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1、广东中考九年级英语形容词和副词语法知识考点复习一、写出下列单词的比较级和最高级1tall _ _2late _ _3angry _ _4big _ _5wet _ _wetterwettest6serious _ _more serious7expensive _ _most seriousmore expensivemost expensivetallertallestlaterlatestangrierangriestbiggerbiggestharderhardestmore quicklymost quickly8hard _ _more carefullymost carefully

2、9quickly _ _10carefully _ _11good/well _ _12bad/ill _ _13little _ _14many/much _ _moremost15old _ _older/elderoldest/eldestbetterbestworseworstlessleast二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1John is _ (clever) than Sam.cleverer2Who sings _ (well), Rose or Alice?better3The man took off his shoes and put them under his bed v

3、ery_ (quiet)quietlyhappyfarther4Ann felt very _ (happy) at her birthday party.5Which is _ (far) from us, the sun or the moon?6She looks _ (thin) than me.thinner7 It snowed _ (heavy) last night and now the streets arecovered with snow.heavily8 Mr.Benson seems to be the _ (busy) man in theoffice.busie

4、stmost carefully9Meimei writes _ (carefully) of the three girls.10 We dont think their classroom is as _ (clean) asours.cleanthe youngest11Li Lei is _ (young) boy in his class.12 I think English is _ (interesting) thanany other subject.more interestingthe most13 David has _ (many) story books of all

5、 thestudents.more slowlybest14Lucy runs _ (slow) than Lily.15 Which do you like _ (good), cats, dogs, orchickens?形容词的用法形容词在句中可以作定语、表语和宾语补足语等成分。如:She is a good student.她是一个好学生。(作定语)Computers are very useful in our everyday life.电脑在我们的日常生活中很有用。(作表语)He makes them angry.他让他们很生气。(作宾语补足语)形容词在句中的位置1大部分形容词通

6、常放在所修饰的名词之前作定语。如:This is an unhealthy diet.这是一种不健康的饮食。2部分形容词跟在连系动词(含 be 动词)之后作表语。如:It seems good, but its bad.它似乎是好的,其实不好。That sounds good.那听上去不错。Leaves turn yellow in autumn.秋天叶子变黄了。注意:有些形容词只能作定语,而不能作表语,如:little小的, only 唯一的, elder 年长的, real 真实的。3形容词可放在部分动词之后,作宾语补足语。常见的可跟宾语补足语的动词有:keep, make, find,

7、feel, think 等。如:You should keep your classroom clean and tidy.你们应该保持教室干净整洁。Sunny days make me happy.晴朗的日子让我愉快。I think it fun to learn English.我觉得学英语有趣。4表示长、宽、高、深及年龄等的形容词放在其相应的名词之后。如:The bridge is 200 meters long.这座桥长 200 米。5形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词之后。如:I have something important to do.我有些重要的事要做。条件结构例句说明人或

8、事物自身的性 质、特征或状态时用形 容词原级。 The flowers in the garden are beautiful.花园的花儿真漂亮。有表示程度的副词 too,very, so, quite, enough 等 The boy is too young.这个男孩太小了。形容词原级的用法条件结构例句表示 A 与B 在某一方面程度相同或不同时用形容词原级。肯定句中的结构:A.as形容词原级asB。English is as interesting as Chinese.英语和语文一样有趣。否定句中的结构:A.notas/so形容词原级asB。Im not so careful asLu

9、cy.我不如露茜仔细。表示 A 是 B 的几倍:A.倍数as形容词原级asB。(1 倍 once, 2 倍 twice,3 倍以上:数字times)Our school is threetimes as big as theirs.我们的学校是他们的三倍大。表示“是的一半”:A.half as形容词原级asBHer room is half as big as yours.她的房间是你的房间的一半大。副词种类例词时间和频度副词yesterday, now, tonight, soon, ever, once,always, usually, often, sometimes 等地点副词here

10、, there, home, out, inside, behind,downstairs, near, everywhere 等程度副词well, very, quite, rather, so, such, much, alot, a little, too, enough, much too 等方式副词badly, easily, happily, luckily, carefully,quickly, slowly 等疑问副词when, where, why, how, how often 等副词的分类副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词、副词或句子,表示时间、地点、方式和程度等概念。按其词汇

11、意义一般分为以下五类:副词的构成1大部分形容词加后缀-ly 构成副词。如:quietquietlyquickquicklybadbadly usualusuallycarefulcarefully strongstronglysimplesimply terribleterriblytruetruly fullfullybusybusily easyeasilyhappyhappily heavyheavily注意:有些以-ly 结尾的词并不是副词,实际上只能作形容词。如:friendly (友好的), lovely (可爱的), lonely (孤独的), likely(很可能的), liv

