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1、University of OxforduUniversity of uUniversity of Cambridge(剑桥大学)剑桥大学)uImperial College London(帝国理工学院)帝国理工学院)uLondon School of Economics and Political Science(伦敦政治经济学院)(伦敦政治经济学院)uUniversity College London(伦敦大学学院)伦敦大学学院) General situation概述概述 12 Architecture 建筑巡礼建筑巡礼3Idea of Education 教育理念教育理念54Notab

2、le Alumni 璀璨璀璨“牛牛”星星6Representative Colleges 特色学院特色学院 History 追溯历史追溯历史 uVice-Chancellor : Prof Louise RichardsonuThe first university headmistressI General situation 概况概况School Badge 校徽校徽作为一种标志作为一种标志,西方高校的校徽轮廓多为盾形西方高校的校徽轮廓多为盾形 形成于形成于12世纪的牛津大学世纪的牛津大学,其校徽即为盾形其校徽即为盾形(还还有剑桥大学等高校有剑桥大学等高校,其校徽皆为盾形其校徽皆为盾形)M

3、OTTO 校训校训校徽主体部分由三颗王冠组成校徽主体部分由三颗王冠组成(上二下上二下 一一),中间中间为一本展开的书为一本展开的书,上写上写“DOMINUS ILLUMINATIO MEA”(“主照亮我主照亮我”)/The lord is my light,这表明这表明了中世纪宗教对大学的影响了中世纪宗教对大学的影响,强调强调“启示启示”是知识是知识和真理的源泉和真理的源泉 I General situation 概况概况School Badge 校徽校徽作为一种标志作为一种标志,西方高校的校徽轮廓多为盾形西方高校的校徽轮廓多为盾形 形成于形成于12世纪的牛津大学世纪的牛津大学,其校徽即为盾形

4、其校徽即为盾形(还还有剑桥大学等高校有剑桥大学等高校,其校徽皆为盾形其校徽皆为盾形)MOTTO 校训校训校徽主体部分由三颗王冠组成校徽主体部分由三颗王冠组成(上二下上二下 一一),中间中间为一本展开的书为一本展开的书,上写上写“DOMINUS ILLUMINATIO MEA”(“主照亮我主照亮我”)/The lord is my light,这表明这表明了中世纪宗教对大学的影响了中世纪宗教对大学的影响,强调强调“启示启示”是知识是知识和真理的源泉和真理的源泉 The university of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-spe

5、aking world as well as the academic leading university across the world. The exact date of its foundation is still not clear , but its history can be traced back to about 12th century. So far it has a history of 9 centuries. II History 追溯历史追溯历史Oxbridge “牛桥之争” Oxford + Cambridge Oxbridge is a composi

6、te of the two most renowned universities in Britain, the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. There are a great many similarities between them, so they are jointly referred to as Oxbridge. Born in the same root本是同根生本是同根生Rivalry at Oxbridgethe Boat RaceRugby Union Varsity Match和剑桥每年一

7、度的校际划船比赛,和剑桥每年一度的校际划船比赛,每年在泰晤士河上举行一次,赛每年在泰晤士河上举行一次,赛程程7公里,每次约有公里,每次约有25万人观战!万人观战!橄榄球联盟赛橄榄球联盟赛III Architecture 建筑巡礼建筑巡礼 Oxford is a beautiful city of stunning architecture, history and culture. Youll find ancient and modern colleges, fascinating museums and galleries, and plenty of parks, gardens and

8、 green spaces in which to relax. University of Oxford is different from other universities. The city and the university seem to melt into one. Streets across from the schoolyard. The university has no gates or walls, and it even has no formal signs.The Oxford City 牛津城牛津城 Carfax Tower 卡法克斯塔卡法克斯塔 中世纪的

9、圣马丁教堂仅有的遗迹中世纪的圣马丁教堂仅有的遗迹.其其名字来源于拉丁语,意思是名字来源于拉丁语,意思是“四把四把叉子叉子”。因为塔上的装饰与此有一。因为塔上的装饰与此有一定的相似性。定的相似性。这是一个钟塔,钟下面有两尊男童塑这是一个钟塔,钟下面有两尊男童塑像。他们身穿罗马军团服饰,手握战像。他们身穿罗马军团服饰,手握战斧,俯瞰整座城市,准备敲钟报时。斧,俯瞰整座城市,准备敲钟报时。 建于建于17世纪,世纪,是牛津大学传统授予学位典礼的举行场地。每年夏天,学期结束时,身披是牛津大学传统授予学位典礼的举行场地。每年夏天,学期结束时,身披黑袍,头戴方帽的学子们,将列队经过大街,进入剧院,在此获得被

10、授予学位的荣誉。黑袍,头戴方帽的学子们,将列队经过大街,进入剧院,在此获得被授予学位的荣誉。 Sheldonian Theatre谢尔登剧院谢尔登剧院 The Oxford City 牛津城牛津城 剧院用来剧院用来 举办举办学院的典礼仪学院的典礼仪式和公共音乐式和公共音乐会。会。 牛津大学牛津大学 Radicliffe SquareMuseumLibraryOxford University PressRadicliffe Square is the center of the ancient castle and often to be used to held festivals and

11、cultural activities.There are four museums in the university . The Ashmolean Museum (阿阿什莫尔博物馆)什莫尔博物馆)is the most famous. As the first Museum in Britain, Ashmolean Museum was founded in 1683, 70 years earlier than British Museum .And now it is the second largest museum in Britain. Established in 1683

12、 Housing the Universitys extensive collections of art and antiquities, ranging back over 4000 years. Ashmolean Museum牛津大学图书馆牛津大学图书馆University of Oxford is a world of academic. It has 104 libraries in total.牛津大学图书馆是世界上最古老的牛津大学图书馆是世界上最古老的公共图书馆之一,馆藏书只能阅览,公共图书馆之一,馆藏书只能阅览,不能外借,对女王也不例外不能外借,对女王也不例外 。Oxford

13、 University PressOxford University PressBelliol College政治家的政治家的摇篮摇篮New College最美的学院最美的学院Merton College最古老的学院最古老的学院Christ Church College门票最高的学院门票最高的学院IV Representative Colleges 特色学院特色学院牛牛 津津 的的 魅魅 力力The oldest college of Oxford UniversityMerton College 默顿学院默顿学院Belliol College(贝利奥尔学院)贝利奥尔学院)Belliol Co

14、llege was founded in 1263. New College(新学院新学院)Christ Church College(基督教会学院基督教会学院)u the largest collegeuthe only church school in the worldu13 prime ministers in 200 yearsuLewis Carroll ,a math professor , wrote the book Alices adventures in wonderlandIt s said the Rabbit Hole is on the lawnOxford Un

15、iversity has the central university and subordinate colleges and halls . They have different roles.But ,what are the differences?Oxford University has the central university and subordinate colleges and halls . They have different roles.lIn the University of Oxford, teaching is conducted primarily t

16、hrough the tutorial system. It is one of the most unique and renowned methods of teaching across the world. lThe weekly tutorial consists of a one-hour meeting between the tutor and small numbers of students (usually two to four). During this time, an essay prepared specifically for that tutorial is read by students and commented upon by the tutor. At the end of the tutorial, the tutor will assign the topic of study for the forthcoming week and suggest readings.V The Tutorial System 独树一帜的导师制独树一帜的导师制VI Notable Alu


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