1、Tourism Translation Introduction 旅游翻译内容:笔译(各类文本翻译) 口译 导译 旅游翻译特点:旅游翻译(tourism translation) 属于职业翻译,即 专业翻译。它是指为旅游活动,旅游专业和行业所 进行的翻译(实践),概括地说,它是一种跨语言, 跨社会,跨时空,跨文化,跨心理的交际活动。而 旅游翻译中的导译(guide-interpreting/interpretation), 其此类特点更为突出。 旅游文本的构成: 1 偏信息型(informative text): 导游图;交通图;旅游指南;景点介绍;产品目录;公示语;城市导向; 菜单等 2 偏
2、表达型(expressive text): 旅游画册;纪念品介绍;游记;专栏杂志;相关录影带等 3 偏召唤型(vocative text): 活动宣传品;广告;海报;商场导购等 Language features 2.1 语音 旅游文本中,尤其是呼唤功能较为突出的广告词,宣传册等,为了达到吸引游客的目的,其广告词一般都节奏鲜明,韵律明显,读起来朗朗上口。 汉语中注重押尾韵,例如: 出门住店不用愁,锦江之星洁廉优(锦江之星旅馆有限公司广告语) 一卡在手,出门无忧(一卡通广告) 相比较而言,英语中多利用头韵及音节的重复来加深读者的印象,例如: Future for my future 未来,为我而
3、来 Join Worldenglish, Enjoy Englishworld 置身世界英语,享受英语世界。 A Passion for Perfection 追求完美 Caring, Comfortable, Civilized 关爱,惬意,高雅 The first time you come by chance ,The second time you come by choice。 您不来,那是您的错,如果您来了,不想再来,那是我的错! 2.2 语言 旅游文本的用词简洁,严谨,突出关键信息并含有大量外来及专外来及专有名词有名词。相比较而言,英语旅游文本用词更加简明扼要,突出客观信息,较多
4、的使用缩略语和复合词。而汉语旅游文本用词较为主观,概括性强,且文化信息量大,文化负载词较多。 试比较以下文本:语言风格: InterContinental London Park Lane is now open, revealing elegant guest rooms, Theo Randall at The InterContinental, the Cookbook Cafe and contemporary event space. The Club InterContinental Lounge, Spa InterContinental and our new Signatur
5、e Suites are scheduled for completion in Spring 2007. We provide our guests authentic and genuine London experiences in an enviable location close to Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park and Green Park. (定于2007年3月开张的伦敦公园大道洲际酒店的简介,摘自Cheap London Hotels, Central London Hotels with D) 别墅:品味高雅,匠心独韵。 客房:设施超前,宁静幽
6、雅。 餐饮:雍容华贵,风味佳肴。 浪漫经典SPA生活馆:深谷温泉,悠然绽放。 其它配套服务:周到服务,完善配套。 (五星级的南苑连锁酒店之宁海南苑温泉山庄介绍) 专业术语: 1 外联部(旅行社) Foreign/External Liaison Dept. Sales & Marketing Dept. 2 旅行- travel 旅游 - tourism 3 一日游游客 Day visitor Excursionist 地道表达: The cheese fondue comes from Switzerland where villagers in the mountains had
7、to rely on local produce, like cheese, wine and home baked bread during the long winter month. “奶酪火锅”源于瑞士。在漫长的寒冬季节,瑞士山区的居民不得不依靠当地的物产为食物来源,如奶酪,酒和自制面包。 Cambridge is a little town across the Charles River from Boston and the home of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).
