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1、第十四章:Managing Team团队管理在如今越来越复杂的环境下,为了提高竞争优势,许多公司出现了各种各样的团队,这一章,我们就来学习与团队有关的知识。.第一节:The contributions of teams团队的奉献1 building block for organization structure.组织构造的构成元素2 force for productivity.消费力3 force for quality.质量的作用4 force for cost reduction.减少本钱.5 force for speed.对速度的作用6 force for change.对变化的作

2、用7 force for innovation.对创新的作用.第二节:Benefits of groups群体的益处In organizations, groups serve numerous functions. Some of these functions benefit the organization directly; others benefit primarily the groups members.在组织中,群体有许多作用,有些直接对组织有益,其他主要对群体的成员有益。.1 For the organization对组织1 Accomplish tasks that co

3、uld not be done by individuals working alone.完成个人单独任务不能完成的义务2 Bring multiple skills and talents to bear on complex tasks.带来能承当复杂义务的复合技术和才干3 Provide a vehicle for decision making that permits multiple and conflicting views to be aired and considered.提供决策载体,让多种和冲突的观念并存.4 Provide an efficient means for

4、 organizational control of individual behavior.对个人行为的组织控制提供了有效的手段。5 Facilitate changes in organizational policies or procedures.使组织的政策或程序改动卦便利6 Increase organizational stability by transmitting shared beliefs and values to new members.经过向新成员传输共同信仰和价值观添加了组织的稳定性.对个人1 有助于了解组织及其环境2 有助于了解本人3 为获得新技艺提供协助4

5、获得个人行为不能得到的报酬5 直接满足重要的个人需求,特别是被社会认可的需求.第三节:The new team environment新团队环境A working group is a collection of people who work in the same area or have been drawn together to undertake a task but do not necessarily come together as a unit and achieve significant performance improvements.一个任务群体是指在同一领域内任务

6、或集中在一同从事一项任务的人员集合,一个群体不需求作为一个单位并获得重要的绩效提高。.Team A small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.团队:由有互补技艺、共同目的、共同业绩目的、相互担任的少数人组成。.Organizations have been using groups

7、for a long time. But things are different today. Managers realize more than ever that teams can provide competitive advantage and greatly improve organizational performance.组织运用群体有很长时间了,但如今情况不同了,管理者比以前更加认识到:团队能带来竞争优势,能极大提高组织绩效。.1 Type of teams团队的类型Teams can be divided into four primary types.团队可以被分为

8、四种根本的类型。.1.1 Work teams任务团队Work teams Teams that make or do things like manufacture, assemble, sell, or provide service.任务团队:从事制造、组装、销售或提供效力的团队。.These typically are well-defined, a clear part of the formal organizational structure, and composed of full-time, stable membership.这些是被明确定义了的、正式组织构造的一部分,由

9、全职稳定的成员组成。.1.2 Project and development teams工程和开发团队Project and development teams Teams that work on long-term projects but disband once the work is completed.工程和开发团队:努力于长期工程,一旦任务完成,就解散。.1.3 parallel teams平行团队Parallel teams Teams that operate separately from the regular work structure, and exist temp

10、orarily.平行团队:不同于常规的任务构造,并且是暂时性存在。 .Members often come from different units or jobs and are asked to do work that is not normally done by the standard structure. Their charge is to recommend solutions to specific problems. They usually do not have authority to act, however.成员经常来自于不同的单位或岗位,做规范任务不常做的任务

11、,他们用来对特殊问题提出处理方案。但他们经常没有权益。.1.4 management teams管理团队Management teams Teams that coordinate and provide direction to the subunits under their jurisdiction and integrate work among subunits.管理团队:对管辖范围内的下属部门进展协调和提供指点,使下属部门成为一体。.self-managed teams自我管理团队Figure 14.1 shows the different types according to

12、how much autonomy they have. To the left, teams are more traditional with little decision-making authority, being under the control of direct supervision. To the right is more autonomy, decision-making power, and self-direction.图14.1根据自主性的多少显示团队不同的类型,左边的团队更传统,有较少的决策权,在直接监视控制下。右边的更有自主性,有决策权,自我指点。.The

13、 trend today is toward self-managed teams.今天的趋势是向自我管理团队开展。Self-managed teams Autonomous work groups in which workers are trained to do all or most of the jobs in a unit, have no immediate supervisor, and make decisions previously made by first-line supervisors. 自我管理团队:自主任务群体,工人们被培训做单位内一切的或大部分的任务,他们没

14、有直接的监管者,以前由一线指点作出的决策由他们本人来作.Compared to traditionally managed teams, self-managed teams appear to be more productive, have lower costs, provide better customer service, provide higher quality, have better safety records, and be more satisfying for members.与传统管理团队相比,自我管理团队显示出更有消费力、更低本钱、提供更好的顾客效力和更高质量

15、,并且使团队成员更称心。.Traditional work groups have no managerial responsibilities. The first-line manager plans, organizes, staffs, directs, and controls them, and other groups provide support activities including quality control and maintenance.传统任务群体没有管理责任。一线基层管理者方案、组织、指点和控制他们,其他群体提供包括质量控制和维护在内的支持性活动。.Qual

16、ity circles are voluntary groups of people drawn from various production teams who make suggestions about quality but have no authority to make decisions or execute.质量小组由从各种消费团队中抽出来的人组成的义务群体,他们对质量提出建议,但是没有决策权和执行权。.Semiautonomous work groups make decisions about managing and carrying out major produc

