1、建设工程委托监理合同(中英文) ntratregistratin n: _ _ 合同 登记 号: supervisin ntrat fr nstrutin pret建设工程委托监理合同 pret nae: 工程项目名称: entrustr (lient): 委托方: (业主) servie prvider: shanghai tngi pret anageent (supervisr) and nsulting ltd 服务方: (监理人) plae f signing: 签订地点: date f signing: 签订时间: valid perid: 有效日期: shanghai, p r
2、hina 中国,上海 XX年 月 日 supervisin ntrat fr nstrutinpret建设工程委托监理合同part iagreeent第一部分建设工程委托监理合同this agreeent is signed beteen (hereinafter referred t as “thelient”) and shanghai tngipret anageent and nsulting ltd (hereinafter referred tas the “supervisr”) thrugh utual nsultatin委托人 与监理人- 经过双方协商一致,签订本合同i br
3、ief infratin f the pret fr hih the lient desires thsesupervisin servies shuld be perfred b the supervisr (hereinafterreferred t as “the pret”) is as flls:委托人委托监理人监理的工程(以下简称”本工程”)概况如下:pret nae: 工程名称: 908新基地建设项目pretlatin: 工程地点: 重庆北部黄茅坪组团经开园b04地块pret size: abut 1822 2工程规模: 约1822 2ttalinvestent: abut ua
4、n rb总投资: 约 万元人民币ii in this agreeent rds shall have the sae eanings as areassigned t the in part ii f this supervisin ntrat (hereinafter referredt as “the ntrat”) - standard nditins本合同的有关词语含义与本合同第二部分>中赋予它们的定义相同iiithe flling duents shall be deeed t fr part f thisagreeent:下列文件均为本合同的组成部分:(1)this agre
5、eent;此协议书;(2)standard nditins f the ntrat;本合同标准条件;(条款)(3)nditins f partiular appliatin;本合同专用条件;( 条款)(4)suppleentar duents and aendents intl signed b the tparties during the exeutin f the ntrat在实施过程中双方共同签署的补充与修正文件 监理人在报价时确定的的拟派现场监理人员名单和现场监理人员进场计划作为本合同附件。iv in nsideratin f the paent t be ade b the lie
6、nt t thesupervisr as hereinafter entined, the supervisr hereb venants ith thelient t perfr supervisin servies in the spe as stated in the nditinsf partiular appliatin in nfrit ith the prvisins f the ntrat考虑到以下提到的委托人向监理人的付款,监理人向委托人承诺,按照本合同的规定,承担本合同专用条件中议定范围内的监理业务v the lient hereb venants t pa the sup
7、ervisr, innsideratin f the perfrane f the supervisin servies, suh aunt asa bee paable under the prvisins f the ntrat at the ties and in theanner and urren tpe presribed b the ntrat 考虑到监理人提供的监理服务,委托人向监理人承诺按照本合同注明的期限,方式,币种,向监理人支付报酬initness heref the parties heret have aused this agreeent t beexeuted f
8、r april, XX t tber, XX iffr an reasns the pret stps frre than ne nth uninterrupted, the ending date ill be pstpnedith sae perids本合同自施工单位进场时开始, 至整个工程竣工验收止完成 如果项目进行中,被停止连续时间超过一个月,完成时间应该被顺延。this agreeent has sixsets f riginal pies, the have the sae legal effet, and eah part shallhld three pies本合同一式 陆 份
9、,具有同等法律效力, 双方各执 叁份 the lient: 委托人: (seal) (签章) the supervisr: shanghai tngi pret anageent and nsulting ltd 监理人: (seal) (签章) address: 住所: address: 73 hifeng rad shanghai, XX92 住所: 上海市赤峰路73号,XX92 legal representative: (signature) 法定代表人: (签章) legal representative: (signature) 法定代表人: (签章) prinipal ban:
10、开户银行: prinipal ban: 开户银行: 交行赤峰路支行 ban aunt n: 1001721-09300007736 帐号: ban aunt n: 帐号: 31006634401014102919 tel 电话: tel 8621 6989931 电话: 8621 6989931 this ntrat is signedn , XX本合同签订于: XX年 - 月 日part ii standardnditins第二部分 标准条件definitins,appliable languages and las词语定义, 适用语言和法规artile 1 the flling rds a
