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1、中英文简单的自我介绍范文(精选3 篇)中英文简单的自我介绍1Thanks. My name is JIANGWEI. I spent both my undergraduate and postgraduatetime in UESTC , major at Information and System.I dream of being an excellentengineer,that s thereason I chose UESTCand my presentmajor.I hope I willbe an expert in this field. To achieve this go

2、al , Ifocused on learningmy major courses hardlyand got goodmarks. In the past one and a half years, I accumulateda lot of practical project experiences and skills inthe lab . This makes me approach my dream.On campus, I joined in many activities, such assinging contest, dance party, hike, riding bi

3、cycle,English corner. I am outgoing and enjoy communicatingwith others.Iam a highly-motivatedperson.Ialwaysfeelcompelled to improve and improve myself again untilmake myself a better person.I like travelling very much because I always findsomething interestingand exitingin a new place.I knowthis job

4、 needs you to travel a lot, but I enjoy it.Only you really love something then you will putyourselfcompletelyintoitand tryyour best to achieveperfection.Through acomprehensiveanalysisto myselfI believe I am suitable for this job and I love it soIcandoitwell.Ericssonissuchanexcellentandrespectable co

5、mpany and I dream of working here.Those above are why I come here to apply for this job.Thanks very much!,谢谢。我叫xx ,本科和研究生都就读于xx ,专业方向是是信息与系统。我的职业理想是成为一名优秀的工程师,所以我选择了,选择了我现在的专业。 我希望在未来成为这方面的专家。为了实现这个梦想,我特别注重与此相关的专业课程的学习,也取得了很好的成绩。并且在教研室里一年半的时间,我积累许多相关领域经验,也锻炼了自己的实际动手能力,使我更进一步接近我的梦想。在课余时间,我积极参见各种活动,比如

6、歌唱比赛,学校交谊舞会,户外徒步露营,骑自行车旅行,创立研究生英语角我是一个比较外向的人,喜欢与人交流。同时我是一个有强烈进取心的人,期望每天都能做一个更好的自己,所以常常找出自己的不足,并且加以改进。我非常喜欢旅行因为我总能在一个新的地方发现有趣和令人兴奋的事情。我知道这份职业需要大量出差,但是我能享受它。我认为一份职业要符合自己的兴趣和性格,能充分发挥自己的特长,这样你才能够以全部的热情投入工作,享受你所从事的事业,获得成功。通过对自己的综合分析,我相信我适合这份职业,热爱这份职业并且能干好它。xx 又是如此优秀和受人尊敬的公司,我梦想在这里工作。这就是我来到这里应聘这份工作的原因。谢谢中

7、英文简单的自我介绍2Everybody is good, youknow me? My name is XXX. I am a student of a newlyenteringmiddleschoolgate,witha number ofnewstudents,I took my curiousand have a strongcuriosityheart came to the palace of the divine.My character is a persistent pursuit, beautifulideal, want to put the worlds good th

8、ing for your own.I dont like to go other vulgar, been to life as theothers.Iwanttopursuetheirownpersonality,dropping his own ace, do the most true to yourself!I, proactive. Small I is a drop of dew, but I amunwillingtolagbehind,lifecommonplacesdoingnothing. Every time the examination results came ou

9、t,I will tell oneself, must strive to win the next goodresult. I have been to her sister as the benchmark, IdontbelievethatIcantgo beyondher,Imustbestronger than her. Beyond others, is the strength, byefforts. I will study hard, even the strength!Althoughmy appearance is not beautiful,but I havea go

10、od ideal, the ideal is my pursuit of the goal offorever. I believe that hidden in the heart of everyman in his own a dream, ifyou dont dream your lifewouldnot be complete. Lets work for his dream to struggle,struggle!Lets cheer foryourself!AlthoughI dont knowwillhave a dream thatone day, but I still

11、look forwardto that day, Im sure I will. Come on!I was a naive, naive, full of imagination, all daylive in a fairy tale world, little girl. This is me,I will do the most true to yourself!大家好, 你们认识我吗 ?我叫 xxx 。我是一个刚迈入中学大门的学生,与众多新生一样,我带着充满好奇和有着强烈求知欲望的心来到了神圣的殿堂。我的性格是有着执着的追求,美好的理想的,想把全世界的好东西占为己有。我不喜欢去走别人

12、庸俗的老路,去过和别人一样的生活。 我要追求自己的个性, 亮出自己的王牌,做最真实的自己 !我,积极进取。小小的我是一滴露珠,但我不甘落后,一生庸碌无为。每次考试成绩一出来,我就会告诉自己,一定要努力争取赢得下一次的好成绩。我一直以姐姐为标杆,我不相信我不能超越她,我一定要比她还要强才行。超越别人,凭的是实力,靠的是努力。我一定会努力学习,充饥实力!虽然我的 容貌并不漂亮,但是我有一个美好的理想,这个理想是我永远追求的目标。我相信每个人在自己的心中都藏着一个梦想,如果你没有梦想你的人生就不会完整。让我们为了自己的梦想去努力的奋斗、拼搏! 让我们为自己加油吧 ! 虽然不知道会不会有实现梦想的那一

13、天,但我依然期待着那一天的出现,我相信会的。加油!我就是一个幼稚、天真、充满想象力,整天活在童话世界里的小女孩。这就是我,我就要做最真实的自己!中英文简单的自我介绍3My name isnot tall,WangXinmiao,plain,asmallchild,xinSimon,xiniscomposed of three gold, mean that I how great your,Simon isofthreewater means Illcareer.It looksgood,but my personality is really surprising, careless.I a

14、m careless,no matter what theexam in thenosesof errorjust checknottocome out,buyvinegarforgotto bring money, study forgot to bring my book. Thiskindofembarrassingthingshappenedtomethiscareless. Ah! When can I get rid of this bad habit.Rememberonce,momwas notat home, Icook,do whatgood? Well do rice,

15、I three times five divided by twois panningout.Here aremore simple,add waterpluggedin, this is too easy I can get this done in a breeze,justwaitingto eat,I am lazy lyingon thesofawatchingTV,justwaitingtoeat.Unconsciouslyan hourpassed,and can not smell the fragrance of rice, I hurried tothe kitchen,

16、see along while also didnt find which isbroken. Yi? How did that happen? Looked at half a dayjust detection, originally is the switch to a cookingclass, has just been insulation. Oh, regret and hate.Dont have to go hungry.A careless when do I get to more careful, live upto my name? Ah!This is what I called Wang Xinmiao“ careless!”我叫王鑫淼, 个子不高, 相貌平平, 一个不起眼的小孩,鑫淼,鑫是由三个金组成,意味着我会大富大贵,淼是有三个水组成意味着我会官运亨通。看起来还不错,但我的性格可真让人大跌眼镜粗心。我无论干什么都很粗心,考试时在眼皮底下的错误硬是检查不出来,买醋忘了带钱,学习忘了带书本这种种的囧事都发生在我这个马大哈的身上。哎! 我什么时候才能改掉这个坏毛病啊。记得有一次,妈妈不在家,我自己做饭,做啥好呢?好吧就做米


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