”故答案为Would you li

17、ke to go with me。(5)结合上文,When is the party?(派对在什么时候?)再结合下文,And we can meet at 6: 30 p.m., half an hour earlier than the beginning time.(我可以在 下午六点半见面,比开始时间早半个小时。)判断空格处要表达的含义为“七点。”故答 案为 At seven oclcoko对话中主要谈论了睡不好的原因以及建议。阅读对话,理解对话的含义,结合上下文判断句意,写出正确的句子。1721 .【答案】C、B、D、D、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据The Pursuit of H

18、appiness中It is a story about hard work and hope.Chris Gardner was a salesman.Nobody bought his prod ucts,so he had no money.With no place to go,he and his young son once lived in the bathroom of a subway station. Although life was hard,he never gave in.He tried his best to create a bette r life for

19、himself and his son.(这是一个关于努力工作和希望的故事。克里斯加德纳是一 名推销员。没有人买他的产品,所以他没有钱。由于无处可去,他和年幼的儿子曾经住 在地铁站的卫生间里。虽然生活很艰难,但他从不屈服。他竭尽全力为自己和儿子创造 更好的生活。)可知,克里斯加德纳非常努力地工作,为他的儿子创造更好的生活。 应选Co(2)细节理解题。根据 Time: 9: 00 a.m.- 6: 00 p.m.on Saturday. (iMI:星期六上午 9点-下午6点。)可知,B选项在其时间范围内。应选B。(3)细节理解题。根据A Monkey Lantern中Then Miss Liu

20、will tell you how to prop up the lantern step by step.(然后刘老师会告诉你如 何一步一步地撑起灯笼。)可知,刘老师是能教你做灯笼的老师。应选D。(4)细节理解题。Each club member can bring one friend:to,watch the movie together for free.(每个会员可以带一个朋友一起免费看电影。)以及 If you do,check out a magazine called Science Fiction World.(如果你喜欢的话,可以看看 科幻世界这本杂志。)以及Lets ma

21、ke a hand-made lantern together!(让我们一起做 一个手工灯笼吧!)可知,学生在欢乐时光俱乐部可以做灯笼、看杂志和看电影。应选Do(5)推理判断题。根据 Do you feel bored with the upcoming weekend?Here are some fun activities for you to do in our Fun Time Club.Come and enjoy yourselves a nd get away from your schoolwork for a short time.(你对即将到来的周末感到无聊吗?这 里有一些

22、有趣的活动,你可以在我们的欢乐时光俱乐部做。来享受一下,暂时离开你的 作业。)可知,这篇文章可能是为学生们写的。应选C。本文主要介绍了学生们周末可以做的一些有趣的事情。做题时结合原文和题目有针对性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项,在抓住关键句 子的基础上合理地分析才能得出正确的答案。2226.【答案】C、B、A、D、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段和第二段One day,I entered a classroom,took a seat in the back of the room and watched.All the student s were working on a tas

23、k.The girl next to me was filling her paper with I Cant”.(有一天, 我走进一间教室,坐在教室后面的一个座位上看着。所有的学生都在做一项任务。我旁 边的女孩正在写“我不行”。)可知当作者走进教室的时候,老师和学生在写东西。应选 Co(2)细节理解题。根据第二段The girl next to me was filling her paper with I Cant. I cant get along well with my brothe r.n nI can*t get good grades in math.(我旁边的女孩正在写“我不

24、行“。”我和我哥哥相处不 好。”我的数学成绩不好。”)可知作者旁边的女孩不能和哥哥友好相处。应选B。(3)细节推理题。根据第二段Then Donna added hers.She put the lid on the box,tucked it under her arm and headed out the door.Students followed the teacher.(然后唐娜也加了她的。她把盒子盖上,夹在腋下, 走出门去。学生们跟着老师。)推断唐娜是老师。应选A。(4)细节理解题。根据第三段Then they began to dig a hole.The box of I Ca

25、nt was placed at the bottom of the hole and t hen quickly covered with dirt.(然后他们开始挖一个洞。我不能”的盒子被放在洞的底部, 然后很快用泥土盖上。)可知有“我不能”的盒子被埋在了他们挖的洞里。应选D。(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段The students then remembered thatnI Cant was dead and chose another statement (陈 述)instead.She turned the students around and led them back into

