1、AT&S F01 CHWPage 1 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01Training for the Client on M+W ZanderTraining for the Client on M+W Zander 对对业主的系统培训业主的系统培训Chilled WaterChilled Water System System 冷冻水系统冷冻水系统AT&SAT&S 奥特斯奥特斯December 2010 2010JackieJackie WanWanAT&S F01 CHWPage 2 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C0203
2、91-F01Content of the TrainingContent of the Training 培训内容培训内容 n Overview of the system Overview of the system 系统概括系统概括 n General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述 n Technical Specification/Design DataTechnical Specification/Design Data 技术规范技术规范/ /设计数据设计数据 n Start-up procedureStar
3、t-up procedure 启动程序启动程序AT&S F01 CHWPage 3 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01Overview of SystemOverview of System 系统概况 Chilled Water System / Chilled Water System / 冷冻水系统冷冻水系统n There are 8 (7 use and 1 standby) Chillers at the boiler room for Plant II to provide chilled water (7C Supply/15C Return
4、) pressurised by chilled water pumps to AC equipment, Process equipment in production building & social building respectively as shown in the schematic drawings.由设置在锅炉房的8台冷冻机(七用一备)通过冷水水泵提供冷水(7度供水/15度回水)到相对应的生产厂房、综合楼内的空调设备、工艺设备,如系统图所示。 Cooling Condenser Water SystemCooling Condenser Water System/冷却水系
5、统冷却水系统n There are 11 sets (10 use + 1 standby, and left 1 spare space for future installation) Cooling towers at the roof of boiler room for Plant II to provide condenser water pressurised by condenser water pumps to condenser, PCW system, and CDA compressor respectively as shown in the schematic dr
6、awings.由设置在锅炉房屋面的11台冷却塔(其中10台运行,一台备用,另留一台的空位作为远期预留)通过冷却水泵分别向冷冻机的冷凝器,工艺冷却水系统,及空气压缩设备提供冷却水,如系统图所示。AT&S F01 CHWPage 4 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n There is one chilled water plant, located in boiler room building (C5), serving produ
7、ction building, social building. 一个独立的冷冻站位于锅炉房内(C5),为主厂房,综合楼提供冷冻水。n All chillers are designed as low temperature chiller , the low temperature system operates on a 7C /15C basis. 冷冻水系统为低温冷冻水系统,进出水温为7C /15C。n Low temperature chilled water is required for all cleanroom make-up air units, and used for
8、RCU for non-cleanroom area where humidify requirement are more onerous and the RCU for cleanroom area, social building, and process cooling water system, and so on. 在洁净室新风处理系统中均使用低温冷冻水系统, 低温冷冻水系统使用在湿度要求较高和中温冷冻水不能将空气冷却至要求露点温度的生产区新风处理系统。洁净室新风处理系统中的预冷盘管系统,非洁净新风处理系统,及工艺冷冻水系统均需用到低温冷冻水。AT&S F01 CHWPage 5
9、of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述 Please see the attached schematic drawings and layout drawings #1 请看示意图及平面图 #1 AT&S F01 CHWPage 6 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Chi
10、llerChiller 冷冻机冷冻机AT&S F01 CHWPage 7 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n ChillerChiller 冷冻机冷冻机CHW OutletCHW Outlet冷冻水出水管冷冻水出水管CW OutletCW Outlet冷却水出水管冷却水出水管CW InletCW Inlet冷却水进水管冷却水进水管Pressure GaugePressure Gauge压力表压力表Thermal MeterTherm
11、al Meter温度计温度计AT&S F01 CHWPage 8 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01Check ValveCheck Valve止回阀止回阀General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Primary Chilled Water Primary Chilled Water Pump Pump 冷冻水一次泵冷冻水一次泵Y-StrainerY-StrainerY Y型过滤器型过滤器Pressure GaugePressure Gauge压力表压力表Butterfl
