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1、初三英语Unit 2 Lesson 5Lesson 8人教朗文版【同步教育信息】一. 本周教学内容:Unit 2 Lesson 5Lesson 8一词汇 1. describe v. 描写、描述,用文字语言描绘say what somebody is like or what has happened e. g. Please describe what you saw. 请描述你所看见的一切。 Words cant describe the beauty of the mountain. 此景之美非笔墨所能形容。 2. all over 普及everywhere in a place e.

2、g. Football is played all over the world. 全世界的人都踢足球。 The news is spread all over the country. 消息传遍全国。 There was snow all over the ground when we went out in the morning. 3. attract v. 吸引make somebody interested in something e. g. The pandas in the American Zoo attract many people. 美国动物园里的大熊猫,吸引了许多人。

3、 Every year. water sports, especially swimming and surfing, attract large numbers of tourists to the islands. 每年,水上运动,特别是游泳和冲浪,吸引着大量的游客到岛上旅游。 4. give up 放弃stop trying to do something e. g. She gave up the coming exam. 她放弃了即将到来的考试。 Have you given up smoking? 你已经戒烟了吗? 5. part-time adj. 非全日工作的。n. 业余时间f

4、or only a part of the day or week e. g. Mrs smith works in a school as a part-time teacher. Have you ever worked as a part-time assistant? 你曾经作为半日工作的助手工作过吗? 6. fail v. 失败、不及格to be unsuccessful in doing sth. you wait to do e. g. Why did you fail in a little quiz? 你为什么在小测试中不及格呢 Our basketball team fai

5、led in the match. 我们的篮球队在比赛中失败了。 7. come true 实现if a dream or wish comes true, it happens in the way someone has said or hoped that it would. e. g. His dream came true. 他的梦想成真了。 That I want to go to New Zealand has come true. 我想去新西兰已经实现了。 8. slow down 减缓,减速start to go slowly e. g. The train slowed d

6、own before it went into the station. 火车进站前,逐渐减慢了速度。 Then he slowed down as the wind became stronger and waves higher. 之后他放慢了速度,因为风越来越大,海浪越来越高。 9. journey n. 旅程、旅行、路程going from one place to another e. g. We wish him a safe journey. 我们祝他一路平安 Its a 2 days journey on horseback from here to there. 从这儿到那儿

7、骑马得走2天。 10. be pround of 以自豪快乐feeling pleased with what you have done because others think you are simply great e. g. They were pround of their son. 他们为自己的儿子感到非常自豪。 Everyone in the class is pround of her. 班上的每一个人都以她为荣。 11. speak highly of 称赞praise someone e. g. Lei Feng was always ready to help othe

8、rs, everyone around him spoke highly of him. 雷锋总是乐于助人,他周围的人都称赞他。 Mrs Li often speaks highly of her students. 二课文分析 1. Whats the surfing like today? 今天滑浪滑得怎么样? surf作为动词“滑浪,做冲浪运动之意,而surfing是动名词作主语。短语可以说go surfing去滑浪。 e. g. Have you ever gone surfing before? 你以前冲过浪吗? a very good surfer 一个非常出色的冲浪者 2. Ho

9、w long have you been here in Sydney? 你来悉尼多久了? have been here是一个表示延续性动作的词组,与how long 搭配使用表示时间长短。请记住:在现在完成时中,有两种句子可以在句子中作谓语,非延续性动词,这些动词的动作一发生就结束了,eg.、go、buy、come、become、start等。延续性动词,这些动词的动作不是一发生就结束,可以延续一段时间。e. g.、work、live、keep、teach等等。注意:非延续性动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,假设与表示一段时间的状语连用,构成现在完成时态,要用“have/hasbeen表语一

10、般都是名词,形容词,副词,介词短语结构。 e. g. Mary has became a doctor. 玛丽已成为一名医生。 Mary has been a doctor for ten years. 玛丽当医生已有10年了。 Wang Fei has joined the league. 王菲已经入团了。 Wang Fei has been in the league for half a year. 王菲入团在团里已有半年了。 I have been away from home for a month. 我离开家已有一个月了。 3. Have you ever been to Hawa

11、ii? 你去过夏威夷吗? have/has been to some place 表示“去过某地,曾到某地之意,说明人已回来,去的动作发生在说话以前。 e. g. Sue has been to Hong Kong several times. 苏已经去过香港好几次了。她已回来了,不在香港。 Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 你曾经去过/到过长城吗? 4. Surfing is one of the worlds most popular water sports. 冲浪是世界上最流行的水上运动之一。 popular = be liked by e.