26、 the classroom.They celeb rated the passing ofnI CanV.(然后,学生们想起“我不能”已经死了,于是选择了另一种第14页,共18页 说法。她让学生们转过身来,领他们回到教室。他们庆祝“我不能”的逝去。)推断从本 文我们学到了:我们应该告诉自己,我们可以做很多事情,而不是没有信心。应选C。 本文主要讲了作者目睹老师和学生写下不能做的事情,并把它们埋葬的故事。阅读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文,在原文中找出与题目对应的内容,选 择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。2731.【答案】B、B、A、C、D【解析 J (1)细节理解题。根据

27、 The rising noise pollution in cities will become a top environmental problem,the United Nations (UN) said in a report on Feb 17th.It asks governments to take action as soon as possible. (2 月 17 B ,联合国(UN)在一份报告中 表示,城市日益严重的噪音污染将成为首要的环境问题。它要求各国政府尽快采取行动。) 可知联合国报告希望世界各国处理噪声污染,应选B。(2)细节理解题。根据 Noise becom

28、es harmful when its over 75 dB and is painful above 120 dB.(噪音超过75分贝时会变得有害,超过120分贝时会感到痛苦。)可知周围的声音 超过120分贝就是噪音污染,应选B。(3)细节理解题。High levels of noise do harm to human health (高水平的噪音对人 类健康有害。)可知因为噪声污染对人体健康有害,应选A。(4)词义猜想题。根据 Some European countries have also built roads of rubber.Its the same rubber as yo

29、ur schoofs playground.lt makes cars quieter.(一些欧洲国家也修建了一路。这 和你们学校的操场是一样的_。它使汽车更安静。)可知rubber意为“橡胶”,应选C。(5)标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲了噪音污染是什么,有什么危害以及解 决方法。所以最好的标题是“我们能听到的污染”。应选D。本文主要讲了噪音污染是什么,有什么危害以及解决方法。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细 推敲,确定最正确答案。3236.【答案】B、E、C、D、A【解析】细节推理题。(1)根据上文Spring is comingIWe c

30、an see flowers coming out again.The peach blossom (桃花)is one of those flowers.(春天来了!我们可以看到花朵再次绽放。桃花是那些花中 的一种。)可知说的是桃花,结合选项,应说桃花通常在三月和四月盛开。应选B。(2)根据上文If you want to see peach blossoms,you can go to Pinggu in Beijing,Pudong New Area in Shan ghai or Longquan in Chengdu.(如果你想看桃花,你可以去北京的平谷、上海的浦东新 区或成都的龙泉

31、。)可知说的是看桃花的地方,结合选项,应说但最特别的地方是西藏 的林芝。应选E。(3)根据下文Many people write poems about this flower.People usually compare the peach blossom to bea utiful young women.(许多人写关于这种花的诗。人们通常把桃花比作美丽的年轻女子。) 可知说的是许多人写关于桃花的诗,结合选项,应说中国人喜欢桃花。应选C。(4)根据上文 One famous line says, nIn this house on this day last year a pink fac

32、e appeared; In beauty with the pink peach blossom side by side. n (有名句说:”去年的这一天,在这所 房子里,一张粉红色的脸出现了;有着粉红色的桃花的美人儿并排绽放。可知说的 是一张粉红色的脸出现了,结合选项,应说这意味着桃花就像女人脸上的腮红。应选Do(5)根据上文 Chinese people also say nto have peach blogsom luck”.(中国人也说“桃花 运,)可知说的是“桃花运”,结合选项,应说这意味着在爱情中是幸运的。应选A。 本文讲述了桃花以及中国诗里的桃花。做题时结合原文和题目有针对

33、性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案。 推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案。37.【答案】【小题l】by小题2 what小题3 and小题4 with【小题5 to【解析】(1)考查介词。句意:它是由美国的Jeff Kenny写的。前面是被动语态,所 以要用by+动作或行为的发出者,故答案为by。(2)考查代词。句意:他经常担忧其他人怎么看待他的。what引导宾语从句,并在从 句中作宾语,故答案为what。(3)考查连词。句意:他也是很滑稽很有创造力的。并列连词and连接两个形容词, 故答案为ando(4)考查介词。句意:这本书中具有美国中学生的生活照

34、片。后面的词语是名词,所 以要用介词with来填空,故答案为with。第16页,共18页(5)考查动词不定式符号。句意:对你来说读一下它确实很有必要的。后面的词语是动词原形,所以要用动词原形来填空,故答案为t。本文主要介绍了 Diary of a Wimpy Kid这本书的作者,主角,主要故事情节。首先要通读短文,掌握大意,特别要注意上下文之间的联系,确定某处的需要的词汇和 形式,就可以确定正确答案。38【答案】【小题1】cost【小题2】【小题2】around【小题3】but【小题4】happily【小题5】another【小题6】same【小题7】felt【小题8】Where【小题9】He