11、nd expressins shall havethe eanings assigned t the exept here the ntext therise requires:第一条 下列名词和用语,除上下文另有规定外,具有如下所赋予的含义:(1) “pret” eans the pretfr hih the supervisin servies are t be prvided “工程” 是指实施委托人委托监理人监理的工程。(2) “lient” eans the part his respnsible fr the diret investent and h epls the super
12、visr, andlegal suessrs t the lient “委托人”是指承担直接投资责任和委托监理人的一方,以及其合法继承人。(3) “supervisr” eans the part his epled b the lient t perfr supervisin servies and assuesupervisin liabilities, and legal suessrs t the supervisr “监理人”是指受委托人委托承担监理业务和监理责任的一方,以及其合法继承人(4) “supervisin tea”eans the grup f staff sent b
13、the supervisr t arr ut supervisin n thesite f the pret “监理机构”是指监理人派驻本工程现场实施监理业务的组织 “hief supervisinengineer” eans the persn ertifiated b the lal authrit as hief supervisin engineer and designated bthe lient and supervisr t be full respnsible fr supervising the exeutinf the ntrat “总监理工程师”是指经当地政府部门认证为
14、的总监理工程师并且由委托人及监理人指定对监督履行本合同全权负责的人(6) “ntratr” eansthe persn(s) ther than the supervisr ith h the lient signs ntrat inrelatin t the nstrutin f the pret “承包人”是指除监理人以外,委托人就本工程的建设有关事宜签订合同的当事人(7) “nral servies”eans the spe f supervisin r presribed in the nditins f partiular appliatin“正常工作”是指双方在专用条件中约定的监理
15、工作的范围 (8) “additinal servies”eans: 1) rs utside f the spe f supervisin r, and added t thentrat b ritten agreeent f the parties; 2) additinal rs as a resultf additin t the spe f nstrutin r r prgra dela n the part fthe lient r the ntratr “附加工作”是指: 1)监理工作范围以外,通过双方书面协议另外增如本合同的工作;2)建设工作范围的增加或者由于委托人或承包人原因
16、致使进度的延误,而造成的附加的工作(9) “exeptinalservies” eans the rs ther than the nral servies and theadditinal servies, but hih are neessaril perfred b the supervisr inardane ith artile 33 “额外工作”是指正常工作和附加工作以外,根据第三十三条规定监理人需要完成的工作。(10) “da” eans the perid beteenan ne 0:00 a and the next “日”是指任何一个零时至第二天零时的时间段(11) “nt
17、h” eans a peridf ne nth arding t the gregrian alendar ening ith an da f thenth“月”是指根据公历从一个月份中任何一天开始的一个月的时间段artile2 this supervisin ntrat shall begverned b hinese las, statutes, adinistrative regulatins, anddepartental rules regulatins, lal las, rules regulatinsspeified in the standard nditins and nd
18、itins f partiular appliatin第二条 本建设工程委托监理合同适用的法律是中国的法律,条例,行政法规,以及标准条件及专用条件中载明的部门规章或地方法规,地方规章。artile 3 the ntrat shall be ritten in bth englishand hinese, bth f hih shall be equall binding 第三条 本合同应以中文和英文记载,中英文应具有同等效力。bligatins f the supervisr监理人的义务artile 4 the supervisr shall designate the supervisin
19、tea andsuperintendents neessar fr arring ut the supervising rs; prvide tthe lient a nae-list f the hief supervisin engineer, ain staff f thesupervisin tea and a supervisin plan and perfr the supervisin serviesithin the spe f r as stated in the nditins f partiular appliatinduring the exeutin f the nt