17、tion activities, but still get outside support for quality control and maintenance.半自开任务群体在管理和执行主要的消费活动中做决策,但是对质量控制和维护仍需求外面的支持。.Self-designing teams do all of that and go one step furtherthey also have control over the design of the team. They decide themselves whom to hire, whom to fire, and what t

18、asks the team will perform.自我设计团队做上面提到的一切事情,并进而他们还控制团队的设计。他们本人决议招聘谁,解雇谁并决议团队要执行什么义务。.第四节:How groups become teams群体怎样变成团队Groups become true teams via basic group activities, the passage of time, and team development activities.群体经过根本的群体活动、时间过程和团队开展活动就可变为真正的团队。.1 Group activities群体活动1 Forminggroup mem

19、bers attempt to lay the ground rules for positions of behavior are acceptable.构成:群体成员试图规定什么行为是可接受的。2 Storminghostilities and conflict arise, and people jockey for positions of power and status.冲突:矛盾和冲突出现,人们为了权益和位置而斗争。.Norminggroup members agree on their shared goals, and norms and closer relationshi

20、ps develop.规范:群体成员达成他们共同的目的、规范和严密关系的开展。Performingthe group channels its energies into performing its tasks.执行:群体集中精神执行义务。.2 The passage of time时间过程A key aspect of development is the passage of time. Group pass through critical periods, or times when they are particularly open to formative experience

21、s.开展的一个关键方面是时间过程。团队的构成要阅历一个关键时期。.The first such critical period is in the forming stage, at the first meeting, when rules, norms, and roles are established that set long-lasting precedents.在构成阶段,第一个重要时期是在第一次会议上,当规那么、规范和角色建立以形生长期商定时。.A second critical period is the midway point between the initial me

22、eting and a deadline.第二个重要时期是在中间阶段。.A developmental sequence: from group to team开展步骤:从群体到团队A useful developmental sequence is depicted in Figure 14.2.( page 447)一个有用的开展步骤如图14.2所示.第五节:Building effective teams建立有效的团队Team effectiveness is defined by three criteria.团队的有效性由三个规范来定义。.First,the productive o

23、utput of the team meets or exceeds the standards of quantity and quality; the teams output is acceptable to those customers, inside or outside the organization, who receive the teams products or services.第一,团队的产出要到达或超越质量和数量规范;团队的产品要被接受团队的产品或效力的组织内外的顾客所接受。.Second, team members realize satisfaction of

24、 their personal needs.第二,团队成员实现了他们个人需求的满足。Third, team members remain committed to working together again.第三,团队成员乐于再次一同任务。.A performance focus以绩效为主The best teams are ones that have been given an important performance challenge by management, and then come to a common understanding and appreciation of

25、 their purpose.最好的团队是那些被管理部门给予重要的、挑战性的义务,然后对他们的目的达成一致的了解和正确评价的团队。.The best teams also work hard at developing a common understanding of how they will work together to achieve their purpose.最好的团队也在他们怎样一同任务以到达目的上获得一致。.The teams general purpose should be translated into specific, measurable performance

26、 goals.团队的普通目的应该是详细的、可丈量的绩效目的。.2 Motivating teamwork鼓励协作Social loafing Working less hard and being less productive when in a group.社会虚度:在群体中个人任务不努力。消费力下降。Social facilitation effect Working harder when in a group than when working alone.社会促进效应:个人在群体中任务比单独任务更努力。.A social facilitation effect is maintai

27、ned, and a social loafing effect can be avoided, when there is a culture that supports teamwork.当存在一个支持协作的文化时,社会促进效应就会维持,社会虚度效应可以防止。.Accountability to one another, rather than just to the boss, is an essential aspect of good teamwork. Accountability inspires mutual commitment and trust. Trust in you

28、r teammatesand their trust in youmay be the ultimate key to effectiveness.彼此担任,而不是仅仅对老板担任,是好的协作的重要方面,责任激发了相互的承诺和信任,信任他的团队同伴他们也信任他,这能够是有效性的最终关键之处。.3 member contributions成员奉献Team members should be selected and trained so they become effective contributors to the team.团队成员应该被挑选并被培训,以使他们成为团队有效的奉献者。.Gene

29、rally, the skills required by the team include technical or functional expertise, problem-solving and decision-making skills, and interpersonal skills.通常,团队需求的技艺包括技术或职能专长,处理问题和决策的技艺,人际交往的技艺。.4 Norms规范 Norms Shared beliefs about how people should think and behave.规范:人们应该怎样思索和行为的共同认识。.From the organiz

30、ations standpoint, norms can be positive or negative. In some teams, everyone works hard; in other groups, employees are antimanagement and do as little work as possible.从组织的立场出发,规范可以起正面作用或负面作用。在一些团队里,每个人都努力任务,在其他的群体里,员工反对管理并尽能够少的任务。.5 Roles 角色Roles Different sets of expectations for how different i

31、ndividuals should behave.角色:对不同的个人应该如何行为的不同期望。.Two important sets of roles must be performed: task specialist and team maintenance specialist.两个重要的角色必需执行:义务专家角色和维持专家角色。.Task specialist An individual who has more advanced job-related skills and abilities than other group members possess.义务专家:比其他的群体成员拥有更多先进的、跟任务有关的技艺的个人。.These employees have more decision-making responsibilities and provide instructions and advice.这些员工有更多的决策责任,提供指点和建议。.Team maintenance specialist Individual who develops and maintains team harmony.团队维持专家:开展和维持团队协调的个人。.They boost morale, give support, provide humor, soothe h


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