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1、最终让全班孩子伸出手书空一遍,既活跃了气氛,又加深了对重点学问的印象。惋惜机会错过去了,以致解求出勤率时,出现了很不志向的效果Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidel

2、ines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and a

3、nalysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Banks credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit,

4、 loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and rev

5、eals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other

6、interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Inve

7、stigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, creditPAGE 24最终让全班孩子伸出手书空一遍,既活跃了气氛,又加深了对重点学问的印象。惋惜机会错过去了,以致解求出勤率时,出现了很不志向的效果Chapter I General provisions article I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-lo

8、an investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person m

9、entioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table provided to customers both inside and outside of the Banks credit business, including foreign cur

10、rency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, inv

11、estigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most

12、basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the pr

13、inciples of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credit最终让全班孩子伸出手书空一遍,既活跃了气氛,又加深了对重点学问的印象。惋惜机会错过去了,以致解求出勤率时,出现了很不志向的效果Chapter I General provisions artic

14、le I obligation to clear credit pre-loan investigation requirements, improve the quality of pre-loan investigation, prevent credit risks, according to the CBRC commercial bank credit due diligence guidelines, commercial bank credit small business due diligence guidelines (trial) and other regulatory

15、 requirements and the actual situation of the Bank, these measures are formulated. Second person mentioned in these measures refers to in accordance with the rules of credit investigations, surveys and analysis of the credit business people. Article credit mentioned in these measures refers to table

16、 provided to customers both inside and outside of the Banks credit business, including foreign currency loans, trade finance, bank acceptances, commercial bill discounting, guarantees, factoring, credit, loan commitment, guarantee and other credit operations, excluding client credit business. Prior

17、to the chengdai investigation into the fourth article this refers to credit before the review, investigators by obtaining, verification, analysis and security aspects of the situation, evaluation and reveals the possible credit risks and to propose preventive measures. Article fifth due diligence in

18、 these measures refers to the person in the pre-loan investigation procedures fulfilling the most basic due diligence requirements. Article sixth of themselves, pre-loan investigators relatives or other interested person to apply for the credit business, one should apply for the withdrawal. Chapter

19、II due diligence due diligence work is the basic requirement of the seventh article: follow the principles of true, complete, valid, and diligence due diligence in carrying out investigation duties. Investigators should be based on the characteristics of different varieties of credit business, credi

20、tXX集团有限公司职称评审管理方法 PAGE 23目 录 TOC o 1-3 h z HYPERLINK l _Toc 第一章 总则 PAGEREF _Toc h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc 其次章 职称评审组织管理 PAGEREF _Toc h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc 第三章 职称档级升降管理 PAGEREF _Toc h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc 第四章 职称晋升条件 PAGEREF _Toc h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc 第五章 职称评审内容及方式 PAGEREF _Toc h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc 第六章 附 则 PAGE

21、REF _Toc h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc 附件一:各级职称基本任职资格 PAGEREF _Toc h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc 附件二:职称评审申报表 PAGEREF _Toc h 16第一章 总则建立和规范公司职称评定与职称管理,激励从事专业岗位工作的员工专精所长,引导员工在竞争的环境中去增长学问、技能,提高实力,从而实现员工素养的提高和企业人力资本的增值,促进员工自身职业生涯与企业目标的结合与统一,特制定本管理方法。本管理方法适用于管理职系和专业技术职系的员工,不适用于实习期未转正的员工以及临时合约的员工。工勤职系的员工不进行职称评定。本管理方法将专业技术

22、职称划分为员级、初级、中级、高级四个等级,各职称等级内又划分为若干档次。职称评定由公司职称评审委员会定期依据相应的评审程序、评审方法和评审条件统一评定。职称评审是与薪酬、培训等人力资源工作保持协调一样,且有机结合的人力资源管理方法。职称评审管理包括职称等级的晋升评审管理和职称等级内的档级升降管理。 其次章 职称评审组织管理从事设计、经济(管理)、会计等专业工作的人员,符合申报专业技术职称任职资格基本条件者可以申报相应的专业技术职称。每年的12月15日至30日为职称评审工作期。职称评审工作由人力资源部负责组织,并由各部门帮助进行。人力资源部负责组建职称评审委员会,汇合各部门上报资料,组织职称评审


24、中级职称由主管人力资源副总审批。高级职称及破格晋升由公司总裁审批。职称评审程序实行员工个人供应材料,向所属部门申报,部门经理审核材料的完整与真实后,填写部门举荐看法,最终提交评审委员会按评审程序进行。参评者申报职称需填写职称评审申报表(见 HYPERLINK l _附件二:职称评审申报表 附件二),并供应有关证明文件,如发表论文的证明文件、学历证明文件、近年内参与的项目状况总结等。员工流淌的职称管理员工岗位变动时,专业技术职称不变,工资级别依据相应岗位、相应职称对应的级别并遵循就高原则确定。但当员工从专业技术职系转向工勤职系时,则以岗定薪,不考虑职称因素,其个人的专业技术职称可以保留。新入职员

25、工职称的确定新入职员工由所在部门负责人依据其个人资格(如学历、国家职称、工作年限等)确定待评职称,并报人力资源部审核。正式职称等级需在公司年度统一职称评审后评定。第三章 职称档级升降管理同一职称等级内不同档级的升降由人力资源部依据年度考核结果,列出满意晋升条件的员工,报总裁办公会探讨通过后执行。晋档条件需在该职称等级低一档级工作满一年以上; 年度考核结果为“优”或连续两年年度考核为“良”。以上两条必需同时满意。降档条件年度考核结果为“差”或连续两年年度考核为“较差”。晋档、降档幅度升降幅度为一档,特别状况的越档晋升需由人力资源部会同当事人所在部门对其业绩进行具体总结审核,确需越档晋升的提交总裁

26、办公会探讨,批准后执行。第四章 职称晋升条件申请职称等级晋升者当年年度考核必需为“优”或“良”。晋升各职称等级应具备的条件申请员级职称应具备下列任一条件:中专毕业,从事专业技术工作1年以上。中学毕业,从事专业技术工作2年以上。初中毕业,从事专业技术工作3年以上。(二)申请助理级职称应具备下列任一条件:高校本科毕业,从事专业技术工作2年以上。高校专科毕业,从事专业技术工作3年以上。中专毕业,从事专业技术工作5年以上。中学毕业以后从事专业技术工作7年以上。初中以下学历,从事专业技术工作9年以上。取得国家助理级职称。员级职称四档及以上满一年。(三)申请中级职务应具备下列任一条件:硕士探讨生毕业,从事



29、以来的代表本人专业技术水平、业绩、实力的论文或相关材料等。申请职称破格晋升除需报送上述各项材料外,还需提出破格晋升的理由及有关的证明材料。第五章 职称评审内容及方式评审内容评审内容有季度考核加分、论文加分、学历及资格评分、外语水平评分、文字实力评分和业务实力评分六项。季度考核加分考核加分将参评者当年季度考核结果为“良”以上的考评成果累加,加分标准为:考核结果优良加分53论文加分参评者发表的论文从发表之日起两年内有效。职称评审加分标准为:发表刊物三级刊物二级刊物一级刊物国际学术刊物每一篇24816学历及资格加分资格积分一年以下1年至5年5年以上2分每年3分每年4分学历积分博士硕士 本科大专中专1





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