12、ely (活泼的), ugly (丑陋的),等等。2有些形容词与副词同形。如:early adj.早的adv.早daily adj.每日的,日常的adv.每天fast adj.快的;迅速的;紧密的 adv.快地;迅速地;紧密地hard adj.硬的;困难的;艰难的adv.努力地;使劲地;猛烈地注意:有些词虽然既可作形容词也可作副词,但加了-ly 之后意义相差很大。如:adv.努力地;使劲hard adj.硬的;困难的;艰难的地;猛烈地hardly adv.几乎不adv.迟地,晚地late adj.迟的,晚的lately adv.近来副词在句中的位置1副词常放在行为动词或形容词后面,但表示程度或

13、频率的副词一般放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。如:The boy speaks English well.这个男孩英语说得很好。Tom is often late for school.汤姆上学经常迟到。2副词 very 可以修饰形容词,但不能直接放在动词前面来修饰动词。如:()Mr.Smith very works hard.()Mr.Smith works very hard.史密斯先生工作非常努力。3作副词时,enough 要放在所修饰的形容词、副词的后面;作形容词时,enough 则放在名词前后均可。如:I ran fast enough so that I co

14、uld take a No.2 bus.我跑得足够快以便能乘到 2 路公交车。There isnt enough meat for us to eat.没有足够的肉给我们吃。注意:副词前一般不加介词。构成规则例词一般情况,在单音节词或少数双音节词的词尾直接加-er, -esttalltallertallest greatgreatergreatestsoonsoonersoonestfastfasterfastest clevercleverercleverest以不发音 e 结尾的单音节词,只加-r, -st largelargerlargest nicenicernicest latela

15、terlatest形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成1规则变化以重读闭音节结尾,并且以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的单词,先双写最后这个辅音字母,再加-er,-estbigbiggerbiggesthothotterhottestfatfatterfattestwetwetterwettest thinthinnerthinnest以“辅音字母y”结尾的单词,把 y 改为 i,再加-er, -est happyhappierhappiest heavyheavierheaviesteasyeasiereasiestearlyearlierearliest续表大部分双音节词和多音节词,在原级前

16、面加more, most 来构成比较级和最高级friendlymore friendlymostfriendlyrelaxedmore relaxedmostrelaxedimportantmore importantmostimportantcarefullymore carefullymostcarefully以形容词加-ly 构成的副词,在原形前加 more,most 构成比较级和最高级quicklymore quicklymostquickly easilymore easilymost easilyclearlymore clearlymostclearly续表原级比较级最高级goo

17、d, wellbetterbestill, bad, badlyworseworstmany, muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther (距离上的更远)farthest (距离上的最远)further (程度上的更深远) furthest (程度上的最深 远)oldolder (年龄) oldest (年龄)elder (长幼顺序) eldest (长幼顺序)2.不规则变化形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的用法1比较级的用法(1)“A 动词(倍数)比较级thanB”表示“A 比B”或“A 比 B几倍”。如:This bag is three times bigg

18、er than that one.这个袋子比那个大三倍。I got up earlier than my mother today.我今天比我妈妈早起床。(2)“特殊疑问词动词比较级,A or B?”表示“A 和B,哪个更”。如:Which is more interesting, cycling or running?骑自行车和跑步,哪个更有趣?Who draws better, Jenny or Danny?谁画得比较好,詹妮还是丹尼?(3)“ 比较级thanany other单数名词 (介词短语)”,表示“比同一范围的任何一个人/物都”,可表示最高级的含义。如:The Yangtze R

19、iver is longer than any other river in China. 长江比中国其他任何一条河流都长。The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长江是中国最长的河流。The pen writes more easily than any other pen.这支钢笔比其他的都好写。The pen writes the most easily.这支钢笔最好写。(4)“比较级and比较级”,表示“越来越”。如:He is getting taller and taller.他长得越来越高了。He walks more an

20、d more quickly.他越走越快。(5)“the 比 较 级 , the 比 较 级 ” , 表 示 “ 越 越”。如:The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes youll make. 你越认真,犯的错误就越少。The more you learn, the more youll know.学得越多,你知道得就越多。(6)“否定词比较级”,意为“最不过”。如:I cant agree more.我非常同意。She has never had a better dinner.这是她吃过的最好的一顿饭。2最高级的用法(三者或三者以上的比较)(