8、 坎布里奇是一个小镇,与波士顿市隔查尔斯河相望,也是哈佛大学和麻省理工学院的所在地。 It is ancient Daogong Chinese Design-albeit on a monster scale-is like nothing else in Shanghai. 这是个传统中国斗拱式设计风格,规模庞大,在上海独树一帜。 文化词汇及表达: 汉语: 中医;经脉;仁;纸锭;道;和;帝等 英语:cat-and -dog; make a monkey of ; in a pigs wisper 敏感词汇: 昭陵六骏是唐太宗李世民为纪念他征战时骑过的六匹骏马,在修建昭陵时诏令修建的。其中
9、“飒露紫”和“拳毛騧”两批骏马1914年被美国人华士博盗走,现存费城宾夕法尼亚大学博物馆。 The six stone horses were sculpted when Zhaoling Maosoleum was built by the order of Emperor Li Shimin in memory of the six horses which served him in wars. Two of them, known as “saluzi” and “quanmaogua” were stolen by an American in 1914. They are now
10、kept at the university of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. These stone chargers are considered to be masterpieces of sculpture from the Tang period. Two of the original stone horses are on display in a museum in the United States, and the four that are on display in the museum here were damaged during
11、an attempt by a private collector to have them shipped to the United States. This was during the period before 1949 when some great art treasures were stolen from China. While facing foreign pressures, China was also weakened by social unrest which resulted from a great increase in population and in
12、adequate farmland. This led to peasant uprisings. The most serious one was the Taiping rebellion, led by Hong Xiu quan. The rebellion was one of the most destructive unrest in history, taking as many as 30 million lives 中国面临外患的同时,又因人口大增和耕地不足,引发社会动荡,国力减弱,农民起义此起彼伏。其中最重要的一次是洪秀全领导的太平天国运动。这是历史上规模最大的一次农民起
13、义,3000万人为之付出了生命。 2.3 句法 近年来有人对旅游市场做过调查,归纳出“拼写遗漏错误,语法错误,中式英语,用词不当,语言累赘,文化误解”等六大类错误(文军,2002)。出现此类错误的原因,无非在于译者忽略了中西思维方式的差异在语言上的反映,在翻译时“将汉语的思维模式和审美要求强加于英译文之上”(贾文波,2008) 因此,了解英汉传统语言思维特征的差异是非常必要的。此差异体现在语言的各个层次和各个方面,具体如下表: 翻译实践中经常碰到也是易被忽视的区别是英语是主语系统,而汉语是主题系统;英语静态性强,而汉语动态性强。 例如: Upon arrival at the hotel, 到
14、达旅馆后, For your information 特此通知 Time in Paris is a stroll arm-in-arm with someone you love down the Champs-Elysees, a shared glass of wine at a cozy outdoor cafe, a leisurely cruise down the River Seine, or a lingering moment at a Van Gogh in the Musee dOrsay. 在巴黎逗留的时光是与您爱的人挽着手臂沿着香榭丽舍大街漫步,是在一家惬意的露天咖
15、啡店合饮一杯美酒,是在塞纳河上悠闲的摇弋,或是在杜塞博物馆的梵高画 前驻足的时光。 Passage to India 印度旅行 Across China 走遍中国 The history of Xian has seen the rise and fall of 13 dynasties, and made tremendous contributions to the Chinese civilization and even to the civilization of the oriental world. 西安在历史上见证了13个 王朝的兴衰起落,对中国 乃至世界东方的文明作出 了巨大
16、的贡献。 Here in New Hampshire there are many opportunities to find a peaceful spot hidden among the lush forests of tall evergreens and hard-woods or next to a rambling or pictorial lake. 新罕布尔州森林茂密,树木坚实高大,葱绿长青,湖水蜿蜒而流,湖泊风景如画,好多地方都是悠然寂静的好去处。 2.4 篇章 英语篇章行文结构严谨,主要信息通常置于篇首,呈演绎式。汉语篇章则讲究均衡与行文流畅,重要信息通常置于篇尾,呈归纳
17、式,且多引用诗词歌赋。例如: 满树金花、芳香四溢的金桂; 花白如雪、香气扑鼻的银桂;红里透黄、花多味浓的紫砂桂;花色似银、季季有花的四季桂,竞相开放,争妍媲美。进入桂林公园,阵阵桂香扑鼻而来。The Park of Sweet Osmanthus is noted for its profusion of osmanthus trees. Flowers from these trees in different colors are in full bloom, which pervades the whole garden with the fragrance of their bloss
18、oms. 诗词 中国古代神话传说,天地万物之祖盘古氏死后,头部化作东岳泰山。据梁人任日方撰的述异记:“昔,盘古之死也,头为四岳,目为日月,脂膏为江海,毛发为草木。秦汉间传说:盘古头为东岳,腹为中岳,左臂为南岳,右臂为北岳,足为西岳”从而,泰山成为五岳之首。著名地理学家美籍华裔教授邹君豹题泰山的地理对联写得好:“滚滚黄河水,长流五千四百里,俯瞰一条鞋带;岩岩泰山石,高寿二十七亿年,做视五洲群峰”。作为华夏民族精神与气质象征的泰山,正如天阶坊上对联写的一样“人间灵应无双境,天下巍峨第一山”。 According to the Chinese ancient mythology, When Pang
19、u, the ancestor of all things, died, his head turned into Mount Tai, his belly turned into the Central Mountain, his left arm turned into the South Mountain, his right arm turned into the North Mountain and his feet turned into the West Mountain. Mount Tai thus has become the head of all mountains.
