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1、 1. A cold hand and a warm heart. 2. Birds of a feather flock together.3. Love me, Love my dog.刀子嘴,豆腐心。刀子嘴,豆腐心。物以类聚,人以群分。物以类聚,人以群分。爱屋及乌。爱屋及乌。4. It is better to trust the eye than the ear.5. It is never too late to mend.百闻不如一见。百闻不如一见。亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣。亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣。How much do you know about table manners?We sho

2、uldWe shouldntDont start eating until everybody is ready.Dont eat with your mouth open. Its very rude.What problems do these two men have while eating and drinking? Lets watch a short funny video and find it out.They make too much noise while eating and drinking.Do you think its good or bad?What oth

3、er rules should we know about table manners?Do not talk with food in your mouth.It will be veryDo not reach over someones plate for something.Its also very impolite.Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table.If we remember all of these rules about table manners, the guests and hosts will

4、 feel happy and comfortable at the table.The class1 Grade 8 students are going to give a talk on good table manners. They are making a plan for the talk.Read their plan for the talk and answer following questions. What s the name of the talk? 2. Whats the purpose(aim 目的)目的) of the talk? 3. When and

5、where will they give the talk? 4. What is this talk mainly about? = What is the content(内容内容) of the talk?Good table manners.The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules for eating.They will give a talk at 10 a.m. on 12 May at the school hall.The content of this talk is about six rules of tabl

6、e manners.Read the plan again and find out six rules of table manners.1. Dont start eating until everyone is ready.2. Dont make too much noise while eating and drinking.3. Dont eat with your mouth open.4. Dont talk with food in your mouth.5. Dont reach over someones plate for sth.6. Wait for everyon

7、e to finish before you leave the table.What else do you think we should pay attention to at table?Good table manners We are going to hold a talk on good table manners. The purpose of the talk is to teach students_.It will take place at _ on_ at the school hall.There will be a lot of advice on table

8、manners. We hopeyou will find them useful. Above all, when you are sitting at the table, you should not start eating until_, and it is impolite to _ while eating and drinking. You should not eat with_ or talk with_. Also, dont _ someones plate for something. Before you leave, wait for_.These rules a

9、re important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table.Help Amy and Daniel finish their page on table manners.10 a.m. 12th Mayrules for eatingeverybody is readymake too much noiseyour mouth openfood in your mouthreach overeveryone to finishGood table manners

10、 We are going to hold a talk on good table manners. The purpose of the talk is to teach students rules for eating. It will take place at 10 a.m. on 12th May at the school hall. There will be a lot of advice on table manners. We hope you will find them useful. Above all, when you are sitting at the t

11、able, you should not start eating until everybody is ready , and it is impolite tomake too much noise while eating and drinking. You should not eat with your mouth open or talk with . Also, dont reach over someones plate for something. Before you leave, wait for everyone to finish.These rules are im

12、portant because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table.Para1: The purpose of the talkPara2: When and where to hold the talkPara3: Content of the talk (six rules for eating)Para4: Conclusion (your idea)Title n,laz Title Para1: The purpose of the talkPara2: When an

13、d where to hold the talkPara3: Content of the talk (_rules for_)Para4: Conclusion (your idea)Good _ mannersWhat tenses should we use in this passage?Simple future tense and simple present tense.Useful expressionsu is / are going to hold a talk on.uThe purpose of the talk is to teachabout.uIt will ta

14、ke place at/ in.at.on.uThere will be a lot of advice on.uWhen you ., you should.uYou shouldntuIts impolite touIts uncivilized(不文明的) to.uAlways remember touAbove all. 八礼八礼 仪表之礼:面容整洁、衣着得体、发型自然、仪态大方。仪表之礼:面容整洁、衣着得体、发型自然、仪态大方。 餐饮之礼:讲究卫生、爱惜粮食、节俭用餐、食相文雅。餐饮之礼:讲究卫生、爱惜粮食、节俭用餐、食相文雅。 言谈之礼:用语文明、心平气和、耐心倾听、诚恳友善。言谈

15、之礼:用语文明、心平气和、耐心倾听、诚恳友善。 待人之礼:尊敬师长、友爱伙伴、宽容礼让、诚信待人。待人之礼:尊敬师长、友爱伙伴、宽容礼让、诚信待人。 行走之礼:遵守交规、礼让三先、扶老助弱、主动让座。行走之礼:遵守交规、礼让三先、扶老助弱、主动让座。 观赏之礼:遵守秩序、爱护环境、专心欣赏、礼貌喝彩。观赏之礼:遵守秩序、爱护环境、专心欣赏、礼貌喝彩。 游览之礼:善待景观、爱护文物、尊重民俗、恪守公德。游览之礼:善待景观、爱护文物、尊重民俗、恪守公德。 仪式之礼:按规行礼、心存敬畏、严肃庄重、尊重礼俗。仪式之礼:按规行礼、心存敬畏、严肃庄重、尊重礼俗。Eight good manners in our lifeAppearance mannersTable mannersConversation manners Meeting mannersWalking mannersWatching mannersVisiting mannersCeremony mannersDiscuss with your partners and choose one or two manners as the topic of your talk. Then please finish


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