21、1)“the 最高级in/of 短语”,表示“是中最的”。如:Tom is the tallest in his class.汤姆是他们班上最高的。I jump farthest in my class.我是我们班跳得最远的。(2)“特殊疑问词动词the最高级, A, B, or C?”用于三者以上的比较。如:Which country is the largest, China, America or Ca-nada ?中国、美国、加拿大,哪个国家最大?Which season do you like best, spring, summer or autumn ?春季、夏季和秋季,你最喜欢

22、哪个季节?(3)“be one of the形容词最高级复数可数名词(in/of短语)”,表示“是中最之一”。如:English is one of the most important subjects in our school. 在我们学校,英语是最重要的科目之一。注意:(1) 有些程度副词,如:quite, rather, very, so, too, enough,fairly 等,与形容词或副词连用时具有“比较”的含义,这时句中的形容词或副词不能再使用比较级。(2)much, a little, still, even, a bit, a lot, far 可修饰形容词或副词的比较

23、级。(3)若形容词最高级前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修饰,此时不用定冠词 the。(4)副词最高级前的 the 可以省略。1interesting 与 interested(1)interesting 表示事物本身是“有趣的,令人感兴趣的”。作表语时,多用于“ interesting”句型,主语通常是物;作定语时,既可修饰人,也可修饰物。(2)interested 常表示某人对某物“感兴趣”,多用于“beinterested in doing sth.”句型;主语通常是人。常见类似的-ing 形容词和-ed 形容词还有:surprising 令人惊讶的exciting 令人

24、兴奋的pleasing 令人愉快的frightening 令人恐惧的moving 令人感动的surprised 感到惊讶的excited 感到兴奋的pleased 感到愉快、满意的frightened 感到恐惧的moved 受感动的即景活用interestinginterested(1)I have an _ book.(2)He is _ in the book.2ill 与 sick两个词都可以表示“病的,生病的”的意思,都可以作表语,但作定语时只能用 sick 而不能用 ill(ill 作定语时意为“坏的”,而不是“病的”)。即景活用sickill(1)The _man is his f

25、ather.(2)She has been _ for three weeks.3alone 与 lonely(1)alone 强调独自一人,常用作表语,作定语时置于名词后。另外,alone 也可以用作副词,意思是“单独地,孤单地”,而lonely 一般不作副词用。(2)lonely 作表语时,表示“寂寞,孤独”,含有强烈的感情色彩;作定语时含有“荒凉的”之意。即景活用alonelonelylonely(1)He lives_, but he doesnt feel_.(2)The man lived in a _island. 4already, yet, still(1)already 表

26、示某事已经发生,主要用于肯定句句中,常与完成时连用。(2)yet 表示期待某事发生,主要用于否定句和疑问句句末,常与完成时连用。(3)still 表示某事还在进行,主要用于肯定句和疑问句句中,有时也可用于否定句。即景活用alreadyyetstill(1)Weve _ watched that film.(2)I havent finished my homework _.(3)He _ works until late every night.5.also, too, as well, either(1)also 多用于书面语,放在肯定句和疑问句句中,一般与动词连用。(2)too 和 as

27、well 多用于口语,一般放在肯定句和疑问句句末。(3)either 用于否定句和否定的疑问句,往往放在句末。即景活用tooeitheralso(1)I went there last night.He went there _.(2)He hasnt finished it, _.(3)She is young and beautiful, and _ often, how long, how soon, how far, how many/much, how old(1)how often 意为“多久一次”,对动作发生的频率进行提问。(2)how long 意为“多长

28、时间;(长度)多长”,对一段时间或物体的长度进行提问。(3)how soon 意为“多久以后”,对将来的一段时间进行提问,回答要用“in一段时间”。(4)how far 意为“多远”,对距离进行提问。(5)how many/much 意为“多少”,对数量进行提问;howmuch 还可对价格进行提问。(6)how old 意为“多大”,对年龄进行提问。How farHow oftenHow soonHow many即景活用(1)_ is it from here to your school?About 20 minutes walk.(2)_ do you take a walk?Seldom

29、.(3)_ will your mother come back?In an hour.(4)_ students are there in your class?Forty.(5)_ do you do your homework everyday?About two hours.How longHow old(6)_ is your little sister?She is only five.(7)_ is this red coat?Its 50 dollars.How muchquiteveryquitevery7quite 与 veryquite 和 very 都可表示程度,意为“

30、很,十分”,用来修饰形容词和副词,但 very 的语气更强。当与冠词连用时,quitea形容词名词a very形容词名词。即景活用(1)She is _ a lovely girl.(2)It was a _ cold morning.(3)He is _ tall, but not _ tall.8much too, too much, too many(1)much too 意为“非常,极其;太”,much 和 too 都是副词,中心词是 too,much 修饰 too,以加强语气,much too 修饰形容词或副词原级。(2)too much 意为“太多”,中心词是 much,too 修