20、As the symbol of China national spirit, Mount Tai is no doubt the most significant mountain under heaven as well. 由以上我们可以看出,旅游翻译作为专业翻译的一种,必然也要市场需求的规律。译者在翻译过程中所要遵循的标准一是忠实忠实,这里所说的忠实应该是对原文本信息和目的的双重忠实,是对大的语言文化系统的忠实。二是要考虑目标语读者的审美标准和需求目标语读者的审美标准和需求,译文要在译语中有可读性和可接受性。 Translating process 由以上对翻译标准的分析,我们可以看出,
21、在旅游翻译实践过程中,应该遵循这样的翻译过程: 1 ) 分析语境,交际目的及查阅相关术语。 由于旅游翻译活动是服务于旅游产业的,它在一定程度上要遵循市场活动的规律。旅游翻译的译者要考虑除原文本之外的诸多因素。例如:译文读者的年龄层次,文化层次,职业背景;译文使用的场合是官方旅游活动还是普通旅游活动;译文是做为书面介绍还是影视介绍。同时,译者还要分析,原文的目的仅仅是提供信息还是要通过信息让读者产生一定的行为活动。译者要将旅游语篇置于社会背景中,查找相关专业名词在现实中的意义。 2) 参考相应的平行文本 旅游文本翻译的目的是向译文读者提供异地帮助。因此译文的语言习惯要符合译语读者的表达习惯,也就
22、是要做到循规。否则,语言上再忠实的译文也有可能在译文读者中产生误解。因此,在分析了语境和交际目的之后,译文读者应该搜集相关文本的平行语料。例如,翻译汉语公示语时,应事先了解国外相关公示语的标准规范及语言特点。翻译汉语景点介绍时,应了解国外相关景点介绍的信息重点和表达习惯。在此对比的过程中,理解英汉语表达习惯和思维方式的不同。做到对原文逻辑关系的透彻理解和在译文中的正确表达。 3) 采用适当的翻译方法 在做好前两步之后,就应该思考采用何种方法翻译才能即做到对原文的忠实,又满足译文读者的信息需求。翻译过程中,要根据英汉语在语言层面及思维层面的差异对原文在用词,句式甚至篇章方面做出相应的调整,以达到
23、翻译目的。Case study: 济公劫富济贫。 Jigong, Robin Hood in China, robbed the rich and helped the poor. 大舜, 约四千多年前,龙山文化时代华夏之王虞舜。生于冯诸(诸城),耕于历山(济南),渔于雷泽(菏泽)。经万民拥戴,尧禅于王位。 YU SHUN,Lengendary tribal king said to have been active around the now Jinan area about 2000 years before the calendar 湛山寺山门一对石狮子,雕刻精细。寺外建有“药师琉璃光
24、如来宝塔”,简称 “药师塔”。 In front of the gate of Zhanshansi Temple stand a pair of exquisitely carved stone lions. By the side of the temple there stands the Yaoshita Pagoda( the Druggist Pagoda). 雕塑品多是墓内的随葬品,有象牙雕筒,象牙琮,象牙梳,雕刻骨 珠,骨雕筒,骨梳,牙雕饰,嵌绿松石的骨筒,雕花骨匕,穿孔玉产, 玉珠及陶塑动物等。 Most of the sculptures are funeral objec
25、ts, including craftworks made of ivory, bone, jade and pottery. -什么时候吃你的喜糖啊? -八字还没一撇呢! -那我来做你的月下老吧。 -when will you get married? -it hasnt decided yet. -if so, let me be your matchmaker 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 Marry a cock and follow the cock, marry a dog and follow the dog. Once the wife of a parson, always the w
26、ife of a parson.在四川西部,有一处美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟语婉转,流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。 One of Sichuans finest scenic spots is Huanglong (Yellow Dragon),which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountain. Its Iush green forests, filled with fragrant flowers, bubbling streams ,
27、and songbirds, are rich in historical interest as well as natural beauty. They were in the smoky mountains at their favorite bed-and-breakfast. 他们住在青烟山脉,已是早上时分,该起床早餐了,这是他们最喜欢的时间段。 他们住在青烟山脉间最喜欢的旅馆中,这间旅馆提供住宿和免费早餐。 We offer room service. 我们提供客房服务。 我们提供客房送餐服务。 The nearest, South Americas Santa Maria, wa
28、s only fifty miles away Farther away, the University of Astrogrades Lebedev looked like a Maltese cross; the sails that formed the four arms could apparently be tilted for steering purposes. 最靠近的是南美的圣玛丽号,只有50英里远远一点的是宇宙城大学的列别捷夫号,看上去像十字形的马耳他岛国,形成四只长臂的太阳帆显然可以倾斜翘起,以便进行驾驶。 Out of all of Americas symbols,
29、 none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. This 46-meter-tall bronze statue, torch in hand, clutching a stone tablet and looking over Americas largest city, has acted as a figurehead for the America Dream for well over a hundred years, and each year tens of thousands of