12、g. Table tennis is a popular game in China. 乒乓球运动在中国深受欢送。 Who is the most popular teacher in your school? 5. Now it is enjoyed by people all over the world. 现在冲浪被世界各地的人们所喜爱。 被动语态句子表示句子的主语是动作的承受者。被动语态结构是“助动词be及物动词的过去分词,动作的执行者一般由介词by引导,放在动词的后面。 e. g. The blackboard is cleaned by Lee. 黑板是李擦的。 Tom is li

13、ked by all his classmates. 汤姆被所有的同学喜欢。汤姆的所有同学都喜欢他。 6. Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches. 夏威夷因有美丽的海滩而闻名。 be famous for = be well known for 意为“以著名、闻名。 e. g. France is famous for its wine. 法国以其葡萄酒而著名 XinJiang is famous for its grapes. 以葡萄而著名。 7. It is neither too hot nor too cold all the year

14、round. 这里一年四季既不热又不太冷。 all the year round = throughout the year. 全年,一年到头 neithernor. 表示“既不也不之意,用来连接两个并列成分,在句中可以做主语、谓语、宾语、表语等成分。 e. g. Neither you nor Jack can understand what the foreigner is saying. 你和杰克都听不懂外国人在说什么。并列主语 Len can neither dance nor sing.并列谓语 兰既不会跳舞,也不会唱歌。 The ground is neither too wet

15、nor too dry when you plant trees.并列表语 当你种树时,地既不能太湿也不能太干。 Neither Sam nor John is busy at the moment. 目前无论山姆还是约翰都不忙。 8. No matter what the weather is like, you can always find surfers out riding the waves. 不管天气如何,你随时都可以看到冲浪运发动在冲浪。 1no matter. 表示“不管如何,不管怎样之意,常接what, how, where等疑问词。 No matter how diffi

16、cult the work is, the students must finish it before Saturday. 不管这项工作多么困难,学生们必须在周六前完成它。 No matter where you go, the dog always follows you. 无论你到哪里去,这只狗总是跟着你。 No matter who comes to the park, he must buy the ticket. 无论谁到公园里来,都必须购票。 2riding the waves 为现在分词短语作宾语补足语。 e. g. You can always find people sel

17、ling newspapers in Beijing. 在你随处可见到有人在卖报纸。 I found the baby lying on the ground when I rushed into the room. 当我冲入房间时,发现婴儿躺在地上。 9. They live to surf and nothing can stop them. 他们以冲浪为生,什么也不能阻挡他们。 这里动词不定式to surf表示目的,说明这些人对冲浪十分热爱。说明“把大局部注意力放在,生活的目的是之意。 e. g. She worked hard to support her large family.

18、她为养活她的一大家子人而辛苦地工作着。 如果后面接动名词,接for。 e. g. Mrs Water lives for her family members. Water太太为了家人活着。 10. He has not a night off for two months. 他两个月来晚上从来没有休息过。 take/haveoff腾出时间休息。off表示“免于正常的工作,不上班之意。 e. g. My teacher is taking tomorrow off. We often have Sunday off. 我们通常周日不上班。 11. Although. I havent got

19、a very good job, surfing makes me very fit. 尽管我还没有找到一份很好的工作,但冲浪使我身体健康。 1fit 在此为形容词,意为“健康的;精力充分的。可以说keep fit 保持健康,feel fit 感到精力充分,make sb. fit 使某人健康。 In order to keep fit. We should do morning exercises every day. 为了保持身体健康,我们应当每天都晨练。 fit 还可以表示“适宜的、恰当的之意 e. g. Everyone doesnt think Xiao Mao is fit for

20、 the job. 每个人都觉得小毛不适合这个工作。 2although是连词,是“尽管、虽然之意,在句子中起转折作用,与but相对。所以,在一个句子中不能同时使用although和but,只能用其中的一个连词。 e. g. Although I like reading, I have little time to read books. I like reading, but I have little time to read books. 虽然我喜欢读书,但我没有多少时间去看书。 请注意:although和but在句子中的位置。 12. I hope that one day surf

21、ing will be an event of the Olympic Games. 我希望有一天冲浪成为奥林匹克运动会的一个运动工程。 event作名词,既可以表示“运动工程,又可以表示“事件,特别是重要的、有意思的、不寻常的事件。 e. g. The exciting event will be 400-hundred relay race. 冲动人心的比赛工程是400米接力赛。 sporting event 体育比赛 historical event 历史事件三重点语法 现在完成时二 现在完成时重点强调现在完成时态表示过去已经完成的某一个动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 注意:常与alrea

