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1、会计学1新视野新视野 unit learning a foreign language定定第一页,共64页。About me: FamilyAbout you: Name: Shi Ying(师莹)(师莹)Telephone:1页/共64页第二页,共64页。第2页/共64页第三页,共64页。第3页/共64页第四页,共64页。No !Teaching method:第4页/共64页第五页,共64页。Yes !第5页/共64页第六页,共64页。Detailed Study of the textPre-reading ActivitiesText structureExe

2、rcises Summary writing 第6页/共64页第七页,共64页。 . Pre-reading Activities第7页/共64页第八页,共64页。1. When and where did you begin to learn English?Tips:I began to learn English. years ago.I have learned English for.My experience with English began in. when. 第8页/共64页第九页,共64页。第9页/共64页第十页,共64页。3. How was your English

3、teacher in junior or senior middle school?My English teacher in. waskind/patient/encouraging/strict/impatient/cold/always angry when I.Tips:第10页/共64页第十一页,共64页。4. Do you have any trouble learning English? understand what others say.remember so many words.understand the grammar.read quickly.speak in p

4、ublic. I always feel it difficult to. Its not easy for me toTips:第11页/共64页第十二页,共64页。Para. Topic 1general experience of learning a foreign language: _yet _ 2experience in _ 3experience in _ 4experience at _5-7 experiences about _ 8benefits of learning a foreign language difficultrewardingjunior middl

5、e school senior middle schoolcollegeonline learning第12页/共64页第十三页,共64页。 experience: n 1)C 经历: The experiences of college will give you memories for the rest of your life. 2)U 经验: He is a good choice to be president of our new company because he is rich in managerial experience. yet:然而(rn r),表转折He wor

6、ked hard, yet he failed. Its strange, yet its true. 第13页/共64页第十四页,共64页。第14页/共64页第十五页,共64页。1. to be well worth the effort (L. 3): Language Points in Part 第15页/共64页第十六页,共64页。 1. to be at the top of the class (L. 8): Language Points in Part 第16页/共64页第十七页,共64页。 2. to lose ones desire / eagerness to do s

7、omething (L.15):Language Points in Part 第17页/共64页第十八页,共64页。 3. to be far from perfect (L. 21):Language Points in Part 第18页/共64页第十九页,共64页。第19页/共64页第二十页,共64页。 4. to stay at the same level forever (L. 26):Language Points in Part 第20页/共64页第二十一页,共64页。e.g. 通过网上学习我们接触到许多通过网上学习我们接触到许多(xdu)新思维模式。新思维模式。 Throu

8、gh online learning we get access to many new patterns of thinking. Language Points in Part 第21页/共64页第二十二页,共64页。to move at the same speed with the courseLanguage Points in Part 第22页/共64页第二十三页,共64页。reach the lowest standardsLanguage Points in Part 第23页/共64页第二十四页,共64页。 8. to cry with frustration (L. 38

9、):sigh with defeate.g. 一些人因胜利而雀跃,而另一些人一些人因胜利而雀跃,而另一些人因失败而叹息因失败而叹息(tnx), 这种事情经常发生这种事情经常发生。It often happens that while some jump with victory, others sigh with defeat.Language Points in Part 第24页/共64页第二十五页,共64页。get something as a rewardDetailed StudyLanguage points in part 第25页/共64页第二十六页,共64页。 1. not

10、to trade (exchange / give) sth for anything (L. 48):exchangefore.g.在那场灾难中给我们印象在那场灾难中给我们印象(ynxing)最深最深的是他们随时准备用自己的生命换得大众的是他们随时准备用自己的生命换得大众健康的精神。健康的精神。What impressed us most in that disaster was their readiness to give their lives for the public health. Language Points in Part 第26页/共64页第二十七页,共64页。 2.

11、to teach me the value of hard work (L. 49)teach me something such as quality, attitude, or method that is important or usefule.g.与他的私人交往使我懂得与他的私人交往使我懂得(dng de)了真了真挚友谊的价值。挚友谊的价值。 Much personal contact with him taught me the value of true friendship. Language Points in Part 第27页/共64页第二十八页,共64页。3. to g

12、ive me insights into something (L. 49):give me something of seeing or understanding something very clearlye.g.读好书读好书(ho sh)使我认识了高雅的含义使我认识了高雅的含义。 Good reading has given me insights into what good taste means. Language Points in Part 第28页/共64页第二十九页,共64页。If something that can keep your mind open especi

13、ally to new ideas or experiences, it makes you more willing to accept them or try them.e.g.只要我们从心里乐于接受任何有助于社只要我们从心里乐于接受任何有助于社会会(shhu)进步的东西,我们的民族就充满进步的东西,我们的民族就充满希望。希望。As long as we keep our minds open to anything helpful to social progress, our nation will be filled with hope. 4. to keep my mind ope