30、tourists are attracted to the small island that the statue Calls home. 在代表美国的所有标志中,没有哪一个能够比自由女神像更持久或者说更能唤起美国人民对于自由的热爱和向往。这尊高达46米的巨大青铜雕像,右手高举火炬,左手紧握独立宣言,眺望着纽约这座美国最大的城市,一百多年来一直引领着美国人民自由平等的梦想。每年有数以万计的游客来到这座矗立着雕像的小岛参观。 Going “Green” can build a platform for long term growth by offering a better tourist
31、product, saving resources and raising the publics perception of the tourism industry. sustainable development offers a way to escape the “limits to growth” syndrome, with care for the environment, more than just preservation or protection. 重视对“绿色环境” 的保护,为旅客提供更好的旅游产品,节约资源,提高公众对旅游产业的认识,可以为旅游业的长远发展提供一个
32、平台。可持续发展对环境的关注不仅仅局限于环境保护,从而为旅游业发展避免“增长的极限”提供了一条有效途径。 The well-known Rush-moore National Monument in the United States is erected on the Rushmoore Peak, 1829 meters above sea level, of the Black Hills in the south-west of South Dakota. It is a group of huge stone statues of four American presidents,
33、Goerge Wangshington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevolt. 美国著名的拉什莫尔国家纪念碑(俗称“总统山”)位于南达科他州西南一座海拔1829米的布莱克山拉什莫尔峰顶。这座纪念碑由雕刻在岩石上的乔治华盛顿,托马斯杰弗逊,亚伯拉罕林肯以及西奥多罗斯福四位美国总统的巨型头像组成。 The Dreamtime is the sacred time before time of the worlds creation. According to Aboriginal belief, totemic spir
34、it ancestors emerged from the earth and descended from the sky to awaken a dark and silent world. They created the sun, moon and stars, forged mountains, rivers, trees and waterholes and changed into human and animal forms. “梦幻时光”是创世时期以前的神圣的时光。 根据原住民的信仰,具有图腾意义的神灵祖先有的从大地涌现,有的从天而降,前来唤醒黑暗宁静的世界。 他们创造了太阳
35、、月亮和星星,形成了高山、河流、树木和水潭,并化身为人和动物。 incorrect translations: 常用翻译策略 1 归化 (domestication) 涉及中国特有的名人典故,成语谚语,如果直译无助于游客的理解,可以采用归化的翻译方式,利用与游客关联度高的信息,帮助游客理解旅游目的地文化。 e.g. 西施 Chinese Aphrodite 月老 Chinese Cupid 清明节 Chinese Holloween 鱼米之乡 A land of milk and honey 苏州 Chinese Venice 嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 Marry a cock and follow
36、 the cock, marry a dog and follow the dog. Once the wife of a parson, always the wife of a parson. 2 释译 e.g. 东施效颦 Dongshi imitates Xishi (Xishi was a beauty in the ancient Kingdom of Yue.Dongshi was an ugly girl who tried to imitates her way)。 孟姜女哭长城 The legend has it that the Wall collapsed when Me
37、ng Jiangnu cried bitterly over the death of her husband who died in the construction of the Great Wall. 相传三国时期,吴淞江的北岸就建起了一座寺院。后易名为静安寺。译文1 Legend has it that during the Three Kingdoms Period, a temple was built on the north bank of Wusong River, and it later adopted its present name of Jing An Si or
38、Jing an Temple. The Temple had existed more than 1240 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World.译文2 Legend has it that during the Three Kingdoms Period, a temple was built on the north bank of Wusong River, and it later adopted its present name of Jing An Si or Jing an Temple. The T
39、emple had existed more than 1300 years before William Shakespeare was born. 3 整合关键信息,分清主次。 根据内在逻辑关系,做进一步整合和取舍。 事实信息范畴内可以进一步区分为: 常量事实信息,变量事实信息,关联性事 实信息和非关联性事实信息。 飞水潭 飞水潭是鼎湖山空气含负离子最高的地方之一,飞瀑,绿树,幽潭组成了一个清凉世界。这里常有女子弹古筝,端正的面庞,悠扬的乐曲与溪流声相互辉映,就是一副绝美的图画。(瀑布从40多米高的崖顶深处狂奔而来,忽而形成千尺飞流,如白练悬空,忽溅作满空雨花) Flying Water