12、y ValveButterfly Valve碟阀碟阀AT&S F01 CHWPage 9 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Secondly Secondly Chilled Water Chilled Water PumpPump冷冻水二次泵冷冻水二次泵AT&S F01 CHWPage 10 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGenera
13、l System Description 系统描述系统描述n C5-305-CHW-C5-305-CHW-HEX-101 HEX-101 热交热交换器换器Pressure GaugePressure Gauge压力表压力表Thermal MeterThermal Meter温度计温度计Y-StrainerY-StrainerY Y型过滤器型过滤器Balancing Balancing ValveValve平衡阀平衡阀AT&S F01 CHWPage 11 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral
14、 System Description 系统描述系统描述n Supply Water Pipe Supply Water Pipe for PCW Heat for PCW Heat ExchangerExchangerPCWPCW热交换器供水管热交换器供水管Butterfly Butterfly ValveValve碟阀碟阀Control ValveControl Valve控制阀控制阀AT&S F01 CHWPage 12 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Descri
15、ption 系统描述系统描述Return Water Return Water Distribution PipeDistribution Pipe回水支管回水支管n Chilled Water Chilled Water Header Header 冷冻水分水缸冷冻水分水缸Balancing ValveBalancing Valve平衡阀平衡阀Supply Water Supply Water Distribution Distribution PipePipe供水支管供水支管Butterfly Butterfly ValveValve碟阀碟阀HeaderHeader分水缸分水缸AT&S F
16、01 CHWPage 13 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Mixed Water Mixed Water Pump Pump 混水泵混水泵DCC Water ReturnDCC Water Return干冷盘管回水干冷盘管回水DCC Water SupplyDCC Water Supply干冷盘管供水干冷盘管供水AT&S F01 CHWPage 14 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01G
17、eneral System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n The primary and secondary pumps are de-coupled to ensure that the direct drive pumps and variable speed pumps can be operated independently and with dynamic stability. The primary pumps are matched to the chillers, the chillers are enable
18、d to ensure that the cooling capacity of all users can be attained at all times. To ensure that this is always achieved two measurements are taken on the primary and secondary side of the chilled water system, namely the supply and the return water temperatures. The number of chillers shall be start
19、ed as a result of this calculation. Chillers do not operate at their maximum COP at full load, the actual maximum COP of the selected chillers is vendor reliant. The distribution of COPs across the full operating range of the selected chiller shall determine the point at which the BMS initiates a si
20、gnal to enable the next chiller. This control method could be done by a dedicated chiller control system as supplied by individual chiller manufacturer. 一次泵和二次泵分别连接,以确保直接驱动泵和调速泵能够在动态稳定的工况下独立工作。一次泵容量与冷冻机相匹配,冷冻机确保各使用点在任何情况下能满足其需求。因此可以保证任何情况下一次泵和二次泵侧即供回水温度达到要求。冷冻机启动数量将根据水力计算来定。在满负荷时冷冻机不能达到最大能效比。最大能效比点应
21、由供应商提供。由能效比确认在需要范围内开启的冷冻机数量,楼宇监控系统将发送信号给需要开启的冷冻机。由冷冻机厂家提供的专门控制系统。AT&S F01 CHWPage 15 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n One dosing pump for CHW system enables the injection of chemicals for CHW water treatment. Expansion vessels shall
22、be installed to absorb the expansion and contraction of the water due to temperature fluctuation and to stabilise the system pressure. 用一个定量泵确保将化学品送至冷冻水系统进行水处理。闭式膨胀水箱用于吸收由于水温变化引起的热胀冷缩想象,可保持系统压力稳定。n The system has one standby chiller with associated pumps. 系统中有一台冷冻机和与其相对应的泵作为备用。AT&S F01 CHWPage 16 of
23、 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Chemical Chemical Treatmentment Treatmentment EquipmentEquipmentn 化学加药设备化学加药设备AT&S F01 CHWPage 17 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Expa