31、饰 much,以加强语气。too much 修饰不可数名词,与 too many 相对,toomany 修饰可数名词。即景活用much tootoo muchtoo many(1)The skirt is _ dear.(2)Please dont eat _ ice cream.Its bad foryour health.(3)There are_ people in the supermarket.9so 与 such(1)so 修饰形容词和副词;such 修饰名词。(2)so 修饰的形容词后可以有一个单数的可数名词,其结构是“so形容词a/an可数名词单数”。(3)such 可以修饰可

32、数名词单复数和不可数名词,名词前可以有形容词作定语,其结构是“sucha/an形容词可数名词单数”或“such形容词可数名词复数/不可数名词”。(4)如果可数名词复数前有 many/few ,或不可数名词前有much/little 修饰,则用 so 不用 such。即:so many/few可数名词复数so much/little不可数名词即景活用sosuch such(1)My brother runs _ fast that I cant follow him.(2)He is_ a boy.(3)He is _clever a boy.He is _a clever boy.suchsu

33、ch(4)It is _ cold weather.(5)They are_ good广东)Eighteen kids died in the school busaccident in Gansu Province.Its _ one that I have everheard of.Aa very seriousCthe most seriousBa more seriousDthe least seriousC 题意:在甘肃省,18 个孩子死于校车意外事故中,这是我所听说过的最严重的一次。根据题意可知应选形容词的最高级。故选 C。D 项不符合题意。()2

34、.(广东)Did you go to the cinema to see 3DTitanic last night?No, I _expensive.A. hardlyCstillgo to the cinema.The tickets are tooBnearlyDonlyA题意:“昨晚你去电影院看了 3D 的泰坦尼克号吗 ?”“ 没 有 , 我 几 乎 不 去 看 电 影 , 因 为 电 影 票 太 贵了。 ”hardly 几乎不;nearly 几乎,差不多;still 仍然;only仅仅。根据题意可知选 A。()3.(广东广州)Do you like this movie?Yes, it

35、s the _ one Ive ever seen.A.betterB.bestC.goodD.wellB 题意:“你喜欢这部电影吗?”“这是我所看过的最好的一部。”根据 ever 可知选 B。()4.(广东佛山)She prefers football because shethinks its _ among all sports.AinterestingBmore interestingCthe most interestingC 根据 among all sports 可知应用最高级,故选 C。()5.(广东梅州)Is this kind of pet _ a petdog these

36、 days?Aas trendy asBmore trendier thanCmuch trendy thanDnot so trendier asA 题意:目前这种宠物跟宠物狗一样时髦吗?as形容词/副词原级as.与一样。故选 A。B、C 两项形式错误。()6.( 广 东 梅 州 )The Old Town of Lijiang is_ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.ApopularCspecialBfamousDDifferentA 题意:丽江古城因为它美丽而古老的建筑而受游客欢迎。be popular with 受欢迎,为所喜

37、爱;be famous with因而闻名;没有 be special/different with 这样的搭配。根据题意可知应选 A。()7.( 年广东深圳)Who will teach _ oralEnglish next term?Can it be a new teacher? Perhaps.But our head teacher hasnt told us_.Ayour; alreadyCyou; alreadyByou; yetDyour; yetB teach sb.sth.教某人某物。其中 sb.为代词时应用其宾格形式,故第一空选 you; already 一般用于肯定句中,

38、yet 常用于否定句和疑问句中,故第二空选 yet。()8.(广东湛江)Whats wrong with you today?I am quite upset.Cheer up!The more you smile, the _ you will feel.AhappyBhappierChappilyDmore happilyB“the 形容词比较级,the 形容词比较级”表示“越越”。故选 B。()9.(广东)Steve is good at writing short stories. So he is.But he writes _ than us.So he cant getgood

39、grades in writing.Amost carefullyCless carefullyBmore carefullyDleast carefullyC由 than 可知应该用比较级,故排除 A、D 项。由最后一句“所以他不能在写作中拿高分”可知,应选 less carefully。()10.( 广 东 )Have you ever seen the moviecalled Los Angeles 2011?Yes, but I think its _.I fell asleep when I saw it.A. excitingBboringCboredDexcitedB 由最后一句

