人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit3 The Internet DiscoveringUseful Structures课后检测练(有答案)_第1页
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1、第11页(共11页)Unit 3 The InternetDiscovering Useful Structures一、语法填空1. A bridge is being built in the _(distant) and its construction will be finished in a year. 2. _(inspire) by her new understanding, Emily spent the rest of her year in England taking courses in communications and media studies. 3. The

2、 magazine makes these ideas attractive and _(access) to children. 4. Jenny made up her mind to make an apology to her mother for her _(rude). 二、完形填空Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk. And theyve never actually1 you. Everything they know abo

3、ut you came through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. 2 they feel they can know you just from the sound of your voice. Thats how powerful the3is. Powerful, yes, but not always4. For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom Id never met 5 , got

4、me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really6me. I sometimes wished to find another agent. One morning, I had to7 an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Ranis office for the first time. The woman sitting at the desk, 8 my madness, sympatheticall

5、y jumped up. She gave me a9smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the ticket immediately. “What a wonderful lady! ” I thought. Rushing out10 I called out over my shoulder, “By the way, whats your name?” “Im Rani, ” she said. I turned around and saw a 11woman with a big smile o

6、n her face waving to wish me a safe trip. I was12 ! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so13 . Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Ranis14 her warm smile, her nods, her Im here for you15 were all silent signals that didnt travel through wires. 1. A. a

7、cceptedB. noticedC. heardD. met2. A. ThusB. YetC. ThenD. Indeed3. A. telephoneB. voiceC. connectionD. impression4. A. directB. usefulC. easyD. accurate5. A. in personB. by myselfC. in publicD. on purpose6. A. annoyedB. interestedC. discouragedD. confused7. A. arrangeB. postponeC. confirmD. book8. A.

8、 expectingB. seeingC. testingD. avoiding9. A. shyB. comfortingC. familiarD. forced10. A. hopefullyB. disappointedlyC. gratefullyD. regretfully11. A. carefulB. seriousC. nervousD. pleasant12. A. amusedB. worriedC. helplessD. speechless13. A. calmB. niceC. proudD. clever14. A. forgivenessB. eagernessC

9、. friendlinessD. skillfulness15. A. explanationB. attitudeC. conceptD. behavior三、阅读理解Do you ever find yourself spending time on product reviews when you buy something online, only to find that the product you bought is junk(废物)?New research led by Dr. Powell of Stanford University may explain why th

10、is happens:it boils down to the number of reviews a product has. The study found that when choosing between two products online, people tend to favor the one with more reviews despite the fact that the more reviewed product is of lower quality. This is because when shopping online, consumers engage(

11、从事)in a type of “social learning”, where they learn from observing the decisions of other people and the results of those decisions. People attach more importance to the choices of others. When evaluating online products, the items rating and number of reviews can be helpful to an unsure customer. B

12、ut a new study, published in the journal Psychological Science, found that consumers dont check those figures to learn their true meaning enough. So they fail to do a simple task when viewing online rating and reviews, leading them to purchase products of poor quality. When shopping online, consumer

13、s engaging in social learning become informed from the decisions of others. For example, youre more likely to buy a book at the top of the New York Times best-sellers list or buy an app thats been downloaded millions of times. But looking at other peoples choices is only a part of social learning. H

14、owever, how people understand or fail to understand this data is affecting their decision-making in a negative way. Overcoming this bias(偏见)is difficult because consumers find comfort in popularity. Powell and his colleagues also found evidence of this trend beyond the study. “It doesnt necessarily

15、mean that better things dont become more popular, but as a consumer, when youre looking at the number of reviews, its not telling you anything, ” said Dr. Powell. 1. What does the underlined phrase “boils down to” probably mean? _A. is equal to B. results inC. is due to D. focuses on2. What belief d

16、o unsure consumers hold when purchasing products?A. Rating determines quality. B. Popularity is good. C. Bad reviews should be ignored. D. More-reviewed products are poor. 3. What do Dr. Powells words mean in the last paragraph? A. The products rating and number of reviews often fail to reflect true

17、 quality. B. Usually consumers will find much comfort in popularity. C. Consumers should distinguish good things and bad things. D. Consumers should follow others when buying things online. 4. What is probably the best title of the text? A. How to Purchase OnlineB. Why We Buy Junk OnlineC. Why We Ig

18、nore Bad ReviewsD. How to Review a Product一、语法填空1.distance2.Inspired3.accessible4.rudeness二、完形填空1.D。accepted接受;noticed 注意;heard听说;听见;met遇见。根据第一句可知很多人只是通过电话了解你, 你们也许从来都没有见过面, 只是通过电话交流。故选D。2.B。thus 因此; yet 然而; then 然后;indeed 实际上, 确实。虽然你们之间的距离很远, 但是他们只要通过你的声音, 就可以了解你。上下文之间是转折关系, 所以使用副词yet。故选B。3.A。telep

19、hone 电话;voice 声音; connection 连接; impression 印象。 根据故事第一段及第二段中only by phone可知是作者在谈电话的作用, 人们可以通过电话了解你。这说明了电话功能的强大, 故选A。4.D。direct直接的;useful有用的;easy容易的;accurate准确的。上文提到电话功能强大, but说明上下文之间是转折关系, 电话虽然很强大, 但是也并不是很准确。故选D。5.A。in person本人, 亲自;by myself独自地, 单独地;in public公开地, 当众;on purpose故意地。与空前的faceless形成呼应, R

20、ani是我的代理人, 但是我们从来没有碰过面。故选A。6.A。annoyed 生气的, 烦恼的; interested 感兴趣的; discouraged 灰心的, 泄气的; confused 困惑的。由空前的cold voice可知Rani在电话里的声音很冷漠, 这让我很不高兴, 甚至想过要另外找一个代理人。说明我对她的声音很反感。故选A。7.D。arrange安排;postpone推迟;confirm确认;book预订。因为家中的紧急事情我要立刻预订回家的航班。动词book与flight相搭配。故选D。8.B。考查动词辨析。expecting期待, 预料;seeing看见;testing检

21、测;avoiding避免。看到我那么着急, Rani非常同情我。动词see与上下文搭配一致。故选B。9.B。shy害羞的;comforting安慰的;familiar熟悉的;forced被迫的。她看到我很着急, 笑着安慰我。故选B。10.C。hopefully充满希望地;disappointedly 失望地;gratefully感激地;regretfully遗憾地。Rani如此迅速地帮我把机票打印出来, 而且一直面带微笑, 这让我心存感激。故选C。11.D。careful细心的;serious严肃的, 认真的;nervous紧张的;pleasant令人愉快的。现实生活中的Rani富有同情心,

22、待人热情大方, 是一个可以愉快相处的人。所以当我转身时, 看见的是与电话中完全不一样的Rani。故选D。12.D。amused 愉快的; worried 担心的; helpless无助的; speechless无语的。我之前认为她很冷漠, 甚至有了要另找代理的想法, 而现实生活中的她是如此的体贴大方, 这让我真是无言以对。故选D。13.B。calm 平静的; nice 和蔼的, 友善的; proud 自豪的; clever 聪明的。前句提到Why had I thought she was cold?可知之前我认为Rani很冷漠, 但却没有想到实际生活中的Rani是如此和蔼。故选B。14.C。forgiveness谅解;eagerness渴望;friendliness友好;skillful


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