35、r【小题 10 dollars【解析】(1)考查动词。句意:从机场到旅馆他花了 5美元。it cost sb :花费某人多 少时间/金钱做某事。故填cost。(2)考查介词。句意:然后,这个人让司机带他在城里转了一天。showaround:带某人逛。故填around。(3)考查连词。句意:这太过分了,但这个人什么也没说,同意了。前后语境表达转折,故填but。(4)考查副词。句意:司机高兴地带着这个人到处走。修饰动词took用副词,故填happily。(5)考查代词。句意:这又是100美元。此处指的又花费一个100美元。another:另一个。another+数词属于固定用法。故填another

36、。(6)考查形容词。句意:第二天,他们又去了同样的地方。same:相同的。形容词作前置定语。故填same。(7)考查动词。句意:司机拿到了他的钱,但他感到内疚,因为一天100美元真的很贵。feel:感到。此处表述过去的动作。用过去式。故填felt。(8)考查副词。句意:你来自哪里?根据下文回答的地点,可知是问来自哪里。句首需大写。故填Where。(9)考查代词。句意:她叫苏珊米勒。后有名词,故此处填形容词性物主代词。句首需大写。故填Her。(10)考查名词。句意:是的,她让我给你200美元!200后接美元的复数形式。故填 dollars o文章介绍了一个司机一直收到某个固定顾客的订单,后来发现

37、原来是这个顾客的朋友, 也就是自己的姐姐要求的。此题主要考查了用单词的适当形式填空。做此题的关键是在理解短文的基础上,灵活运 用所学的基础知识。本类型的题目常考的知识点有:固定短语,词类转换,名词的复数 形式,副词的用法等,因此这需要在平时的学习中,牢固掌握各语言点及一些语法知识。39.【答案】Fm thankful to my mother There are many people to thank in our life.They are very helpful to our life.The person who I want to thank most is my mother.(

38、想感谢谁)When I was ill,she looked after me carefully.高分句型一】If I felt upset,she would talk to me and encourage me.【高分句型二】She is not only my mother but also my best friend.I real want to say thanks to my mother.(为什么感谢妈妈)I also want to tell her I will love her forever.I learned a lot from her,such as hone

39、sty,fraternity and courtesy.(从她身上学至U 了什么)【解析】【高分句型一】When I was ill,she looked after me carefully.我生病时,她细心地照顾我。when引导时间状语从句。【高分句型二】If I felt upset,she would talk to me and encourage me.如果我感到沮丧,她会和我说话,鼓 励我。if引导条件状语从句。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等, 清楚连贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。第18页,共18页12.A. pull out

40、B. point outC. give outD. put out13.A. realizeB. imagineC. believeD. express14.A. showB. workC. planD. way15.A. bravelyB. quicklyC. easilyD. slowly二、补全对话(本大题共I小题,共100分)16. A: HeyJack.Long time no see. (1) ?B : Not so good.I cant fall asleep until late at night.A : Oh,thats not a small problem.You sh

41、ould pay more attention to your health. ?B : Not yeLfm too busy these days.I have to prepare for a math exam.A: I know what the problem is. (3) ,You should learn to relax.B : Thank you for your advice.But I just cant help working. You know I really want to get better grades.A: Havent you heard of th

42、e saying Learning should focus on rest! ? There will be a music party in our school tonight. (4) ?B: Sure,rd love to.I think I should learn to relax from now on.When is the party ?A: (5) .And we can meet at 6: 30 p.m., half an hour earlier than the beginning time.三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,共30.0分)A第2页,共18页Do y

43、ou feel bored with the upcoming weekend? Here are some fun activities for you to do in our Fun Time Club.Come and enjoy yourselves and get away from your schoolwork for a short time.#2Science Fiction World Do you like science fiction? If you do,check out a magazine called Science Fiction World. Many

44、 famous sci-fi (科幻小说)writers started their dreams through it.For example,Liu Cixins The Three-body Problem was first published in its pages.TheHSchool Star11 column (栏目)is a place,for student to publish their works.Do you dream to publish an article in it?Time: 9: 00 a.m.- 6: 00 p.m.on Saturday #Cal