40、“我看的时候睡着了”可知,电影应该是无聊的,排除 A、D 项;因为修饰的是电影,故选 B。()11.(广东清远)Li Hua studies English veryand her English is _in her class.A. careful; goodBcarefully; wellCcareful; bestDcarefully; the bestD 修饰动词 study 要用副词,排除 A、C 项。is 是系动词,后边应接形容词而不是副词作表语,故选 D。()12.(广东肇庆)Do you think which language is_, Japanese or Englis

41、h?A. difficultBthe most difficultCmore difficultC 根据题意,Japanese 和 English 两者比较,应该用形容词比较级形式。()13.(广东广州)The actress is already 50, but shelooks _ than she really is.AyoungBmore youngCmore youngerDmuch youngerD由 than 可 知 此 句 用 比 较 级 , young 的 比 较 级 为younger,且比较级前可用 a little, much, even 等词修饰,故选 D。()14.(

42、 广 东 茂 名 )Though it was raining hardoutside, we could see _ people in the street.A.fewB.a fewC.a littleB 题意:虽然下大雨,我们仍能在街上看到一些人。alittle 用于修饰不可数名词;few 几乎没有(含否定含义),a few一些(含肯定含义),修饰可数名词。根据 though 可知表转折,故选 B。()15.(广东茂名)Who is the _basketball player in China?Yao Ming, of course.No one plays _ in ourcount

43、ry.Bbetter; betterA. good; bestCbest; betterC题意:“谁是中国最好的篮球运动员?”“当然是姚明。在我国没有人(比他)打得更好。”表示三者以上比较用最高级,故第一空用 best;表示两者比较用比较级,故第二空用 better。()16.( 广 东 茂 名 )The people there are_.So they often talk _.Bfriendly; happilyA. friend; happyCfriend; happilyB题意:那儿的人很友善,因此他们交谈经常都很愉快。系动词 are 后用名词或形容词作表语,friend 是名词,其

44、形容词形式是 friendly;若接名词应用复数,排除 A、C 项。副词happily 修饰动词 talk,故选 B。()17.( 广 东 佛 山 )_ is the history ofTsinghua University?100 years.A. How soonBHow longCHow farB 由答语“100 年”可知是询问时间长短,故选 B。()18.(广东深圳)There is a smile on Miss Gaosface.She must be _ with Sams work.I think so.No one did as _ as him in our class.

45、A. angry; wellCstrict; goodBpleasing; goodDpleased; wellD 题意:“高老师面带微笑,她应该对山姆的功课很满意。”“我也这么认为。班上没人做得比他好。”be pleased with对感到满意;动词 did 应用副词 well 来修饰。故选 D。()19.(广东深圳)The doctor told me _too much, but I find it difficult.The doctor is right.The less you drink, _ you will be.A.dont drink; the

46、t to drink; the healthierC.not to drink; the more healthierD.dont drink; healthierB tell sb.not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事,故可排除 A、D 两项;“the比较级,the比较级”意为“越越”,healthy 的比较级为 healthier,故选 B。()20.(广东梅州)Mom, Bill is coming to dinnerthis evening.OK.Lets give him _ to eat.A.anything differentB.different anythingC.

47、something differentD.different somethingCsomething 多用于肯定句,anything 多用于否定句和疑问句;形容词修饰不定代词时要后置。故选 C。()21.(广东)How are you feeling today?Much _.I can go to school next week.A. goodCbestBbetterDwellB题意:“你今天觉得怎么样?”“好多了。我下周就能去学校了。”much 可用来修饰形容词/副词的比较级,表示程度。故选 B。()22.(广东)_ will you come back?In an hour.A.How

48、 soonB.How oftenC.How farD.How longA how far 多远;how long 多长;how often 多久一次;howsoon 多少时间以后,多久。由答语可知是对表示将来的时间状语提问,应用疑问副词 how soon。()23.(广东肇庆)The busier he is, the _he feels.A. more happilyBmore happyChappierC“the 比 较级 ,the 比 较级 ” 表示 “越 就越”。feel 是系动词,不能接副词构成系表结构。happy 的比较级是把 y 变 i 再加-er,即 happier。()24.

49、( 广 东 梅 州 )Mum, could you buy me adress like this?Certainly, we can buy _ one than this, but_ this.A.a better; better thanC.a cheaper; as good as B.a worse; as good asD.a more important; good asC题意:“妈妈,你能给我买一条这样的裙子吗?”“当然。我们可以买一条比这条便宜但和这条一样好的裙子。”A项两个都用 better,没有转折含义;B 项前后矛盾;D 项形式错误。故选 C。()25.(广东梅州)Can you imagine that _little ants can carry _ many big worms?A. so; soCsuch; soBsuch; suchDso; suchC 当名词前有表示“多、少”的 many, much, few, little


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