40、Pond is one of the places with the highest density of negative ions in the air in the Dinghu Mountain. The flying waterfall, green trees, and the deep pond constitute a pictureaque world. Here often a beautiful lady plays Zheng, a Chinese zither with 25 strings. Her angelical face, melodious music a
41、nd the stream flow sound match harmoniously. What a beautiful scene it is! The splashing Water Pound is well-known for its higher density of negative ions in the Dinghu Mountain area. The Splashing waterfall, the deep pool and surrounding green trees bring you a picturesque scene. 这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔
42、流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天色风景画。各种奇峰异岭,令人感受各异,遐想万千。 It is another gorge through which rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.Rules & Text for special purposes1 专有名词处理方法(人名,地名,术语等) 人名:汉英过程中用汉语
43、拼音代替韦氏拼音 e.g. 徐霞客 Xu Xiake 朱熹 Zhu Xi 古代特殊称谓多用意译,没有统一译文 e.g. 名 given name 字 polite name 号 styled name 地名:“在各外语中地名的专名部分原则上音译,采用汉语拼音字母拼写,通名部分(如省,市,自治区,江,河,湖,海等)采取意译。但在专名是单音节时,其通名应作单名的一部分,先音译,后重复意译。 E.g. 泰山:Taishan Mountain/Mount Tai 武夷山: Wuyi Mountain 太和殿: Hall of Supreme Harmony 云居寺: Yunju Temple 鲁迅纪念
44、馆:Luxun Memorial *但约定俗成的地名除外 e.g. 西湖: the West Lake 黄河: the Yellow River 2 1)公示语 “禁止” “请勿”类翻译: no+名词/doing no+名词/doing+allowed/to be done please dont 反词正译 e.g. 禁用食物或饮料 No food or beverage 禁止通行 No exit 禁止骑车,遛狗 No bicycles or dogs allowed 严禁拍照 No photography “警示,提示”类翻译: Caution, Warning, Emergency, Da
45、nger, Beware,take care e.g. 其它提示类:Homework 1 浙江濒临东海,气候宜人,地势由西南向东北倾斜,“山岭逶迤,江河奔流”。 1) Zhejiang province is near The East China Sea, Where a pleasant climate. Terrain sloping from northeast to northeast, surrounded by the hills and rivers. 2) Bordering on the east China sea, Zhejiang province has good
46、weather in which mountains wander and rivers rush along. Its topography slopes from the southwest towards the northeast. 2 耸立在这块大地上的名山中,有“寰中绝胜”的雁荡山,山水神秀的天台山,奇峰鼎立的仙都山和避暑胜地莫干山。 1) Among the famous mountains that stand out in this land, there are Yandang mountain known as “the unique spot under the hav
47、en”, Tiantai mountain noted for its fine scenery, Xiandu mountain famed for its grotesque peak and Mogan mountain renown for summer resort. 2) Among all the famous mountains standing at there ,the Yandang Mountain is konwn as “the best tourist attraction of this region”, the Tiantai Mountain has mag
48、ical and beautiful landscape, the exotic peaks suit in the Xiandu Mountain, and the Mogan Mountain is the famous summer resort . 3 浙江水系丰盈,江河如锦带,湖泊似珍珠。 1) Zhejiang province has numerous rivers just like Weigela and its lakes like pearls. 2) There are also many rivers and lakes in Zhejiang Province. T
49、he rivers are as many as the silk strips and the pools are as many as the pearls. 4 钱塘江,瓯江等六大江河,曲折回绕,东流入海。 1) Qiantang River, Oujiang River and other four primary rivers meander to the East Sea. 2) Qiantang River and other rivers are circuitous and flow east to the ocean. 5 喇叭形的杭州湾口形成的钱塘江,壮观天下无;富春江-新安江,山淡出,水长远,溯接黄山,流连西湖,犹如一幅山水画长卷;楠溪江,水清
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