45、l Miss Li at 66688775 if you want to publish your work.#3A Monkey LanternLets make a hand-made lantern together!Its quite environmentally friendly.We provide.everything that will be used.What.you only need to do is to cut out the face,ears,nose and hair of the monkey with the card paper.Then Miss Li

46、u will tell you how to prop up the lantern step by step.Time: 2: 00 p.m.- 4: 00 p.m.on Sunday#The lantern you make will be showed in the hallway for a week.So you cant bring it home after making it.A week later,nthe monkey can go home with you.#1AThe Pursuit of Happiness It is a story about hard wor

47、k and hope.Chris Gardner was a salesman.Nobody bought his products,so he had no money.With no place to go,he and his young son once lived in the bathroom of a subway station.Although life was hard,he never gave in.He tried his best to create a better life for himself and his son. Time: 6: 00 p.m.- 8

48、: 00 p: m.on Saturday #Each club member can bring one friend: to,watch the movie together for free.根据材料内容选择最正确答案。What can we know about the movie The Pursuit of Happiness? 第4页,共18页A. The movie lasts more than two hours.The club member can see the movie on Sunday.Chris Gardner worked very hard to mak

49、e a better life for his son.Only club members can see the movie.What time can a club member go to read the Science Fiction World magazine ? A. At 8: 00 a.m.on Saturday.B. At 10: 00 a.m.on Saturday.C. At 5: 00 p.m.on Sunday.D. At 7: 00 p.m.on Saturday.Who could be Miss Liu? The club member who can br

50、ing two friends for free.The teacher who will be contacted if you want to publish science fiction.The writer who wrote The Three-body Problem.The teacher who can teach you to make lanterns.What can a student do in Fun Time Club? a.make a lantern b.read a magazine c.feed a monkey d.watch a movie e.me

51、et Liu Cixin A. b,d,eB. b,e,dC. a,d,eD. a,b,dWho is the text probably written for? A. Teachers.B. Parents.C. Students.D. Artists.BOne day,! entered a classroom,took a seat in the back of the room and watched.All the students were working on a task.The girl next to me was filling her paper with T Can

52、t. I cant get along well with my brother/ nI can*t get good grades in math. Her paper was half full and she showed no signs of stopping.1 walked down the row and found everyone was writing sentences,describing things they couldnt do.By this time the activity aroused my interest,so I decided to check

53、 with the teacher to see what was going on,but I noticed she was busy writing too. nI cant get John*s mother to come for a parents1 meeting.1 After another ten minutes , the students were asked to fold their own paper in half and bring it to the front.Thcy placed their “I Cant!” into an empty box.Th

54、cn Donna added hers.She put the lid on the box,tucked it under her arm and headed out the door.Students followed the teacher.I followed the students.The teacher led the students to the corner of the playground.Then they began to dig a hole.The box of HI Cant1 was placed at the bottom of the hole and

55、 then quickly covered with dirt.The teacher said, nBoys and girls,please join hands and drop your heads.nThey quickly formed acircle around the grave (坟墓)”.Then the teacher said, Friends , we gather here today to honor the memory of *1 Cant.He is replaced by his brothers and sisters I cant will Tm g

56、oing to* .May I Cant rest in peace. nThe students then remembered thatnI Cant1* was dead and chose another statement (陈述) instead.She turned the students around and led them back into the classroom.They celebrated the passing of nI Cant”.根据材料内容选择最正确答案。What were the teacher and students doing when th

57、e writer entered the classroom?A. They were talking about nI Cant.They were taking a math exam.They were writing something on the pages.They were walking to the playground.What can we know about the girl next to the writer? A. Her mother cant come for a parents meeting.She cant be good with her brot

58、her.She can get good grades in math.She cant stop writing.Who is probably Donna? A. The teacher.B. The student.C. The writer.D. The head teacher.What happened to the box with all their ”1 Cant” ? It was thrown away.It was put on the playground.It was left in the classroom.It was put in the hole they

59、 dug.What can we learn from the text? There must be something that everyone cant do.The teacher should play games like this with students.We should tell ourselves that we can do a lot of things instead of having no confidence.D. nI Cant” will be dead after that activity.第6页,共18页We all need to quiet

60、down! nThe rising noise pollution in cities will become a top environmental problem,the United Nations (UN) said in a report on Feb 17th.It asks governments to take action as soon as possible.What is noise pollution?According to the UN, unwanted noise about 65 deaibels ( dB 分贝)is noise pollution.Noi


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