20、rat, the supervisr shall subit supervisinreprt t the lient at regular interval as stated in the ntrat第四条 监理人应派出监理工作需要的监理机构及监理人员,向委托人报送委派的总监理工程师及其监理机构主要成员名单,监理规划,完成监理合同专用条件中约定的监理工程范围内的监理业务。在履行本合同义务期间,应按合同约定定期向委托人报告监理工作。artile thesupervisr shall exerise reasnable are and diligene, prvide advie at anap
21、prpriate level in the perfrane f the bligatins under the ntrat tthe lient and indenif the laful rights and interests f varius parties第五条 监理人应认真,勤奋地工作,在履行合同义务时为委托人提供与其水平相应的咨询意见,公正维护各方的合法权益。artile6 an failities and artiles supplied b thelient fr use b the supervisr shall be prperl used and aintained a
22、ndreain the prpert t the lient hen the servies are pleted rterinated the supervisr shall deliver t the lient suh failities andunnsued artiles in gd ring rder第六条 监理人使用委托人提供的设施和物品属委托人的财产,应恰当使用和维护。在监理工作完成或中止时,应将其设施和剩余的物品完好地移交给委托人。artile7 during thentrat perid r after the ntrat is terinated, ithut the n
23、sent f thelient, the supervisr shall nt dislse the nfidential infratin inrelatin t the pret and the ntrat第七条 合同期内或本合同终止后,未征得委托人同意,不得泄露与本工程和本 合同有关的保密信息。bligatinsf the lient委托人的义务artile 8 the lient shall pa anadvane paent t the supervisr prir t the eneent f the servies fthe supervisr, if suh advane pa
24、ent is stated in the nditins fpartiular appliatin第八条 委托人在监理人开展监理业务之前应向监理人支付预付款,如果该预付款在专用条件中陈述。artile 9 the lient shall berespnsible fr all rdinatin f external relatinships in relatin t thenstrutin f the pret if the lient assigns part r all f suhrdinatin rs t the supervisr as is neessar, then the r t
25、 beassigned and relevant ters f reuneratin shall be speified in thesuppleental lauses 第九条 委托人应当负责本工程建设的所有外部关系的协调(监理人所属协调关系除外)。根据需要,如需将 部分或全部协调工作委托监理人承担,则需在补充条款中明确委托的工作和相应的报酬条款。artile 10 thelient shall, ithin the agreed tie, prvide t the supervisr free f hargeall infratin pertaining t the pret and ne
26、essar fr the supervisinservies第十条 委托人应当在双方约定的时间内免费向监理人提供与本工程有关的并为监理工作需要的所有信息。 artile 11n all atters prperl referred t hi in riting bthe supervisr, the lient shall give his deisin in riting ithin the tiespeified in the nditins f partiular appliatin f the ntrat第十一条 委托人应当在专用条件约定的时间内就监理人向委托人以恰当的书面形式提交的一
27、切事宜作出书面决定。artile 12 the lient shall appint alients representative (t be speified in the nditins f partiularappliatin) h is failiar ith the pret and able t ae deisin ithinspeified tie fr the purpse f ntating the supervisr shuld thelients representative be replaed, the lient shall ntif the supervisr i
28、nadvane第十二条 委托人应当授权一名熟悉本工程情况,能在规定时间内作出决定的委托人的代表(将在专用条件中明确)负责与监理人联系,更换委托人代表要提前通知监理人。artile13 the lient shall tiel ntif theaarded ntratr, in riting, f the per f the supervisr, rles andauthrities f ain staff f the supervisr suh infratin shall be adelear in the ntrat signed b the lient and an third part
29、第十三条 委托人应当将授予监理人的监理权利,以及监理人主要成员的职能分工及监理权限及时书面通知已选定的合同承包商,并在与任何第三方签订的合同中予以明确。artile14 the lient shall ntif t ntratrt prvide the flling infratin t the supervisr ithin suh a tie thatthe supervisrs r ill nt be hapered:第十四条 委托人应通知承包人在不影响监理人开展监理工作的时间内向监理人提供如 下资料:(1) listf suppliers anufaturers f the ra at
