



1、通州区金郊初中“导学式”高效课堂 八年级英语复习案 2013-1-05PAGE PAGE 48A Unit 5 复习案 主备人 周芳 审核:导学目标:1.书本四会单词的用法及记忆 2.熟练背诵词组 3. 识别句子的五种基本结构及形容词如何构成副词。导学过程及内容:一、 复习导入1、背诵Unit 5的四会单词并默写。2、复习Reading和MainTask中的重要词组。去观鸟go birdwatching 在市场at the market烤鸡roast chicken飞往北方国家fly to northern countries 自然保护区nature reserves在中国东北in north

2、-east China / in the north-east of China/ in the northern part of China 世界上最重要的湿地之一 one of the worlds most important wetlands一个理想的家园 an ideal home for为野生生物提供食物和庇护所 provide food and shelter for wildlife = provide wildlife with food and shelter短暂停留for a short stay / stay there for a short time捕鱼为食catc

3、h fish for food 稀有的丹顶鹤the rare red-crowned cranes占更多的空间take more space 中国政府the Chinese government 数鸟count birds = do a bird count 越来越少的生存空间less and less space to live 濒临灭绝的动物endangered animals / animals in danger在数字上的变化 the changes in the numbers 采取措施做 take actions to do do something to do 一年一次 once

4、 a year 懂得保护湿地的重要性 understand the importance of the wetlands许多 a lot of = a large number of 处于危险当中be in danger在世界的其他地方in other areas of the world 走很长的路walk a long way 有足够的居住空间 have enough living space一双皮鞋a pair of leather shoes 乱扔垃圾drop litter carelessly 准备考试study for the exam 在入口处at the entrance 讲一

5、口流利的法语speak fluent French / speak French fluently 安静下来be quiet 出生日期date of birth 发出很多噪音,吵闹make a lot of noise在观鸟期间during the birdwatching 关于扎龙的报告a report on Zhalong 唯一理由the only reason 防洪prevent the flood 例如for example 有12000公顷的面积have an area of 120,000 hectares 阳光灿烂shine brightly 对别人讲礼貌show good ma

6、nners to others 申请表an application form 兴趣和爱好interests and hobbies 成为成员become a member of 等不及cant wait for sth/ cant wait to do sth终年;一年到头 all year round中国政府 the Chinese government彩色羽毛colourful feathers 有长尖形翅膀的燕子a swallow with long-pointed wings二、词汇点睛:1. wide adj.宽的 ,广泛的 Have a try :游过一条宽阔的河流_一个有广泛兴趣

7、的人_wide 也是adv.张得很大得 Have a try :把你的嘴巴张大_widely adv.广泛地Have a try :被广泛地使用_-2.provide vt. 提供 给某人提供某物_ _ provide for /support/ raise供养 a family有一大家子要供养_/_/_ _3. space n.空间 与_ 同义 ,腾出更多的空间作农田_ Room 还可以作为可数名词房间,有许多房间可以住_4.对别人讲礼貌show good manners to others =be polite to others5.angry adj.生气的 adv._ 对我生气_ 因为

8、我的不礼貌的回答而生气_ 听到他所说的话生气_ 对这件事生气_6.cant wait for sth / cant wait to do sth 迫不急待的做某事7.return vt. 归还 ( give sth back ) Have a try : 把那本杂志还给图书馆_ return vi. 返回(go back/come back)Have a try :返回他的家乡_回家_8.find the article interesting 觉得这篇文章有趣 interesting是宾语补足语 Have a try :觉得这次旅行无聊 _ 觉得学好英语重要_类似的结构有:使老师生气_保持教

9、室干净_9. 处于危险当中be in danger=be in a dangerous state10. drop/ fall drop人为的落下/ fall 自然的落下 dropped/ fellHe _ the glass. The rain is _ .=It is raining.drop a little drop to -5 drop n. _一滴水 / _大滴大滴的雨三、精讲点拨一、简单句的五种基本结构:(见书本P81)二、用一般现在时讨论将来:1.固定不变的计划; 如:The new term starts in September.2.固定的电视节目; 如:The TV pr

10、ogramme ends at 7:15 3.时间表、日历等。 如:Our plane takes off at 8 :00 tonight.4. 在由when ,before, if, as soon as 和unless引导的时间和条件状语 从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如:1) She will be happy when she hears the news.2) If it rains tomorrow, I shall stay at home.Eg: 我一到那里,就给你打电话。_ 如果你不努力学习,你就不会敢上其他学生。(unless)_ 三、形容词如何变成副词:1.大多数

11、直接家ly,如:quiet quietly ,polite-politely rude-rudely 2.以le结尾的去e加y: simple-simply ,comfortable-comfortably ,gentle-gently 特例: true truly 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的去y为i,再加ly:happy-happily lucky-luckily angry-angrily hungry-hungrily 形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀: 一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y。注意:1.有些以-ly 结尾既为形容词,也为副

12、词。如:daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early2.部分以ly结尾的词: friendly,deadly,lovely,lonely,likely,lively,ugly,brotherly,仍为形容词。3.有些形容词和副词同形。如:fast, hard ,early ,high, wide ,straight4.good 的副词为well.Have a try :用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Its snowing hard. You must drive _(careful).2. Mobile phones are _ (wide) used in most o

13、f the cities in China.3. He put on his coat and went out _ (quick).4. Allie asked me _ (polite) to put the things away.5.I dont care if a hunting dog smells _,but we really dont want him to smell _(bad)6.A _ road goes _from one place to another. ( straight)四、自我评价:一. 根据首字母和中文提示完成下列单词。1. Some birds fl

14、y to _(北方的)countries in summer .2. Birds can find food _(容易地)in Zhalong .3. The young man lives an _(无规律的)life. Sometimes he gets up after lunchtime.4. The Chinese g_ wants to protect these _(濒临绝境的) birds.5. Some t_ like going to Zhalong to watch rare red-crowned cranes.6.The hotel always p_ good se

15、rvice for all kinds of people.7. Autumn f_ summer.二用所给词的正确形式填空。1. Do you know the_(important) of English study?2. The teacher looked at the boy_(angry), because he kept talking in class.3. Its_(correct) to hunt or fish in zhalong nature reserves.4. We hope all animals can live in this wetland _ (com

16、fortable).5. Everybody should do something for birds _ (active).6. We were _after watching the _ film. (frighten)三. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。Well wait if the rain_(not stop)The sun often _(shine)in through the window.He_(drop) his wallet on the ground when he passed the street.He_(not go)swimming if Lilei doesn

17、t go with him.There_(be) less and less space for wild life in the future.Listen! They _(chat) in the next room.Mrs. Gong is comingPlease stop _(talk)A crane _ (fly) over our house an hour ago.His father from the USA in half a month. ( return )Look! How wonderfully the children_ (dance).三选择题。 ( ) 1. Do you write a report wild animals


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