22、dy用于肯定陈述句just常放在谓语动词前,yet多用于否认句或疑问句,ever用于疑问句,never用于否认陈述句 e. g. Have you seen that American film yet? 你还没有看那部美国电影吗? Yes, I have. I have just seen it? 是的我看了。我刚刚看了那部电影。 Yes, I have already seen it. /No, I havent seen it yet. 是的,我已经看过了。/不,我还没有看。 Have you ever been to England? No, Ive never been there

23、before. 你以前/曾经去过英格兰吗? 不,我从没去过那里。 ever表示“在某时、有时、从来之意,是副词。 I have already finished my homework. 我已经做完了作业。already作为副词,常用于肯定句中。 He hasnt got home yet. 他还没有到家呢。 Has Meimei finished cleaning the room yet? 梅梅已经清扫完房间了吗? yet作为副词是“还、尚之意,常用于否认句和疑问句中,一般放在句末使用。【模拟试题】. 用正确的动词时态填空 A: _ you _ (read) the book by Jak

24、e Lee? B: Yes, I _ (read) it. In fact, I _ (read) it twice. A: But where _ you _ (get) the book? It _ (be) hard to get it. B: I _ (get) it from a friend of mine. He _ (be) to England. He _ (go) there last year. 根据首字母,写出完整的单词,使文章的意思完整。 Surfing started on the i of Hawaii and it is one of the w most po

25、pular water sports. Waikiki is one of the best b for surfing in Hondulu. There are some d between s surfers and the beach boys. They both come to e surfing. Jake Booth is one of the men who g up his pr job to go surfing t as he thinks it is a g game. 单项选择 1. When will the Smiths _ for their long jou

26、rney. At 5:00 next Sunday morning. A. getB. goC. set offD. reach on 2. All the people in the city _ highly of the doctor for what he has done for the boy. A. tellB. speakC. sayD. talk 3. How long has your sister prepared for the exam? About two weeks _. A. till nowB. longC. yetD. since 4. You cant s

27、ee many of the stars in the sky because _ are too far away. A. theyB. theirC. themD. theirs 5. An elephant is strong, _ it? A. doesntB. isC. doesD. isnt 6. Dont forget to turn _ the TV before you leave the room. A. offB. onC. upD. over 7. I usually come to this fruit shop to _. A. have a mealB. post

28、 a letter C. buy some applesD. see a doctor 8. Look! The lovely children _ the hill. A. climbedB. are climbingC. will climbD. climb 9. We wont go to the park if it _ tomorrow. A. rainB. is rainingC. will rainD. rains 10. We like swimming, _ we have no time to do so. A. butB. orC. soD. and. 完形填空 One

29、night Mike was driving his wife home from work. She was a nurse in a hospital. 1 was almost midnight and she was 2 .She soon 3 asleep. Mike was a careful and experienced driver. He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night. After some time, he noticed a car 4 him. It was traveling very fast.

30、 Suddenly it drove past and it was in front of his car. The driver of the car was 5 . He did not see the 6 truck. To keep away from hitting it, he turned his car to one side suddenly. It went off the road and hit a big tree. The driver and his passengers were 7 . They were badly cut by the glass fro

31、m the broken windcreen. Mike quickly stopped his car by the side of the road. His wife got out of the car to save the injured men. The trunk driver also 8 a helped hand. Mike drove off to telephone 9 at once. About 25 minutes later, a police car arrived. The injured men were taken to 10 . The police

32、men wrote something down about what had happened. 1. A. ThatB. ThisC. ItD. When 2. A. happyB. hungryC. comfortableD. tired 3. A. hadB. fellC. gotD. went to 4. A. leavingB. coming toC. going toD. following 5. A. in a hurryB. worriedC. sadD. angry 6. A. followingB. driving C. coming D. walking 7. A. h

33、urtB. killedC. fireD. laughing 8. A. usedB. borrowedC. lentD. kept 9. A. a hospitalB. the policeC. doctorsD. nurses 10. A. a hospitalB. a hotelC. a gas stationD. the police. 阅读理解 Fred, a close friend of mine, lives with six hundred wild animals on a small island. Ever since he left school, where I f

34、irst knew him, he has travelled all over Africa collecting animals for his zoo. He hoped to collect at least two animals of each kind on his island, like Noah before the Great Flood. But the food that my friend was afraid of was a flood not of water, but of people. I expect you have heard of my friend; he writes books about his travels, and about the wild and wonderful animals that he collects. The money from the books helps to pay for all the food that those animals eat. Fred told me that when he was out looking for water last week (there is not enough water on the island, tho


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