30、erials, pnents and parts,ehanial equipent et t be used in the pret;与将用于本工程的原材料,构配件,机械设备等的供应和生产厂家名录;(2) list f rdinatrs, peratrs inrelatin t the develpent f the pret提供与本工程有关的协作人,配合人的名录。artile1 the lient shall furnish free fharge (inluding utilit fees ) t the supervisr the site ffie,teleuniatin nnetin
31、, adatinand ther failities speified in the nditins f partiular appliatin第十五条 委托人应免费(包括使用费)向监理人提供办公场所、通讯接口,网路接口住宿及合同专用条件约定的其他设施。artile16 given ertain irustanes, if thet parties agree that the lient shallarrange at his n expense fr the prvisin f ther persnnel t thesupervisr, suh agreeent shall be refl
32、eted in the nditins f partiularappliatin第十六条 根据情况需要,如经双方同意委托人将可以自费向监理人提供其他人员, 应在合同专用条件中予以反映。rights f the supervisr监理人的权利artile 17 the supervisr shuld havethe flling rights ithin his spe f r it is hereb understd that anand all f the flling ativities shall als be nsidered as the bligatinf the supervis
33、r, h shall perfr the flling ativities henever it isneeded in rder t ensure pletin f the pret in the best pssible annerand arding t the relevant ntratual duents and appliable las:第十七条 监理人在委托的工程范围内应具有以下权利,而且在此双方确认任何如下活动也应作为监理人的义务,即其有义务在有必要的情况下为了以最好的方式并以符合全部合同文件和适用的法律的方式完成本项目的目的而进行如下活动。(1) the right an
34、dbligatin t ae reendatins n the seletin f the general ntratr(1)选择工程总承包人的建议权和义务;(2) the right andbligatin t ae reendatins n the seletin f the sub-ntratr(2)选择工程分包人的建议权和义务;(3)the right and bligatin t ae reendatins t the lient in the respetsf the pret inluding pret size, design standard, planning design
35、,tehnlgial design and perfrane requireents(3)对工程建设有关事项包括工程规模、设计标准、规划设计、生产工艺设计和使用功能要求,向委托人的建议权和义务;(4)the right and bligatin t advise, in the priniples f safet and ptiu,the lient n the tehnial prbles in the design if the design is fund tbe nt in nfrit ith the qualit standards prulgated b the state rsp
36、eified in the design ntrat, the supervisr shall reprt t the lient inriting(4)对工程设计中的技术问题,按照安全和最优化的原则,有权利和义务向委托人提出建议当发现工程设计不符合国家颁布的建设工程质量标准或设计合同约定的质量标准时,监理人应当书面报告委托人 并提供处理方案the right and bligatin t revie the nstrutin anageent plan and thetehnial prpsal and t aereendatin t the lient fr hanges that the
37、 ntratr uld ipleent tensure qualit, n-tie pletin and st redutin对审查工程施工组织和技术方案, 按照保质量、保工期和降低成本的原则, 并就承包人有可能采取的变化监理人有权利和义务向委托人提出建议并提供处理意见(6) ndut apprpriate arrangeent and-rdinatin ith relevant rganisatins, hih an exert benefiial influenet the develpent f the pret fr all suh atters the supervisr shall
38、first reprt t the lient in advane and see the authrit f the lient tae suh arrangeents and -rdinatin(6)主持工程建设有关协作单位的组织协调, 对于所有协调项应当事先向委托人报告,并要求委托人授权以进行组织协调工作(7) having btained the nsent f the lient,the supervisr has the right t give and ith regards t eneent,suspensin and resuptin f the rs but befre d