24、nsion Vessel Expansion Vessel for CHW for CHW 冷冻水膨胀水箱冷冻水膨胀水箱AT&S F01 CHWPage 18 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Condenser water System is installed at roof of boiler room building. All cooling towers are supported on an elevated con
25、crete support structure. Condenser water pumps are located in the respective chiller plant room. The use of cross flow towers is proposed. 独立的冷却水系统安装在锅炉房的屋面。所有的冷却塔在屋面上都有混凝土基础。冷却水泵都放置于相应的冷冻机房内。采用横流式冷却塔。 The Condenser Water system is based on the temperature difference of entering and leaving water te
26、mperature of 5C. Cooling Water, under design conditions at 32C/37C in an open loop system. 根据项目需求提供的参数,在供回水温度32C/37C 的状况下,冷却水系统设计的进出水温差为5C。n The wet bulb temperature used for design is 28.2C, (in winter used for 5C). 湿球温度是根据该项目提供的参数,为28.2C。(冬季取5C).AT&S F01 CHWPage 19 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C02039
27、1-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Cooling TowerCooling Tower 旧冷却水塔旧冷却水塔(OLD)(OLD)CW ReturnCW Return冷却水回水冷却水回水CW SupplyCW Supply冷却水供水冷却水供水AT&S F01 CHWPage 20 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01n Cooling TowerCooling Tower 新冷却水塔新冷却水塔(NEW)(NEW)AT&S F01 CHWPage 21 of
28、29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System Description 系统描述系统描述n All condenser water pumps operate at constant flow and the system is to be provided with 10+1 redundancy. 冷却水泵均采用定流量泵,并采用10+1的方式为系统提供冗余量。n The condenser water flow rate for each cooling tower has been selected for 600 m3/h. The s
29、easons in China make it necessary to control the water outlet temperature of the condenser water. All cooling tower fans shall be two speeds controlled. This is the economical way of controlling multiple equipment systems. 每台冷却塔的流量为600 m3/h。每个冷却塔均可独立运行且由二个单元组成,每个单元都有各自独立的风扇。冷却塔的风机采用双速风机,以便在中国不同的季节控制
30、出水温度。这是一个相对经济的节能方案。AT&S F01 CHWPage 22 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n CW Pump CW Pump 冷却水泵冷却水泵AT&S F01 CHWPage 23 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System DescriptionGeneral System Description 系统描述系统描述n Cooling Water Coo
31、ling Water Bypass PipeBypass Pipe冷却水供回水旁冷却水供回水旁通管通管Butterfly Butterfly ValveValve碟阀碟阀Control ValveControl Valve控制阀控制阀AT&S F01 CHWPage 24 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01General System Description 系统描述系统描述n In each water basin install a heat coil to prevent water freezing during winter time. 在每个
32、冷却塔的水盆中均设置加热盘管以防止冬季气温较低时结冰。n The condenser water supply temperature shall define the control of the system. 冷却水控制系统将根据送水温度来控制冷却塔运行的台数。n One set chemical treatment equipment is installed for condenser water system. 一套化学水处理设备安装用于冷却水系统。AT&S F01 CHWPage 25 of 29AT&S C020391-F01AT&S C020391-F01Start-up P
33、rocedureStart-up Procedure 启动程序启动程序n Open all the auto vent valves on the system 系统管路自动排气阀开启n Make sure the chilled and cooling water systems are filled with water. 确认冷冻水系统及冷却水系统为满水状况n Make sure the valves installed at the inlet and outlet of the cooling tower/chiller are open 冷却水塔 / 冷冻水主机进出口端阀门开启n
34、Make sure the valves installed at the inlet and outlet of the chilled water/cooling water pumps are open 冷冻水水泵 / 冷却水泵 进口端阀门开启n Turn on the power and start up the fan of the cooling tower with local manual button 投入电源以手动启动冷却塔散热风扇n Turn on the power and start up the cooling water pump by local manual button, o
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