14、n to something (L. 50):Language Points in Part 第29页/共64页第三十页,共64页。 5. to bridge the gap between (L. 57)to bridge the gap between two people or two things means to make it easier for the differences or disagreements between them to be made smaller or overcome; used showing approval.e.g.夫妇夫妇(ff)二人试图弥合

15、两人之间的二人试图弥合两人之间的感情分歧,但未能成功。感情分歧,但未能成功。 The couple tried to bridge the gap between their emotions, but without any success. Language Points in Part 第30页/共64页第三十一页,共64页。Text Structure第31页/共64页第三十二页,共64页。Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences My experie

16、nces with the regular course (2-4)My experiences with online courses (5-7)Learning English brings me benefits第32页/共64页第三十三页,共64页。Part : my experiences of learning foreign language (paras. 2 to 7)Traditional classroomAt junior middle school: positive; good results (para.2)At senior middle school: imp

17、atient; lose interest (para.3)At college: intimidated; no further learning (para.4)Online Situation changed for better when learn online. (para.5)Not easier; commitment and discipline required. (para.6)Ups and downs; reap the benefits of hard work. (para.7)第33页/共64页第三十四页,共64页。Learned the value of ha

18、rd work, gained insights into another culture, and my mind was opened to new ideas.I could communicate with many more people than before.Speaking English helped me form new friendships.I am able to bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs.第34页/共64页第三十五页,共64页。experiencespraisedpunish

19、edwell worthlost my joyrewarding opportunitythe effort第35页/共64页第三十六页,共64页。commitmentdisciplinetrying experienceinsights Online learningtime第36页/共64页第三十七页,共64页。第37页/共64页第三十八页,共64页。第38页/共64页第三十九页,共64页。得到好处茫然不解弥合鸿沟stare into spacebridge the gap between 第39页/共64页第四十页,共64页。_ medium_ screen_ gap_ virtual_

20、 modema. the flat part of a computerb. one of the necessities for getting onlinec. a way of giving informationd. a space between two objectse. being produced by the computer but almost true to the realityacdeb第40页/共64页第四十一页,共64页。g. right of reachingh. self-control_disciplineahgfedcb第41页/共64页第四十二页,共6

21、4页。Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.第42页/共64页第四十三页,共64页。She is excited by the idea of online learning while he considers it meaningless and useless.下一页下一页第43页/共64页第四十四页,共64页。Communica

22、ting with native English speakers is a very rewarding experience from which we can learn a lot.下一页下一页第44页/共64页第四十五页,共64页。Today, more and more people have access to the Internet through which they look for the information they need.下一页下一页第45页/共64页第四十六页,共64页。He wants her to give up working and stay ho

23、me to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is too much for her.下一页下一页第46页/共64页第四十七页,共64页。Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.下一页下一页第47页/共64页第四十八页,共64页。我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉我永远都不会忘记那位老师,是他告诉(o s)我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我我学外语是有趣的、有价值的。如果没有他,我的英语说得不会像

24、现在这样好。的英语说得不会像现在这样好。读写教程读写教程(jiochng) I: Ex. IV, P12 下一页下一页Translate the following sentences into Chinese.第48页/共64页第四十九页,共64页。没有任何没有任何(rnh)其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多其他语言能像英语那样让你感受到多姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以姿多彩的世界文化。有了过硬的英语知识,你就可以体验奇妙的文化之旅。体验奇妙的文化之旅。下一页下一页第49页/共64页第五十页,共64页。写作不仅仅要写老师布置的话题写作不仅仅要写老师布置的话题, 而且要写自己而且

25、要写自己(zj)感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。感兴趣的东西,例如,给朋友写电子邮件。下一页下一页第50页/共64页第五十一页,共64页。远程教学课程是指授课者与学生远程教学课程是指授课者与学生(xu sheng)通过通过计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。计算机通信技术进行交流的课程。下一页下一页第51页/共64页第五十二页,共64页。英语英语(yn y)不但是世界上最有用的语言,也不但是世界上最有用的语言,也是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。是世界上最易学、易用的语言之一。下一页下一页第52页/共64页第五十三页,共64页。 远程教学课程在时间安排上给予学生更多的自由,远程教学课程在时间安排

26、上给予学生更多的自由,但与其他课程相比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自但与其他课程相比,这些课程要求学生有更强的自律律(z l)能力。能力。下一页下一页第53页/共64页第五十四页,共64页。 Discuss with your partner:Discuss with your partner:Finding out Word MeaningsIn what ways can you guess the meanings of new words?第54页/共64页第五十五页,共64页。q1. By definition (定义(dngy)The harbor(港口(gngku) is prot

27、ected by a jettya wall built out into the water.Key 第55页/共64页第五十六页,共64页。 Jane is , that is, she cant make up her mind. Key Unable to make decisions or choices 优柔寡断(yu ru gu dun)第56页/共64页第五十七页,共64页。 Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained all the time.Key Unwilling to talk about what you feel 有保留(boli)的;沉默的第57页/共64页第五十八页,共64页。lintel The door was so low that I hit my head on the Key A piece of wood a


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