39、ing s, he shall reprt tthe lient the lients representativeill be available fr ntating in phne t disuss eergen and ther atters(7)征得委托人同意,监理人有权发布开工令,停工令,复工令,但应当事先向委托人作出书面报告委托人代表将可以随时电话联系到以就紧急情况和其他事宜与监理人进行研究(8) right and bligatin t he and inspet theaterials t be used in the pret and qualit f nstrutin a
40、nd t advisethe ntratr iediatel f an nn-nfrities shuld the ntratrntinue t use the aterials after the nn-nfrit has been identified,then the supervisr ust advise the lient that the ntratr shuld stpusing the fr aterials, pnents and parts, equipent that are nt in nfritith the design requireents, prvisins
41、 f the nstrutin ntrat andnatinal qualit standards, the supervisr has the right t ntif the lientthat the ntratr shuld stp using the; fr ring sequene, divisinaland sub-divisinal rs that are nt in nfrit ith relevant des andqualit standards, and nstrutin peratins that pse safet nerns, thesupervisr has t
42、he right t ntif the lient that the ntratr shuld stp and ae rretins r red the rsthe ntratr an resue nstrutin nl after he has reeived the rresuptin and fr the supervisin tea via the lient(8)工程上使用的材料和施工质量的检验权和义务发现不合格材料应通知承包方,如果承包人在接到通知后仍继续使用该不合格材料, 监理人必须及时通知委托人, 让承包人不得继续使用 对于不符合设计要求和合同约定及国家质量标准的材料,构配件,
43、设备, 监理人有义务通知委托人让承包人停止使用;对于不符合规范和质量标准的工序,分部分项工程和不安全的施工作业, 监理人有义务及时通知委托人,监理人有权让承包人停工整改,返工 承包人只有通过委托人收到监理机构发出复工令后才能复工(9)rights and bligatin t he, supervise the prgress f thenstrutin right t ratif that theatual pletin is ahead r behind the pletin date speified in thenstrutin ntrat(9)工程施工进度的检查、监督权和义务,以及工
44、程实际竣工日期提前或超过工程施工合同规定的竣工期限的签认权和义务;(10)right and bligatin t he and ertif b signature that the paent t thenstrutin ntratr is ithin the spe f the nstrutin ntrat, trehe, nfir, and negate t the settleent f the aunts ithut thesignature and nfiratin fr the hief supervisin engineer, the lient illnt ae paent
45、t the nstrutin ntratr(10)在工程施工合同约定的工程价格范围内,工程款支付的审核和签认权和义务,以及工程结算的复核确认权与否定权。未经总监理工程师签字确认,委托人不支付工程款。artile 18 during supervisin, if theeplee(s) f the ntratr is fund t be inapable f his b, thesupervisin tea shall ntif the lient f the vies f the supervisin tean this atter第十八条在监理过程中如发现工程承包人员工作不力, 监理机构应将
46、其对此事的观点告知委托人artile 19 ithin the spe f r,if the lient and the ntratr have an dissent and requireent (inludinglai) t eah ther, and here suh dispute is being ediated b an adinistrativedepartent in harge f nstrutin r being arbitrated b arbitratin bd(hina internatinal eni and trade arbitratin issin, shan
47、ghai), thesupervisr shall prvide relevant prf第十九条在委托的工程范围内,当委托人和承包人对对方有任何意见和要求(包括索赔要求),双方争议由政府建设行政主管部门调解或仲裁机关(中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会上海h1)仲裁时,监理人应当提供相关证明。rightsf the lient委托人的权利artile20 the lient has the right t appintthe ntratr and enter int a ntratith that ntratr第二十条 委托人有选定工程承包人,以及与其签订合同的权利。artile21 the lie
48、nt has the right t deidethe pret size and agree the design standard, planning design, tehnlgialdesign and designed perfrane requireents; and the right t apprvenstrutin st, prgrae and design variatin第二十一条 委托人享有对工程规模、设计标准,规划设计、生产工艺设计 和设计使用功能要求的认定权,以及对工程造价、进度计划和设计变更的审批权。artile 22 in the event that the
49、supervisr ant t replae the hief supervisinengineer, he shall btain the lients nsent in advane during the ntratnduting perid第二十二条 在履行本合同期间,监理人调换总监理工程师须事先经委托人同意。artile23 the lient has the right t requirethe supervisr t subit supervisinreprt and speifi reprt in eah disipline ithin the supervisrs spe fr
50、第二十三条委托人有权要求监理人提交监理工作报告及监理人业务范围内的专项报告。artile 24 in the event that the lient find the supervisrs staff fails t perfrduties under the ntrat, r ause an lss t the pret r the lientthrugh llusin ith the ntratr, the lient shall be entitled t requirethat suh staff be replaed b the supervisr r even terinate
51、the ntratand deand the supervisr t assue respnsibilities r ntiguusrespnsibilities in paing pensatin第二十四条当委托人发现监理人的职员不按本合同履行监理职责,或与承包人串通给本工程或委托人造成任何损失的,委托人有权要求监理人更换该职员,直到终止合同并要求监理人承担相应的赔偿责任或连带赔偿责任。liabilities f the supervisr监理人的责任artile2 the supervisrs liabilit perid isthe valid perid f the ntrat (nt
52、rat perid), inluding the aintenaneperid in the event that the pret prgrae is pstpned r dela hihresults in the ntrat perid t be extended, the t parties shall aefurther negtiatin t agree an extensin f the ntrat perid第二十五条 监理人的责任期即本合同有效期(合同期),包括维护期。如果因工程进度的推迟或延误而导致合同期将要延长,双方应进一步协商约定的延长合同期。artile26 the
53、supervisr shall perfr hisduties during the ntrat perid shuld an finanial lss be aused b thefault f the supervisr, he shall pa pensatin t the lient auulatedaunt f pensatin (exept fr the pensatin speified in artile 24)shall nt exeed the ttal paent b the lient t the supervisr (exludingine tax)第二十六条 监理人
54、在合同期内,应当履行约定的责任。如果因监理人过失而造成了委托人的任何经济损失,其应当向委托人赔偿。累计赔偿总额(除第二十四条规定的赔偿以外)不应超过委托人向监理人支付的报酬总数(除去税金)。赔偿按相关法律执行h2artile27 the supervisr shall be ntrespnsible fr an ntratrs nnnfrit in qualit requireents andpletin tie (fr subitting draings r deliver f gds) in the event fan fre aeure hih ause part r all f the
55、 exeutin f the ntrat tbe ipssible, the supervisr shall nt be held respnsible but fr aninfringeent t artile , the supervisr shall pa pensatin t the lient第二十七条 监理人对承包人违反施工合同规定的质量要求和完工(交图、交 货)时限,因监理人失责应承担相应的责任,因不可抗力导致本合同不能全部或部分履行,监理人不承担责任。但对违反第五条规定引起的与之有关的事宜,应向委托人承担赔偿责任。artile28 if the lai ade b the su
56、pervisrt the lient annt be ustified, the supervisr shall be respnsible fr anst inurred b the lient in relatin t the lai第二十八条 监理人向委托人提出赔偿要求不能成立时,监理人应当补偿由 于该索赔所导致委托人的任何费用支出。liabilities f the lient委托人的责任artile29 the lient shall arr ut his dutiesas stated in the ntrat the lient shallbe liable t the supervisr if a breah f his dut t the supervisr isestablished against the lient, and shall pa pensatin fr the supervisrsdiret finanial lss第二十九条委托人应当履行本合同约定的义务,如有违反则应当承担违约责任,赔偿给监理人造成的直接经济损失。 artile30 if the lai
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